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Entourage: Second to Last (2011)
Season 8, Episode 7
One of the best episodes of Entourage!
3 September 2011
I think this one of the best episodes of Entourage I have seen in a long time. I know Kevin Connolly has directed a few episodes in the past. This time I think he really did a great job. I think he went all out on this one. He really made a nice episode of Entourage. It reminds of the older episodes that have true heart, emotions & friendship that we all love.Kevin is the one who gets hurt the most in this episode. While everything else is working out great for the rest of the guys. Ari does a very good performance as well as always. As we see him finally express his true emotions while remaining honest at the same time. Way to go Kevin! I'm very disappointed there is only one episode of Entourage LEFT! It sure has been a hell of a ride.
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World of Jenks (2010– )
MTV finally puts a REAL show on the air.
17 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, Finally we get a REAL show on MTV. Not just another reality bull crap show like Jersey Shore. I am currently in school right now as a Digital Video Producer. So when I first heard about the show I was hyped to see it. It's about a 24 year old Documentary Film maker. He picks out a specific type of person( Rapper, homeless girl, Famous Poker player, & etc..) and films what it is like to live a Day in the life with that person. Andrew seems like a really down to earth guy. A person you can easily get along with.The concept is really good because he is just such a like able guy.Andrew really tries to dig deep and find out what it is like for these people in their daily struggle with life. I agree with the first user review on here that the show could be a bit longer. Because in some episodes Andrew just does not seem to get a lot of footage with the person to really find out about these people. His time is limited in the show, but It still works for me.I do believe they should make World of Jenks a hour long to give it more of a better effect. That way we could learn more about the people he films.But with the time he has I think he does a good job.There was one episode that really hit me in the heart good.Andrew does his best to try and really make YOU feel what it would be like living in these people's shoes for a day. Overall It's a good idea with some really good footage. I hope MTV will give Andrew the chance to do another Season with a running time of 52 minutes! Good Show Jenks! Overall my rating is 7/10.

W o r l d Of J e n k s!! "This is the sound track to my life!!"
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Cherrybomb (2009)
It is more then two friends fighting over one girl!
16 July 2010
I have not wrote a review for a long time. For some reason I felt like I needed to on this one. It's a pretty simple story about two best friends that like one girl. One of the friends Rupert Grint who plays Malachy comes from like the I would not say rich neighborhood. But his family loves him very much and knows he is going to be successful. While on the other hand you have Luke played by Robert Sheehan. Luke lives a different life style then Malachy. His father is a low down drunk and his older brother pretty much takes care of them both until later on in the film.

So you could say Luke is the wild one and Malachy is like the nice guy. Then comes in Michelle played by Kimberley Nixon which Is very beautiful by the way. She sort of leads them both on in a weird way. But if she did not do this then the movie would not work. So these two best friends compete sort of to win the girl over. I think that is what makes the film work the best. The fact that you don't know who is going to get the girl in the end is what really makes everything work.

It is a drama film with great acting by all the lead actors my favorite being Luke. Even though I myself am more like Malachy. The cinematography is pretty good. You will like getting to know these characters and what makes them the way they really are. I am not going to tell you the end of the film you will just have to watch it for yourself. I also like the White messages at the top and all over the screen that appear to let you sort of know what is about to happen in the film. It kept my attention I recommend it to anyone who likes drama.
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Halloween II (2009)
Why does everyone hate this movie? H2 Is a great film & here is why!
3 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First I don't understand why everyone is hating on this film. Did you people not know what kind of movie you were going to see when you bought the actual ticket? It is written by Rob Zombie.So I honestly knew this movie was going to much different then the Rob's 1st Halloween film.So all the people complaining about all the cursing & the *F bomb* being thrown all over the place.If you have seen any of Rob's previous films you should have expected this.

Now on to more important things.I love the way the film started with Laurie waking up on the stretcher in the hospital & all the screaming.That was sick really cool plus it sort of freaked me out. I also like how Rob kept it somewhat authentic to the original H2 in 1981.By having Micheal chase Laurie through the hospital. I thought those were some of the best shots in the film.Especially when Laurie is running outside in the rain & Micheal is behind her!

