
132 Reviews
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Station 19: One Last Time (2024)
Season 7, Episode 10
I had a few problems
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Overall with this being a series finale it felt rushed at times and didn't tie up all loose ends. This is the problems I had:

First if you can't go into the field for valid medical reasons you can't just decide to go because of some stranger in the field. As a medical professional let alone a doctor let alone an OBGYN you would know the risks but you are not even a field medic. Firefighters, paramedics and police go into the field, not doctors as most don't even do house calls unless private doctors for the very rich. And as a private doctor you would still not go out into the field let alone one that is rather completely on fire.

Second. I hate the Maya character. I only started to dislike and then hate the character recently. Her family comes from mental illness history but when she was going through a hard time she never really got or played manic or any specific medical illness. She had moments but she didn't play it realistic in my opinion. Also her character went from super driven Olympic athlete to demanding selfish b with a major itch. I was hoping her character would simply die in the beginning of this episode. Also to make her a captain at the end was another shot in my face: she completely failed, she stole the position, she was not qualified at all, she ran it like a military sergeant instead of a person with fire experience; so what now that she was under Andy she learned from her evil ways? This character could have been so amazing, character building, acted her butt off and really made the show but she didn't quite make it for me ever.

Third there are moments of each character dreams or glimpses of their future. But the end only shows Maya and Andy? No mentions of the others? This show suddenly wasn't a group cast but a twosome?

It felt like Maya and Andy characters were paid more and because Victoria left it was like well most of the other characters are male so let's not even mention them. If they appear on Grey's as a guest appearance I would not be surprised (of course Warren is going to go back to med school placements and such so he should be a regular next season).

Lastly as a show as a whole I loved most, tuned out only a few times, my favorite character was killed off, they kept the drunk but turned him into a decent guy, they almost killed the other guy I came to like, they killed 2 other good guys. This show is a fire show, right? LOL.
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Madame Web (2024)
In the grand scheme of things
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, this movie was super slammed by bad reviews. This movie itself is not bad, but it has a few bad techniques that are hard to pull off.

For example, the fact of any future telling moments or traveling back in time is always going to be jarring to the viewer and reminding them that they are watching a movie instead of being left to follow and enjoy the scenes progress.

As for this being a female ensemble movie instead of a solo female lead was a surprise if you didn't see/read any ads/interviews beforehand. If one was to be blasted with the ads interviews, etc., then they would not be surprised at anything. If this was a solo story maybe it would have been a lot more development in character, story, timing and believability.

With each female led movie, the normal way to get good and full press (success) is basically the female lead is usually one that has a lot of projects and a lot of successes: it is hard to name much if any of a well done female lead movie or franchise (this can be due to the business not putting in the money, weak scripts/stories, saying no one likes female led movies, lack of press, cheesy ads not showcasing the talent or main story, or the audience not being open to it or by limited releases).

I do not say that these women have not had successes or even lack in projects, but it feels like newer talent was being banked on instead of even more recognizable women. I say this as I only knew the lead and had to look up the others to find if and where I knew them from. This means no one stood out, no one gave a banging performance, and I blame the script of random people and the belief to follow a stranger again and again until things really start to happen. It could have been more believable, more worked out and more giving each actress some great moments to showcase their talent.

Overall this is watchable, enjoyable at times, does have a story and pushes it forward but it was done several times in a junky cheap feeling way. But at the same time several movies are being done and released this way claiming no one goes to the theatre anymore: make good and great scripts, cast good to great cast members, everyone work their part to their best, and stop releasing half-baked and half thought out stories that no one cares about! Stop making auto scripts and stop just redoing other movies (that is what no one wants to see)!
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Completely uneven
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost when you have practically every character blah blah blah about random stuff in every scene it does NOT WORK. If there is one or two ramblers and the rest to bring them back to their point it would be so much more funnier. I found myself tuning out several times and at least 4 times I wished I could just fast forward specific conversations. Considering the cast, the talents involved this should have been a blast with several ups and a few lows to level things out.

There have been other shows with several dimwits but good hearts (which is really funny characters). This could have been that. Instead it's like rambling people. What happened to show and not tell?
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Night Court (2023– )
From Original to this... straight 5 (just enough to watch)
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this reboot season 1. I wasn't too impressed and immediately disliked the prosecuting attorney.

