
37 Reviews
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Samsara (I) (2011)
Very powerful and worthwhile
8 February 2021
At the beginning of the film, I was struggling to find a meaning behind what I was seeing on the screen. I found myself nearly nodding off, not paying true attention to the beauty that was on the screen. I still couldn't find a meaning, but I then realized, that WAS the meaning. The editing, while at the time I thought was random, actually carries mountains of meaning. The juxtaposition of the shots can show so much more than just the shots themselves. This film is a masterpiece in and of itself, but it's real world connection makes it all the better. This is one of the easiest 10/10's I have ever given, and the disturbingness of some shots makes this film so much better. Fricke is not scared to show the audience some very unethical and non-traditional shots to get his meaning across, and that is a beautiful thing. This film perfectly explains the human ways and shows human materialism and human greed. I do believe that it also touches specifically on Americans, and their disregard for cultures other than their own. The seemingly outlandish shots of third world countries juxtaposed with shots of grand Dubai or LA shows just how blind we are to the rest of the world. Truly a masterpiece of cinema that every man, woman, and child should watch at some point in their life.
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Cinematic History!
2 February 2021
Battleship Potemkin might not strike people as the most entertaining film, but if you think of the storied history this film brings, it's hard to not love it. Sergei Eisenstein cultivated his theory of Soviet Montage, which has evolved into editing as we know it today. This film is a phenomenal example of beautiful and meaningful editing. The cohesive silent story is so much in part due to the editing used by Eisenstein and his crew. Like I stated earlier, this film isn't the most entertaining, but it does have some fairly entertaining moments. The beautiful editing makes the staircase scene so much more enjoyable and makes a truly immersive experience. Overall a must-watch for a cinephile, seeing as it is an integral part of cinema as we know it.
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The Godfather (1972)
Couldn't refuse this piece of cinema
15 December 2020
Upon my decision to finally sit down and watch this film, I was well aware of some of the cultural influences made by this film. I was aware of, "Make him an offer he can't refuse" and, "I don't get no respect". I knew of these quotes and was pretty sure they were from this film. Solidified obviously when I watched, but I was also made aware of more quotes and clichés from this film. The horse head in bed, for instance. The voice and manner of Don Vito. So many iconic quotes and lines came from this film that it would be impossible to give it anything lower than a 10 just for that. And now, the film itself. The acting in this film was out of this world. Brando seems to become Don Vito as much as he is himself. Al Pacino is a new world of acting. His way of showing the inner battles Michael faces as he attempts to stay out and stay a good man is beautiful. The decisions he makes obviously affect him in many ways, and Pacino does this representation of conflict and struggles flawlessly. As entertaining and as high-octane as this film was, there was one piece of cinematography that I noticed throughout. This being the lighting of Marlon Brando. Throughout the film, Don Vito goes through a lot, from being the mob boss of New York to being bed-bound. The lighting of his eyes in his office, particularly, is absolutely breathtaking. His entire face is portrayed in this eerie yellow light which allows for some beautiful shots with cigarette smoke as well. But, this yellow light is positioned so perfectly that it darkens his eyes, so they are just black holes of emptiness. It gives the illusion of inhumanity, of heartlessness. Even outside at the wedding, his eyes are still sunken. However, when bed bound, the lighting is right in his eyes, and you can see right into him. This is merely one example of a probable infinite amount of examples of excellent cinematography that you could get from this film. One of my most entertaining watches ever, and somehow Coppola keeps me gripping the edge of my chair for 2 hours. An absolute must watch for any human being breathing air. A classic now, a classic then, and a classic for years and years to come.
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A Waltz into Nazi France
14 December 2020
I sure hope Christoph Waltz started writing his acceptance speech after filming was done for this movie, because by gosh was he incredible. In my opinion, he was the best in the movie. Followed closely by Brad Pitt. Waltz made this movie as great as it was. Tarantino's directing and script along with his storytelling was very good. That's as far as I'll go with it. The shots were quite beautiful though. He handcrafts every shot and scene for his directing style and it is great. But, the editing flaws along with the lack of the Basterds in the film doesn't warrant anything higher than an 8 for me. I can think of 4 continuity errors off the top of my head, and I'm sure you could find more with some more digging. I am a senior in high school who happens to take a film class, and I caught these. Perhaps the editors and staff were just lazy? I'm not too sure, but I know that they should've paid more attention to that.
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It's Not Worth Winning If You Can't Win BIG!
23 November 2020
This movie is such an amazing feel good movie. You cannot go wrong with it at all. Highly recommend to anyone in need of a light watch, a family movie, or just some fun hockey. An obvious kids movie nonetheless, but a good watch no matter the age. Some continuity issues here and there, but hey, who's counting?
