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Now this is how you make a movie
2 May 2024
I don't know where to begin since there are few directions I can take this review. The skill of movie making here is stunning and exceptional in every way possible. The whole talk show thing feels so real you start thinking you are watching The Late night show. It is amazing - the camera work is excellent the whole idea is perfect the cast is flawless and the storytelling in this movie is amazing. I cannot express the respect I have for movie makers that use so little "blood and gore" yet manage to make a movie like this. This is the magic of good script. The movie is simple and not too complicated to understand though there are some technical terms that require you to have some knowledge to understand what they talk about sometimes. This goes if you are not fluent in English and don't have subtitles in your language.

I would like to see what happened after everything ended and where it took the "host" or how and what he did among tall trees and so much more. Will not write spoilers. This is instant classic. The movie also shows some greed and how it can lead to loosing everything.

This was an excellent movie. Loved every minute of it. Hour and a half went by like it was 30 minutes. Director, camera, cast, dialogues, the whole thing, fantastic. Pure 10 from me. And the styling, the whole retro thing, I mean, come on, perfection.
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From (2022– )
Not perfect, but still good
1 May 2024
The cast is great, but the best of them all is Viktor, who could easily be seen as the Joker, with all due respect to Joaquin Phoenix. Analyzing Scott McCord's performance, you soon notice elements that coincide with a character otherwise perfectly played by Phoenix. The series does have some unnecessary dialogues, and it drags on a bit before anything concrete happens.

Occasionally, there are mystery elements in there that never get their epilogue and are basically pointless. Still a good series, but kudos to Scott McCord for an outstanding performance.

The other actors are also outstanding. Even those who are otherwise quite unknown, they definitely fill out the entire series and contribute to the overall atmosphere. The series is good, but unfortunately far from perfect. In addition to praising the cast, I would also praise the visual effects, masks, etc.
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Nope (2022)
Literally ALL positive reviews are a lie
7 April 2024
Did people who acted and create this actually get money for final product? It is one of those movies you can not openly criticize because critique would mention things we are forbidden to say in modern days. This movie is a proof what happens when the main thing about movie is not story, acting or CGI, but something that has more to do with politics, who is acting and why etc. This is same crap like that movie parasite that for some weird reason gets high rating. People giving high score to this don't realize they are a reason movies are becoming such a complete and utter garbage. This is boring, lifeless, poorly acted complete waste of (your) time. You will regret watching it, and after you do, give it the rating it deserves, not one that makes you look all sunshine and roses while avoiding the facts and truth. This movie shows how movie makers have no respect for viewers time, but it also shows how high ratings are false-positive because money is priority, not quality. If I could I would press chargers against people who created this crap. You will wait for something to happen, after one 1h 20 min something happens, you think YES, AND ... blank... Omg what a waste of time. Acting doesn't get lower than this, uh, I could rant and rant. People who put crap like this out and literally steal time in life of others should be punished with ban from ever creating movie again. Literally you can skip to last 20 minutes and still it is crap. This could be short-crap film, but it is long-crap film.
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In Time (2011)
Soooooo underrated movie
6 April 2024
Somehow this movie slipped under my radar. What a fantastic movie, a story that is fresh as ever. Justin Timberlake should act much more, with this amazing lady they proved to be an truly fantastic team. Murphy is great, all cast did an amazing job. This move is terribly underrated to the point it is a pure shame such a gem is under 9 on IMDB. I loved every aspect of the movie, and this cast, this team should do part 2 and try to revisit story again, while keeping the vibe of the original. This movie is so well made, watch it again, give it you TIME if you watched it years ago, I'm 100% positive you too will reward this fantastic thriller with at least 8...or even higher.
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Downsizing (2017)
Watch it again
16 March 2024
A film that may be a little ahead of its time, even though it is a subject that has been debated for a long time. I think overpopulation is an issue in the cities, but not on a global scale, but what we think is not so important. What is important is that the director tackled the subject in a very interesting way. There are some big and some small pieces missing , but that doesn't mean the movie is bad. This movie is kind of sad. Not a bad movie, not at all. But it would be interesting to see a second part that tackles the beginning of the end that some in this movie are running away from. Anyway, after a few years of delayed viewing, I can say that it is a solid and interesting film, which is also enhanced by some of the actors.

