
31 Reviews
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I'll see you later, Eren
5 November 2023
What an incredible and devastating ending to an absolute monument in the world anime. The action throughout the first hour is top notch, the displays of power in these fights are unlike anything we've seen in the show yet, and some appearances you might not expect!

Then come the emotional stakes, which are high as ever. The tears were real by the end of this episode. Personally, I can understand why parts of the ending were so divisive when the manga was released. It's unexpected and a little strange, but everyone's story reaches its own conclusion.

There will never be another Attack on Titan. I'm so grateful I got to experience it. Thank you, Isayama, cast and crew. Shinzo wo Sasageyo!
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We've come so far
3 November 2023
Wow. I've watched this special a couple of times now, and it's still astounding to me. The special has everything Attack on Titan does best: Intense action, real emotional stakes, a desire to stop the seemingly never-ending conflict of the world. It does not shy away from the brutality either, some of the most graphic, sad and intense moments can be seen here. At the center of it all we have Eren, the boy who craved a world of freedom. As it turns out, nothing beyond the walls was what it seems, and now he's bent worldwide destruction.

And now, here we are. In just a couple of days, this incredible story... no, this absolute EPIC of a tale, is finally coming to an end. I haven't read the manga, so what comes next will be new to me, as I'm sure it is for many of us here. It's been a hell of a ride, and I'm going to be sad to see it go after 10 years. But I know it's going to go out with a bang. It's been an honor to witness something so special.

Never stop fighting. Give your hearts.
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Even more fun than expected
16 October 2023
When you think of the greatest songs of all time, people say things like Bohemian Rhapsody, Free Bird, Stairway to Heaven, etc. But me? I'd personally say it's Style.

What a blast this was! My girlfriend and I actually managed to get tickets for a date of the Eras Tour next year, but wanted to check this out still. The production on this is insane, it was even better than anything I've seen from clips of the concerts so far. Great visuals, choreography, and song selection (despite some serious lack of Speak Now representation.) They've said how this tour is breaking all sorts of financial records, and even so, Kameron Saunders deserves a huge raise.

I had a consistent smile and head bop going through the entire film. Taylor Swift is a perfect representation of what a modern pop star should be, a charismatic and dedicated performer. I want her to be my mom.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
An unexpected surprise
25 August 2023
I truly hate living in the year of our lord 2023 because my first thought getting out of the theater tonight ended up being: "THIS is what all the loser right-wing grifters were losing their minds over?" But I also like living in this time because we get to experience bold, creative films like Greta Gerwig's Barbie.

I wasn't really sure what to expect here, but I love everything Greta Gerwig so I hoped to enjoy myself, and I definitely did. I loved the costume designs, all the bright colors, and the random animated bits like smoke coming from the car and the sequences of traveling to-and-from Barbieland.

Not all the humor worked for me, but I had some pretty big laughs when it did hit. Can we talk about how hilarious it is that the worst imaginable scenario is being subjected to a serenade of a Matchbox 20 song? Speaking of music, now I have no idea what my favorite original film song this year is, I'm Just Ken or Peaches!

Some of the messaging can be a little on the nose but it's still something that more people could do good to hear a little more about. We are all Kenough!

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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
6 August 2023
Theory. Plutonium. Fire. Noise. Death. Morality. Compartmentalization. Oppenheimer.

I'm halfway through my Barbenheimer journey, and it's my first in-theater Christopher Nolan experience! I liked what I saw a lot, I love a good borderline psychological horror deep dive into a tortured soul. A film like Spencer comes to mind after watching something like this.

The moral conundrum between a scientific genius and the destruction he orchestrated is shown clearly in sequences before, during and after the bomb drops in Japan. The casting was perfect, the film is nothing short of a showcase in acting. It would've been nice to see more of Josh Peck and Devon Bostick, but everyone gives it their all here, especially Cillian Murphy & RDJ.

The runtime might be intimidating for some, but it's worth it because in my opinion, not a second is wasted. And that test bomb drop might be one of the most insane things ever made for a film. My jaw legitimately dropped wide open and I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be experiencing this moment in the theater.

