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In the Deep Woods (1992 TV Movie)
Meandering psychological thriller
1 June 2024
In the Deep Woods is a meandering psychological thriller regarding a serial killer. It wanders over the many red herrings and possibilities to the extent that the plot becomes pointless. When the resolution finally comes, the thrill is long gone from the movie. And even though it meandering, it felt contained at the same time. So dissatisfaction is had all the way around it.

Rosanna Arquette is sufficient in the role as the lead, but her histrionic expression starts to wear by the second half. Anthony Perkins (in his last film) brings a decent intensity to his character, but his motivation is minute to the nature of the plot points for his character. It's almost as if he's too good an actor for this film. The rest of the cast are adequate, but at times, they can go too far into stereotypical behaviors.

The film starts out with enough tension to carry a TV or cable film. Unfortunately, it peters out into dulled plodding step by step plot points. I yawned at the end, and was frustrated by the lack of closure to the characters after the killer was identified.
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Rust Creek (2018)
This one is quiet yet powerful.
27 May 2024
Rust Ceeek tells the tale of the old story of "Don't take short cuts in the woods" and "Rednecks will get you!" What is a pleasant surprise is the fact that the Rednecks are just that: people who live in an extreme isolated rural area. They aren't cannibals.

What unfolds is a story of illegal activity, the nature of men who engage in this, and the greed that fuels them. And yet, there are some counterpoints to this more base desperate type of man. And here is the core of this film.

The female lead, Sawyer, displays determination and grit of someone who knows life doesn't just hand you things. Lowel is the man in the wild that has some sense of morality, even with his damaged heart.

While nothing new is done with plotting and points inside the movie, the focus on the psychological aspects of the characters is intriguing. This is especially true as it isn't about tension, but the unfolding of what lies beneath the hard exterior that many of us have, particularly in desperate situations.
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Atlas (2024)
A 4 because it looked good?
26 May 2024
Atlas stars Jennifer Lopez as a specialist in AI in the future who is trying to stop AI from destroying human kind. Uh huh.

This film pushes Ms. Lopez to stretch her acting abilities. And the stretching breaks her range within the first 15 minutes of the film. Ms. Lopez is woefully miscast. Her anger is as adolescent as can be for an adult woman hell bent on destroying the AI robot behind all of this. Granted, he was created by her mother, but still, Ms. Lopez guns from intense special agent to tantruming adolescent to agitated "Jenny from the Block" attitude. Amazing!

The overall quality of the movie is decent with much of it living in special effects that don't look horrible. The plot overall is nice and somewhat quaint for a futuristic story. And the develop that Ms. Lopez's character has with another character is decent.

And that's why I gave it a 4 rather than anything lower. Overall, this movie misses the mark across the board. There are several actresses that have does this type of character much better and more realistically. Too bad Ms. Lopez (who is also a producer) felt the need for her to star in this. It could have been a decent B sci-fi film.
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Madame Web (2024)
Not Horrible, but Not Very Good Either
24 May 2024
Madame Web established a simple concept for an origin story, then they made it convoluted with their attempts of time travel. But the worse failure on the maker's part is that they made it boring.

So, a woman is seeking a particular spider while heavily pregnant so she can harness the apparent healing properties to make "medical miracles." And their is a legend of "Spider People" who live in the jungle around this spider.

Now that child is Dakota Johnson, paramedic in NYC (I believe). She starts having "visions" of events to occur. She goes about following these to avert damage.

I give Dakota Johnson a half round of applause. The first half of the film she actually displaced emotions in her performance, more than I've seen her in any other film. (Maybe in Bad Times of the El Royale she displayed some level of emotion.)

The story next incorporated three teen girls for fun (?) as they become integral to the plot. But "Surprise!" Do they really matter?

I was having fun with the film in the first half. Then all these surprise elements kept coming. And Ms. Johnson would limp to another idea, sigh, ponder, and then limp to another scene. And the teens were perfect stereotypes of the main three tropes, and clash with each other. Doing nothing for the plot.

Madame Web feels like they started with something that could have at least been fun. But everyone seemed to become lethargic, and the plot unfolded as if it was an improv game: "Yes, and..." This made the second half drag from scene to scene.

