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Aftermath (IV) (2017)
Sad retelling of tragic 2002 Überlingen mid-air collision
7 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The reviews I have read so far discuss the movie as a drama. Some refer to its factual basis but none display knowledge of the actual event, the 2002 Überlingen mid-air collision in Europe, between a US registered B757 DHL Air Freighter and a Russian Tupoleve airliner carrying many schoolchildren.

The event in the.movie was transposed to the US. An interested reader can Google the event. It's true that a Russian parent of one of the children killed, joined the search and found his daughter's body. He then murdered the blameless air traffic controller in front of his family. He served only a few years in prison and returned to Russia where he was decorated by the brutal Russian regime as a hero. He accepted the honour without remorse.

A number of managers of the Swiss sir traffic control company were charged with manslaughter, for the poor state of the equipment in the enroute control centre (not an airport tower as shown in the movie) and its chronic under staffing. The controller was blameless. One reviewer said it lacked credibility that a control centre could be left with only one controller on duty and with phone lines out of order. But this was exactly the case.

Victim relatives compensation was outrageously low, pegged by Swiss law. However other legal cases were brought in other jurisdictions.

In reality there was no follow up revenge mission by a son of the murdered controller, added as a dramatic ending by the profucers of the movie.
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Doctor Finlay (1993–1996)
Beautifully realised
22 May 2023
A beautifully realised, sublime, and natural production. All of the cast were excellent. David Rintoul as Dr Finlay a terse, bottled-up, highly moral, human character. The wonderful Ian Bannen, so tragedly killed in a motor vehicle accident only a few years after the series ended, who's nuanced performance as the elder Dr Cameron, once mentor of Finlay and now partner. A young Jason Flemyng in the first series, added flavour and his character might have been further developed had he stayed in the series longer; Jackie Morison a delightful Rhona; the incomparable Annette Crosby as housekeeper Janet; and Ralph Riach as the somewhat 'oily' self important Dr Gilmore. All masters of their acting trade and a delight to watch. All this set against the beauty of the Scottish countryside.
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In a word: Boring!
22 May 2023
Yet another prequel with technology far higher than even the Next Gen. Dull, overly 'wordy' scripts. And a cast just for the most part either just walking through their lines or trying to inject too much of their own 'schtick' into the character played (eg: wise cracking 'Ortega', answering back to orders - Captain Picard would have her in the brig). A second in command like a store dummy - occasionally but rarely animated (does she actually have a role on the starship? A 'Spock' who clearly has never seen old footage of the great Leonard Nimoy. And the medical staff!? What can I say? All I just mumbling on. Our captain is the only character seemingly comfortable in his own skin. I gave up in episode 6. It was just too tedious to continue with.
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A sweet movie - with a touch of unreality
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have always liked Marcel Pagnol stories. And I am a long term fan of the great Daniel Auteuil, an actor who can play drama and tragedy but who has an instinct for comedic figures.

I can't fault this movie's production values. Its setting in the warmth of Provence, superb photography bringing out the best of that regions scenery. The construct shows French culture with its tradition with humour and zest. A delight to the eyes and heartwarming to boot. I enjoyed it.

At heart its the Cinderella fairy story of the poor girl (not so poor here) gets the 'prince'.

But it's not just the fairy tale base that gives a sence of unreality, of a scenario in a vacuum. It's the early days of WW2. Our young 'prince's dashing Armée De L'air fighter pilot, returns from the (assumed) dead. All is happy again. Apart from a casual reference to France having lost the war, there is none of the sense of despair at Northern France at this stage, under Nazi occupation. No sense of tragedy. No reference to our patriotic fighter pilot about to leave to put himself again in harm's way, to fight with deGaulle and the Free French, with Britain's RAF's heroic 'backs to the wall' last ditch defence - as many French and other European pilots: Polish, Dutch, Czech, etc, did.
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Colombiana (2011)
Ho hum. Nikita II
4 February 2023
I wish this IMDB mob would let us make short, pithy reviews. One can say a lot with a few words.

