
54 Reviews
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Tenet (2020)
Whoa...if you thought 'Inception' was mind-blowing...just wait!
29 January 2023
Ok, I had to watch Inception about 3 times to, uh, get it. You'll have to watch this one about five. The concept is mind-blowing with the whole inversion of time and reversed entropy through the continium, or...something like that. Basically, folks in the future have figured out how to send something traveling backwards through time. So, future bullets that have already been fired are sent spiraling backwards and end up back in the magazine of the gun someone is holding before they've even fired it. If that sounds complicated, just wait till cars and humans start going backwards. The complex part is when they all start meeting themselves and the plot folds and observed by their other selves just across the battlefield...etc. Etc. get the picture. All the while, our hero (who is not named and is just referred to as the 'Protagonist') is trying to thwart this dangerous technology, which has obviously ended up in the wrong hands, from destroying the world. Not by sending a nuke back into the hands of Hitler and the SS, but even worse; Using some kinda complicated math algorithm to create a doomsday bomb. Or at least I THINK that's what he was doing. I tried to tell my 9th grade Calculus teacher that not only was math useless, turns out IT's DANGEROUS!!

Anyhow, the acting is great. The lead guy does good. Robert Pattinson from Twilight fame, is the lead character's, uh...side-kick and he does just fine. Elizabeth Dibicki does great as the...well, it's complicated. You'll just have to watch and figure it out for yourself. The truth is, you could say that about most of this movie. The plot is so complex and quick-moving that we found ourselves rewinding many times to review a line here and there that was important to what was going on. I think I'm a fairly smart guy, I have a doctorate and even an undergrad bachelor of science degree. I have even written a sci-fi book, so I thought I would 'get it' maybe a little better than the average fella walking through Walmart that works as an auto mechanic (no offense to that line of work) but even I felt myself raising an eyebrow many times while watching this movie. It's so confusing at times that I even asked my bunch; "How many average folks would have turned this off by now?"

It's not to say that it isn't entertaining. It's definitely original and the special effects are beyond mind-blowing and it redefines the phrase "plot twists"!

So, give it a try and be prepared to plan on watching again, and maybe again. Grab a plate of chocolate chip cookies and pull up a sofa by the fire on a weekend night with the fam when you got nothing stressful on your mind to distract you. You'll definitely need a clear head to try and navigate through this one.

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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Matrix meets The Village meets The Truman Show meets The Stepford Wives meets Rosemary's Baby...but it never quite meets itself.
11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was ok. It wasn't the best movie you'll ever see, but it's ok for a night around the fire with the fam and a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Without giving too much away, the movie has elements of all of the aforementioned movies I had there in the title of my post. But it never really develops it's own true identity. It really had great potential, but overall it kinda failed to come up with it's own true self to make it stand out and give it a true stamp of originality.

Florence Pugh was brilliant. She's a pretty face that doesn't get the credit she deserves for her acting skills. Without her, it would have been hard for me to give this an 8.

Anyway, check it out. It's not horrible and it won't be time completely wasted. You'll find it interesting and mysterious and if you're like me and my bunch, you'll be looking forward to the sequel. Yeah, it ends with a sequel set up for sure.
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"At this moment they are being excuted...bishop to rook 3."
29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is chilling. The grandfather of movies such as the 'Terminator', 'I,Robot' and the 'Matrix', the Forbin Project is a brilliant sci fi movie that is able to present a scary premise with out all of the robots and cyborgs of 'skynet' from the Terminator movies or the guns and explosions from the Matrix, but with nothing more than moving, remote hallway cameras and a creepy, emotionless robotic sounding voice...not like 'VICKI's' voice in 'I,Robot' that is simply that of a young woman.

Colossus is like VICKI in that in his own cold-callous way, he has man's best interested at heart, seeking to bring peace to mankind through ruthless, strict control. If we don't follow his orders and his plans, well, he'll just launch an ICBM at Moscow or detonate nukes in various cylos throughout the US and Russia. In other words, he has humanity by the collective balls. Eric Braeden is brilliant as the reluctant creator of this monster that seems to catch on earlier than anyone around him that things were rapidly approaching 'oh crap!' time, including a rather, snide CIA agent that is standing by observing while the military and scientists scramble to try and figure out a way to keep Colussus from taking over. The president and Russian prime minister, meanwhile, are clueless. They allowed the computers to be built, but when everything hits the fan, all they really can say is just that...'Oh crap!' When Colussus finally addresses humanity at the end of the movie in a world-wide TV broadcast is the best part of the movie. When Colossus tells humanity his intentions, part of you wants to say, 'Hey, if he really CAN do all of that, maybe it's not such a bad thing!' Another part of you says, 'Yeah, but at what cost?' Especially, when he gets to the part about freedom being an 'illusion' and it is better to be dominated by him than dominated by others of your own species. It can only mean one thing; either way, the only way for all of this peace and safety and the promise of all of the mysteries of the Universe to be solved by Colossus to come to fruition, is to be dominated by him. Meanwhile, while Colossus is giving this chilling and somber speech, Forbin is going completely cabasso. He starts throwing things and yelling at everyone and you realize he's gone full blown Jack Nicholson (Shining) mad.

