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Palm Royale (2024– )
Season One - Full Review
9 May 2024
There are so many reviews in which people stopped watching after a couple of episodes. Although I agreed with some aspects of these reviews, I decided to watch the entire series before making my final judgment. Here's my take.

I feel that the series is a missed opportunity, and the concept desperately wants to be something it's not. Maybe they were going for a Big Little Lies or White Lotus story of twists and turns with some camp 60s fun thrown into the mix, but it just doesn't work. At its core, the issue comes down to poor writing/storytelling.

Let's start with what works. The casting, sets, costumes, and locations are brilliant. Everyone involved completely nailed Palm Beach in the 1960s. You can tell they spent a lot of money on the look and feel of this series. Even the music is great. The star-studded cast mostly nails their roles. I've read complaints about the acting, but I think everyone's acting is excellent. Shoutouts to Allison Janney, Mindy Cohn, Ricky Martin, and, by far, Carol Burnett. Why they kept her so quiet for so much of the story is beyond me. Her character had so much more to contribute, and her comedic timing is one of the brightest spots of the show.

What doesn't work is the story, pacing, and character development. The story jumps around from episode to episode. At its core, the show is about how Maxine (Wiig) desperately wants to fit into the elite Palm Beach crowd and how she tries to use her connection to the Dellacorte family to do so. But she discovers all of these things along the way. Some plot points seem to come out of nowhere, as if halfway through the series, someone had an idea they thought was funny, so they added it in. There isn't this key thread/arc from episode one to ten to carry everything along. It's all a bunch of different little plots.

There are many different characters with different stories to tell, and their storylines connect in various ways. The problem is I never truly cared about anyone other than maybe Robert (Martin). But in hindsight, that was probably because everyone else seemed so unappealing. Robert had a good heart and was constantly getting screwed over. Everyone else seemed to have revenge or dark secrets or were just mean. In the end, the writers created a lot of unlikable characters. Who were we supposed to root for? Maxine (Wiig) starts off innocent enough but eventually becomes incredibly annoying. Who wants her to succeed in screwing her aunt over?

Lastly, many episodes contained lots of filler to pad the run time. Perhaps this was due to too many characters and too many storylines. Sadly, none of the sub-plots were overly interesting. There were occasional moments when I laughed out loud and some surprising plot twists now and then. But for the most part, I was bored and often lost interest.

I've read they are considering a second season. I doubt I will watch it.
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Challengers (2024)
Challenged by Poor Script and Characters
27 April 2024
Challengers will be a very divisive movie. Just scan the User Reviews. I think if you are a fan of either Zendaya or director Guadagnino, you will find no fault in this movie. Those reviews are all the 8-10 ones you see here.

Personally, I found the movie incredibly slow-paced, driven by a poorly constructed story with characters I cared nothing about. The first 15 minutes dragged, but when they did the flashback to when Tashi, Art, and Patrick first met, I thought there might be some potential. There was an attempt at character-building. But then the movie continued to jump back and forth in time to explain how we ended up where the movie began, with no effort to delve deep into any characters.

The script felt like a first draft. There was potential for an excellent story about how Tashi used and played Art and Patrick against one another to advance her life and career. But there are no key events to truly drive the plot. We just jump around in time to show their failed relationships.

I also found the acting dreadful, especially Zendaya. None of the leads can emote anything, possibly due to the poor script or directing. Most lines are delivered flat and monotone. The movie also lacks humor and joy, other than the first flash back scene.

Many scenes are also drawn out way too long, with throbbing techno music and slow motion. I constantly found myself looking at my watch or hoping there was a remote control so I could skip ahead 10 seconds. They could have easily removed 20 minutes from the final edit with no impact to the story. The last 10 minutes were truly awful.

The whole homoeroticism aspect also falls flat. Art and Patrick can shove churros in each other's mouths as much as they want, but there is nothing else about their relationship to think either is completely heterosexual. It's like the director had to throw this in to be edgy. Ditto with the locker room and sauna scene.