So a 4 for some of the fun to be had. Ms. Johnson display a glint of depth, and that is more than I typically see from her. A couple cool concepts were on display. But over it was a waste and probably deserved a 2-3.
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Quiet and steady, methodical, captivating
18 May 2024
The Accountant is my personal choice for Ben Affleck's best acting in his career. He embodies this character wonderfully, showcasing the divergent neurology, the brutality of his upbringing, and moments of humanness that is genuine. The plot has an interesting puzzle to it, and while it isn't enigmatic, it does offer us enough to maintain propulsion of the narrative. But, the film isn't about a mystery. It is something more.

This movie has a methodical quality in its pacing, and this mirrors the main character in how he approaches his life. This may throw some people off this film as it isn't action oriented enough with typical fast pacing, fast cuts, and fast quips. This film is quiet given the internal focus of the main character. If you can get past this, there is a deep and rich film and story being shared here.
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I wanted to like it more
17 May 2024
The Last Voyage is a nice looking film. The story elements are solid. Characters have depth and heft to them. The dilemmas and threats in the film bring the needed tension and suspense so that you'll be near the edge of your seats.

And "near" is what this film masters, but unfortunately, that leaves a bit left out of it.

The confines of a ship create a tense atmosphere. And, at the same time, the close quarters lends a sense of impracticality to the story unfolding with realistic expectations. (I know; a film about a vampire shouldn't be expected to be realistic.) But, the fact there is a supernatural creature preying on the crew of the ship without earlier awareness of it occurring is implausible.

While I did like the film, it felt of having a lesser overall experience. The pieces were all there, but they never quite came together for a better film. Quality pieces, but somehow there are key pieces missing from the overall product.
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A Semi-Decent Film
17 May 2024
The Blackening is a parody film. It parodies horror films similarly to the Scary Movie franchise and the A Haunted House films, but it doesn't go to the level of absurdity or stupidity of those films. It also parodies "Black" films as it hits upon the tropes that can be present in the cultural stereotypes of the Black community.

As a parody of horror, The Blackening has enough grit to make is okay as a horror film. It hits the needed elements for a "Black" film. It offers about half of what it needs for a parody film. There are some laughs largely from what absurd elements and stereotypical elements on display, but it doesn't rise to the level of humor for enough laughs. The blending of the two elements is adequate, but they don't meld together enough to elevate each other for a better product. And that's too bad.

Acting is good. Story is decent. Production is of good quality. The film plays well. It just doesn't do enough with the materials it has. And that's disappointing.
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Infested (2023)
Miserable situation and people. Plus, Spiders!
5 May 2024
So, some guys caoture spiders foe the black market selling. But not before we realize these are highly poisonous spiders. And then a guy buys one for his home "vivarium." And of course, it gets out of his cage. And it infests the building, having more spiders that mutate to larger and larger sizes.

First, the building and people in it are in a downtrodden state. And they are just miserable with each other. Second, the building is rather dark making much of what happens difficult to see. Third, the people are generally upset with each other most of the time.

The spiders almost seem secondary to the film. They are added to make the situation more difficult for the characters in their misery. Fun!

Of course there's attempts at character development so we can feel something for the people as spiders start attacking the residents. But, there isn't much to develop given the misery of these lives.

Oh! And don't forget oppression by the state in terms the police being hindered by "protocol."

Just kind of a bummer of a film with blah feelings. Not that scary, and not that engaging.
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Mean Spirited (2022)
Weak YouTuber failing
5 May 2024
Mean Spirited is housed with Man Childs who try to be successful doing pranks on YouTube. And the main guy holds a grudge for his best friend that left and because Hollywood famous. So, first guy wants to do an expose video about why his friend left him and show everyone what's wrong with said famous friend.

Just on that, this film packs a high annoyance factor. Now add in something supernatural is happen. To annoying Bros with grudges. Wow! Torturous.

So something happened in the past on to the friend who left when the two were making a video prank. And that was the start of all the trouble. Huh. Inspiring.

Nothing new here. Nothing very interesting. It looks decent on camera. Beyond that, I was bored, and I didn't care for any of the characters. So the non-ending doesn't hold much in terms of giving much meaning to this derivative lackluster of a movie.
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The Jester (II) (2023)
Flat Terrifier that tries for morality
4 May 2024
The Jester sets it's self with a supernatural element of a masked silent man. So Terrifier but spooky, except there isn't enough gore to equal Terrifier. And the overall tone and acting in the film maintains a slow, flat, two dimensional quality. Ho Hum. (And I'm not a huge fan of the Terrifier films either, but they pack a punch.)