Ho hum. Lumbering. Clumsy. Another super duper female assassin. Well, it IS Luc Besson, the flash in the pan who just writes the same movie, different woman, over and over again. Well the French make good comedies, and romances, and reasonable attempts at film noir crim stories, but are not a patch on the Americans, who invented film noir. Ever seen a French western? Well, lucky if you haven't. Strewth they want more ... Really there's not much more to add about this, not quite stinker, but boring movie. Its full of totally implausible scenarios, but hey, she is a super being, isn't she. Outfights tough macho men. Bulletproof. 100% hit unerring shot. Able to slither through drainpipes. Almost can leap tall bindings in a single leap. Faster than a speeding bullet (sound familiar?) And formula one driver to boot.
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David vs Goliath. Goliath won.
28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Its difficult to pad this out to the required 600 characters. Why can't a pithy review do?

OK. Well the plot is well known. The Pepsi Co pitched the adds at teenagers but the corporate, cold blooded judge disallowed the plaintiff to depose Pepsi executives, then disallowed a jury trial which might have allowed real people, targets of the advertising, to judge the misleading conduct of the company. She determined that a 'reasonable' person, clearly a clear thinking infomed adult (not the ads target audience) would conclude that the ad was a joke.

While it's most unlikely that the young guy woud actually get a then US$39 million military jet, Pepsi got away scott free. Wrong.

I'm surprised it was not appealed to the US Supreme Court. But hey, small guys don't have the budget of giant corporations, do they.

As a rider, demilitarised Harriers can now be bought from the bone yard at a knock down price. Some are actually now in private hands. Multi millionaire hands! The cost of getting them airborne, fuel and maintenance costs are only for the super rich, and corporations using them for air shows and movies.
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The Lost King (2022)
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film kept my interest. But it was sold as a comedy. But I thought it more of a detective story. The central character's obsession was essential to the discovery of the bones of Richard III. Her instincts as presented were 'spooky'. But I didn't like the apparitions of Richard III appearing throughout, as it trivialised the solid research work she had done, and made her appear to be 'flakey' and an object of comedy herself. Clearly for 'artistic' purposes her research process was truncated.

True, or again just to give the film some 'drama', her sidelining by the pompous nincompoops who had derided her search, which she largely financed, but who then claimed the credit for Richard's discovery, gave the film, to me, a nasty edge and ruined what should have been a 'happy ending' (perhaps I was affected by own life experience here - 'success has many fathers, failure is an orphan'. Sometimes it's better not to succeed. But I digress.)

Overall a good film that could have been much better had the subject matter been treated more seriously.
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Detective Montalbano: Il metodo Catalanotti (2021)
Season 15, Episode 1
Disappointing last episode
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess it was a case of. 'smash up the furniture' so nobody could continue the series.

I note that no writer was accredited to this episode. Nobody, I assume wanted to own it. I would have better accepted Montalbano being killed in action that the weak squib we got. Fallng in love at first sight with a mere girl, and brutally discarding Livia, who has been his 'girlfriend' over 36 of the 37 episodes .... over the phone!? I know it's just a story BUT ir leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth.

Yes the series long time director had died, as had the forensics doctor who jousted with Montalbano. And some of the actors were showing their age. But it's truly a tragedy that two of Camilari's books never made it to the screen.

Perhaps, the series coumd be resurrected for the last two books, via: the new girlfriend dumps Salvo, and he recovers from his mid life crisis, and gets on with the business of solving crimes - with or without a rekindling of his relationship with Livia???
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Irreverent (2022)
9 December 2022
Reminiscent of Lilllyhammer. Mafioso on witness protection takes over quirt Norwegian yown, populated by weirdos snd complete dummies. And vorrupts them in hilarious ways.