Why are you people complaining about all the killing. It's supposed to be SLASHER FILM people! I don't understand what you people are thinking.Rob Zombie gave us more of Micheal's background story in the 1st Halloween.So I knew in this 2cd film there was going to be more kills & blood & less of a story plot.Which is exactly what I wanted.Because in the 1st film I did enjoy having a little background history on why Micheal is the way he is.But I still wanted more killing.Which is what Rob has delivered us here.This is a strait slasher gore fest.Micheal kills everything & everyone in sight trying to get to Laurie. He even kills a dog & eats its insides! Very cannibalistic! I also dislike how people are dissing on the characters of "Laurie" & "Annie".Would you be the same a year later if something like what happened in the first film happened to you?

Why are people complaining about Rob Zombie putting his wife in every movie? It's his film he can put whoever he wants in it.Seriously why complain about her in this movie when she barley had any lines or much acting to do.Why would he not he put the same mother in the second one? She did an alright job to me in this film due to the main fact that all she does is stand beside the white horse telling Micheal to bring Laurie home.Some of the people that are writing reviews on IMDb need 2 think a lot more about what they are thinking & typing when writing a review.For all of you still complaining & wondering what the "White Horse" has to do with anything?

Did you even watch the movie or did you miss the first five minutes while buying Drinks & popcorn at the snack stand? The White horse theory is explained & written in the first few lines at the first of the film. I believe it is an excerpt from "The Subconscious Psychosis of dreams" Rob can't be perfect people you have to use your own imagination when watching a film.Not everything can be explained for you in a movie!

There is only one thing that people are saying on IMDb that I do agree with.That is Dr.Samuel Loomis's character.Rob just did not give much thought on his character because he was thinking about what to do with the rest of the movie.I'm not sure but you can ask Mr. Rob if you like! Because I agree Rob did make Dr. Loomis look like a complete *DoucheBag* That is one of if the biggest flaws in the movie.

Now on to the middle & the ending.I was sort of very sad when Annie died in this one.I really wanted her to live for some reason. I liked her character & sort of had goosebumps when Laurie comes in to find her best friend dead & slaughtered again in the bathroom! Now to give my point of view of the ending is my point of view. So many of you Halloween fans might take the ending in different. But I almost sort of expected it.The thoughts in my head before seeing the movie was that in this 1 Laurie is either going 2 die which probably most likely would never happen or that she would kill Micheal & end the series all together.

I believe that Laurie simply went crazy after the first encounter with Micheal &then having to deal with him again in this second film made her a bit more how can I say this Hardcore, stronger, & a lot more crazy.Oh & the thoughts about her taking Micheal's mask off in order for her to kill him is a good theory.But ya I strongly believe that Laurie lost it after the first encounter & having the visions in this film only backs up my theory more. So I loved how she stabbed Micheal to death & came out with the mask on! I thought that was so cool on Rob's writing &directing part. To sum it all up to the very last shot in the movie with Laurie smiling at the end in the psycho ward should tell you all something!