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That and Florence Pugh's boobies.
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The Simpsons: Hostile Kirk Place (2023)
Season 34, Episode 16
Ruffled feathers for both sides
20 April 2023
'Kirk Van Houten - Oppressed White Man: "I have a message for your millions of viewers: I AM BEING SILENCED!!!!!!"'

That quote in itself is enough to describe what we see in this episode. This is pure political Simpsons done very well, it's been a while since we've had it this good. It's super topical and legitimately funny. It would be 10/10 hilarious if it wasn't so real and just kind of sad.

That being said, it is pretty great to see a show like The Simpsons satirize the insanity of Fox News, their rabid fan base directly in their faces. The other end gets jostled around too, the writers clearly got to let loose with the weird state of current American politics. I'd love to see them do more like this!
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"It's never too late to stop being a dick"
28 February 2023
I try not to be a contrarian (at least intentionally) when it comes to films and I went in with pretty mild expectations because of the ratings on this so far. But Quantumania was not only an awesome experience but I think it's easily the best Ant-Man movie!

Sure there's goofy dialogue, Cassie's script was doing her NO favors. But Jonathan Majors was great as a villain and the battles actually got pretty intense. I also see everyone talking about how bad the effects were, like did we watch the same movie? I loved all the wacky elements, it's closer to what I was hoping for in Multiverse of Madness, but I'm cool with a million tiny Paul Rudds too.
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The Simpsons: The Principal and the Pauper (1997)
Season 9, Episode 2
Strange, just strange
26 January 2023
I heard many stories about this episode, but I've never actually seen it until now. I can definitely see where the complaints come from, but I didn't think it was entirely terrible.

The story is obviously very odd, but there's still a decent amount of humor. For a season 9 episode though, it isn't as funny as it could have been.

My main issue is that the episode is just..... sad. There have obviously been emotionally charged episodes before and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. But this episode isn't that, it's just disappointingly sad, we see multiple characters at their lowest with very little redemption. Even the "real" Seymour Skinner gets a sad send off.

Overall, I don't blame people for jumping ship after this.
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Nope (2022)
Peele's Extraterrestrial Encounter
10 January 2023
Ever since I saw the preview for Nope, I had a feeling that the whole "everyone looking up at something unbelievable" was gonna mean aliens. But I DIDN'T know it meant a jellyfish-kite-cowboy hat of an alien.

What an inventive and ambitious effort from Jordan Peele, probably my favorite from him so far (granted I've yet to see Us, and I haven't seen Get Out since it was new.)

I loved how on edge he leaves us on what the hell is happening or what this mysterious thing was. Many elements of the film were simultaneously creepy and hilarious, and a couple moments were genuinely disturbing, so color me impressed.

While the societal commentary may not be as heavy compared to something like Get Out, Nope still had something to say and he did it well. But as with many movies for me, I wish we got just a couple minutes more from where it ended.
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The Simpsons: Rome-old and Juli-eh (2007)
Season 18, Episode 15
Proof of good episodes in later seasons!
17 December 2022
My girlfriend and I have been rewatching the Simpsons here and there, and I saw this episode for the first time in many years. When I was younger, the LOTR-style battle sequence was both mind blowing and hilarious. When we watched this recently, I was still blown away at how well the episode held up!

Sure, the Abe and Selma plot line was pretty silly, but it left room for plenty of laughs like with Homer's "Esteban de la Sexface" character. Apart from that main plot, there are so many quick gags and funny bits that I had a consistent smile on my face for the whole episode. I was shocked at how low this was rated on here, this is how I wish modern Simpsons would always be!
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Bob's Burgers: What About Job? (2022)
Season 13, Episode 3
Sweet episode!
11 October 2022
This was a cute little episode of Bob's Burgers. The parody episodes are always fun, and the over-arching story of Louise being scared about her future was a pretty relatable one. The "Louisiana" Indiana Jones parody was my favorite. I loved that between each story, the family was having a wholesome time helping Louise feel better about what her future might look like.

