
58 Reviews
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Ringu (1998)
Strays too far away from the book
10 June 2023
Ringu is a solid film, suspenseful, creepy score and effects. Even the lighting and pacing of the film is quite good. I have had the privilege to read the novel which is a masterpiece and this changes far too much that I believe is essential to telling the story. They changed the main character which is ridiculous to me. They unnecessarily changed the childs gender and even changed some of ruyjis past. They got the feel of the story wrong. Its a good film but not near as good as it could have been. The real awasaka is a male and his repiore with rujyi makes the story. Shame they went that way.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
The most over hyped and overrated show ever.
1 February 2023
Greys Anatomy is a poorly written show, contant overdramatizing of events, annoying characters and a show built off cheap cookie cutter drama. Acting is atrocious on so many levels. Ive unfortunately been able to see this show multiple times, younger with my mom and numerous times as an adult. Never has a show been so basic with such stale performances and people treat it like its "The Sopranos". Its medically inaccurate all the time (even though its the most popular medical show) 20+ seasons of borderline unwatchable tv. Numerous continuity issues throughout the show. The writting is just straight up terrible at times. Its an example of whats wrong with TV. A show with no artistic vision or integrity. Its just constant confict combined with annoying characters all while being one of the most medically inaccurate shows of all time.
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Funny Games (1997)
Strong first half ruined by the 2nd half
12 July 2021
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Funny games even though starts a little slow is really quite captivating. The performances were strong and had me hooked until the morning after when they return. The movie insists upon itself, the Director adds elements that aren't necessary trying to make an artistic film while forgetting what makes thriller films great. Once Peter is killed the ending gets wrecked by the stupid rewind. That seriously alone made this film fall flat at the slow. Funny games was scary or at least thrilling because of the realism inside it and to me, In my opinion bringing back peter after he was shot and killed ruined what might have been a great film.
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Tarzan (1999)
Just okay
23 June 2021
Most people will disagree with me which is fine, its a decent film but for Disney or Pixar just okay is not good enough. Outside of Phil Collins tremendous score this film is just an average Disney film. The humor falls flat for me, the story moves like a Disney film but it just feels like a recycled story. Theres some major plot holes that make this harder to watch as an adult, I liked it as a kid. But some of the action sequences are just a little sloppy. Kerchak a Giants Gorilla could kill a Tiger without breaking a sweat but somehow losses the fight and a human somehow manages to kill it and pick it up, a 300-600 pound male tiger over his head. Things like that as an adult just make this movie harder for me to watch. I guess if you over look those things i can see someone enjoying it. I might have just outgrown some of Disneys work but in comparison to The Lion King and Aladdin and the other movies Pixar and Disney was coming out at this time Tarzan just feels so average.
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Animal cruelty
9 June 2021
Theres a part of me that wants to like this film but killing 11 animals at the same time making a film thats criticizing violence, that takes away all the magic of film. With that excluded you still get a sloppy movie. The acting is poor, the script and the director are full of hypocrisy and the same ruthless barbarism that its trying to protest. I do however find this movie to have some really positive traits going for it.. The violin music that plays over the more disturbing scenes helps to really captivate you and sends chills up your spine. The theme of media manipulation and double standards is truly insightful and ahead of its time. Eli roth states this is his favorite movie. The movie is good but is dragged down by it's murder of animals for "art" and a director who doesn't know his limits.
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Sausage Party (2016)
Hilariously raunchy
5 June 2021
If you don't like swearing, sexual or crude jokes, just don't watch. Just because theres swearing and sexual jokes doesn't make this a 1 star movie. If thats the rating your giving this film lighten up man. This is a comedy film with some actually pretty good social and political commentary, this is more than just a juvenile comedy film.
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Another Roth film
12 April 2021
Eli Roth is in my opinion one of the worst directors of all time but is also a genuis at practical effects, gore and realism. The Green Inferno is a catastrophe of a film, it has no artistic merit, the acting sucks, the characters are thin and non existent, so much so that you never really learn their names. But the plan crash scene was well done, as is all the practical effects and the killings but the story is juvenile. Its beginner film making and you know it sucks but you can't turn it off. Why? Because roth creates an environment thats so real and the gore is so good you cant look away. Its up to you how you feel about this film. I enjoyed it even though I think its a trashy film, its just fun to watch. I like its an homage to cannibal holocaust, its not as good.