Come on people think about it?! Use your imagination.I know Rob's not going to do another one and I appreciate him for that. *Hint Hint* He did only continue "House of 1,000 corpses" with "Devils Rejects" & hopefully will not return for a third installment! I believe Laurie Strode is now somewhat sort of Micheal Myers in a way.Thank you Rob Zombie for completing & ending the franchise the way you wanted to do it! I enjoyed it. No one walked out of the theater where I watched it here in Oklahoma. Thanks Rob Zombie & I hope you continue to make more films as good as this one and your previous works of cinematic art.
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A good attempt but overall a poor film!
30 July 2009
This is not a very well made film. I know what the message is that the director is trying to portray in the movie. But he just did not deliver it very well. It's almost like he tried to hard and this is what happened. All in all it's about a boy and his mother's relationship. The boy is a top notch student and does very well in school. Anyway he is bored I guess with life and wants to start a summer job. His mom does not think it's a good idea at first because of his age, but she lets him get the job anyway. So this boy and his mom are real close in the beginning of the film or so you would think so. The boy gets the summer job and meets new friends and starts to behave differently. His mom does not like this. To me it's more of a film for mothers! It's pretty much about the mother losing her beloved boy due to the growing up process of being a teenager. So all in all it's about the struggling relationship between a mother and a teenage son growing up to find himself. He meet's this girl about halfway through the movie.Not "Ashley" the one he works with but another girl he meets later on in the movie because she was out of town in Paris or something I believe. The girl he comes across helps him get his mind back on track and that is pretty much the end of the movie. He's happy his mother is happy; boy is walking away with girl and the end! I will admit I watched this movie but I just did not like it. I have seen much better well written and directed stories then this one. Nice try but no go for me. 3 out of 10 stars!
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S. Darko (2009)
People are not viewing this movie the right way!
18 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay let me start off by saying that people are not viewing this movie the right way.You have to keep in mind that this is Chris Fisher's & well Nathan Atkins vision or image of a Donnie Darko Tale! I really liked how Nathan wanted Samantha to live in this movie and not die like her brother Donnie.I think it also made the movie better by adding little twists turns and views of the Tangent Universe.I liked the cinematography I even thought the special effects were pretty good.Now let me also say that there is many things in the movie that I did not fully comprehend which is great! Because if you actually think about it even after watching the original Donnie Darko to this day.There is still things in that movie that people have missed or don't understand.But I like how Chris Fisher and Nathan Atkins payed many respects to the original Donnie Darko by simply putting in little things from the 1st movie.My favorite is when Samantha is walking in front of the movie theater "Hah" think about it people? Strange Days & Twelve monkey's that is awesome!!! *Hint* "The red car" "Water" "Metal" *cough* Roberta Sparrow and many more. Which I think is simply very well done. Good job you guys! Now everyone likes how plot worked in Donnie Darko but,It's not exactly the same here with S. Darko.Which I think is very good because they are not necessarily trying to create a sequel.It's a continuation and a very good one in my eyes.I mean this must have been really hard to do.I think the cast was very well chosen and Daveigh Chase is just beautiful.I really like how Corey dies for Samantha and even Jack Sparrow which is my favorite character in the movie! He even has to die for Samantha to live in the end.I thought all of this was very clever. Oh and by the way the music is also pretty cool I would not mind owning a copy of the movie soundtrack whenever it is released.People just need to accept it and take the movie for what it is. A very nice visionary tale of Donnie Darko's sister S. Darko!
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Slaughter (I) (2009)
Is this what AfterDark Horror Fest 3 really has to offer??
23 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first start off by saying this is my first review of a movie ever posted on IMDb. I have been reading comments from movies off IMDb for years. But since I am a big fan of good horror films. I wanted to advise many people to stay away from this garbage! This is the second film I have watched in the After dark horror fest 3 series. The first one being "Autopsy" Which is much better done than this. I mean is this really what The After Dark horror fest has to offer? This movie was a complete waste of time. It's about a girl "Faith" who moves away from where she is currently living to get away from what it seems like her abusive boyfriend. She moves to a place on her family farm and meets a troubled girl named "Lola" at the bar. The movie drags and the story is just really not well written. When the director actually starts revealing more of the background of the farm and "Lola" you really just don't even care. There is no killing, no gore really at all. There is one scene where a guy is walking with his arm in his hand that was cut off. Woo Ho!! Yea right!! Then you actually think Faith's boyfriend is going to actually find her and save the day! But still no! I thought if that would have happened it would have at least been near "okay"....But I was wrong the movie keeps going and you come to find out that Lola's father is a really (sic) individual that kinda made "Lola" the killer she is. But all in all the ending is crap and I would totally pass on this one. If this is what The After Dark horror films have to offer then I'll Pass....
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The Best Horror Movie Prequel in Years!!!
8 October 2006
Yo, I waited the whole weekend to see this movie. I currently own all 5 of the Texas chainsaw massacre movies. From the original to Texas chainsaw massacre 2 with (Dennis hopper). But the Re-make of the 2003 version really rocked my world.I expected it to be gruesome. I expected on the edge of your seat type stuff. I expected to see at least how it all began. Well let me tell you from experience that this was one of the best re-make prequels to a movie in a long time.It tells Leatherface history in the first 15 - 20 minutes. I will only give on spoiler for the movie. Remember the old guy int he wheelchair from the 2003 version. Well It shows how his legs get cut off... That is the only spoiler you will get. Jonathan Liebesman did an awesome job at providing much suspense and jump scenes. A couple people left the theater. But being a big fan of the chainsaw massacre movies. I really liked how this one went. Really gruesome, good, nuts, and to be honest I really can't find a word to explain this movie. It is just beyond insanity. If you are a fan of the Texas chainsaw movies. Then this is definitely for you. If you are a true horror fan this is for you. People with a weak stomach.... Please don't go. I took my sister and she almost puked. Its really gory. Besides that my favorite character was Jordana Brewster(Chrissie). She did a good job on the acting. R. Lee Ermey as Sheriff Hoyt did an amazing job as usual.. When he finally received a little bit of what he deserved. The crowd in the theater cheer'd. But Before I go and leave you all with this comment. The best part the movie. I really cant tell you because it would spoil it. But there is a couple parts YOU will Remember!!!! But my favorite part of the movie is the ending. Jonathan Liebesman did a great job on the ending. Much respect and very nice prequel.

