
295 Reviews
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Ok but dated
16 May 2022
It was ok but was a bit dated, some laughs but in the whole just did not feel the same as the previous Jack-Ass films. It might be worthy of a watch for most Jack Ass fans but 1 viewing should be more than enough.
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Firestarter (2022)
How to make a bad movie
16 May 2022
Firestarter (1984) was not great but I did enjoy it this remake is a prime example of how to make an average film a bad film. The casting is pretty poor and the rest well its awful really perplexed to who approves these awful movies we are constantly having thrown at us.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
They Disney get it
10 March 2022
Disney just doesn't get it or they do but don't care and just want to cash in. This is horrible it just is they have ruined Boba Fett. I am not angry just disgusted by Disney and Lucasfilm... I lied I am a tad angry and that's at George Lucas you caused this nonsense.

Wow seriously this offended people and they got it taken down. What is wrong with people and the cancel culture that cannot handle the truth.
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Projectile Vomit
1 March 2022
The movie should be projected into the void and hopefully never resurface and why you may ask? Cos-mon-aut think this is a good movie.

Surely my pun is not as bad as the film....surely not!
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1883 (2021–2022)
1 March 2022
This is good an much much better than Yellowstone, however oh my is it depressing.

Oh its too short ok I'll just wait until it gets the thumbs down from the Yellowstone brigade.
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No Exit (I) (2022)
There is an exit its called stop button
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was average and really predictable, after 15 minutes I could tell 3 were involved. Then you have the cliché stupid decisions no they do not lead to suspense they just make people any sort of intelligence sigh and shake their head.

Why if you have the gun would you run away and the nail gun on the car just farking naw! It always annoys me silly decisions. Now if I had a gun and didnt want to kill then I shoot both their knee caps and arms as they're not moving unless they're Michael Myers.

The end scene was just utter pointless.
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Netflix just stop
21 February 2022
Yet another Netflix failure this is basically Michael Myers meets Norman Bates and a dude with a chainsaw. 3 Stars for a little gore but as for the rest barely passible.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Overhyped nonsense
16 February 2022
Massively overhyped and the epitome of how weird modern people are most of the characters extremely unlikeable however it appears people like horrible nasty people. The good people are disliked. Its basically Dallas with foul mouthed nasty people in a fantasy world of the unbelievable. Yes GOT had this but GOT was pure fantasy this is supposed to be realism but its far from it. Yes I watched all 4 season and it did start of well but soon it was 90% nonsense and watched to see how much more nonsensical it would get.
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Cobra Kai: Let's Begin (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Season 4 is NOT Cobra Kai
1 January 2022
This is no longer Cobra Kai and putting the odd bit of flashback is not going to fix that. Its just a dumb team drama now and like lots of Netflix series they do not know when to quit whilst ahead. This show was good but that was mostly pre Netflix. Clearly constantly voted up by Netflixophiles.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Don't Look Down at me
30 December 2021
I start studded cast who likely were bored during lockdown so had to appear in something I guess. Not a bad movie but what is it actually? Its not all that funny and too stupid to be serious. Then we have the misguided stereotype that the whole planet revolves around the US erm NO So the rest of the planet will just wait until the US decides whether or not to do anything hahaha The most comical part is people actually believe this.
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Title is the rating value
29 December 2021
This movie is definitely a zero or one max. I was worried when Ethan thought he had to promote the film at the start... really! I must admit I never finished the movie as it was making me fall asleep and turned off half way through.

I put on Transylvania 6-5000 instead now there is a terrible movie that is watchable.
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Triple Spidey is just the tops
24 December 2021
Loved it, I really enjoyed all the Spiderman movies but this just tops it all, to have all 3 in one movie as well as some villains of the past just awesome. Nothing against the Disney Marvel Verse and Avenger however Disney is just full in your face. I felt this was more down to earth didn't try to hard and thank you Sony for making this and the true Spiderman the funny cool superhero that just wants everyone to feel the love.
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Good Mormon Tonga
12 December 2021
Thoroughly a pile of crap. What is more perplexing is how I ever came to watch this nonsense. Bringing the dead kid alive was enough for me, THE END!

Sorry, your review is too short. Tough I am done with this matter.
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Social Media is bad
5 December 2021
This was a decent animation about the dangers of social media and devices such as alexa, siri etc. Though strangely enough Disney one if not the worst for milking kids and their parents.