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Jason X (2001)
18 March 2021
Although entertaining at points Jason X works better as a comedy than a horror or a Sci Fi film. Everything is so generic, so cheap, and just lazy filmmaking. New Line should be ashamed that this came out the same year as the lord of the Rings.
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Veronica (I) (2017)
Great interpretation of true events
8 February 2021
Verónica is an example of how foreign horror filmakers understand suspense on a whole higher level than american filmakers. Instead of cliche jumpscares and overdone special effects, you get a thrilling dark lighten, bare horror film. No gore, almost no jumpscares just a suspeful and spooky experience. I like the interpretation of the story and the little changes they made to make it more personal and to prevent some potential plot holes. This film sticks with you it is a psychological thriller more than it is your typical "scary" film. If you dont mind subtitles and are interested in horror films I'd recommend this film. Without spoiling I did want to add that I liked the little twist at the end and the subtle hints throughout the film that if caught you will see the twist coming but still enjoy that its there. It allows you to predict the ending by giving little hints throughout the film, making this film one to pay attention to and to enjoy.
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Marley (2012)
22 January 2021
Marley is one of the best performance art documentaries ever. It not only gives us insight on his humble beginnings and rise to superstardom, it also accurately portrays and captures Bobs positive cultural impact. Through his music he not only provided political comentary but brought together political figures and helping to heal years of political violence in Jamaica and Zimbabwe. The filmmakers did a great job editing this film and breaking any negative stereotypes of Bob Marley and the Rasta movement. "Marley" shows us how selfless Bob Marley was and how he lived his movement he practiced what he preached and how he died encouraging others.
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In Fabric (2018)
Unique, Artistic and Stylish
20 January 2021
In Fabric is a very interesting film.. The film has a 1970's italian vibe to it. Visually colorful, stylistic aesthetic on top of a simplistic metaphorical story. In fabric artisctly shows the filmakers opinion on consumerism and capitalistic society as a whole. The filmaker mocks our reliance on sales ( bargains ) and their control over human behaviour. Hence the ending. The biggest flaw in the film is that he throws together two story lines that have no connection to each other. Artistically this film is a near masterpiece but in terms of film making falls short. Highly recommend this movie.
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Creep (I) (2014)
10 November 2020
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Creep is a great representation of how to make a found footage film. Mark Duplass gave a terrific performance which was mostly improvised. Although not a super scary film by any means, it was still unsettling and nerve racking. When Aaron was outside his house looking for Josef I couldn't help but to put my hands in front of my eyes and peak through. The best thing is nothing happened, the film is just creepy It doesn't try to do anything but creep you out and keep you on the edge of your set. Although creep is not perfect it still holds up as a very good film. If you are someone who wants their thrillers and horror films to have a bunch of unexpected twist and turns, this is not for you. They don't hide what it is and who the characters are. To me thats what stood out, I would recommend this film.
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Visually stunning and brilliant musically
21 October 2020
Love the claymation and visual effect of this film as well as Danny Elfmans amazing soundtrack. A twisted humorous tale that none other than Tim Burton could write. The thing for me that holds back this from being one of Tim Burtons best is the characters themselves although Jack comes full circle and realizes his wrong doing, for how crucial a character he is there seems to be little development of his character and especially the development of his and sally's relationship. Their love story is the ying to the films yang. Its an important element of the film that comes up underdeveloped. Overall a marvellous film thats flaws are minimal and its bright spots are unique and impressive.