Then ending is a bit unsatisfying and it just screams for a sequel, but alas...we've waited for decades and still haven't gotten one, so I guess we're not getting one. What happens? Does Forbin mean it when he simply replies to Colossus with a cold and determined 'Never!' ?? Does he finally succumb and be his pawn? Does Colossus rule over the living or as he put it...the unburied dead? Maybe they find a way to shut him down? But that one seems very unlikely. Anyway, I guess we will never know.

But this movie is worth a watch if you haven't seen it. It doesn't have the special effects of I, Robot and the Terminator movies and all of the science stuff may seem a little dated to it's more modern offspring movies, but they somehow still seem to work. More than I, Robot, it really does leave you feeling uneasy at the thought that something like this could really happen. We were supposed to feel that way about Skynet, or the Matrix or VICKI I suppose, but in my mind, those movies were made for action and entertainment purposes. The idea that the computers might take us over were just a vehicle to present an entertaining story. In this movie, it feels different. It feels like the creators of this movie really were trying to warn us. They were showing the scary reality that if we keep messing with powers that could really get out of hand and start turning into something that is super powerful and more importantly, super out of our control, THIS is what could happen. Could we really be conquered by our own creation? Heck, who knows? But I remember thinking the same thing after watching this movie as a kid as I thought after watching I, Robot as an adult... Maybe mankind needs to clean up his act and fix things with this planet and more importantly, with each other....before some super computer decides to fix things for us.

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The Coen brothers should have watched the end of the 'Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"!
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The is the best example of a movie that starts great, loses it's mojo half way through and ends up with the worst ending in cinematic history. Beware spoilers ahead... So, Brolin, TLJ (Tommy Lea Jones) and JB (Javier's psycho) are all in pursuit of each other/the money. Sort of a Good, Bad and Ugly kinda thing. And of course....the movie is going to end with a thrilling showdown with all three men, facing off like that classic ending to the Clint Eastwood western, which, by the way, was one of the greatest ending climaxes in the history of history. Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach, all standing, facing each other, in a death-triangle, lonely Mexican-trumpet melody playing in the back ground, 200 camera angles capturing their every movement as the three look, ponder, sweat, try to figure out who they should try to shoot first. And the tension? a word...UNBEARABLE!

But NOOOOOOOO....that's NOT what we get with this movie. Not even close. Brolin is killed, OFF CAMERA! Huh? We see his body laying in a motel room floor. Yeah, you read that right. The bad guy? Well, just when you think he's gonna drive away Scott free, he gets hit in the side by another car. You again heard me correctly. He goes to drive away and gets T-boned by another car. He gets out, arm broken, bloody and battered, pays a couple of kids for one of their shirts for a quick make-shift sling for his arm, and uh...walks off. That's it. It can't get any worse, can it? Oh, but it does. Then we see TLJ sitting drinking coffee with his wife telling her about a dream he had last night. Then, roll the credits. And that's it. Seriously.

I've finally come to the conclusion the Coen brothers did this intentionally, just to see if they could still have a blockbuster with the worst ending they could fathom. And I guess they pulled it off. It did win some Oscars, which is a gauge for some people, but uh, not necessarily for me. And of course, the "critics" loved this thought-provoking and haunting ending that was some climactic, exponential, surreal journey into the realm of cinema entropy....or something. To me? A wasted effort. Quick...can you tell me in one sentence what TLJ's dream was about? Me either. This movie could have been great. And it takes alot for me to NOT like a movie. But this one really does leave you scratching your head with a raised eyebrow. Heck, I even have an undergrad in Psychology, and I STILL didn't get it!

There are some endings that are bad because they just leave you so sad that you wanna go outside and howl at the moon like a lonely, coyote out on the plains of Montana (see The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Beaches, or House of Sand and Fog). But this ending wasn't sad, it was just dumb. I honestly think that's what they had in mind, for some strange reason.