Matt Damon or Christoph Waltz. Especially the latter. A phenomenal actor and a remarkable individual. Hong Chau is cute and the others certainly add their share.
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Damsel (2024)
Good movie. Don't always look for depth
14 March 2024
It is simple story to understand, and done with some "Game of Throneish" style to it, which is a good thing. Actress who plays Elodie did a great job. Movie has simple story of bitterness, hate, anger, lies and truth, with a positive outcome to it all. A like how director took the story, specially the part with Elodie being victim of a dragon in search for souls to take. I will not write spoilers, and I think you will enjoy this film. Effects are great too and done the right way. Caves, creatures etc. Are also great. My lady and I enjoyed this movie of a warrior girl in search for the truth. We enjoyed this film. It is a dark fairytale, so don't look for errors in it, just enjoy the movie and don't fall for negative reviews. Negative reviewers try to be smart, so they babble you into oblivion. It is a good movie.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
A man being honest with himself - My answer to "Was Hanush real?"
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Adam Sandler does a good job in this drama, but you're probably asking yourself "Why the spider"? Well, It is the most common fear among people (Arachnophobia). But do you know what are people even more afraid of? Accepting the truths about themselves and being completely honest with yourself. Now, combine all that and you get answers to everything about this, actually decent movie. That is why the spider crawls out of him in his dreams (subconscious), which is the beginning of his transformation and self-learning, self-knowledge. To realize you are selfish, a coward, and victim-mentality, it takes strength, but most of all "no filters about yourself". Are you a bad person? Can you go that deep into your mind to fight your demons? Just as a spider (at the beginning) so is self-learning. It is ugly and hard until you finally reach the goal - wanting to and eventually changing your wrong ways and also shedding parts of you (selfishness, bitterness, anger, victim mentality). Most people never reach this transformation, but he did. It started as an "ugly" huge spider, one, you later get to love. It is the TRUTH - The truth is ugly at the beginning but eventually, it sets you free, you start to love it, admire it, and learn. The truth about who you are, what, and why you did wrong. It is the ultimate goal and the beginning of a new life to overcome that battle and become fully honest with yourself. IS THE SPIDER REAL? I think not. I think Hanush is not real, it is Adam's (Jakob) projection of his subconscious, guilt, anger, and bitterness, but also all good inside, like love, acceptance, and understanding. That deep need to change what later becomes truth and ultimately the realization of his mistakes. It sets him free to open up and become a selfless, better man. At the same time, he ends battles within, he lets go of guilt, sadness, regret, and bitterness... they are all gone in the nebula, and that is why clear skies open.
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Dog Pound (2010)
Violence, hypocrisy and sadness
4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This world can be a beautiful place, but if your roads lead wrong way it can become hell. But hell is also made by those who act like angels. These guards are pure and utter garbage of people. These are not correction facilities. I always hated that term "correction facility". Realy? CORRECTION? With guards like that, with rooms like that? Correcting what actually? Prison makes a violent man go overboard. The rape scene I couldn't watch. A final uprising shows the true colors of many people behind a uniform. A boy is raped. When he wanted to call his mom, garbage personell completely ignores him. He kills himself. A main protagonist get brutally beaten and leg broken by guards during uprising that happens because one guard kills one other boy. This movie is hard to watch, but it is excellent and realisitc depiction of life behind bars. It is a sad story of kids losing lives, idiot kid raping other kid. But I will be honest and say; whem that bully that stole boots gets messed up, I enjoyed it. I actually see the main protagonist as a lroblematic kid with good heart, as a kid, who took wrong turns without anyone there to help him get back on the right track. In all violence he was actually just, brave and stood tall till the very end. Guards are pure garbage. I'm so mad while writing this. If you are an officer, learn to look kids in their eyes, learn to read between the lines and don"t be complete and utter garbage if a human.
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Otto is our granpa.
3 January 2024
Grumpy? No! Hurt? Yes! Deeply. This WAS Otto until he met few angels later in life. Actress playing Marisol is PERFECT! She took this role with such a heart and soul, but every one did actualy. Director, cast, crew... I am 100% sure everyone cryed too. But dear Mr. Hanks, I can not explain how important you are to movie industry, but most of all as a person. As an actor, you give so much life, so much depth to each and every character you played, it is truly amazing. You make us feel so deep emotions it is truly remarkable that one man can give so much to so many. This movie is beautiful. At moments one finds him/her self crying and laughing at the same time. Ending is deeply moving, no one with at least a bit of emotion within can have dry eyes after this movie. It is sad and beautiful. It is a story of loss, but also a story of discovery, a story of true love and real friendship. It is real, it is full of life and also sadness. It is a movie to remember. Thank you all for this amazing exoperience. Pure 10.
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How I understand this great film and ending
10 December 2023
How did I understand this ending? At first, I was "shocked" or a bit disappointed at least. But after giving it some thought, the ending became quite simple to me.