To turn a male, womanizing Dan into a suck up female dumb blond in disguise was simply all around horrible. Her character is annoying, slim and one dimensional, suck up, and no character development. She sounds more like an air head than anyone who could pass the bar let alone prosecutor of New York! It was a great idea to go from male to female but there are so many female types that could have worked here: strong and bold, too strict and by the book, female goofball, etc. It could have been in mind of Original Christine where she was great looking, sometimes got things based on her looks but always earned what she got, passion, love of people, and love of friends and family.

Abbey stone the never mentioned before daughter of Harry Stone is a good hook. But her character is too cutesy, too mousy and too sweet. To change from funny, goofball Harry to this is just sad. Especially that Melissa is actually such a good actress and her work on Big Bang clearly shows how funny she could be: the biggest part was her ability to go from mousy to mother monster was always a kick. But here she's just a mouse that manipulates peoples emotions to get what she wants. If she wasn't a straight little mouse and manipulating emotions she could have taken much more after her father with sense of humor and a hell of a lot more guts and never a push over.

The new Roz is spot on. Funny. Pops on screen. Steals every scene she's in. Has the intimidation Roz carries with the same love and tenderness. I enjoy every scene of this character.

The new Mac is a bit too nervous. Mac character came from background of army. This one comes from background of schooling and is so far just another minority. This character could have been female, or someone newly citizen or just something much much more.

There is no attempt for the new Bull. It's just a big empty spot that could have been someone just as sweet, funny and quirky. This spot could have been multiple characters as there isn't just one bailiff per courtroom.

Dan being brought back and changed to essentially legal aid is somewhat weak. How many prosecutors of say over 20 years would just one day leave the courts, become a server and then go be legal aid? Maybe if he was a corporate lawyer and then after making his millions gained humanity to defend the little people - Dan was originally all about the money, the women, and self glory until he got humanity when put in charge of the Phil foundation (until the last season changed him back to women and money as his missions). He is no longer a dashing woman chaser but a sentimental old goat.

Overall this show is so far not strong enough. I'm surprised it got a second season. Ideas should have been way more flushed out before any sit down reading let alone shooting and airing any episode.

Like the original the first few seasons took some time to get their legs. Maybe this one will someday soon?
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What's the point?
16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this a few times as I play it in the background. But at one point I felt like if I was sitting in theatre this is one movie I would have walked out on. This feels like it was made for non English speaking audiences and specifically for all those who never heard of Transformers. The main characters that have been tested time and time again as favorites (Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, etc) are not much to be seen in this one.

The animal transformers are almost immediately boring. The animation didn't feel like any of the bots were real and felt like they were sticker on top of the live backgrounds. Most lines were corny from humans to bots. This one should have been a 30 minute cartoon. Not sure why this was even produced especially when the Michael Bay to other live actions didn't get amazing reviews (although I recently went back and watched all live action in release order).

I don't reject too many movies but this was very much a play it in the background as you do something else kind of movie.
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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
This whole season...
4 January 2024
I've been AHS fan since the start. I've seen every season. I hated last season as it was done all completely wrong - there was no reason for the deer, let alone kill them all and the convoluted craziness only to find out it was about AIDS (it could have been done amazing and it was scary to have people dying of unknown issues).

Now this season I've tried to watch it at least 7 times so far. I'm totally fine with Kim Kardashian and she actually does a great job. My problem this season is Emma and the only thing I can think of is this season is based on crazy rumors of actresses in general so that explains the overacting happening? Also the horror is what... being pregnant or maybe carrying a demon baby? The original seasons of AHS was clear, had character building and usually went a direction I didn't usually see coming and therefore pulled it off: each season until the camp had good pacing and such. Since then it went campy (literally) and then off the rails. This season is mostly confusing, overacting to everything, and seems to be commenting about stalkers but they might just be figments of imagination of a pregnant lady? Not interesting so far but I keep trying.
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Will & Grace: It's Time (2020)
Season 11, Episode 18
Original to return ending
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At least in the original ending there was an ending. Grace and Will's kids find each other in college.

The return deletes all that and ends with the baby is coming and no celebration or arrival. No more mentions about Will's baby or due date. A boyfriend comes back into town. And they move away...