The other element they added to The Jester is that there is a morality element to it. They try to humanize the characters. But, this just polarizes characters into one main quality without given much possibility for growth. Not that I'm looking for growth in a horror film, but when the makers add morality to the plot motivations, I would hope for something a bit more than this saccharine attempt of adding depth to this film.

So in summary, less bloody than Terrifier. Less tense than Terrifier. Trying to copy Terrifier and upgrade with characters and morality aspects. More flat of a film. Ho Hum.
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Low rent drivel
2 May 2024
This film tries hard to say something inside if a haunted setting. Unfortunately, the message isn't very subtle, and the messaging is heavy handed. The characters are one dimensional, and the plotting suffers with similar one note points.

I'm confused on the haunted part of the story as this isn't really present other than as a setting element. Otherwise, the plot is just people who aren't willing to be honest with each other. Oh, and one character is Muslim, for whatever that is worth. And that seems to be a point of prejudice.

The plotting has many slow and dull moments. They seemed to just fill time with anything they could find to point the camera. Or have random emoting from the movie actors. Or over the top stereotypical behaviors.

And, don't expect much clarification about what is happening or what happened. They don't offer much except a cliched twist, leaving the story pointless from the supernatural elements that they don't explore. Amazing that mildly deranged hatred is a major point in a movie.

You can skip this one without any worries.
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Haunting Fear (1990 Video)
Hokey low rent production.
29 April 2024
Woman is haunted by nightmares. Her husband doesn't care much as he's having an affair wirh his secretary. Dumb husband needs money. They plot to kill his wife. She has something Freaky buried deep inside her. Don't wake it though.

Production values are low and match a home video quality. Dialogue is basic, acting subadequate. Storyline is basic ABC with a few moments that drew illogical questions to me. (We see two dreams, but neither are of the fear the character describes. Motivation is low for characters. Outcome feels forced with a twist just because why not?

Overall, slow moving, simple plotting, amateur acting, middle storyline, and an ending that lacks clarity make this movie boring.
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Love not Hate.
21 April 2024
Prey for thr Devil looks at a young nun who is self compelled to study for the exorcism rites. She can only participate on the nursing and caretaking side, given that only males are able to lead the rites. And the church is being more progressive in their approach, employing more extensive medical and psychological evaluations before a person is ever considered to be possessed, and thus there are more strict rules for the rites of exorcism to be used.

That's the storyline for this movie. But that's not the movie. The young nun has a personal connection to possession as she believes her abusive mother was possessed. (This is revealed early in the movie, and thus not a spoiler for the plot.)

While there is some modern feminism fight displayed in the patriarchal structure of the Catholic church, that isn't the heavy issue at play. What is more prominent is how the Church goes about exorcism. And in that process, the movie is able to show the terror and humanity at stake with possession.

Good film worth a watch.
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Enmeshed Daughter?
16 April 2024
Eternal Daughter is a contemplative film, seeped in the British traditions. Somehow, this film made a slow contemplative process even slower. Nothing much happens other than polite apologetic conversation and avoidance between a mother and a daughter (both played well by Tilda Swinton).

And then they continue with their conversations, and remembrance, and avoidance. And Tilda takes her dog for a walk. Oh wait! It's Christmas time! And her mother's birthday!

I won't spoil the plot of the film. Nor will I spoil the slow, ponderous, unsurprising turn of events that ends the film. Polite, reserved, British folks don't make for an exciting film.
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Enys Men (2022)
Slow contemplative film aiming for something
16 April 2024
Enys Men is a slow contemplative film. Little dialogue is present as it is largely a one woman show. We see her actions and existence as she monitors a rare flower on an isolated island off the Cornish coast.

Ans this is where reality stops. The production and quality of the film give it a decidedly 70s grainy feeling, and this fits the time period I believe the film is set. So, it makes sense that there are some experimental elements to the production in terms of camera angels, how the story unfolds, and some of the random images that they present. As the movie progresses, the main character appears to struggle even more with what is real and not real.

That all being said, this movie makes no real effort to have clarity of the story. The woman is on the island. She appears to go a bit mad. There are other suggestions as to what could have happened to her, why she would choose this assignment, as it is rather isolated. Other than that, nothing is meant to make sense.