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Holy Mother of God
21 November 2020
I once had a film teacher say to me -on the topic of heavily suggestive films- just because it can be filmed doesn't mean it should. That applies perfectly here, to only the surface level. On the surface, this is a film of abduction. Of sexual abuse, of body horror, of coprophagia. It is disgusting, and doesn't deserve air time. ONLY IF you look at the surface. Beyond the surface there is so much more. I'll tackle one thing I notice off the bat. Pier Paolo Pasolini was obviously a very dark man, as reflected by this film. Every shot is filled with so much unsettling content, your heart rate will be consistently high. But, this film makes a point on gay marriage and relationships. Within the compound where this film takes place, there are no boundaries. No one is off limits from sexual advances at any point, wanted or not. This is where I believe the film takes it's stance on gay marriage. No one is judged, man on man is practically invited, but man on woman is just as acceptable. While woman on woman is less common, it is still permissible, and shows the freedoms these people experience. That is one thing under the blankets of this film. Another is the cultural context not relating directly to people. In the sequence of, "Circle of S**t" it is just as foul as it sounds. It is the group of people being forced to eat s**t. Surface; disgusting. Under the surface; very meaningful. The film was released in 1975, and fast food had been mainstream for about 15-25 years. That is a long time, but fast food is still growing as I write this, so I can only imagine the exponential growth it would've been experiencing back then. The metaphor of fast food being shoved down your throat is becoming more and more real, and Pasolini saw that was happening. He understood that, and portrayed fast food in an undesirable way (I hope). It also attacks the fascists of the time. WWII Italy was a very strange place, and the fascists in charge of this compound are no different. Everyone knows that the worlds famous fascists were heavily corrupted in their minds, and this film mirrors that. Now, I'm not sure if it aims to talk to their supporters, or just make a statement in general. But the four men in charge of the compound are obviously not right in the head. They enjoy watching human pain and suffering, and inflicting it makes them even more happy. The parallels between them and others like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, etc. are noticeable everywhere. Finally, I'll end my review on the topic of race. There is really only one scene that deals with the race of people, but it is powerful. I can't exactly decipher which way it exactly leans, as points could be made for pro racism and anti-racism. But I'll leave that up to interpretation. If you read this whole review, you're clinically insane, and I love you for it.
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Don't fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!
17 November 2020
Charles Chaplin is an acclaimed silent film actor, but you would not be able to tell that from this film. There is plenty of speaking to go around, and it is done quite well for a man who mostly resided in silent films. From an entertainment aspect, the film is sometimes boring, but it is very funny. I did find myself chuckling quite often at what was going on, but overall the entertainment side was lacking. But these 7 stars come from everything else this film brings. At the time, the US had not yet entered WWII. However, 1940 is when Hitler was gaining traction, and his ideas and beliefs spreading throughout the world. This film is a direct parody of everything him and his regime stood for, and that is a BOLD move. Such blatantly obvious criticism of a political party and regime nowadays would seem almost inconceivable. But Chaplin did it. The speech that the Jewish Barber delivers at the end is perfect. I don't mean like, "yea it's perfectly place". I mean that every single word in that speech is perfect. The speech itself is quite pertinent in today's society as well - I'm writing this on November 17, 2020 - and stood the test of time for 80 years. A beautiful criticism of hatred and a wonderful plea for love and peace.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Two types of Horror
2 November 2020
Right off of the bat we get a great kill, which sets up a crazy plot with the found films. The horror that those found films bring is absolutely exquisite and is bone-chilling. The only thing that I didn't care for too much was the lack of something other than the horror. The plot was the book, and the monsters come out at night. Repeat. I feel like the concept was deep enough that there could've been more done with this than what was done. Still a great and terrifying film.
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Halloween II (1981)
The Shape Returns
27 October 2020
This film picks up right where the original left off, even showing the end of the first. And in many ways this film does compliment the first. They go hand in hand, with Donald Pleasance and Jamie Lee Curtis delivering powerful performances. The kills are better and more creative in Michael's second go around. But that is about it. This movie seems to have so much more filler stuff in it than the original did, and it just puts a damper on the whole movie as we have fast paced scenes followed immediately by 10 minutes of Loomis searching the town. Not a bad sequel, as sequels usually don't turn out too well. And, considering what the rest of the Halloween franchise brings, this is good.
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Classic and Chilling
27 October 2020
First off, the reviews do not do this film justice. A 6.8 average and 22 on Metacritic is just pathetic. This film is ABSOLUTELY amazing. The kills are so gory and I love every second of them. The plot twist at the end is killer and I love the final girl circuit. The one complaint I have though is with that. The final girl circuit took too long, and could've been narrowed down a little bit. But other than that this film is in the range of perfection. A great watch whether on the first time or on the 10th.