I have just started watching the series. As an Australian I am familiar with the image of quirky hillbillies that some movies pretend all Australians fit into. Not ttue ..... for most of us .... But ....

We have a breed of .... clumsy 'unpolished', unselfconsciosly semi-moronic hayseeds we call bogans. Many almost fit the characters in this production. To truly appreciate the humour of this program one needs to understand the often laconic, sometimes completely 'boof-headed', often self deprecatory style of Aussie humour. Some Yanks get it. Probably most don't. Americans tend to take themselves too seriously.
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A very pleasant surprise
23 October 2022
I didn't have a clue what to expect. I tead no reviews and went into the cinema 'cold', thinking it might have been a Phantom of the Opera on a golf course. It isn't.

Mark Rylance is a truly superb actor. From portraying the sophisticated Thomas Cromwell in Wolf Hall, to his Oscar-winning portrayal of the Russian spy Rudolph Abel, being exchanged in Bridge of Spies, to this remarkable transformation into the gormless, eternally optimistic Maurice Filtcroft. An actor of great range and precision. The supporting cast complement him well and are also brilliant in their understated naïvety. While a 'small' unheralded movie, Mr Rylance's characterisation is Osccar worthy.
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Beautiful and heartfelt
24 September 2022
I was unsure what this movie would bring me. Filmed in the 'classic' 4:3 ratio I was initially annoyed: don't the Irish film makers know about anamorphic widescreen lenses?

But this swiftly faded as the story of the poor, neglected and retiring girl unfolded. Perhaps it's because she is the spitting image of one of my granddaughters. But I quickly fell into the film's spell. Deeply moving. Heartfelt. Not much more to say.

Unfortunately I haven't written enough for the editors. Hmmmm. How to say more without spoilers?

Oh dear. It's a lovely film. Still not enough?

Warm, dad but uplifting. Sigh. Got there.
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Is David Cronenberg insane?
7 September 2022
How to describe the indescribable or review the unreviewable? Is Mr Cronenberg sane? On the basis of 'A History of Violence', a tight, well played story of crime and revenge, I would have said yes.

But this indescribable hodge podge of nonsense would indicate otherwise. Not wanting to put spoilers on every line restricts me - a lot. But it was one of perhaps two(?) movies in 70 years of movie watching that had me groaning internally, 'when will this end', and filled me with joy and relief when it finally did.

Was it a horror movie? Not really. The so called horrific bits were clearly, unspecial 'special effects'.

At one level however it WAS a horror: it was unintelligible nonsense, and worst of all, dead BORING. Paralysingly, mind numbingly so. Dull. BORING.

Looking at the end credits, so many producers, executive producers, co-executive producers, etc, were keen to get screen credit. Personally, had I been involved with this turkey, I would have run for the hills to avoid my name being associated with it! Perhaps the names were nondeplumes?