Don't try to change the world! You can't. But you can still live in a (sort of) "peace". But how?

Well, the world surely isn't a "happy place", but sometimes we have a chance to make our small "universe", our micro world by enjoying life in small portions of what makes us happy.

The movie leads us exactly to this conclusion. Allow me to elaborate further...

You don't know who the enemy is, you don't know how to fight them, you have nothing to fight with (no weapons, roads blocked ...), but you are at the same time (at the present moment) also at the distance from actual fights, you are away from the battle itself.

Animals say it too... "We don't want to hurt you. We are here, a lot of us". Furthermore, this proves that you will have food if you run out.

I understood this movie in a way, that we are always trying to find a deeper meaning to everything or get an exact answer to every situation. It is what makes us angry, bitter, scared. But we need to learn to accept the reality.

We also look for battles even when we don't have to. Yes, it sounds strange, but it is true. We need to learn to distance ourselves from things. Why do we even bother sometimes?

They had safe homes, they even danced and drank wine, and no one attacked them... Many of us live like this. We are safe in our micro-world, but we go out and look for problems.

And what about son's situation? What is the message there? How did I understand that? I understood it as a message; even away from war and battle, you still need to be careful, you need to take care of yourself so you don't become dependent.

I know I might be terribly wrong about the movie, but this is how I understood it.
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Playing with Fire (I) (2019)
C'mon people. Don't take yourself so seriously and low-rate kids' movie.
18 November 2023
This is silly movie. It is not ment for adults to rate and judge. All this row ratings are even more silly than movie itself, most of all, they are not fair. So, let's be kids for a moment. Let's say somewhere between 8 and 11. If you allow yourself to see this movie as a kid, you'll see it is pretty fun movie about cool guys becoming gentle, giant protecting princess, main Knight falling in love with a kind queen from other kingdom.

So, long story short, I think you get the point. Movie has some silly jokes, Cena is actually a cool guy with all the cast being cool too. Always love to see Leguizamo. He is one of those actors you can see in houndreds of movies, but you never know his surname. Target audience: kids and adults who don't take themselves to seriously. Have fun.
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The Goonies (1985)
10 because ... Yes! I'm 80's kid
3 November 2023
Watched it with my lady today. We are both 41 now, and what can I say? It made us both feel fantastic and took us at least 30 years back in time. We were 4 when movie was made. Excellent adventure, one we used to dream about as children. Oh, times have changed. The imagination back then was vivid, live. Different times. I don't want to be the one to say "we had better childhoods", but I'm sure we had less, but it was pure adventure. Life was much more simple, much more precious... bikes, no smartphones, and first kisses... it was all so diffefent. Loved it. Movies are like a time capsule. When we want to go back in time, we just sit back and enjoy the ride. HEEEY YOU GUYS... enjoy the movie that will be amazing forever.
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Predictable, but good horror movie
28 October 2023
Something new and unseen is not something we should judge this movie on. It is simple, and predictable story with good cast (loved the black girl, her vibe is cool and cute). It follows father and son who can go beyond this world (astral projection) and do or see stuff unseen to us. As they digg deep into their mind, much unfolds, and many old questions and emotional events start making sense, bringing family back together in a fight against dark entities. Son can do even more, since he has a power to affect what happens in the world beyond ours. Oh, and not to forget... when credits roll, there is a fantastic version of 90's song, originally performed by Shakespears sisters (stay with me). Song is also a good choice by producer, since original video has almost same story. A fine halloween movie. Some popcorn, some company and you'll have your evening set up pretty nice. Ending is also good.
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Complete and utter garbage
18 October 2023
Interesting show, but filled with pop psychology. Analysis approach that proves only how we have destroyed psychology and turned it into a weapon. To attribute meaning to some kind of mini-movements is harmful and causes the collapse of psychology as a scientific branch, which a few decades ago made sense and sought answers to questions related to our mental state, health etc. POP PSYCHOLOGY should be banned! One other thing, the viewer misses is - they speak about manipulation while having a dark musical background. The question for creators: what is the function of music in video content? HOLLYWOOD ruined psychology.

