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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Powerful and Superbly Crafted. Very Very Moving and Very Very Telling...
29 March 2019
Honestly, if you watch this film with an open mind you will be moved and frankly stunned. Every person on both sides of the debate needs to see this movie. Goes beyond hype and delivers so much truth. Isn't that what we really need? All the facts and the entire picture before taking such an important stance? As much as I love my Marvel movies, this is the tale of real life heroes and victims that needs to be seen. Most of the time movies should be escapist entertainment but in some cases certain things are too important not to shed light with this medium. Do the world a favor and see this film and judge for yourself.
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Gleason (2016)
Just WOW! A Life Affiriming Masterpiece.
17 August 2016
This documentary really does reaffirm life and registers in a big way. Thanks to all the Gleason friends and family for sharing this with us.

I walked out of the cinema and made sure to take an extra look around at the sky itself and took a loooooong deep breath and remembered to thank God for ALL the big things in life. As anyone that has gone through anything like this with a loved one knows, there are NO small things in life. Everything is large and larger. The ability to walk, talk, think, breathe and live pain free are nothing to be taken for granted. This documentary perfectly reminds you of that and makes any other problems seem insignificant by comparison.

I was moved by the depth they cared to share with us from the humbling and frustrating person hygiene issues to matters of faith. Watching Steve bare and carry this HEAVY cross and watching him and those around him suffer is certainly uncomfortable but also awe inspiring. As he stated, his soul is indeed saved and his sacrifice and true pain on every level being recorded is a testament to that salvation and his impact on others. What a terrible and sad cross to bare.

Same certainly can be said for his amazing and lovely wife, Michel. She may not want to be labeled as a saint but how else to describe her strength? She's as far way from "dick-face" as it gets! ;) Their journey and strength should make us all want to be better people and live stronger lives.
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The Equalizer (2014)
Denzel is Awesome... The third act not so much
26 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Needless to say, Denzel really elevates this material. I truly loved the slow set up and development of the story and his character. It was refreshing to see an action film build a base and let the story breath to start. I loved Denzel's slow burn as he's drawn back in his violent ways. His deeper philosophy and new life spent imparting life lessons was very well handled. It's too bad they kind of wasted such an intriguing set up with some very over-the-top moments when everything hits the fan.

Spoiler>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Denzel kicking ass at the "Home Mart" was a crazier direction then I thought this movie was heading in. It reminded me of an "R" rated version of the TV show Chuck (attack on the Buy More) crossed with a Steven Seagal flick. I was expecting more intrigue and smarts to be honest. Using nail guns and hardware from the store instead of guns seemed too much an attempt to be cool but came across as super gimmicky to me. End Spoiler>>>>>>>>>>>>

As many have mentioned the movie descends in to clichés and may have tried to be too slick for its own good. At least they delivered one of the all-time CLASSIC "cool guys don't look at explosions" moments for an update to that montage someday.
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The Wolverine (2013)
Tremendously Smart and Engaging. A Joy To Watch!
24 July 2013
If there's one major element that truly sets this picture apart from any other standard "solid" comic book movie is the way through which the director communicates the experience of being Wolverine. His healing factor and the idea of out-living everyone you know is daunting and depressing. Finding purpose after facing true vulnerability adds so much to the character and FAR more than we've seen before. Tremendous visual and emotional imagery is presented throughout the movie and provides the viewer with greater insight into the hero and even the villains. This one screams quality from the opening through the amazing final act. I've seen it mentioned that the resolution deviates from the comic books but I honestly couldn't care less. What hits the screen more then works in movie form.

For those going into this flick expecting simple fun, prepare to enjoy but prepare to be surprised. Fun is not the only piece of this pie. In fact, I think movie fans of all kind will be stunned at how many levels this movie delivers upon. This is an action packed but surprisingly deep film that, for me, really delivers. The Wolverine will leave your movie-going senses on high and I honestly can't wait to see it again.
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Exceptional Adventure Film
24 July 2011
The summer sure got off on the right foot. Thor was fabulous. Then, X-Men First Class kept the momentum by pumping grand life in to the X-Men franchise. Now, after weathering that Green poopstorm in mid June, we get another exceptional hero film. Director Joe Johnson, the cast, the crew, the FX people and writers should all be proud of this exceptional movie and take a bow. The only remotely negative thing I have to say about this movie is that I want more and I want it now! It's a good thing I don't have to wait long to see them all again in Avengers!