There is no such thing as privacy this millennium.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Scare mongering
4 December 2021
A 4 for the comedy aspect but its really about scaremongering from the middle class on Global Warming and lets see how woke you can go. Ticks all the boxes yet again, it appears that is all that matters these days. Dick you tick all the boxes for representation.
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Try Harder
25 November 2021
This does not resemble the 80s at all. Being an 80s child and 8-Bit Gamer there was very little like the 80s other than a few references and a Nintendo.

Its not all that funny and basically a rip-off of A Christmas Story.

Not a terrible movie but not a great one either.
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A fitting Tribute
21 November 2021
This was the tribute that Harold and Ghostbusters deserved, the reboot did not work and it missed the mark.

This movie is not perfect and is slow to take off, however its sticks to the old tested formula that worked in the original two movies. There is not a lot of comedy value and I was the only one in the cinema that got the Algebra joke. However what the movie makes up with is the nostalgia and the final 30 minutes a rollercoaster of emotions I had tear of joy and sadness. You could just sense the remaining trio coming back and I wont spoil the rest.

Im sure there will be a follow up and would be nice to see some of the others have their kids grandkids included and maybe an adult Oscar the baby from Ghostbuster 2.
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Copshop (2021)
Mixed Bag
20 November 2021
Somethings are good, some are bad and the rest is stupid. The story is messy, every cop apart from the female are dumb which seems to be the norm these days. It has the worst CGI fire that I have seen in a while I suspect these people have never ever seen a building fire.
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14 November 2021
A decent watch, lots of action. A total Tarantino rip-off though lacking in the musical score. All the cliches are there and to be fair a violent fantasy western spoof worthy of a watch and better than 90% of the Netflix content.
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Red Notice (2021)
13 November 2021
Nothing new full of plagiarism even had to go with the Indiana Jones Nazi link. The so called twist was so predictable and would have been a real twist if it didn't happen as everybody who watched it should have seen it coming.

It is decent fun but any votes over 7 are really at it though some have mentioned the never seen the twists coming hahaha that explain more about the viewer than the movie.
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Seen more action in a morgue
13 November 2021
The Theme song is good, the narration ok a cross of Batman TV series and The Twilight Zone, the acting is passable however that's it nothing really happens.
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Finch (2021)
12 November 2021
Its ok. However the robot knows how to nod but not how to walk. Why does it sound like Borat? Finch is apparently a genius and can build these fantastic robots but cannot figure out how to grow plants and food inside the mage secure power fortress he has. So lets travel out into the unknown on the search of food thats been lying for 10 years even though I know I am dying. All this for a dog now given it has been 10 years the dog is likely at least 10 and being a mid sized dog has a likely lifespan of 12-15 seem a lot of much ado about nothing.
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Time for stupidO'clock
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rating of 4 purely for the gore however what an extremely dumb movie. Now yeah we know he cannot die but come on now fire proof 'rolls eyes'. However that is not the worst there's a massacre and the fire crew and 1st response been slain and here is no police on the hunt they're all at the hospital hmm K. Then yeah we'll hunt him down yet split up sure that's what you do. There's about 5 police in the show this is 2021 and we are to believe a hospital is allowed to have a village idiot riot whilst they all watch the lynch mob. So he killed one car but we'll go to his old house, drive up with the lights out incase he sees us but I'll knock on the door for good measure hahaha seriously writers was this comedy writing deliberate? Then the last 15 minutes lol whatever!

Now if I was the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz I might have enjoyed this movie as its clearly aimed towards people without a brain than just dont think.
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Y: The Last Man: Victoria (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Y:ass The Last Wan
2 November 2021
Just had to put the Title in. The show was an Epic failure. Rarely if at all have I watched a show where I do not actually like any of the main characters and on top of that a terrible messy story that for the most of stupid and pointless. Y:es The Last Wan. I have never read the comics though unlikely this show gave it any justice, a Walking Dead wannabe which walked to its death. Over and out!
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Y: The Last Man: Peppers (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
It just gets worse
30 October 2021
This was just nonsense. Very little made any sense just pointless needless violence and the story all over the place. I fully understand why this show was cancelled after a few episodes.
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