Anyway, take it from a normal ol guy that loves watching good movies...this movie isn't good. It could have been, the ingredients were all there. But it fails in an epic way.
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Reign of Fire (2002)
Ignore the haters....this movie is deserves to be a cult classic!
8 June 2022
So, we've been bombarded with more zombie apocalypse movies than we can count. In fact, we've had every conceivable apocalypse idea imaginable; viruses (28 days later)...homocidal AIs (Terminator, Matrix, etc.)....monsters with incredible hearing (Quiet Place)....robots (I, robot)....asteroids (Armageddon)...natural disasters (2012, Day After Tomorrow)....shall I go on? Why not dragons? It's a little far fetched I guess, but who the heck cares? It's a sci-fi action movie and its cool and entertaining. Aren't MOST sci fi movies far fetched? It's not the best movie you will ever see. But the acting is great (MM, Bale and Gerard Butler all do great). The special effects are awesome. Some argue that there's not enough air time for the dragons, but this can be forgiven.

The way the producers tie the modern to the ancient with all of the references to weaponry and stuff is pretty cool and original, like using the crossbow in the final showdown.

Anyway, ignore all the hate and grab a plate of chocolate chip cookies and sit down with the fam around a roaring fire and enjoy this movie. One of these days folks will get the message. A movie doesn't have to be the best movie ever made to be entertaining.
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"Get him. This old gringo is nothing!"
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm...who would dare say such a thing about Rambo? I'm a fan of this series. I was a teenager back when First Blood got popular and then when Rambo went on a rampage, killing Russians during the cold war in Rambo II. 3 wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. Part 4 was, and is still, the my opinion.

Now on to this movie. It's's not the greatest movie ever, but it's Rambo, doing what Rambo does. And that, my friends, is becoming a bit problematic. I really wanted this movie to be something fresh, but instead, it becomes very, VERY predictable. Some really bad people, do really bad things to good people and in the process, they draw "first blood" against John. In this case, a couple of Mexican drug cartels who also kidnaps teen girls and puts them in a teen prostitution ring that the Mexican authorities apparently don't care about or they are in on it. That is never clarified. They make the mistake of kidnapping Rambo's niece who is like a daughter to him. Rambo goes after her, dispatches some bad guys with ease and gets his niece back. In the process, he decapitates one of the cartels in brutal fashion and leaves a picture of his niece pinned to his chest with old faithful (his big ol combat knife), as if daring someone to come after him. So, the cartel's brother decides to cross the border for some payback. This fella obviously didn't see the first 4 Rambo movies, or he would have known this was a BAD idea. Here comes a big spoiler, but it needs to be said here...Rambo's niece ends up dying from where the bad guys pumped her full of heroin. The movie goes dark at this point. What I mean is, it gets dark, depressing and its like ol Sly is trying to leave us with that same feeling that he tried to nurture in us with the other know that feeling I'm talking about. When Co Boa, the Vietnamese girl that John falls in love with out in the jungle and you just KNOW something bad is going to happen. And sure enough, she gets killed. When the mean ol Russians capture col. Trautman. When the Burmese soldiers in part 4 raid that village and kill everyone, including little children. What am I getting at here? They all leave us with that feeling of...ok Rambo, time for some good ol %100, pure, Grade A, pasteurized REVENGE, served up like only Rambo can. It awakens that dark side of us. That primeval feeling in us that makes us leave our senses (and morals) behind for a while and crave to see blood and carnage and the bad guys die in the worst most violent way possible. It's what all of the other movies did to us and this movie is NO exception. So, here we go again with the same formula. And it's not a spoiler for me to tell you what happens, because a monkey could anticipate it. The said cartel guy leads an army of hapless goofballs with guns to John's place and subsequently, to their death. There's shooting, explosions, traps set by John, reminiscent of the stuff he did to those cops that tried to track him through the woods in part 1. And in the end, John kills em all, we get to watch him dish out justice the old Irish way and roll the credits. John, and indeed, all of our collective thirsts for revenge is satisfied once again, till the next movie rolls around.

Is it entertaining? Well, yeah I guess. I mean, I don't watch porn, but what does anyone who DOES watch porn want to see? So, why do you watch a Rambo a movie? Because again, it's what Rambo does.

A few things could have made this movie better in my opinion, and of course, I'm no expert. But I think if they would have left Gabriella alive somehow and given John something to fight for to try and get her back at the end, it would have given us something more than just a reckoning massacre. In part 4, he WAS trying to save the mercenaries as much as he was there to kill the evildoers.

They could have developed Rambo's relationship with the journalist a little more and had her more involved in the ending. Why not let the bad guys find her somehow and bring her to John's place as a hostage or something and that would have given us some more suspense for John to have to deal with instead of just carnage?