So, saying Captain America is the best movie that I've seen this year says a lot. It's amazing to see it with a rockin' crowd in a packed cinema! I know many movies claim to have something for everyone but this one manages to pull it off while remaining interesting and compelling all the way through. There are spectacular action scenes as well as heartfelt, intense moments. There is humor and fun but it's a serious, well made film. Not to sound like a poster ad but I can't imagine anyone at any age not enjoying this movie. (PS- the train scene is as much fun as the train scene in Spider-Man 2!)
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Overrated... OK but not really that funny
12 July 2011
I have to say that maybe expectations played too large a role but this film is no where near as funny or as good as I was hoping it would be. While not bad, it ran rather generic and was predictable all the way through. The cast was good and there are a few scenes that illicit a good chuckle or two. Most of the funny stuff was right there in the trailer and ALL of the frustratingly brief sexy Jennifer Aniston stuff was also shown in the trailer. The abbreviated roles of all the bosses are a big let down. Still, Jason Bateman is perfect and felt exactly like his character stepped out of "Arrested Development" and that certainly is in his wheelhouse. Overall, I stayed interested and had a few chuckles… nothing more but nothing less.
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It's textured, layered and flat out FUN. Works on so many levels. Movie of The Year.
3 June 2011
Overall, X-Men is a great film. It features outstanding performances (Fassbender and McAvoy are amazing), a smart script, and plenty of action. I love the fact that when we meet Erik (Fassbender) in this film, his life is more about revenge than anything else. Here, he's a lone wolf and he's on a very specific mission and he's Machiavellian in his approach to whatever ends justify the means. I also loved that we get to see why both Xavier and Erik want to be friends. You see the moment they meet. You don't just start the film and they're buddies and that's exactly what the story requires. We also get to see something quite tragic and deep about their relationship because it's not a small thing that makes it crumble. It's only one element in their relationship but it's as complex as it gets. This film is just so textured and layered and that's refreshing in so many ways.

They really have delivered a rarity in Hollywood – a prequel that not only outperforms the original film, but one that gives the audience credit. If you really want to enjoy the subtleties of First Class you should see at least the first two X-Men first. It's certainly not necessary because this films stands up all on its own but it makes it even more interesting. No time is wasted or needed explaining what they are about to set up but it's fascinating to see these characters introduced and eventually grow to what they become. We're treated to character and story development, expanding the X-Men saga rather than retelling it for everyone whom missed the first installment. Personally, I'm pleasantly amazed that Fox of all studios allowed the release of a blockbuster sequel that doesn't cater to the lowest common denominator. It's refreshing to be treated as something other than a drooling movie-going moron. X-Men First Class works on so many levels and I absolutely love it!

If you are concerned that this film may not live up to the hype, don't be. If this instant classic isn't the best movie of 2011, then this will truly be the best year in cinematic history. First Class is just flat out awesome.
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A convoluted mess that's caught in no man's land.
31 May 2010
This movie falls into the abyss of most summer movies - excellent advertising for an at-best mediocre product. Just think, some people thought they were disappointed by Terminator Salvation last year at this time. Prince of Persia makes the stupidity of TS look like Casablanca by comparison.

Prince of Persia offers nothing new in any way, shape or form. It's a convoluted mess that's caught in no man's land. It takes itself far too seriously yet offers ridiculous action (ridiculous as in dumb, not as in wild or fun) and even more ridiculous characters. It wants to be taken seriously but functions in bizarre surroundings with a foolish plot. The original Mummy worked because they buried tongue firmly in cheek. This movie tries to take two paths but it simply can't stand on its own as a film. Does often joyless, dark and dumb appeal to even the popcorn crowds? The rest of us want way more in our summer movies. Iron Man started the year off right but the Prince here is a giant step backward.
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Shrek 4never is Awful
31 May 2010
Want a movie that is chalked filled with jokes that fall flat? Go see Shrek 4never.

Ever wonder why Hollywood is rebooting everything and spinning off bad TV shows? Well, they're clearly out of good ideas. More proof is green-lighting a fourth Shrek movie that's this bad. There's no way you can tell me that any studio exec read the treatment for this animated turd and thought it was a good idea for an entertaining film. They simply crunched the money numbers and ordered the standard grab for the wallet. Too bad I fell for it like a lot of people probably will. When will I learn my lesson? As crazed and even cruel as it sounds, just kill Shrek already. Put him out of our misery. Better yet, let this truly be his ride in to the sunset. I prefer to think of him in better days like after his first two hits and not the sad irrelevant character driven in to the ground by two bad films. No creativity left, nothings new. The first in the series was incredible but Dreamworks needs to please move on to better ideas or at least hire better writers.