So I guess enjoy it for it's uniqueness. There isn't going to be much more to get from this film.
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Dull, Adolescent 80s inspired Frankenstein (?) Movie
15 April 2024
I had some expectations for this film. Juno had excellent writing, and Diablo Cody showed us how to do a teenage horror film with bite, wit, and sarcasm with Jennifer's Boday. Somehow, she wrote this tired retred of stereotypical 80s film infused with her still there biting sarcasm and feminism. That I will give her.

But the film unfortunately takes a candy coated approach that leaves us in this world being shown fluffy toys and saying there is meaning and feeling inside of it.

What I saw was selfishness, and cruelty. There was no one that presented as deserving of any empathy or sympathy. Everyone had a trademarked flaw right from a John Hughes film. Ho Hum. The resolution seemed trite and meaningless after all the events of the film. Oh well.

Maybe something can be done to improve these crossover films, but I guess that would take the specialness of Jennifer's Body, and Freaky to combine feminism, social commentary, and horror. This was the film to do it.
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Baghead (2023)
Not bad if imperfect and slightly dull
13 April 2024
Baghead starts with an act of desperation and quickly moves to a character at her ends and needing help. Viola! Here comes something to help! Except there is a catch. And desperation makes for desperate behaviors.

Baghead has an interesting concept, and it keeps attention to this element. It is a slow burn anxiety that is there to feel, but unfortunately, the choices that lead to chaos are too obvious in the story.

And that's too bad. The movie as a whole is decent. But the path to get to the end left me annoyed with all the motivations of the characters involved. Bad choices, and poor communication make the needed events to reach the climax happen, and this infuses the movie with tired tropes of these types of films. Otherwise, it could have been better.

A 6 for the overall production and quality of acting as it elevates the film.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Interesting but repetitive of themes
10 April 2024
The film is well produced, looks good, and offers an interesting start to what is ultimately a retread of previous stories. The concept of how things happen is interesting, although it isn't fleshed out well. Then, the story circles familiar ground as the plot plays out in similar patterns with much surprise.

And that is the problem with this film. The general steps of the plot are tropes for these films. 1. Rowdy teens are thrill seeking. 2. Awkward teen is problematic due to her grief over the death of her mother. 3. Adolescent ignorance and excess creates further complications with supernatural elements. 4. The inevitable occurs as the teens can't organize a realistic plan and act impulsively. Fie!

There's nothing wrong either this film. It was an enjoyable watch. It has creepy factors and the supernatural touch. The annoying teenage characters don't help the film as they aren't likeable, appear almost bullying, and make the worst decisions. All of that just creates a disconnect between caring and the scares. Ultimately, the new idea for how the supernatural plays out can't overcome the mild lackluster story that repeats major concepts from the genre.
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Heat (2023– )
Overwrote melodrama that's nonsensical
10 April 2024
Heat details two families vacationing at one's new home in rural and somewhat isolated Australian outback. Plus, there's a brush fire that builds to to a more rampant forest fire.

Sounds good and intriguing? It begins that way in the first episode. A secret is revealed that is kept silent and potentially is dangerous. Then, more and more, and more secrets are unveiled. Everyone seems to have a secret or knows of a secret. And they keep escalating in terms of the intensity, culminating to a level of absurdity.

And that's what makes this miniseries ultimately fail. Each of the secrets ups the level of betrayal. And the last couple of secrets push the boundaries of that reality, keeping track with implausible elements one after the other. And that just makes this a muddled mess that wants to be dramatic, but barely leaves the real of a soap opera.
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Not certain what this supposed to be
10 April 2024
Can awkward and uncomfortable be a horror film? Any type of horror?

Nicolas Cage (with yet again a bizarre haircut) plays a college professor that suddenly starts appearing in random people's dreams. He's an awkward nerdy person that appears to be desperate for attention and accolades. But, he's all thought and no action.

The movie progresses through stages of what this unknown experience is, the famousness from people knowing him, etc. But this turns to notoriety as things turn negative and the people turn against the old Nic.

I found this film mildly intriguing as it started, with the unknown element of the character just appearing in others' dreams. But, the social commentary they are trying to achieve turns to esoteric meta commentary. Huh? They were working toward something, but the ending clashed with the abstract outcomes and overall ambiguous ending, it didn't leave me with much of anything.

Mr. Cage is excellent in the uncomfortable character. And the production is excellent. But I just didn't have much feeling about it in the end.
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Mute Witness (1995)
Decent concept, execution falters
7 April 2024
Mute Witness is a 1995 film of a slasher film production in Russia. (Who knows.) The special effects person is mute, while her sister is dating the director and on the production team and acts as her intrepter.