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Overboard (2018)
Entertaining but mediocre
20 October 2020
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2018 Overboard has two major problems for me 1. It is too close in pacing and dialogue to its predecessor 2. What fresh ideas it does give off don't work with the film Neither film is really all the great they both have poor writting but the original had chemistry which this one lacks. Although funny and entertaining at times this one seems to lack anything that feels genuine. The most genuine element to this movie is the relationship/bond he creates with his co workers. The film spends too much time explaining the Montenegro company and not enough time focusing on the actually premise of the film. Some of what happens is unrealistic too like making him sleep in the shed was stupid and would of been a red flag to anyone, amnesia or not. The scene where he pushes her off the yacht is seriously overacted and not believable like it is in the original. The butt tattoo was unnecessary and kinda stupid. I know they were trying to be like the original. She had a birthmark on her butt but Somethings you just need to exclude it didnt land here, it wasn't funny. I also hated the part where he negotiates with his dad, it wrecks the whole romance and charm of the scene. It also goes against the premise of the film. It was a huge writing error that the director should of recognized, it takes away from the premise. In the original she gives it all up for him, he should have done it no questions asked, that is the one thing they didnt keep exactly like the original and it completely lands flat, they tripped over their own feet. I enjoyed the film but had to give an unbiased review which is that this movie is far from good but funny at times and enjoyable to watch
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We Are Still Here (I) (2015)
Good, with a little more effort it would be great
15 October 2020
Honestly the biggest problem here is the run time. Make this movie a half hour or so longer and build up the lore, the background and increase the suspense/tension of the film and we would have an 8 outta 10 maybe even an 9. The theme is a pretty cliche modern horror theme. A haunted house right? But they did it a little differently and a little better than most as well as a little bit of throwback to the 70's era of horror. BUT it is still under developed because this story has potential and its not hard to see how this could of been outstanding rather than above average. They needed to build up the backstory of the house and make the movie longer to spread out the pacing and provide some more insight on the evil of the house so the film could have had more suspense. Overall a good watch I recommend it and I am proud to have it in my collection of horror films because it is still really solid. It just could of been better.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
An Overcritized modern Horror classic
15 October 2020
My brother took me to see this in theatres when I was 13. He told me he was taking me to see an action movie (which is all I liked at that age) boy was I susprised. I now appreciate it because I now have a love for Horror. It took me a few years to watch again. This time with a more fresh perspective and an interest in the genre. I found Sinister to represent everything that can go right with modern horror. Because most modern horror tends to lack the suspsense, the in-depth writing, convincing performances and humam emotion that classic horror films like The Exorsist, The Omen, etc had. Which I believe Sinister has those elements and more. Ethan Hawk's performance as well as character in the film are shockingly coherent to that of Rosemary's baby John Cassavetes as well as an almost representation of how Ethan Hawks own career was going at the time of this film. It gives his character life and allows ethan hawk to give a real performance and relatability to the character. The supporting cast did a great Job as well, especially the wife. The build up of suspense and tension happens almost immediatly, and doesn't stop until the climax of the film. And unlike a lot of modern horror this film is pretty freaking scary. Especially on the first watch. The story itself is completely fresh most supernatural horror films don't have such an in depth and 3 dimensional story. Even the Conjuring (great film) had the basic move into a haunted house story without much else. Which of course sinister still has the haunted house theme but brings in so many freah ideas you forget that this movie follows that modern concept. He moves into the house because of his ego, his desire to be famous again overcomes his responsibility to keep his family safe. Sinister also uses modern technology to its advantage with creepy camera angles, effective lighting techniques, the super 8 films and great sound mixing as well as a very suspenseful soundtrack, that keeps giving me goosebumps no matter how many times I watch it. Sinister is a very dark demonic murder story that combines classic horror themes like rosemarys baby and the amittyville horror into a modern classic. Im sorry to those who dislike this movie, you really are missing out.