So much for the old phrase "quit while you're ahead." Quit after you've sucked every golden egg from the tired golden goose until you kill it might be the creators of Shrek's philosophy.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Takes the comic book genre to the highest level
30 April 2010
I love this quote by Robert Downey Jr.: "I can honestly say that Tony Stark is the coolest character I've ever played. If I look at anything, it's the mythology that has grown up around him and how I can use that to raise this movie to a really high order of art." Mission accomplished, Robert. IM1 took the comic book genre to the highest level and IM2 builds perfectly upon the first film. Downey and Favreau again deliver a movie with as much feeling as it has action and intensity. In fact, the action is taken to the next level while sacrificing none of the complexity or heart that made the first film a pure classic. I totally agree with most of the film critics who are praising Iron Man 2.

Iron Man 2 does indeed do the near impossible and that's improve on the first film. It really is as fabulous as you've heard and as good as everyone is saying. The entire cast, the crew, the FX people and writers should all be as proud of this exceptional movie as they were of the first film. Nice job!
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Surrogates (2009)
a fine performance by Bruce Willis
10 October 2009
Finally saw this and I'm with the majority here... a solid 7/10 film.

This surprisingly compelling sci-fi film takes a while to set up its universe but delivers down the stretch. It's borderline whether they establish enough credibility so as to invest real emotion in to the characters and buy in to the premise. If you allow yourself to buy in to the bizarre concept of living life through android duplicates, then the film works on a few levels. It's somewhat weak on certain of those levels but raises interesting questions concerning the level of our technological dependency as we live our lives. The emotional aspect of this movie plays better thanks to a fine performance by Bruce Willis. His character's journey through this bizarre world is obviously the heart of the film and it's written and portrayed very well.
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Worthy Effort
26 September 2009
As has been mentioned by many reviews here on IMDb and around the internet, this movie certainly is NOT the comedy that they advertised even though there actually are a few chuckles along the way. Putting that aside, it's a very solid and interesting film. Matt Damon does a superb job. The entire supporting cast is filled with off beat actors that are perfect for the roles they play. The movie evolves from mundane and average to down right interesting as you attempt to follow the bizarre motives and actions of Damon's character. What's true? What's false? What's really going on here? This is a movie that requires you to follow along but one that's worth your effort.
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Extract (2009)
feels like a failed pilot episode to what would make a bad sit-com
13 September 2009
The most unremarkable film of the year that really can't even be labeled as a comedy. I'm shocked because I'm a real fan of King of the Hill and I absolutely adore the entire cast. This is the prototypical example of a film's trailer being FAR better than the film itself. In fact, if you've seen the trailer, don't bother watching the movie at all. It deserves no more of a person's time than a cliff notes, abbreviated recap. The entire running time feels like a failed pilot episode to what would make a bad sit-com. Barely a chuckle in sight, nothing particularly funny or rememberable at all with even Mila Kunis' amazing beauty wasted and held in check.
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Horrid and Shaky Camera Work + Dullness = Huge Disappointment
3 July 2009
I can't believe a director as accomplished as Michael Mann would produce a movie with this poor of a presentation. More than half the film consists of ultra zoom close ups. Are Johnny Depp's nose hairs really that camera worthy? Maybe they spent the entire budget on gathering this cast and had to hide their period piece shooting behind ultra zooms on two 1930's cars? The horrid and shaky camera work is far too distracting and often pulls the viewer right out of the film. Add to that a rather poor pace and a story that never allows you to connect with either lead and maybe this rating is too kind. For the most part, Dillinger's charm and savvy are lost as we never see what made him a competent bank robber or really why he was an infamous scoundrel. Bale's performance is monotone drab as is most of the running time of this very disappointing movie.
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Morbid Trash Does NOT Equal Entertainment
2 July 2009
I also never read books or watch movies that rely on sadness and death solely to deliver emotion. Especially when children are concerned. I go to the cinema and read books for entertainment. Depressing events, gloom and death surrounds us every day in real life. When I want to be entertained, I want to laugh or be amazed, NOT to face death and dying. There is zero entertainment value in death.

Go see any other movie and leave this morbid trash for people with no real lives. If you need movies and books to feel these emotions then you are lucky. Wait for it, life will bite you before you know it. I feel sad for those people phoning in their lives and for those that need movies to feel real emotion.
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Surveillance (I) (2008)
Predictable, Cruel, Poorly Structured, Sadistic = Worst Film of 2009
24 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Without a doubt, the biggest waste of film of the year. This movie is poorly structured, sadistic, cruel and filled with unlikable characters. On top of that, and maybe the worst crime, it's uninteresting and vastly predictable. As soon as Bill Pullman's character doodled on the photo changing the word from "evidence" to "violence," I had the entire plot figured out. There are no surprises and there is no compelling reason to watch this trash. The only redeeming feature for me is that I saw this thing for free on my HDNet cable and didn't waste any money. I would truly be angry if I had paid to see it in a theatre.