8-9 out 10 (Starz)
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Best re-make of a horror film in years!!!
13 April 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006

The Hills Have Eyes

Well it is Monday. This weekend was kinda boring! So I wanted to make up for it and go see a movie last night. I have been wanting to see "The Hills Have Eyes" ever since I heard about it. Simply because Wes craven hand picked the director Alexandre Aja. He was the writer and director for "High tension" if you remember that movie. High tension is also one of my favorite Horror classics. Its gory though really gory! But this is not a High tension post so the point is Wes craven did a good job of picking Aja to re-make his horror classic. Yes The Hills Have Eyes is a remake of Wes Cravens 1977 version. But Aja did an awesome job from beginning to the end with the re-make. If you don't know the story its about a family that gets stuck out in the middle of nowhere in Mexico when their car breaks down. An area originally used by the U.S. Government for nuclear testing that was intended to be empty...or so they thought? Well some of the locals refused to leave! When the radiation and everything hit it changed them. And you can pretty much guess the rest. But I went not even knowing you know what The hills have eyes is or anything. Well those motha freakin HILLS have EYES! Because the movie was crazy, sick, wicked, twisted, and well will throw demented in there to. But I recommend anyone that likes horror movies to go see this one. I went with my friend Jeff, Chase, and this girl Natalie which jumped like every 5 minutes of the movie! Its scary and creepy and did I mention GORY! But not as bad as High tension but still bad! Anyway I'm glad I went and saw it, but I don't know if I could handle it again. Like it was a good movie I am glad I saw it but I would not want to experience it again! Too disturbing for p, But I rate it 7.0. Actually I just rented some movies tonight and I'm kicking back cause I fell off my roof trying to get a Hacky Sack. It's a long story! But my shin is messed up. I fell off the roof onto this brick wall type thing and scraped it up real bad. I thought I broke it or shattered it. But ahh blah it's going to be okay. Anyway that is the end of this post blog dawg! L8r!
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Pretty good for 50cent movie but no 8 mile
9 November 2005
I went to see this movie the first day It came out. I was eager to see it and had really hi expectations for it. I knew it that it was based somewhat from is story or his actual story. But either way it started off pretty good then led more into the story. But Overall there is some intense movie sequences which I didn't expect. I really start to feel for 50 cent's character which his Marcus in the movie. But It even showed some childhood scenes which really made me feel sad for him. But I went expecting to see a more 8 mile type of movie. If that is what type of movie your expecting this to be. You will be disappointed! But it had a lot of good scenes of 50 in the booth and his struggle so overall I gave it a 6.0
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