Anyway, watch the movie. It's entertaining. It's not the best movie ever, but it's Rambo. It's violent, very violent. Ol Sly is still a good actor and director even if he is a hundred and eight. I've heard this might not be the last Rambo movie, more carnage to come. And make sure someone tells the evildoers...this old gringo IS something! Enjoy.
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The one's giving this low-ratings didn't watch the entire movie!
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Alot of folks turned this movie off because they thought it was a low-budget, Paranormal Activity rip-off...truth be told...I almost did. But trust me on this one; hang with it till the end. It makes the entire time spent watching this movie worth it.

It's not the greatest movie ever and the acting will win no Oscars. But kudos to the writers and producers of this movie for giving us something fresh with a twist that will leave your mouth wide open for a good 5 minutes while you sit and watch the credits roll. If you watch the entire movie, you'll be glad you did.
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Knowing (2009)
Just because a movie mentions the Bible, doesn't mean it has a religious agenda.
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Some people get so angered if they think movies have some sort of agenda to cram religion down people's throats. So, they attack this movie because of it's religious elements and connections to the Bible. Gees...unbelievable!

Ignore all the bad reviews just because they are angered that a movie was created to try and prove that there IS a God and the Bible could actually be a divine book. This movie does have some elements that correlate to the Bible. But Holy Cow....lighten up! This movie was great. The plot was original, the special effects were awesome and the acting was good. What more do you want?

Yeah, it's got a somber tone and the ending is...well, I won't spoil it for ya, but you already know it's an apocalyptic movie, what did ya expect?

So, enjoy the movie for crying outloud. Note to the atheists...just because a movie mentions the Bible doesn't mean it's trying to cram something down your throat for Christ's sake. I watched a movie about a Satanic cult a while back and didn't get offended one single time...lighten up.
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Monsters (2010)
I don't have to have non-stop action, but I have to have SOMETHING!
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's funny how some are attacking reviewers on here by saying they are 'brainless' and the idiots that only like 'Transformers' with non-stop action would get turned off by this...blah, blah, blah. Well, I have a brain, I liked Transformers but I don't have to have guns and explosions for a movie to be good...I liked A Few Good Men and Shawshank Redemption, in other words. But alas, a movie has to be entertaining. This movie is NOT entertaining. Aside from the opening scene where the military attacks one of these giant squid-like monsters (and that only lasts less than a minute and we don't even really get to see that whole fight scene) there is really no more scenes that involve the monsters, except for the ending. But even the ending doesn't satisfy. I won't spoil it, but you'll know what I mean if you watch it.

Again, I don't have to have non-stop action but you watch a movie, or at least me and my clan watch movies, to have fun. When there is just nothing but a bunch of talk and a guy/girl flirty, romance thing that you can see on a romance movie if that's what you wanna see, you're left wondering what the point of this movie was.'s just not fun.
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Newsflash to the haters; This is a vampire movie, not a Discovery Channel documentary!
24 March 2022
My God in Heaven, another movie getting crucified by a bunch of pseudo-historians because it somehow mangles the real story of Vlad the Impaler...insert palm to the head slap here!

Listen very carefully, anyone with an intelligence greater than a monkey; This is a vampire movie! It is a fictional story. Vlad the Impaler was NOT, I repeat, NOT a vampire! Gees, give it a break and watch the freakun movie and be entertained.

No, it is the not the greatest movie you will ever see. But the acting is good, particular Charles Dance playing the original monstrous vampire. The CGI is pretty good. The war scenes are pretty cool. The acting is pretty's not Shawshank Redemption, but who the heck cares? I didn't check, but I don't think it won any Oscars, but so-what?

Put down the dadgum notepads and stop with your butchering of this movie and sit down with your fam by a roaring fire one night with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and watch a pretty cool horror/action movie. There are worse ways you could spend an evening. It's called entertainment. Someday, in a perfect cinematic world, a lot of folks on this website will figure out what that means. Thank me later....
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Skyline (2010)
If it would have ended with the drone attack....??!!
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, the best scene of this movie is when a group of Predator Drones are sent to destroy the alien mother ship. Visualize this; the drones are fighting through a volley of alien ships attacking them, trying to get close enough to launch an attack against the mother ship. Then, there is one drone left. It is wounded, one wing is shot off, and just when it seems all is launches a nuclear missile, right after it is hit and destroyed by an alien ship. The missile soars through the air and hits the mother ship. A massive nuclear explosion ensues. It's spectacular. It looks good, even for a movie with a rather small budget. Most of all, it's convincing. The alien ship is destroyed. The celebration begins, the survivors start celebrating and then...roll the credits? No...the aliens aren't destroyed by the nuclear explosion and the movie keeps going. It becomes unrealistic and, uh, extremely non-entertaining. To put it in layman's terms....the movie turns to crap. The drone attack was one of the best scenes in recent cinematic, si-fi history. But then, it made the mistake of plodding forward after it had....pardon the expression...blown it's load. End the movie right there? It becomes an instant classic. Keep going? It ruins everything. So, how do you judge this movie? Well, it ruined itself, for lack of a more nice way to put it. So, what is my best advice to anyone reading this? Watch it up to the drone attack, then turn it off and it ends there. You'll remember this as a great movie. If you keep watching, you'll be dissappointed and remember this as a bad movie.
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
Will folks ever learn to just enjoy a movie for what it is and NOT what it isn't?
5 February 2022
Here we go again. Review after review of people attacking movies because they don't match up to the small, handful, of classic, all-time great this case, "Gladiator" or "Spartacus" or "Titanic" or whatever.