Anyone that labels this thing a thriller really needs to get out more. An awful, awful film in every way that matters.
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Visually Annoying Stupidity
24 June 2009
Three words perfectly describe this film: Visually annoying stupidity. If you want simply a treat for the eyes then you have to settle for glimpses of Megan Fox because the CGI is as bad as the first film. If, like me, you are annoyed by an idiotic plot and tons of nonsensical issues, then stay away from this dud.

What happened? This really is a good cast, what should have been interesting characters, but a boring story. I just didn't care what happened to them. The legend generated by the first film has properties that just were missing from the story. Not much action, not enough story. Unfortunately, this sequel joins the dreaded list of disasters. This one is as bad as Superman 3, the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels, and the Joel Batman films.
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Truly Incredible... extraordinary in every way!
8 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What a summer Marvel is having! Iron Man hitting big was great but Incredible Hulk may even top it. I caught a pre-screening and I can assure everyone that the Hulk delivers more action and maybe more fun. If you are concerned that this film is another Ang Lee type misfire, don't be. It's about 100 times better then the version of five years ago. Unlike the Ang Lee effort, it's presented in a way that can be savored. The pacing is perfect and the action is relentlessly awesome. What's amazing is that they managed to play both sides perfectly. It's far deeper then I would've thought given the subject matter. Each frame is packed with action, emotion, drama or intensity. I was expecting to see a crazy green giant destroying the landscape and fighting another crazy green monster for two hours. I was shocked at the complexity of this movie. Given Edward Norton's involvement, I don't know why I'm so surprised. The action is certainly there but the tone is perfect, a mix of the TV flavor with all the action from the comic books. Hulk does indeed "smash" but it's more then just dumb action with no plot. It truly is an all around exceptional film. Also, I'm amazed at how far the CGI came since the first teaser trailer. This remarkable CGI works very well and it offers the chance to savor a complete movie going experience without being pulled out of the film. This trimmed downed Hulk looks perfect and his opponent is truly frightening. The final battle between the two will go down in movie history as one of the greatest fights of all-time. Overall, a summer movie that's superior to everything else that I've seen this year, with the possible exception of Iron Man. Again, who would've thought that Marvel would be a perfect two for two this summer?

Speaking of Iron Man… (*Beware SPOILER*)

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) does indeed show up at the end of the film(they cut from Banner and that green eyed smile we've all seen in the TV ads right to the Stark scene and the hairs on your neck will stand up)
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King Kong (2005)
Huge Disappointment ... too dumb for words
16 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
HUGE SPOILERS...................................................

One hour of exposition to start the film doesn't work, especially after the movie degenerates in to asinine, over-the-top CGI action. This movie really never knew what it wanted to be. Jack Black played his role as cheesy as possible and that hurt the film at every turn. Besides Ann, none of the characters were fleshed out even with the long introductions. I was truly disappointed in the way the story was told.

Still, you don't go to a monster flick for the plot, even the "king" of all monster flicks. They spent hundreds of millions on a CG budget and wasted almost every penny. Despite the big budget, does it get any worse or any more "greenscreen" then that preposterous and downright awful Brontosaurus stampede? Why the need for the gross-out giant bug valley scene? Does Kong get attacked by giant bats at his home every night? Those same bats would rather attack a giant ape then eat the two humans standing right there? That whole escape scene was beyond bad. Did I really see our two heroes ride a giant bat like a glider down to the river below? Oy. This went even beyond James Bond type implausible stupidity. I'm all for the suspension of disbelief, especially when dealing with 30 foot tall apes, but some of this stuff was too stupid to believe. Worse, most of these antics didn't register as real to the minds eye…poor use of modern CGI if you ask me. Good construction and technology but poorly used by Peter Jackson. Plot holes were everywhere. Why did grabbing a taxi (a 1930s mule to boot) and getting Kong to follow help anything? The destruction was still wide spread. It's a good thing that the chase ended on the street where the Ann character was waiting, beautifully back lit. It obviously wasn't very cold in winter back in 1930s New York because there was hardly a breeze or a chill on the very top of the Empire State building. I could go on but why bother? Why do they think we'd care about this giant ape who brutally murders multiple humans during the course of the film? Any critics that say this has emotional resonance are just fooling themselves. Kong fires the black guy (Jimmy's mentor) off a cliff, throws multiple people off a log bridge and then bites a guy in two right before he gets KO'd and we cut to Ann crying? Huh? Are we suppose to feel sorry for Kong? I'd have felt sorry for me as a movie ticket buyer if it hadn't been for the Tyrannosaurus Rex vs Kong stuff, however. Those 15 minutes or so almost saved the movie for me. Almost.
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