One thing I will say though is that the episode did have a few weird editing choices at points. It may have just been the lag from watching it on Hulu and the ad breaks, but it felt off occasionally. Despite that, this has been the best episode yet of this season. I can't wait to see what's next!
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Succeeds as a Walgreens commercial and nothing else
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm no superfan of the original Hocus Pocus, I didn't grow up with it, but it's a fun Halloween staple that stays in my yearly rotation. But this sequel was a complete misstep.

Hardly any of the humor lands, they completely trashed Sarah's character (which was the best part of the original), and I felt literally nothing from their attempt at an emotional ending.

The ret-con of some kid who supposedly saw the witches in 1993 and grew up into their biggest fan, only to bring them back to life himself is the laziest plot I've seen in a while. And the script was god awful, I'm so sick of modern comedy writing. I groaned out loud at the Alexa bit. Also how the hell did the witches just randomly know the words to a Blondie song?

Just avoid this.
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X (II) (2022)
X, or The Sex-as Chainsaw Massacre
6 September 2022
Oh man this was fun! It's campy and corny, but in a sort of charming way that gives a shoutout to 70's horror. The characters aren't necessarily likable people but they're full of life and interesting so that all their endings feel earned.

The film had awesome gore effects and didn't just rely on cheap scares, which is the best kind of horror for me. The aesthetic of the old-school transitions, soundtrack, and the over exaggerated sex scenes filmed on the sepia-tone camera were A+. I haven't seen anything from Ti West before, but I'm definitely interested in the prequel now. One f'd up god dang horror picture.
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Men (2022)
Insane in a great way
25 August 2022
Let's get the obvious out of the way: The themes of Men are pretty obvious from the start. Is it the most profound message about the issues of misogyny and its associated trauma? Far from it.

But everything else? Completely ruled. The countryside atmosphere is beautiful, and it lays perfectly beside the weird townspeople, creepy music, warped faces, Harper's echoing hums. The film does an amazing job at building a sense of dread, I spent almost the whole movie short of breath!

Jessie Buckley is phenomenal in this, she always commands the attention when she's on screen. Despite a pretty barebones message, her trauma comes across as fully understood over the course of the film.

I'd heard a bit about the finale's body horror, but it was even more insane than I coud've expected. It felt slightly out of place compared to the rest of the film, but what good A24 doesn't have at least one good WTF moment? I don't know what this says about me, I just had a great time with this!
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Possession (1981)
22 April 2022
If Hell exists, this would probably be the devil's favorite movie. I had no idea what to expect going into Zulawski's Possession, but from the other side I'm still not fully sure what I just saw.

The film first presents itself as a drama about a failed marriage, complete with arguing and screaming and physical abuse. Then out of nowhere, you get slapped across the face with extreme gore, mental breakdowns, murder, graphic sex, creatures. Then it's back to.... almost normal. Until you're hit with more mind-bending insanity. And at some points it's kinda funny too? The most interesting (and terrifying) part of this is how easily all these opposing ends comfortably coexist over film's 2 hour runtime.

I definitely didn't catch every idea and theme that Zulawski was trying to put across, but the direction, sets and effects used were incredible. The sparse amount of music in the film actually worked in its favor too. That scene in the subway hall is permanently etched into my brain, for better or worse.
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Wild, memorable and emotional
11 April 2022
The most insane, visually compelling and long-winded story of generational trauma that I've seen in quite some time. And this is the same year we got an animated movie about a family tradition of passing down period pandas.

EEAAO is like an acid trip that pulls you in every possible direction, you never know what'll hit you next but you can't look away. The Daniels' take on exploring alternate realities is a refreshing and action packed one. There were so many times I couldn't tell whether to laugh or just look on in horror, but I smiled consistently throughout.

The strained dynamic between Joy and her mom slowly becomes apparent until a dramatic and tear-jerking conclusion. One scene in particular toward the end of the film really stuck with me in both how ridiculous and how sad it was, you could say it really.......rocked. I liked that between all the crazy and surreal aspects that the themes were cohesive and understandable, no "EEAAO Explained" youtube videos needed here.