And the cast! Viggo and company: I hope you were well paid! Movies like this can be career killers.
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Brilliant achievement
16 August 2022
An extraordinary rendition of the Thai flooded cave rescue which cements Ron Howard, if further proof was needed, in the panoply of top flght directors. The star cast wnt about the task in a no nonsense business like manner, telling the story as it was, with none of the Hollywood flourishes which can mar true life stories. A well deserved tribute to the rescuers who came from all across the world to support the competent Thai SEALS and the army of volunteers who worked to make the rescue possible. As an Aussie I am especially proud of our two medical specialist (anaesthetists) who came up with the successful plan. An inspirational movie.
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An American 'Tinker Tailor ..... ' and as obscure.
22 July 2022
Slow. Very, very slow. But don't doze off on this one: it calls for some attention. Like a somnolent school lecture by a dissembling, too softly spoken lecturer. Pine (aka 'George Smiley'?) searching for a mole in the CIA Vienna station, plods to his conclusion across at times confusing temporal story line switches. And suspect Newton. A competent, thoughtful production. One for the grownups. Satisfying.
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Contrived, predictable and corny
20 July 2022
This piece of contrivance. This corny pot boiler! What I thought would be a solid British courtroom drama turned out to be yet another David E Kelly American pop drama. I pitied the cast: especially Rupert Friend, so impressive in 'Homeland', puting in a wooden performance. The female cast was better in their one dimensional roles. But I kept seeing Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary from Downton Abbey. Andthe material they were given limited them all. Five out of ten for production values.
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Good Sam (2022)
Great expectations but .... oh dear
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jason Isascs. Great cast. Weak story. Experienced, brilliant head of surgery (Isaacs) at a major city hospital, shot by a lunatic. Wakes up after a 6 month coma .... no mental or physical affects. (A stretch .... ) Still has all his faculties. But finds his job taken by his brilliant less experienced daughter, previously one of the junior surgeons on his team. He requires supervision to get back into surgery as a staff surgeon, not head. His supervisor is his ..... yes, you got it, his daughter. The rest of episode one is about smart daughter putting dad in his place. Groan. Cancelled after 13 episodes? I certainly hope so.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
A morality tale it ain't
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I rated this 8/10 for production values, direction, script and superb acting and casting. However, overall it left a bitter taste in my mouth. A sense of the time watching it having been a waste.

There are virtually NO good guys in this yarn. It's cynical attitude is encapsulated in the last few minutes of the very last episode. The Byrds are confronted by the only moral character in the entire series. An ex Chicago cop, who has the evidence against them and is about to turn them in. He says that they don't get to win: 'That's not the way the world works'. Wendy Byrd says, 'Since when'? And the ex cop is promptly murdered by their teenage son, who demonstrates that he is as bad as his parents.

I sat through the entire series waiting for the scheming psychopath Byrds to 'get it in the neck', only to see them win.

The other key character, Ruth Langmore, a more interesting character that the Byrds: uneducated, but cunningly shrewd dirt poor to rich, grasping hillbilly, is strangely moral within her world view. Her killings are either in revenge of murders of her family members or in self defence. But she is discarded by her more sophisticated partners, to the tender mercies of the new female cartel boss, if possible, more ruthless and deadly than her betrayed brother, and is killed.
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Glory (1989)
Heartfelt, gut wrenchingly sad.
3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the most historically accurate Civil War movies ever made. Matthew Broderick was very impressive as the idealistic young abolitionist from a wealthy Boston family, Harvard graduate, bloodied at Antietam, the young captain of infantry takes on the job of colonel, training and leading into battle the first black regiment.

Prejudices abound against his command so he volunteers it to lead the suicidal attack on Fort Wagner. Narration by Broderick from Robert Gould Shaw's letters home are poignant and it's clear from his release of his horse as he takes position at the head of his troops, that he knew that he would die in the attack. The credits roll against the images of the memorial on Boston Common.

I found the feeling of impending doom overwhelming and very similar to that of the final scenes in Peter Weir's WW1 movie Galipoli, as the soldiers remove their personal effects, bayoneting them to sandbags with hastily written letters of goodbye, before their suicidal rush into massed machine gun and rifle fire in an attack all knew was a mistake and from which nobody would survive.
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FBI (2018– )
Hunches beat profiling science
1 May 2022
I watched my first episode. Our female hero made a specific point in a triumphant ending put-down of a FBI profiler: her superhuman hunches are better than the science of profiling. Hmmm ..... so much for Mindhunter and 'Criminal Minds'. I am sure pioneering FBI profiler Richard Douglas, would be impressed. 😖
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Shoah (1985)
Shattering. An account of the depth of evil.
25 April 2022
I sat through the nine and a half hours of this shattering documentary of the depths to which humanity can plunge when exposed to constant hatred promoted by the state. How did these savage monsters put aside all remnants of their humanity and do these attrocities? To kill without mercy and remorse, hundreds of thousands, millions, of human beings of various ages. Old people, people in their prime, small innocent children and babies. Words fail me. I sat through the hours of this great and immensely important documentary of evil, as a duty to know, to spread the knowledge, so such can NEVER happen again. Yet it HAS recurred: in the Balkan civil wars. Human beings are capable of such depravity. Russia's Invasion and genocide in the Ukraine. Evil people, leaders of countries, just seem to be constantly popping up. Maybe that's what humanity IS? All that needs happen for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
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7th Cavalry (1956)
Colourful fiction
25 April 2022
I saw this movie at about age 12 or so as a kid in the 1950s. No action to speak of so very disappointing. If I saw it again I might have a different view.