I want a refund! There should have been a big bang ending. A celebration of the best moments without being a flashback episode. I missed this original airing first time around and watched the whole show from start to finish. What a disappointment of an ending.

Blah blah stupid requirements of length.
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Will & Grace: What a Dump (2020)
Season 11, Episode 7
The worst episode of the entire show
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost with all the possible situations, moments, and dramatic options of any of the previous episodes gave us and could have been reused or gave us more to pursue, THIS episode is the lowest and most stupid episode ever. Of all the shtick that could have been done the lowest joke in all comedy barrels is a poop joke.

This episode not only mainly surrounds a poop joke but it takes it far over the edge. There was nothing funny about the joke, the situation, the attempt to handle it by needing a plumber, the plumbers lines (they all sucked so hard), the attempt to cover it up and more specifically the attempt to use the fire extinguisher was simply dumb. Grace isn't supposed to be the dumbest of them all let alone isn't supposed to be absolutely incompetent: it is not complicated to use a fire extinguisher and it sure as hell doesn't shoot out so much material that one is flung around as if using a fire hose with water at full blast.

I went and rewatched this entire show from pilot to renewal seasons. I've enjoyed the characters and the shtick. But this one sucked so badly I had to write this review. If you never saw it or it's been a few years just skip this one if you aim to watch this show again.
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Will & Grace: It's a Family Affair (2018)
Season 9, Episode 16
In reply to other review
7 November 2023
Stan did not die in 2003. It was a tax thing and he was in hiding which is why Alec Baldwin appeared as a sneaky lawyer type and became guest and sometimes reoccurring character!

As for this return season there were several political episodes only and seemed to only exist so the non Trump lovers could have something else to watch. As for this episode my favorite has always been Karen and the non sex no touching scene was the best.

Whoever decided to make reviews a certain length is and was an unimportant waste of time and characters to make people type random stuff just to fill in the space.
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Worst episode ever
4 October 2023
Of all the series episodes this one reuses the same shots over and over again. I guess it's supposed to be reminding of past locations and all who were lost or killed? It was dramatically boring. I went back and watch this entire show every few months or so and this is always so boring. I found overall season 1 to 3 were great. Then near end of 3 onwards gets super slow at points and it felt like a change in entire writing and directing staff = not fresh but different, even slower moments, unhinged and unconnected moments just because there is nothing but time, lack of character development and more essay or sermon type episodes (preachy, long, annoying). Then of course when a new big bad guy comes in it picks up again (but not this season).
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Six Feet Under: Static (2005)
Season 5, Episode 11
I found myself sitting sideways
25 September 2023
I understand the writers and cast were trying to convey the different types and process of grief. But I was so far away from empathizing anything from any character. The moment where Claire is supposed to be drunk and yet screaming at the family of a dismembered soldier (or at least multiple amputee) felt more like a lazy psychotic attempt or an Unresearched drug overdose moment. The simplest thing would have been to tell her the body is a body destroyed by war especially when she was screaming about American and Iraq soldiers being killed and physically and mentally Destroyed from War.

I found myself physically facing away from The screen, no engagement and wondering how much though he was actually put into this episode. It felt more like each actor was given a thought instead of a scene or purpose just to see how they would do it. Nothing felt like an episode or purpose. This is why there are so many hands and people involved in the process of film and tv: every moment needs to have purpose, develop story or character, be the good or the bad or supporting characters, bring the audience into the moment and not feel like you stepped into an actor class where random moments are being practiced and no big show for the performance later that night.
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Six Feet Under: That's My Dog (2004)
Season 4, Episode 5
I don't get why it was rated so high
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this episode and was so absolutely bored by it. The logic that if you were to pick up a stranded person on the side of the road, if things went from fantasy to reality, to the things that eventually happened seemed to me out of sync and not Logical. David is not a fighter or anything but to be so absolutely willing to do as he is told by a man with a gun. The worst moment was when they stopped to rid the body why didn't he just drive away? Even if he grabbed the keys the lights were still on. When the guy took crack and as it was hitting him then opportunity to take the gun, punch or kick him or so much more.

