
3 Reviews
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Soap Opera of an Alien Invasion, avoid
17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible Show, only stuck with it because I invested too much time.

Asian plot hardly makes sense. Character only cares about herself and no one else. Somehow gets away with being a brat. Let alone how they let her stick around after breaking the upteen times. Picks out a ship signal seemingly just by looking at a screen with 1000's of other little dots.

Kids are annoyingly written. Kids ways screaming

Somehow a militia takes down army transport by blowing one of the 8 tires out. Next thing it magically flips over.

London part of the show is OK if they would stick with it for more then 5 minutes at a time. Timeline is line this.. boring.. boring.. boring.. semi exciting.. back to boring.. boring and repeats.

Avoid, can't believe it's been picked up for season 2. Plus the writers seemed to not have read the reviews.
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Excellent Romantic Comedy
17 June 2007
Just got back from the Maui Film Festival where this film was shown. I'd have to say that I was pleasantly surprised on how good this movie actually was.

Michelle Pfeiffer and Pual Rudd have great chemistry throughout the whole movie. Jon Lovitz appears in the film also and adds a great comedic experience to the film. He stars as Michelle's ex-husband in the movie and I laughed every time the both of them were on screen together.

Pual Rudd was fantastic in this movie and it shows what he can do when given co-top billing in a comedy. He was great in 40-year old virgin and in this he is no different.

The movie has the same type of feel of Clueless, as it should, their both directed by the same person. Give this movie a chance, it was funny and kept you entertained throughout the whole movie.

I didn't give too much detail as you can tell, i just wanted to let you know a little bit of what to expect and how well the actors/actress's come together in this movie.

Great date movie/or a movie to take your significant other. I promise you'll both have lots of laughs.
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The Beast (1975)
I've seen a lot of strange films..but.....
23 August 2005
this one is out there. Not much to say about it except that it deals with a rarely touched topic in films of beastiality. I can see why this film was banned for so long, the topics dealt within the film are still a little taboo for most of the world will say the eroticism in the film is well deserved and fits in with the mood of the film. It's a good film that is well acted and serves a purpose shock the viewer and cross boundaries that we don't see to often in films. I came across this film on the net that I thought I might check out. I enjoyed the film as it is thought provoking and somewhat erotic at the same time. Something you don't rarely see in films today.
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