The mute woman witnesses a snuff film in the studio after hours and becomes embroiled in a serious Russian conspiracy with two men hunting her. All of this is quite gripping and tense. There is an attempt for black humor that is nice but also put of place given how goofy it is.

But the larger element that brought the film down for me is the choppy nature of the plot and presentation. The production looks poorly done, but this could simply be an attempt to look like downtrodden Russia. Then, there is some stylized acting that puts the star in an almost pantomime performance; I guess this is to counter her inability to speak and show her emotions.

Overall, an interesting idea with so-so production values mired by a cut and paste quality to the narrative. One bonus point for the mute woman lead being the smartest characters in the film.
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Trying for camp, and they overshot it
7 April 2024
Summoning Sylvia is a perfectly fine campy film of a gay supernatural story. It has all the elements that are needed: haunted house, spooky backstory, believers, and enough confusion that no one really understands what is happening.

Then, the mistakes start. The shrill stereotypes that are indicative of "gay culture" dominate the film. And they are so strong that even the "straight" character has to become the epitome of a ignorant homophobe with all the inkling of being a violent repressed soul. Ho Hum.

I want representation and love the ideas of what this film is trying to do. I'm frustrated that representation of gay has to be a certain way: shrill, effeminate, queeny, and all leading to a drag performance.

Do they know that there is a full range of gay men out there? Is Adam Pauley on Happy Endings one of the few images of a gay man I can somewhat relate to because he's just a guy who likes men?
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Night Swim (2024)
Moments of good, but overall dull
7 April 2024
Night Swim starts off with an intriguing opening concept. There's something with the pool! And the establishment of the main story is good. Family is moving to a new local, and buys the home with the pool. The husband has a medical issue and the pool is a plus for his therapy. Next, esblishing moments of creepiness are well done, and present that there is real danger here!

Moving into the second act, we get some suburban conflict. And slight ideas of "Oh yeah, this is happening." This is a decided shift away from the strong start.

The third act becomes water logged with trying to piece together the storyline. And this feels bare bones, as if they tacked a few points to flesh out the idea. But, they only hint at what this is. And it's rather uneventful. Sigh.

I can see how a short film would be intriguing and creepy. The opening and first act are well crafted. But, the rest of the movie just seems to be tacked on ideas so the storyline can fill a 90 minute run. Could have been much better, but they lost track of the chills and scares, leaving us with little for the rest of the film.
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The Bone Garden (II) (2016)
Adult Community Film Making?
3 April 2024
I could handle the low budget at first. I could handle the so-so acting at first. Then, things just kept getting worse. And worse. And worse.

I don't understand the plot much. Men are cheaters, abusers, and occasionally nice. Women need support so they can be independent. Unless they are psychopathic. Oooooh my.

As the paper thin plot unfolds, things make less and less sense. And as people are supposed to lose themselves, acting turned to "What is the most common way we can convey that I'm a homicidal manic? Yeah, do it that way! Really over the top!" Sadly, the acting over the top is still a mediocre display of trite 1 note behaviors. Ho and a Hum.

Not worth anything really.
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Lift (I) (2024)
Tries to be a heist film
10 March 2024
Kevin Hart tries to lead a heist. But, he doesn't appear to have the smarts to head an operation that requires intelligence, skill, and cunning. Maybe because he has others to do the main tasks, he can get by?

Why am I focusing on Kevin Hart for a review? He sets the tone for the film. The film can only be as smart, sly, or sexy as he can be. "Cool Dork" is about the most Kevin can muster in most of his films. He's too much of a jokester to be sauve and savy. The film never escapes Kevin's orbit of his comedy shtick. Surprisingly, Kevin does manage to emit some idea of charm and basic competence. But, George Clooney he is not.

And that's the problem with this film. It's trying for Ocean's 11, but it doesn't stock the plot with any elements to create tension, excitement, or guile. There's enough hint of Kevin's humor that the film can't escape a sense of parody. The elements of the plot occur as excepted and the firework of excitement has a bit of smoke and then nothing. Dud!

By the numbers, almost dull in execution, and stifled by its star, Lift only gets you up half a story. (Even the name "Lift" comes from their name they use to mean "steal": We lifted it! Neat.)
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