NEWFLASH....not every movie has to be the best movie ever made or the best one you have ever seen to be entertaining and enjoyable. Gees, every meal I eat is NOT the best meal I've ever eaten in my life. But that doesn't mean it doesn't taste good and fill me up. So, quit with the wannabe movie critic stuff and maybe everyone will realize that this website really is not needed and you can sit down with your fam and a plate of chocolate chip cookies with a warm roaring fire and watch a movie and enjoy yourself.

As for this movie; it's not the best movie you will ever see. The special effects are good. No, they're not as good as Avatar or Aliens or Saving Private Ryan, but they're pretty good. The acting isn't exactly Shawshank Redemption or A Few Good Men or Schindler's List, but it's not as bad as some are saying. The plot is ok, no, it's not exactly Lord of the Rings or The Dark Knight or Avengers Endgame, but it's ok. The action is great. Sutherland and Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) are just fine. The best scene, to me, was the sword duel toward the end between a stout Roman Gladiator and a ruthless Roman General, duking it out in the coliseum while Mt. Vesuvius in the backdrop erupts and spews lava all around them. How cool is that?

So, for anyone reading this....put the notepad down, stop looking for all the flaws, and watch the dadgum movie. It's called E N T E R T A I N M E NT...try it sometime, it's not as hard to come by as all the "one-star" wannabe critics like to make you think it is. Thank me later.
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If you don't believe in Christian beliefs, why did you watch this movie?
14 December 2021
This website should not allow anyone to attack a movie based on it's Christian message. People who are anti-Christian are going to attack this, or any movie, for it's Christian message. Of course they are! Which begs the first question; If you don't believe in Christian beliefs, why did you watch this movie to start with, knowing that it would convey things you don't believe in? Secondly, administrators of this website...why let people get on here and bash a movie for things they don't believe in, instead of reviewing a movie for things you should allow people to review a movie for. There are movies that come out all of the time with anti-Christian themes and even documentaries that flat out attack Christianity and other religions. Hey, guess what? Here's a novel idea, DON'T WATCH SOMETHING YOU KNOW WILL OFFEND YOU! I wouldn't get on here and attack one of those just because it had themes I don't believe in and/or offended me. This website is screwed up for allowing that...Just my humble opinion.
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The Fog (1980)
Dwarfs the 2005 remake as far as good ol fashioned creepiness!
30 October 2021
This movie is a horror movie. It doesn't have some things that the 2005 remake tried to use to make the movie...well...better; Lots of cgi...(sigh)...the romance storyline between Elizabeth and Blake that I suppose was inserted to satisfy all of those who would rather see a chick-flic than a good ol scary movie...and lots of good-looking young people, because I guess Adrienne Barbeau and Jamie Lee Curtis wasn't good-looking enough back then...whatever.

Anyway, this movie is a true, horror movie. From the opening seen where John Houseman delivers a camp-fire ghost story to a bunch of wide-eyed youngsters, to the time that the fog rolls in and all living Hades breaks lose, it delivers on the creepy atmosphere and foreboding terror as the glowing fog slowly creeps in over the hills and around the buildings and closes in on the unsuspecting townsfolk that had heard all the ghost stories about the Elizabeth Dane, but thought they were just that...stories. There is no romance or anything pretty about these angry ghost pirates. They're mad, they got glowing red eyes, creepy as all get-out and unlike any of the hapless zombies that get beheaded by swords in the Walking Dead, these zombies actually have swords themselves!

The music is adds to the spine-tingling atmosphere, Barbeau, Atkins, Curtis and Hal Holbrook all turn in stellar performances. If you are disappointed by the lack of special effects and violence, then I guess you should go watch the remake. But this horror classic delivers the scares if you turn off the lights, build a fire, sit down with the fam and a plate of chocolate chip cookies and watch while you imagine looking out your living room window and seeing the fog rolling in over the trees towards YOUR house! Enjoy...
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Jack Reacher (2012)
I'm just glad the hero is "Jack", and not "John" for a change!!
26 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In a cinematic universe where all the heroes have to be named "John", we have; "John Rambo", "John Wick", "John Connor", "John McClain", "John Kimble", "John Matrix", just to name a few. It's refreshing to see a freakin "JACK"!