I can't quite say that this became the new greatest film of all time for me. But it was truly original and fun, and an impressive step up for The Daniels' film style they established with Swiss Army Man. I'd love to watch it again soon and see how many little details I may have missed this first time around.
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Attack on Titan: Retrospective (2022)
Season 4, Episode 27
Absolutely incredible
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
By far one of the best (and most brutal) episodes of this season. The animation, action and soundtrack were perfect. Seeing Floch in action was really exciting, and Mikasa going god-mode was insane. The end was a tear-jerker too. With only one episode left, I'm waiting with bated breath. SASAGEYO!
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Attack on Titan: Traitor (2022)
Season 4, Episode 26
Who are the real traitors?
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show has become a suspenseful slow-burner over the last few episodes while still maintaining that high level of intensity. This most recent episode will have you cheering for characters you never would have expected to! I can't wait to see what these last couple of episodes build up to.
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Spencer (2021)
An unexpected surprise
8 March 2022
Came for the tragic story of Princess Diana, stayed for the borderline psychological horror. I wasn't expecting much more than a biographical drama with Spencer, but Kristen Stewart delivers so much more.

The set pieces and wide shots in this are absolutely beautiful. These contrast perfectly with the unsettling score and everything Diana faces. The film manages to feel almost claustrophobic between the overbearing royal family members, the press and her own mental instability.

It's an interesting experience watching a film like this, knowing what ultimately happened to the princess. But the beautiful sadness of it all is that in this moment, she has a happy ending. She discovers love all around her. She's free.
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Attack on Titan: Night of the End (2022)
Season 4, Episode 25
On edge!!
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Each episode of this season (especially the second part) does an amazing job of patiently moving the story forward and building tension. I don't know who to root for anymore, I want everyone to be okay and I bet not everyone will. Masterful storytelling!
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Attack on Titan: Pride (2022)
Season 4, Episode 24
Interesting episode!
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode further progressed the ongoing response to the Rumbling, and an unexpected alliance was made. There were so many close calls with deaths, my heart nearly lept out of my chest! I'm cautiously excited to see where the story goes next.
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The Bachelor: Episode #26.6 (2022)
Season 26, Episode 6
17 February 2022
10 stars solely for a particular girl Clayton chose to send home this episode. Glad to say he finally opened up his eyes and came to his senses. You won't be missed!
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Attack on Titan: From You, 2000 Years Ago (2022)
Season 4, Episode 21
7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode flew by but man was it a blast! The flashback deepens the lore even further and that big moment we've been waiting for finally came! The episode ends by leaving us wanting more still, I'm excited and scared to see what's next.
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Come, sweet death
31 January 2022
I'm literally sat here, jaw dropped wide open in shock and awe. The End of Evangelion is completely insane, terrifying and thought provoking. I loved the original series and its philosophical conclusion, but this film took every plot point and theme and multiplied them by infinity.

At base level, EoE perfectly wraps up every character's storyline, compared to the series that only closes out Shinji's. While satisfying, there's plenty of saddness too. Then there's the spectacular animation, it shines especially during the fighting and more surreal sequences. This thing is VIOLENT too, even compared to the original series, and I was not expecting it to go so hard.

I can't say I entirely understood every theme and concept, the film is incredibly strange and abstract, especially in the second half. But much like the end of the original series, it comes down to learning to accept yourself and the things you can't change, and the consequences that result from your shortcomings.

What I can say without a doubt is that this is not only one of the greatest pieces of animated film I've ever seen, but one of my new favorite things period. I can't explain how much I loved everything about this.
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Attack on Titan: Memories of the Future (2022)
Season 4, Episode 20
31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't get over the way this series just keeps on surprising me with all the twists and turns! Eren's powers are on a whole other level that I never would have expected. When the preview mentioned the name of the next episode, I nearly cried at the callback to season 1. I LOVE THIS ANIME!
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