I tend to go back and watch entire shows from start to finish and the previous episodes always had something. But this episode from start to finish was simply long, boring, irritating and got worse as time went on. It felt like it was an idea but was never flushed out into a working idea or like it never had a purpose: much like saying you want a story about a fire truck but no other details means that is not a story at all.
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NCIS: New Orleans: The Terminator Conundrum (2019)
Season 6, Episode 2
I can see why it was ending
1 September 2023
Previous episodes become quickly annoying with Pride's weird visions and then nightmares. They simply have nothing to do with NCIS, the unit or the cases. It is a weak excuse to run many episodes essentially based on mental health. If any agent was to have such symptoms they should be pulled from duty in the field, seek help with therapies and medication, and since Pride did become secNAV agent he should be well aware of policies and of course as agent dangers in the field. He would be risk to get himself and his team killed and therefore not fit for In field for ANYthing.

As a viewer I was highly distracted at every single weird vision and dreams as they were simply fillers to make episode long enough. It's no wonder this show ended and of course later on with loss of main cast members.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Ninguna Salida (2018)
Season 9, Episode 24
Worst episode with so many problems
9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If anyone in power abuses their power for personal reasons there is zero reason for anyone (let alone the rest of the team) to blindly and stupidly follow.

The normal process of this show, of the team, is to get things done and not just to win. When you watch this show the bad guys often die and therefore little to no regard for human life. It's typical hood guys win and it may as well be a western for the most part. There was an episode where Beale had killed someone and was afraid to even shoot his gun in the shooting range. This team doesn't just blindly follow the rules but they do not allow innocent people to be left with or at the bad guy's hand and evil doing.

This episode there is an innocent, a child. But the blatant and blind disregard for everything logical, everything that makes a case stick, everything that makes a case legal and just is simply not there. If someone in power demands illegal searches, phone taps, beatings, illegal imprisonment not just false imprisonment, kidnapping for the purpose of false imprisonment, threatening to fire anyone who won't blindly follow illegal orders, gets threatened by those she is threatening with correct legal defense, and continues to be in power... there is no way the SecNav wouldn't be called almost immediately upon Hettie hearing the first accusation of abuse. There is no way there isn't an internal affairs department. There is no way Sam would blindly go into battle and against logic just because it's a child that isn't directly at risk.

This is the worst episode. It follows in line of NCIS where character Jenny Shepard goes on her blind pursuit of personal justice. This means for the entire NCIS realms that is there is a female in charge she is only run by her one train of personal thought and revenge, except Hettie because she's a spy and never shows her hand or her one mission she might be on.

I give it a one star as there was no logic, no due process and no reasons for Callen to be the voice of reason and the team to still go into things blindly and stupidly.
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NCIS: Winter Chill (2021)
Season 18, Episode 9
Start to finish
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This whole season seemed to be based on which actor/actress doesn't want to guest appear. Of all the deaths, cases and such there is little to no point of killing off side characters as they basically don't matter: they are background to the main characters and even then sometimes are not worth mentioning.

As for earlier episode where Jimmy's wife apparently died of COVID it was a side note. She wasn't on the show much at all but Jimmy being now a main character his loss was felt deeper by us all.

Now this episode is about food trucks. I simply lost how NCIS was involved other than he was a navy guy. But there was little mention of the guys service record and this episode felt more like "let's comment on food trucks" and "here's another mention how COVID has affected the business of food". The other viewers comment that even suggests the security footage first viewed and then the killers footage was the same: that viewer clearly didn't watch or pay attention to the show at all (they were clearly different locations, angles and backgrounds).

The last part about Fornell's daughter I found was more of a side note. The earlier episode about drugs clearly showed she suddenly was into drugs, almost died of an overdose and was allergic to the life saving drugs to save her. If anyone was an addict early or far into their addiction it is sobering when they nearly die compared to waking up feeling barfy and a hangover - this plot line was seemingly not well thought out. The only comment is basically addiction can hit anyone and if you leave an addict alone they will always overdose (not true).
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Wow what a thing to see
22 May 2023
I don't understand any of the low ratings. This movie was interesting, well done, captivating in all levels of his age. Each cast member put on a show. Being this is a biopic movie and so many years a lot of actors were used. There was only once when I looked away but that was my own distraction. This movie was so well done and it's hard to come across such a well balanced, from humble beginnings to the levels the real George obtained.