The movie is great by the way. Starts off with a grim sniper scene that will start you right out of the gate with a lump in your throat. That's not for the squeamish.

Then Cruise shows up as the enigmatic Jack Reacher. This guy is a cross between Cruise's characters from Collateral, Mission Impossible and Knight and Day. He's so smart that it's almost unbelievable, he's a tough soldier boy that of course is an expert in hand-to-hand, rifles, hand guns, machine guns and pretty much everything he touches. But he makes it work and it's actually believable. I suppose the fact that most of the action is not all CGI'd up like in the MI series and that's what makes it more real to me. For instance (spoiler coming) the finale, token hand-to-hand fight with the bad guy at the end looked more like something from a Jason Bourne movie instead of a bunch of 'Black Widow' kung fu stuff that borders on being too wild to be real.

Rosamund Pike does well with her usual, cute wide-eyed shock look that is her trademark. And she has plenty of occasions to use it in this movie.

The rest of the cast does good, with a cameo scene or two with Robert Duvall as a crusty ol Marine that provides some comic relief.

The plot is complicated, but works. The only thing I raised an eyebrow at is the incongruency of the bad guys hiring, on one hand, Jai Courtney's character who is a lethal sniper and assassin, but then they hire a bunch of bafoons that would have a hard time taking down Spongebob and Patrick in a bar fight.....reference the fight scene outside of the nightclub and the two idiots that try to kill Cruise in a crack house, but are so inept, they end up nearly killing each other. That scene was very comical and had me and my crowd howling with laughter.

Aside from that, no complaints. Give this movie a look, you won't be disappointed.
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Interesting and provocative
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty good movie. If you're a fellow American, like myself, you'll probably be shocked at some of the stuff they get away with showing. There's a shower scene where all of the main female characters are shown nude, or at least their bottoms and breasts are on full display. This is more than a producer would get away with in an American film, I'm sure. But it's tastefully done and the story plays out well. The young actors are all outstanding in their roles.

I've never really been a big fan of foreign films, but this one appealed to me for some reason. I give it two thumbs up.
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A normal ol review, from a normal ol guy, for all of you normal ol moviegoers
6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Every time a horn blows at a nearby castle, a hardened viking warrior goes over to a tree where someone has shot an arrow into it with a picture drawn on it and description of a new monster that has shown up in the land for him to go kill...and subsequently take it's head. He shows back up at his cabin in the woods, all cut up and bloody from battle with a new trophy for his wall "collection" of heads from all sorts of critters he's offed. He's doing this hoping that some day the creature that killed his beautiful, young daughter is going to show back up in the territory. He's made a promise over the little girl's grave that sooner or later, he's gonna take and add the head of her killer to his trophy wall.

Ok, here's an honest review, not one who is going to sound all artsy because of the wonderful cinematography (which is pretty good by the way). In the same breath I also say, I'm not going to trash a movie because it doesn't have explosions and CGI and a great climactic battle with Thanos that will leave you breathless. Just a normal ol guy that likes to be entertained. If a movie can provide you with a good time with the fam, sitting around the fireplace with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and good evening of movie-watching, where you get done and say, "That was pretty cool..." then, I'm more than likely gonna give it a good review. So, here's an honest review, for all of the folks out there that want one.

It's pretty cool. Not the best movie you're ever gonna see. If there are a few complaints, it's that you are left wishing you could have seen more of the monster battles, instead of him showing back up with a head of some beast in a bloody bag and cuts and blood all over his body and face. Even the main battle with the monster that killed his daughter was done OFF SCREEN. It's only when he arrives back at his cabin that some kinda mystical blood from another beast of days gone by falls over and drips all over it and it comes back to life, do you actually see the first real battle with one of these critters.

The special effects are ok, but not fantastic. I read this only had a 30K budget, so that shouldn't be too surprising I suppose.

But the movie is kinda creepy, especially when he has to hunt down this runaway head and it takes an even creepier twist when it goes looking for a body to inhabit so, apparently, it can get back in the fight with the warrior. I won't say anything else about that, you'll just have to watch. Then the ending REALLY gives you a "didn't see that coming!" moment.

I will recommend that you give it a look. Again, it didn't "blow me away..." like some are saying. But it's not "boring trash..." that some are saying either. The tension is built up pretty well and that keeps you kinda on the edge of your seat and that makes up for lack of actual battle scenes, in my opinion.

