
4 Reviews
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Straight Up Bad
21 August 2021
From the pacing to the editing, this movie is bad. The camera work in this movie comes off very amateurish and unprofessional. The action scenes while choreographed decently, are shot in a way where the action is very clearly staged. Don't get me started on the twist. Without getting into spoilers, the plot twist takes all logic and throws it out the window. The only saving grace for this movie is Mamoas and Isabellas performances. While not great, they're serviceable and make the movie somewhat watchable. While the storyline did have potential, it just ended up being another cliché, run of the mills revenge plot. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this moving to anyone.
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The Protégé (2021)
Maggie And Keaton Steal The Show
20 August 2021
While the Protege is a somewhat forgettable, typical action thriller movie, it's two leads do a great job. Maggie and Michael are both very charismatic in the movie, and do not phone in their performances. Samuel L Jackson is also good, but his performance is a little more phoned in than our other leads. The action is very good, with realistic hand to hand combat and decent gun play. While it's not the best action in a movie, it's definitely choreographed well and shot competently. I would mainly recommend this movie for Maggie and Michaels performances alone, along with the action scenes. However, if you're not interested in that you can probably skip this movie and not miss anything.
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Free Guy (2021)
Video Game Movie Done Right
13 August 2021
While the majority of video game movies suck due to not being like the game they're based on, Free Guy has the advantage of being an original story based in a video game. Ryan Reynolds performance as Guy is great as per usual, the plot is original enough to be interesting, and the comedy (for me) hits right! Without getting into the spoilers, the pop culture references work better than expected. The only complaint I have is the streamer cameos were kind of dumb and they spent way too much time with them. Besides that Free Guy is a great popcorn movie and I highly recommend it!
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Fun Modern Action Adventure
30 July 2021
This movie is in the same spirit as movies of the past such as the Mummy, Indiana Jones, and so on. It's three main stars shine in their roles and have great chemistry not seen in too many movies nowadays. Action is good and story is actually somewhat original! For a movie based off a ride, this is a damn good movie. Just know what ship you're about to sail.

P. S sorry for that last pun.
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