I've seen other biopic pics including 42 which was so slow and dumb and badly delivered I forgot I already saw it. But this movie I will remember for years and celebrate each time watching it and telling others to watch it.
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The Mother (2023)
Most reviews are right... some are wrong
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some other reviewer said Jlo acts her butt off. She does the basics only. No one talks about the kid because she's super boring - logically if you were adopted you would wonder who you came from and why given up, when you meet a strange woman you wouldn't be so calm let alone when you've been suddenly taken from your life. The only line the kid said that made her adopted was she loved and missed the foster/adoptive mother. The kid had zero charisma, and the character wasn't even needed.

Overall this movie is simply a mashup of others. Some dragon tattoo, Haywire, some 007, random video clips, and maybe more. If each scene were to be played either side by side or back to back against each other the viewer would not pick this movie scene as best effort. It is technically sound but overall most scenes are dark, when JLO character is serious her voice is low and growl-like, and her character may as well only be a hired mercenary instead of the mother. From opening boring scene and quiet introduction to the very last scene, Jlo character is just a merc and not rounded out at all: she may as well have been nothing but a voiceover.

The pacing and other characters (from bad guy to FBI saved now partner) is all slow, not based in reality as in most things said and done have no reason, no meat, no meaning. This movie isn't entertaining it just exists. It never pulls the viewer in. It never leads to anything. There is no character development and the only close possibility would be to train up the kid and even that doesn't lead to anything. And the random blurry camera work is just a bad choice.

I give this a 5 because some parts looked good but was more like watching a play you've already seen a hundred times and those moments were adequate. I don't get why anyone thought this was so amazing - that must simply be the PR consultants posting fake reviews.
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Across the board... solid 4 out of 10
30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The music numbers are simply random.

The story is so over done and nothing at all new to see. At least with Hook the old guy lost his marbles, Peter Pan grew up and forgot who he was, Tink talked and laughed, and old Wendy was fascinating.

In this version there is nothing new. Nothing noteworthy. Captain Hook has zero intimidation factor. Smee was simply boring and may as well have been a coatrack in the background. Peter Pan had a few moments that basically matched the cartoon but totally fails from the moment he catches his shadow and doesn't see it to his foot. The whole interior is too dark and depressing.

I can see the reason of the remake was to simply include a few more races. But this make was as I said boring, nothing new, with random music numbers. Why wasn't this premiered and presented to a focus group and thus noted and fixed the entire problem? Who decided to make this so boring and yet be so proud of it? It's no wonder it wasn't theatre released as maybe 10 people who have never heard of Peter Pan would have seen it and the rest of the world would have asked for their money back.
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Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye: Bad Hair Day (2004)
Season 2, Episode 7
Answer why no gun for sue
12 March 2023
To answer the question other user - sue wouldn't have a gun because of her disability as lack of hearing. The real Sue did have interview saying she was gun trained but wore ear protection headset across her forehead and back of head as the training didn't specify headset goes on the ears. Also her position wasn't a full agent but more like a liaison. Much like her roommate Lucy doesn't go into the field with the agents. I also believe earlier episode when she went to Quantico (talked about but not shown - would have been a great episode) she wasn't passed as full fledged agent but is Special Operations or something (under the special program she got hired in first place being deaf).

As per episode itself it was well done, rounded, good action and reasonable character decisions and reactions. I've gone back to watch this show again and again as I haven't found it on DVD but I have found it on random channels.
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V.I.P.: Get Vallery (2001)
Season 3, Episode 9
Worst episode
5 March 2023
I hate Bobby's voice. Everything else is normal Cartoonish episode. My fav character is Nicky and this episode doesn't seem to show her much at all. This episode is just bad across the board.

Who decided to make this review 1000 characters when there's literally nothing to say except for this episode is the worst one of all and I'm still needing more characters so whoever change this to required length needs to go through their own review because it's a waste of character is a waste of time and a waste of effort to try to make my point but this episode is annoying by Bobby's voice so annoying so annoying.
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Station 19: We Build Then We Break (2023)
Season 6, Episode 7
A couple errors
24 February 2023
There is no way In the world a firefighter trained in all sorts of first aid would ever find someone, anyone and just go grab, flip and pickup without any assessment on the scene, would not be careful to turn a person over, would not just pick someone up. As for the drama of the moment and to make it faster makes sense but to avoid such a specific miss of standard let alone even in emotional moment.

I really hate I have to do long review now. It's not worth it. My point is fine and I still have one hundred characters to go.