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The Shining (1980)
Kubrick Masterpiece
9 October 2020
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Before we get started if you havent seen this and have read the book know that this is kubrick version of the story there are many differences between the two. Kubricks interpretation of the story is amazing if you are open minded enough to accept both the film and the book, if you are so attached to the book that it blinds your judgment you wont like this movie very much. There are spoilers in this review. Lets start with the performances. Jack's performance is oscar worthy, it is legendary. If you expect him to be the same character in the book you will be too ignorant to accept the fact that jack killed it. He was perfect for kubricks version. He spiraled perfectly out of control. His performance was convincing. Its like it isnt even a performance its really happening. Kubricks directing style is hard on the actors but it doesnt seem that way on screen. Jack and Shelly make it seem easy. Shooting the same scene 50 times is tough and to give an amazing performance time after time, scene after scene is impressive beyond recognition. Many takes also allow for a lot of improve which Jack is a master of. The score of this film as well as the direction and story telling creates one of the most suspenseful movies of all time. The pacing makes the film intriguing, has you wondering constantly what will happen next. Danny's performance as well is one of the best child performances in a horror film. For a lil kid to work on a film with kubrick and make it as convincing and authentic as he did, its just mind blowing. Last I will discuss the differences and why they work. The cook gets killed for a very important reason to showcase Jacks insanity on screen and to provide an on screen murder. Following the book and saving him would ruin the pacing of the film it would be a 2 and a half hour horror film without any big scare. Why did they take out the hedge animals? Because in 1980 it would be corny as all hell and would disrupt the tension kubrick builds throughout the film. The film focuses on the 3 main characters kubrick stripes away characters that arent crucial to the film. Some people had a problem with it. I don't see why including all the side characters and side stories would be good to the film. It works for the book because kings character work is what makes his writing style. Well movies is a different audience, you want the movie to have more of a linear pacing. You want to develope the main characters. You cant make a 5 hour movie. All suspense and tension goes away when you try to fill the film with everything thats in the book. Its so much information that just wouldnt be able to fit inside of a 2 and a half hour film and still have the same effect as kubricks version. Finally we come to the biggest difference in the book the hotel burns but in the film the hotel freezes. They took out the boiler aspect of the book because 1 thing Jack chasing his own son with an axe through a maze is much scarier than Jack going down to the basment and then the hotel catches on fire. Don't be too attachted to the book that you cant enjoy the film because whether you like it or not this is an amazing film. A legendary cult classic and a staple film for the horror genre. Kubrick builds suspense by removing things that are secondary and focusing on the primary elements. Why include all of Jacks past when you are trying to scare people? Jacks backstory makes you feel connected to the character, you understand him in the book and feel sympathetic for him. In the movie he is crazy, he is scary he has to kill halloran it just works, its scarier, its the climax of the film. To close out I want to point out how great the sets are, the hotel looks amazing and fits the film perfectly. And another element that is overlooked is the sound mixing. Listen to Dannys trycicle travelling through the hotel and how perfect the timing and sound is when he goes from different surfaces like carpet, wood flooring, tiles. Its just so impressive. The more you watch this film the better it gets. If you dont like it it is because you are too attached to the book. I urge you to try and see it as its own, to see it as kubricks vision.
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Not very good
8 October 2020
I absolutely love horror movies especially classics but the Friday the 13th series is one I just cannot get behind. Lets start off with the almost non existent plot. From there we get really corny, non convincing performances of poorly written characters and very little suspense which every good horror flick should have. The soundtrack is bland and does little to create any tension (other than the classic ke ke ke, ka ka ka which I love) throughout the film. The victims die from very cliche killings, most of the killings are predictable which takes away all the fright you could possibly get from them. When the victims die they don't give off a realistic sense of fear in their performance, which doesnt allow the viewer to really get a sense of terror. The women have a lot of over the top cliche screams and do little to fight off Jason. They stand there andwatch him come towards them with a knife and they dont run or do anything but wait for him to kill them. Thats unrealistic and dry. Realism is what makes horror movies scary, if it doesn't have any sense of reality it takes away the fear factor. And that is exactly what this film does. This film steps on its on toes. Listen, I dont expect movies from 40 years ago to deeply scare me. But I do expect them to create suspense and a feeling of tension and unease. Which this sequel and the rest of the sequels fail to do. Maybe in the 80s this was better than it is now. But most classic horror films are still extremely relevant, Halloween, Omen, Exorsist, Shinning, Nightmare, the universal monster series and many others still hold up today. This one just doesn't.
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A masterpiece
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lets just start with the obvious. Jacks performance is legandary and is probably in the top 50 best actor performances of all time. Nurse Rachet was played absolutely perfectly. This film was bounced around a lot and at one point was not going to be made until Michael Douglas got the rights from his father. This was a passion piece for him and the director which is shown on screen. Comparing it to the book (which is one of my favorite reads) is as perfect as it can get. They changed very little and what they did leave out was to help the pacing of the film. But they did film everything in the book from the shower scene to, chief getting shaved. They just left it out what would of slowed down or effected the pace of the film or what wasnt extremely necessary to the story.