The guy doing this analysis is such a fraud it is terrible that people like him even get paid for what they do. POP PSYCHOLOGY SHOULD BE BANNED! It puts people in a hyper-analysis state, looking for patterns even when there are none. I could also say how the lady doing the analysis drops her voice at the end of a sentence, which proves she wants to sound more convincing. AGAIN! POP PSYCHOLOGY SHOULD BE BANNED AND PROHIBITED! Shame on you for playing games with people.
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I Am Zlatan (2021)
Balkan boys will understand EVERYTHING
11 October 2023
Movie is low budget, but with real-life feel to it. And that is what is so good about it. Cast is great. You can sense Zlatan's real character both in "young Zlatan" and grown up Zlatan. Actor playing older Ibra is A M A Z I N G. He captured the essence of this ultra-famous footballer almost perfectly. Voice, body language, laugh, how he talks to other footballers. What most won't understand is the realtionship between balkan fathers, mothers and sons. The poverty of Balkan people is real. Cheap food, small appartments, never truly accepted by foreign people. Balkan boys were never truly accepted in foreign enviorments, which is why we develop this rebelliousness. We are tought to learn the hard way and Zlatan is stellar representative of Balkan boy, good in heart but rebellious and with burden of life pushing him further. While many fail and succumb to hard life, he never gave up. And that is what makes him GOAT. He did many things wrong, but he did more right, leading him to be such an important person in a world of football. Respected world wide.

"Bravo ljudino! Cak si dobio i svoj cijelovecerac! Zasluzeno IbraKadabra!"
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This is pure entertainment
8 October 2023
This is not movie if you are in the mood for deep story or Nolan's approach to history that demands your intellectual capacity to grasp everything. This is pure entertainment done correctly. Action packed, massive and beautifully done CGI with simple good against evil story, and feel-good ending that you will expect and get. It is story seen many times, done many times, but this is why we go to cinema, eat popcorn and enjoy all the bangs and flashes with exceptional sound elements that pull you in. Loved every minute of Transformers and there is still some material left for few more sequels I honestly look forward to. Cast is great, vibe is good and Transformers bring the action. Go see it in Cinema .
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Nocebo (II) (2022)
Not completely bad
30 September 2023
This one is simple. Basic plot is - Rich always exploit the poor. Nothing new about that. It is not that I am socialist, I am not fond of those ideas, but still, at least to some extent, I can relate, since we all, at least most of us go through life while working for someone or some company that doesn't give rats a** about you. It is a world we live in. Simple as that. We can all babble our heds of about how we need to change society, but we will NEVER do it. We are materialist, evil, fake-kind and only spicies on the face of this earth with such combination of traits. Even more, we are becoming worse with old bad stuff remaining while we add new ways to make society a living hell. It is human nature. We are what we are. Either a slave or a master. But always selfish. Either as a master or as a victim looking for vengance. No middle ground. We are what we are.
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A lot of psychology done right, but there is much more...
27 September 2023
Uuuuu, now this is ART. Story about guilt incapsuled in "alien invasion". This is done with brilliance. By the end of the movie you will understand everything if you have basic knowledge of psychology, but it will not be clear if you are not empathetic. This movie did lot of psychology right, but there is much more... There is a story of self-forgiveness with a twist. No one will save you is a good title, since there is a huge point in title itself. Movie tells you you will remain part of something, even prisoner of something, but what is within is eventually what matters. I loved this movie a lot, and I enjoyed watching it with my lady since it sparked a debate between us , about self-forgivenes, and most of all about being part of society that will punish you for your mistakes forever, even much too hard, since there is lack of understanding or empathy between people. Interesting movie, done with perfection. No gore, no babbling, no love scenes, no nudity, just excellent actor, some CGI and a message. NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU... but yourself.
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Thank God we have Nolan
25 September 2023
Every time you see that Jason Statham is going to be in a movie, we think, "oh, that's going to be a good movie." Well, we have seen several times that this is not always the case. Despite the fact that Statham is an interesting actor, to which charisma contributes, this still does not save a bad film. A few effects and angry fish just aren't enough to make a bad movie a good one. The story is absolutely hilarious. At one point you'll wonder if everyone in the story is stupid or what. Then there are the "action" scenes. One of these is presented in the picture with which the film is advertised. A shark that overturns a small ship stops with its foot. Anyway, movies today are crap, no doubt about that. Thankfully, this world has Nolan, but his masterpieces are not made as fast as every true art. Meg is a joke. I give it 3 stars because of Statham and the fact people tried to make a movie.
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20 years later on Netflix
2 September 2023
This movie is raw, but probably among top 10 war movies created. Commenting it only in terms of movie making there is nothing to add or take. But the actors, the story, the emotion, my God you'll watch credits, listen to Hams Zimmers music with tears in your eyes while asking yourself how can humanity go so insane on one end, but be so profound on another. I don't know the answer to that question but I am sure warriors like Team Willis exist and thank God they do. Watching this movie makes you respect real warriors and people who fight for our freedom. People, who are the reason we don't see images of endless blood, dead bodies of innicent men, women and children. A movie that makes you think about everything. With tears in your eyes makes you grateful for what you have because story in this movie is not fiction. It is someones reality, and knowing this, it moves me deeply.
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Extraction II (2023)
Much better than JohnWick 4
20 June 2023
Camera work is awesome. Story is simple, seen, we know it. The thing is, movie is done well. Action is dynamic and interesting, fights are coreographed fine and all cast does a good job. Not as good as part one, but still a good follow. Actors give nice performance. The movie is violent, maybe this is our way of life now. Brutal moments of torn limbs etc. That is something that fits the story but I wonder why are movies becoming so aggressive and violent. What is the reasin we love this kind of movies? However, tho some answers are left to be found, it is a mew movie with 90's approach to "badass warrior" who kills all the bad guys with the help of his ever supporting team. Over all, solid 7.
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Great war movie. G.R. and cast did an exceptional work!
22 May 2023
First, actors - you can't go wrong with Jake Gyllenhaal. But all others did a great job! It is a realistic movie, with excellent action moments. What is a sad thing to know is that this is someone's reality! I will not play idealist and dream of a world of peace, but my goodness, thinking this is someone's day, week, .... year! Uh! The movie is produced at the highest level. From gear to each and every element. Actors probably had training of some sort. You can see it when and how they hold a gun, move in close combat... This is one fantastic movie. The soundtrack brings sadness, and some scenes with a translator... This is a well-made movie, a true army flick, made by real men for men! War is never good, but friendship and valor are always worth of admire.