Also personally I have not liked the Bishop character for many seasons. She is so grossly unlikeable in every manner, but the actress is hot. The end for now.
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Most y'all need to watch it and pay attention
12 February 2023
The first few minutes are simply flat. There is no point until the pirates come in and take over.

From there is many laugh out loud, ridiculous, rewind and watch again funny and action parts worth seeing a second time. I was worried when I started but had to pause and call people to watch it.

As for the bad reviews are you people trying to watch a serious documentary and confused that goal with this movie? It is exactly a rom com action flick. Yes some parts were a bit weak but nothing was really bad about this movie.

I enjoyed it. All the haters need to get a life. It's entertainment. I also happened to catch it for free. I would have paid for this if I would have known how funny it was. I would just cut most of the beginning right out.
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Fear Thy Neighbor: Deadly Duplex (2018)
Season 5, Episode 2
Sounds incomplete
10 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know this is based on a real murder. But overall it didn't feel like the full and real story was told. Yes the claim is the victim was this jealous bad guy protecting the innocent dame and her kids... but that doesn't match at all that the victim would just one day give her part of the house. It would be more believable if the woman conned the victim into "loving her" and ask him to sign the house over to her "out of fear of having nothing without her husband".

The other claim her husband was also this aggressive mean guy doesn't sound right either even with the real guy being part of the interviews. Yes it is interesting to see the difference claims but without the wife interviewing that's just suspicious. It would have made more sense if the spouses worked together to con to victim out of his house.

Now as for the killing itself. Yes the claim was in the spouse's side and the evidence was between (bullets). And overall your wife is being attacked and you take an AK47 to shoot the woods? Then shoot the corner of the house? Why not shoot the door off and blow out the windows "to save her".

Yes I know this happened and someone actually was murdered. But this was the most unbelievable story told (for me) on this show. It was like they needed more interviews for people who knew the victim from where he moved from and where he died at instead of I think one person saying "I don't believe that happened."

Overall I'm sorry a man got killed. But this episode seemed to be lacking research, sometimes a district attorney or Police comments or something.
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Nip/Tuck (2003–2010)
Goes up and then far down
29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a whole this show was to be about plastic surgery and the two men that use it to superficially plaster the world. Seasons 1, 2 and 4 follow this. Season 3 is murder mystery. But season 5 and 6 are just garbage - not just over the top stories and characters but the show went from mostly attractive young Kimber (from innocence to straight up desperation and prostitution but deals with drug addiction by giving it to a church and bam total cure?).

There was a relative understanding of why the clients get the work done, where the line is for the doctors to do the work or not, and it's not all just about the money. Then season 5 not only moves to Los Angeles but there is very little surgeries, a lot of old ugly women, a darker insanity without any reason, no one has any morals or desire to have any, there is no reason to exist as a show or as any characters.

People complain about Rosie O'Donnell being back for a few episodes but for the entire season 5 she's the only one worth watching along with Oliver Platt's supporting characters. The rest is simply boring, waste of time, mindless and pointless. I don't understand why this show didn't simply get cancelled at end of season 4 or shortly into season 5. It's not one person from creator to writers to directors' faults but it is across the board boring and garbage for season 5 and 6. I regretted watching them the first few times and I regret watching them again. But seasons 1 to 4 are good enough to watch, binge, enjoy and see the "oh the humanity" darkness.
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The Santa Clauses: Chapter One: Good to Ho (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Why make good bad?
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off this should have been a great comeback and go from films to TV streaming. This should have been a great idea. But the overall delivery from effects (really great graphics for sleigh movement but zero purpose for a donut???) to story line was supremely weak and not flushed out. Generally movies (at least some) are test screened. Tv shows should be test screened and both should be well flushed out: don't flush the jokes but work out the idea. This entire episode felt half-baked and like someone ran out of money before or during shooting. If there were big ideas and the money ran out before shooting then nothing should have been shot = work it out on paper far before shooting anything, work the budget for the needed stuff, and because it's episodic instead of a film (much shorter time to write/shoot/edit and air) don't waste or half-bake anything. This is supposed to be done by professionals not lazy people. It could have been amazing, funny, entertaining. But it was simply one moment of fun, weird decisions and uncomfortable at times.

Second this is a supremely weak attempt. Next episode is much more Worked out and way better.
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