The major difference was the story not being told from the chiefs perspective. Which you cant blame them, the movie is better off being told the way it is. It would also give away that the cheif can talk for those who havent read the book and want to be suprised.

The movie was filmed inside a real mental hospital which the actors stayed in and based their characters of real patients. Thats why all of them are so convincing in their performances.

This is a masterpiece of storytelling the perfect example of making a movie based on another medium. As perfect as a film as there ever was.

The story is intriguing, the story of the book is the story of the film, the message is the same. Perfect film about standing up to authority, about hope, transformation and never giving up on yourself. RP McCmurphy made these patients feel good about themselves, he woke them up, showed them they have a purpose, told them they aren't worthless. He showed them its okay to stand up for yourself, Think for yourself and question authority. Be who you are, never conform to societies expectations. If we did more uplifting and less judging and stereotyping of each other this world would be better off.

I also believe the ending of the film was because the chef wanted to preserve who Mac was and what he represented, the chef didn't want the patients to see their hero as broken, beat and left helpless at the hands of their oppressor. It was also out of empathy and understanding Mac is the type of person who would rather die if he cant be his own.

Watch this film, interpret understand the message and never forget it.

Thanks for reading this, I hope this movie moves you like it moves me. If you love the movie take the time to read the book, We need more of that too.
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Rubber (2010)
One of the worst films of all time
4 October 2020
Rubber should be a required movie to watch in film school. It is the perfect representation of what not to do in every aspect of film making. The intro was the only enjoyable moment in the film. I saw people giving this a ten to those people please get yourself tested. Something is wrong with your brain. This film had zero plot, piss poor writing, no tension, no suspense, immature humor which leaves this film dry of any human emotion, any sense of realism and nothing that makes this film worth watching. I can see the good in some bad films but this one is trash.
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Terrifier (2016)
30 July 2020
How the heck are people giving this a good rating? The film has zero story line, piss poor acting, and the most overuse of gore in such a generic and unscary way, this film is so predictable its sad. And this film sets the record for most cliches in a horror movie and one of the dumbest protagonist in history. Terrifier has no suspense, no fright, and in no way at all is this a good film. Please if you gave this a good review please never review a film again. You don't know anything about it.
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Oddly Entertaining
19 July 2020
Not a great piece of horror cenima by any means but a entertaining date night type flick. The performances are actually quite believable and the film itself actually has some pretty creepy points to it. But lacks much in quality criteria. The writting is pretty poor and its a found footage type film which I normally hate and even in this case is just an easy way out. Found footage is a way for a director to make a poor script into a decent film and that is exactly what we have here. A poorly written film turned into a decent saturday night horror by the use of found footage.
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30 April 2020
This is a fun movie. Nothing fantastic about it, but it ends up being a very funny modern take on a classic movie. If your into laughing this is a good movie, if your a movie buff that likes to analyze and critique films, you will find flaws in the writing, performaces, etc.
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Pure Imagination
21 March 2020
In 1971 a classic family movie was made. Willy Wanka! Although this is a family film this movie is not just an entertaining comedy but an intellectual and meaningful tale on imagination. Willy Wanka is a film filled with important life lessons to teach kids as well as parents. Gene Wilder's classic performance gives this movie so much charm, so much entertainment and the importance of using your imagination.I also love the dry humor that Gene Wilder provides in his role. The soundtrack is timeless and completely unforgettable. From the classic loompa songs that go over important values like gluttony, greed, pride, ego and in the case of Mike TV the importance of reading, learning and being imaginative, to the songs sung by the characters this score adds so much to the film. This movie is a must watch, a must enjoy and a film that needs you to look deeper than the surface of the story.
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Comedy for Intellectuals
19 March 2020
Monty Python and The Holy Grail is the ultimate nonsense comedy. A comedy film filled with nonsense jokes and dry humor. This film is way ahead of its time and still holds up as one of the greatest of all time. The writting is outstanding, performances are hilarious and the situations these buffoons get themselves into are entertaining and endlessly funny. One of the best comedies to ever be made!
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