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Borat (2006)
Borat: The Moviefilm
26 October 2020
With the release of Borat: The Subsequent Moviefilm, I decided to watch the original. It delivered in the comedy aspect, but only kind of. The comedy was completely overshadowed by the running story. While it did lead to hilarious moments, it wasn't worth it. And often my gripe with movies is that they're too long. This is another one. 1h22 isn't too long, but it is long enough to make me restless and just want it to end. A hilarious watch, and I'm very excited to watch the subsequent moviefilm!
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26 October 2020
This movie is about 50/50, which is why I rated it 5. The music, the shots, the disturbingness, the seemingly random terror. That is really the good things. The shots are beautifully directed and constructed, and it makes for a beautiful movie. The blood-curdling music can give you goosebumps even on the 20th time. And just the disturbingness makes your skin crawl. Now, everything else. The length. This movie is way too long. It could have been done in 1hr, but wasn't. Usually a really good film makes me want to watch it again, and this REALLY does not make me want to watch this film ever again. Just kind of boing. And yes you could say that just because I don't want to watch it again doesn't make it a bad movie, but it's my review.
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Not THAT great
14 October 2020
This isn't a bad film. Not at all. It is a classic slasher film which contributes to the slasher genre very much. But the only thing that this film had going for it was the kills, and the dream sequences. Other than that, it just wasn't that great. The other scenes weren't that interesting. It was just, mediocre. I don't even have anything else to say.
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Cult classic (and I don't mean the family!)
13 October 2020
I want to start off by saying two words, one name. Tobe Hooper. Holy mother of god does Tobe Hooper make this a fantastic film. On a $300,000 budget, this film outshines many modern horror films to this day. The simplicity of the film, the cutting corners, everything that is done because of the small budget pitches in to the horror of this film. The music, for example. The iconic screeches that are heard at the beginning are used throughout the film, and they are just so off-putting, so blood-curdling that it gives you goosebumps every time you hear it. And there is some factor to the dinner scene that just makes it so unbearable to watch. I believe it's, again, the lack of anything. There isn't much dialogue, music, or coherent sounds. You hear screaming, laughing, and weird human made animal noises. These along with Hooper's PHENOMENAL shots culminate to make a scene that I won't soon forget. I could talk on and on about what I loved about this movie, it is just that good. A fantastic watch for a horror film geek.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
13 October 2020
After watching the original Halloween, I had hoped this film was going to be a powerful and amazing sequel. Unfortunately not to my surprise, it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, this movie does some things well. The kills... OH MY GOD. These kills were some of the most gruesome and amazing I've ever seen. EVER. But, when you're trying to make a sequel to an amazing horror film that came out over 40 years ago, it's gonna be quite hard to do a good job. Some scenes just took way too long to do, and especially towards the end I felt like they were dragging their feet for the sake of jump scares and runtime. Overall a good delivery, but the runtime is too long for what it covers in the extra time. But, I do recommend watching this film, it was an entertaining watch, and the editing is absolutely dreamy.
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Halloween (1978)
12 October 2020
I honestly don't understand how anyone could give this film anything lower than a 10. It is a staple of the horror genre and is the building block for the slasher genre, which we all know and love. Akkad and Carpenter made a phenomenal horror film that any person above the age of 16 should know by name. The small continuity problems should be overlooked, especially after taking a look at the budget. This is perhaps my favorite horror film of all time.
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Interesting Film for the Time
6 October 2020
This could just be me, but this type of fiction is very rarely seen in the 80s. This just seems like such a wild topic for the time. That being said, this a very good film. It's a very lighthearted and easy watch. The acting is a bit shoddy at points, but it is fairly consistent throughout the rest. The delivery of both a black and white film, along with a color, 1985 film is seamlessly blended. Allen does a beautiful job of making these into one story, and it is incredible. Overall a fun and easy watch, and a piece of cinematic history. And the fight scene was HYSTERICAL!
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An absolutely fantastic film
23 September 2020
This movie is damn near a masterpiece. From beginning to end, Forman tells a story with every single glance, both from an actor and the camera. Every shot carries MOUNTAINS of meaning, and that only scratches the surface. Every single actor in this film performed to the absolute best of their ability. Nicholson delivers a powerful, and unforgettable performance, as well as everyone else credited in this film. It sure isn't easy to act in the first place, now throw in acting like a mentally ill person? That is a whole new level of acting. This film keeps you gripped starting at about 30 minutes in. A bit slow to start, but that is my only gripe. The twists and turns of this film kept me on edge and never knowing what to expect. An incredible film through and through.