They probably could have given us a little more back story and kept the daughter a little more into it at the start. Not saying I want to see the little girl get murdered by this beast, but it's yet another scene that's just kinda left to your imagination, as is most of the action in this movie.

The main actor does a good job and you feel genuine pity for the guy, or at least I did, every time he comes back and patches himself up while he laments over the little girl's grave, all the while just driven for one purpose...revenge.

So, thumbs up...grab some cookies, sit down with the fam and enjoy.
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Still scratching my head at all the hate for this movie
17 June 2021
Just watched it again the other night and I still am having a hard time trying to figure out what it was about this movie that the so-called critics, let along the goofballs on this website, didn't like.

The special effects are fantastic. The story is good. The acting is just fine. Loken does great as the TX and the Crane car-chase scene was nothing short of awesome.

I have seen Dark Fate and even though it's a great movie in it's own right, I really felt there was no need for it, as this movie carried on the saga just fine.

Anyway, ignore all the hate on this website and enjoy the show. Thank me later.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
For once, they are RIGHT who say....
31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Only those that don't 'get it' will give this movie negative reviews. I was ready to give this a negative review until someone who had read the book graciously explained it. After understanding the plot, I now can say that this was a great movie!

The problem is, there is NO possible way you could figure everything out about the brother/sister incest, the kid being a serial killer, etc. Just by watching the movie. This really is a movie that you needed to read the book first to have even a remote chance of understanding it.

Anyway, even with the confusing plot, it's not like its a horrible movie. Skarsgaard is magnificent and all of the other actors do well. It's a little slow sometimes with some dialogue that drags out a little too long.

Now that I understand the plot, I will probably watch it again, since I know what to look for.
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I don't understand all of the hate!...maybe one of Zach's enemies has multiple accounts on here.
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was NOT Dawn of the Dead. DOD was a classic and a different type of movie. But this was not a bad movie. It doesn't follow all of the regular old zombie rules, except you still gotta shoot em in the head. But in this, the zombies are smarter, faster, stronger, can communicate, ride domesticated zombie animals and even follow a king and queen zombie as their leaders.

But many more ways could you keep showing the same old zombie movie and make it original? People trying to survive, lumbering (or sprinting in some cases) zombies closing in, lots of shooting and gore, everyone but a one or two survive, roll the credits. Let's face it, we needed something different. And this is different.

Snyder is great and I love his movies. Bautista is slowly but surely replacing the Rock as the new alpha wrestler-turned-actor. Most of the other actors are a bit unknown, or at least to me, but they do good. The safe-cracking guy turns in a good performance and the blond chick that leads them in plays her part well.

It's full of action and gore and it's a little over the top in some places. The biggest question you're left with is, if the military really wanted to get ahold of one of the intelligent Zombie heads to weaponize zombies, why didn't they just send in a couple of hundred marines, instead of bothering with ragtag mercenaries, and kill the queen or king zombie before they nuked the city? I mean, they're all contained, its not like they are going to be running off anywhere to hide or anything.