As to the horse. Captain Miles Keogh's horse, Commanche, was the only living thing found on the Custer battlefield. It was found, wounded by several arrows and gunshot hits, defending Keogh's body. This plus the Order of St Gregory around Keogh's neck, awarded to him by the Pope when Keogh was a member of the Vatican Army in the Papal states period of pre-united Italy, and the fact that Keogh fought valiantly, caused the Indians to leave Keogh untouched, rather than savagely mutilated, the only soldier along with Custer, not mutilated.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Hated it
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Cold blooded female psychopath. Twisted story. I was 'slathering' to see this evil harpy come to a very sticky end. But was frustrated at the horrible ending. Audible 'What'!? By audience members at the end. Cops portrayed as completely gormless nongs. No teal investigations of either her initial disappearance or her murder of the rich guy who took her in after she was robbed. I wonder if the author is also a psychopath to come up with such a horrible, twisted story. Why film it? Gave it 6 to be generous to supporting cast. Really a zero for me.
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Toast (2010 TV Movie)
Progress of a brat
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well made movie. Certain level of comedy. But look a little deeper. Self absorbed brat. Dad not a great father. Mother he worshipped dies and he makes his dad's life hell. Dad's new wife a 'character', but he is her implacable enemy: forever. Never compromises. Selfish to the end. Shallow.

All about himself.

The rat.
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Classic British WW2 prison camp movie
29 March 2022
This is a story, based on truth with some names changed. It is in many ways a run of the mill British war movie, set in the infamous Colditz Castle prison camp. Supposedly escape proof, it was where the more incorrigible, creative escapee POWs were sent. In actuality, there were more successful escapes from Colditz than other camps. One of the early escapees depicted in the movie, under a different name, was LTCOL Airey Neave, a highly decorated officer. In the 1970s he supported Margaret Thatcher in her bid for leader of the UK Conservative Party, and Prime Minister. As Minister for Northern Ireland, he was assassinated in London by the IRA, blown up by a bomb in his car.
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An ordinary girl called to greatness
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I scored this 9 as much for the story, a tribute to an ordinary young English girl from an English-French family, widowed, who served with British SOE. I found the story inspiring and moving. There were many others like Violette Szabo who also were captured, mercilessly tortured, gave up nothing and were executed.

A more recent film 'A Call to Spy', covers the story of Noor Inayat Khan, a Muslim Indian Princess, who volunteered for SOE. As a pacifist, she refused a weapon or a suicide pill. Betrayed, she gave nothing to her torturers and was executed.

The bravery of SOE agents is that 'pure' kind where people walk into extreme danger knowing that they have almost no chance to survive. Both Violette and Noor were awarded posthumously the George Cross, equal to the VC, Britain's highest award for bravery.

For more, I recommend Leo Mark's brilliant book, 'Between Silk and Cyanide'. Leo, a post WW2 screen writer, was at age 20 appointed SOE chief code maker. The beautiful poem used by Violette Szabo, was written by Leo for his girlfriend, killed in the war, and given to Violette. The book is informative, at times funny and also heartbreakingly sad. Leo knew all of the agents personally, briefing each and giving them their codes, and grieved their brutal deaths. The book was written in 1960 but not allowed to be published until 1998, due to the British Official Secrets Act, because he also described how he developed his codes.
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