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Spellbound (1945)
Underrated Film
10 September 2020
As with most Hitchcock films, this one is somewhat slow to start. But, as we keep going, it ramps up more and more. Hitchcock is an insane filmmaker, and truly is the master of suspense. He does everything correct in this film, and it shows with the whiplash inducing twists and turns. Very good film.
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Whiplash (2014)
4 September 2020
Chazelle, Teller, and Simmons made a perfect film. This film is the embodiment of tension, of suspense, of anxiety, of gratification. Everything, it hits every single ball out of the park. Chazelle's directing is flawless, and the color is absolutely perfect. I found myself pausing this movie very often to just look at the shots and colors that Chazelle had composed on the screen. Teller acts the HELL out of this role, and he does it perfectly. Simmons acts the HELL out of this role, and he does it perfectly. I may not have said perfect enough, but as a longtime band member and avid film lover, this film is perfect.
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3 September 2020
This film was an absolutely beautiful way to tell this story. Hanks' and Rhys' performance in this film made the film. The shots were beautiful, cinematography was on point, and by gosh that sound design. The sound design may not stand out to many, but it definitely stood out to me. Again, Hanks and Rhys were absolutely phenomenal in this film, it made for an expertly planned emotional rollercoaster. It almost felt like you were suffering with them in the film. Hanks was born to be Mr. Fred Rogers.
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Not Perfect, but 9 is far too low.
24 August 2020
I will start my review off by saying that this film is very slow to start off. I'd say the first 30-45 minutes of it are very slow, and almost boring. BUT, that is about the only negative things I can say about this film. From that point on it is an absolute thrill ride. I would sit behind my computer and say to myself, "Next scene I'll turn it off. Next scene I'll go do something." And I never did. Something just kept me there, needing and prying to find out what would happen in the next second, and the one after that, and the one after that. The film seems to be building up exponentially to the ending climax, which delivers in phenomenal fashion. Not often do I get emotional about films, but this one almost did it. Absolute must see for anyone looking for a feel good film.
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Creep (I) (2014)
11 July 2020
A film done by two guys? Oh wait, only two guys? Like, they directed, acted, and wrote it? Yep. And it was damn good. The acting delivered from both ends is believable enough for the big screen, but genuine enough for a found footage documentary. While this film somewhat relies on cheap jump scares, there is a sense of overall terror building up. Soon enough, red flags go up all over the place, but they sit there, screaming at you telling you something is wrong. And you can't do anything about it. The twists and turns this film took let me hooked until the end, and boy did the end deliver in a major way. A phenomenal film end to end, only reason it's 8 is found footage style, and the cheap jump scares and stupid decisions.
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The Blair Witch Project?
10 July 2020
I'll start off by saying this. In no regards is this film bad. Absolutely not. This is a good film that still lives up to its hype, 21 years after release. It is a classic in the horror genre, that every horror fan needs to watch.

That being said, this isn't a perfect film either. Many times throughout the film I found myself dozing off, as there wasn't much happening, and it wasn't integral to the storyline/plot. And while I'll rip on the found footage style right now, I'll praise it in a second. The sudden jumps in footage as the characters stopped recording and then resumed can be terribly confusing. I found myself once or twice chasing my tail trying to figure out what just happened. These are most of the bad things, and of course there are others, but these are the things that made me rate it 6.

Now for the good things. Estimated $60,000. For instance, Jordan Peele's "Us" has an overall rating .4 higher than this. The budget for that? Estimated $20mil. For $60k this movie does so much! It delivers such an amazing performance for the little budget it had. Now, I said I'd get to the found footage style. I already ripped on that, now to praise. Coincidentally, they are kind of the same thing. The found footage style, where I found myself chasing my tail, was an incredible way t deliver this story. Earlier on, the characters are sane and have their wits about them. The storyline is clean and precise. Slowly as the movie progresses more and more sudden and big cuts/jumps come along, and almost simulate what the characters were feeling in that moment. For what this film promises, it delivers. A college film student documentary. Not professional acting, editing, shooting, etc. This film does what it says and does it in a great way. Has its flaws, but a good horror film nonetheless.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Timeless Classic
2 July 2020
I'll start with the things I liked about this movie. Scorsese does an amazing job painting a picture on the canvas, and portraying every single shot in a phenomenal fashion. De Niro also delivers a powerful performance as a mentally overwhelmed person. It is obvious as the movie progresses that the timeline can become messy, and time can become confusing. The combination of Scorsese, along with De Niro's performance make this a great movie.

Now with the things I wasn't too fond of. The storyline seems very confusing, and twisty turny. It gets to a point where you're left spinning in circles in confusion. At some points I really wasn't sure what the point of doing this or that was. But, the list of negatives is far shorter than my likes, and it is still a great movie, but not worthy of anything higher.
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