EDIT: Dar Salim - P H E N O M E N A L!
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We are garbage
10 May 2023
This movie made me even more angry at our species. We are cursed, evil, terrible species. It is fantasy, but so many real life parallels. Hate, greed, it is our demise! Our curse! I cryed in goddamn shame while watching this amazing modern work of movie art. When they kill one beautiful creature, similar to ones we have (not trying to spoil movie) I couldn't watch anymore. We are like thi on real lofe, we do this, to eachother and to other species. Humanity needs to find a way to take power away from money and greed. It is what is our curse! The root and cause of all suffering - paper we gave power to.
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1 April 2023
These two work great together - Jennifer and Adam have that fun couple chemistry, that works and is felt on-screen. What I like is that the filmmakers allowed to be a little against modern nonsense, so Maharajah is a rapper wannabe and uses broken rapper slang that is goofy and funny. While it is a silly comedy, it has some plot and twists in terms of crime story, but done in a goofy way (well, it is a comedy in the first place). Simple but effective. Movies like this don't try to be some profound crap but fun, action packed releases, perfect for movie night with some pizza or popcorn. All cast fit well into this silly comedy and some nonsense elements add to fun and goofiness, along with a good chemistry between Aniston and Sandler.
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The Cellar (2022)
My goodnes, what do you people want from movie makers?
11 February 2023
This movie is for people who don't look for flying Vin Diesels and naked chicks, blood and gore. Maybe read a book now and then. It is a good movie. IT HAD ONE DROP of blood... literally... one drop througout entire move and still managed to make atmosphere of fear and darkness. It is based around symbol of all evil and it does it in an excellent, non-gory way.

My type of movie. Made well, slow paced but interesting. It builds and explains the ending. It gives everything. Start, middle, ending. This movie is made the same way books are written. It is a good movie for people who don't need sex and loud latino music to think they are watching a good film.

I hope it becomes at least 3 part franchise. There is much left to give from this story. I loved it.
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