But you should overlook that little headscratcher and enjoy the movie for what it is. So, grab you a plate of chocolate chip cookies, sit down with the fam and enjoy a good movie night. You'll be entertained...thank me later.
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Ignore the whiners, this movie is what it's supposed to be...awesome!
18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many are crucifying this movie because of the weak plot development and the sub-par human character involvement. Uh...I would like to remind everyone reading this of one important fact; This is a GODZILLA movie! What the heck were you expecting!? This is about giant monsters fighting and action. Lighten up, grab a plate of chocolate chip cookies, sit down by the fireside with your fam and enjoy a movie night watching an action packed movie that delivers. And when it comes to action, this movie delivers. CGI is incredible. You knew that Mechagodzilla was eventually going to show up, since he was such a big presence in the old Godzilla movies. I had no earthly idea about this movie, and I actually predicted that he was going to show up, and even told my family that "mechagodzilla will probably show up and Godzilla and Kong will actually team up to fight him..." So, it's sorta predictable. But WHO CARES!? It's ok, because it's ENTERTAINING! Isn't that what matters? Watch the dang movie and be entertained. Enjoy and thank me later.
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Once again, people on here have NO EARTHLY idea what the word entertainment means!
9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Here is another movie that is, admittedly, low budget. It doesn't have alot of star power actors, a zillion dollar budget, elaborate settings and special effects. This movie will not be listed with the best horror movies of all time; The Exorcist, the original Salem's Lot, Aliens, Quarantine, the Conjuring or The Shining. But how many movies are? This movie is different. The scares come out of nowhere and catch you off guard and yeah...scares the crap out of ya! A couple of a characters will be carrying on some random conversation and you'll suddenly notice an evil-looking witch standing in the window behind them, just staring. Sounds simple, but it works. You find yourself so paranoid that you're looking for the witch to show up anywhere and everywhere! So, yet again, I will save this website from itself and tell anyone with a reasonable IQ that is reading this to learn the meaning of the word entertainment! This will NOT be the greatest movie you have ever seen. It will NOT win any Oscars. It will not make some list of greatest movies ever! But, it's a creepy little movie that will entertain you if you'll just let it. Grab a plate of chocolate chip cookies and sit down with the fam by a roaring fire and enjoy! Whatever you were expecting, it probably will not be that, but WHO CARES! It's not that bad and has some genuinely scary scenes in it. Shouldn 't that be enough?
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Some people will NEVER be satisfied.
5 March 2021
All I heard after the first movie was there was too much focus on the people and not enough monster fighting. Now we have a movie that delivers on all sorts of monsters fighting, from a thrilling air dogfight between Rodan and Ghidorah to the finale between Godzilla and Monster Zero that are absolutely jaw-dropping. But NOOOOOOOO....this STILL doesn't satisfy the critics. Now there is too much monster stuff and they should just junk the human acting/plot lines all the together. ARE PEOPLE EVER SATISFIED?! Here's some advice that folks on this website still have swallowed down; put down the notepads, stop being a pseudo critic, grab a plate of chocolate chip cookies, sit down with your wife and kids and enjoy a movie for crying outloud.'s not the best movie you will ever will NOT win any Oscars. But heck man, it's Godzilla, what was you expecting?! It's this new concept that we call E N T E R T A I N M E N T! Watch the movie and be entertained for gosh sakes.
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Stop reviewing this movie because you're angry that it WAS a true story.
5 March 2021
I find it funny that people are attacking this movie because they don't want to accept that this was based on true events coraborated by many eye witnesses. Why?...are you upset that there could REALLY could be a God or supernatural forces that are good and/or evil? Anyhow, the real point here is, this is supposed to be a movie review site, not a critique on the motives of the movie maker. Stop trying to lash out because you are angry over the fact that you think the producers of a movie had some sort of agenda about forcing religious beliefs on the audience. Whether this is true or not shouldn't have anything to do with it. Rate the movie based on the things that a movie should be reviewed on...acting, plot, score, special effects, etc. As far as that goes, the movie delivers. It will scare the crap out of ya, for starters, therefore, it does what a scary movie is supposed to do. The acting is good. It won't win any Oscars, but it's good. The story is good even if it wasn't a true story, so relax. My only warning here is, don't let any young children watch this or they'll be sleeping in bed with you for years...yeah, it's that scary. So, lighten up....don't get in a twist because you think some movie producer has some plot to convert the world to Christianity.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
Someday those that frequent this website will understand the meaning of the word "entertainment"!
13 February 2021
Once again, there are those that frequent this website that have no earthly idea what the meaning of the word entertainment is. So many have crucified this movie for a host of ridiculous reasons; over the top CGI, weak plot, silly and cheesy storylines, etc. etc, blah, blah, blah.... Holy many reviews am I gonna have to put on here before people are finally enlightened to the truth?! What truth do I speak of? The truth that ever movie is not meant to be the Lord of the Rings, or Shawshank Redemption, or Citizen Kane, or Avengers Endgame. My God in heaven above...BE ENTERTAINED for crying outloud. This movie is full of over the top action and CGI and silly plot stuff, but it was NOT meant to be A Few Good Men or Schindler's List. It's a move that you and your kids can sit down by the fire on Sunday night with a plate full of chocolate chip cookies and HAVE FREAKUN FUN WATCHING MOVIE!! It is exactly what it is supposed to be. It did not win any Oscars. It will NOT be the best movie you have ever seen. But gees people, how many movies actually fall into those categories? This movie is fun. Gerard Butler does a fantastic job as usual. The rest of the actors do ok, but no one is going to win an oscar. You have giant fire breathing cobras, a giant earth eating demon, and a great air dogfight between Set the Egyptian god of Darkness and Horus the Lord of the Air that is pretty dadgum cool. It also features some pretty good acting from Nikolaj Waldau (from Game of Thrones fame), Geoffrey Rush ( a season vet who always does well) and Courtney Eaton of Mad Max Fury Road fame (one of the hottest young female actresses in the known universe). So...quit with the ridiculous critique of this movie. Enjoy it for what it is and what it was meant to be...a fun action movie. If you see it for anything else, then YOU don't deserve the right to critique it. Enjoy the movie and be entertained. Rant over, have a nice day.
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