I also found the tennis action disappointing. I give the director credit for attempting something different by showing the action as if the player had a Go-Pro on their head or if the ball were the camera. But none of it works. There is no excitement or tension in any of the points played. And all of the full-frame shots of the actors swinging a racket obviously use a CGI ball.

And don't get me started on the ending. Everyone in the theater burst out laughing. And they were laughing AT the ending, not WITH the ending. I didn't hear a single compliment from people leaving the theater.

So, in summary, if you love Zendaya or Guadagnino you may enjoy this movie. Otherwise, wait for it to hit streaming. And have that remote ready.
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They Jumped the Shark
16 January 2024
It's hard to talk about Episode IX without talking about Episode XIII. You can go find my review of that movie, but I thought The Last Jedi was the best of the final trilogy. The truth is the final trilogy failed because there was never a cohesive set of story and character arcs to include across the movies. Would The Rise of Skywalker have been better had there been a plan? We will never know.

I found the story laughable. The entire Indiana Jones style quest of following all of these clues is just groan-inducing. None of it made sense. When the movie ends, you are left thinking, "Well, there were a lot of cool-looking battles, but what was the core story?" There is so much this film gets wrong. No spoilers, but here's a few:

1. All new Jedi powers. It's like whenever there's a problem, some super cool Jedi skill set can solve it, and we've either never heard about this power, or it was some myth that can now conveniently happen. Even Yoda couldn't do these things.

2. They introduced new characters while minimizing prominent ones from the last two films.

3. Truly lazy writing just to create some cool action scenes or present the heroes with challenges. Was anyone in the writer's room allowed to raise their hand and say, "Um, does this even make sense?"

4. So. Many. Plot holes!!!

They tried to cram so many different story and character ideas into this movie. Maybe some would have worked had they planted those seeds back in The Force Awakens. I think in their hope to please fans, they ended up creating a very sloppy and disjointed film.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker ranks #9. Dead last. J. J. Threw everything at this movie, except for a believable script.
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A Thrilling and Epic Star Wars Film
16 January 2024
Let me start by saying I consider The Last Jedi one of the top three films in the original nine movies. Right away, I know that will get me a downvote. The movie has its flaws, but it gets many things right.

I loved that Rian didn't pander to fans by doing what everyone expected. He flipped the script and showed that not every crazy heroic scheme would work. He took major risks, and most worked.

I also think Rian left the door open for the final movie to succeed. Rei's lineage is never solidified in the film. Sure, Kylo Ren tells her what he thinks is the truth, which upset many fans. But J. J. could have taken Rei in any direction in the next film.

Episode VIII has fantastic set pieces and action scenes. Personally, I loved how Luke was written, although I could have gone without the fresh milk scene. The Porgs were what the Ewoks should have been - cute, funny, and non-critical to the story.

Lastly, of all the "middle child" movies in each trilogy, The Last Jedi does the best job of having a fully cohesive story without leaving the viewer hanging about what happens next.

Unfortunately, J. J. Abrams never had a vision for all three films in the final trilogy. There was never a master plan for what had to happen in each movie regarding story and character arcs. I don't blame Rian for creating a unique movie and vision. Taken as a standalone film, The Last Jedi is phenomenal. Taken as the middle child of the final trilogy, it stumbles, but only because Episode IX decided it didn't like his movie and ignored a lot of what happened.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode VIII - The Last Jedi ranks #3. I know this will upset many fanboys. I rank Episodes IV and V higher. Johnson told a fresh and exciting story while refusing to pay fan service. For that, I applaud him.
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A Promising Start to a New Trilogy
16 January 2024
Episode VII is a very solid entry and sets up many intriguing characters and lures. Seeing the O. G. cast back in action felt great. I also loved many of the new characters. The film has some twists and surprises, too.

My biggest issue with the film is that it introduced some new elements to the Star Wars universe that felt weird. The big bad weapon is this trilogy's Death Star. But when I put my science hat on, it just seems impossible that it can fire lightyears away. I know with Sci-Fi movies you must take a leap of faith. But in Episode IV, you could believe a giant floating weapon could be brought to a planet. But in this movie? Not so much. Sadly, this element would prove to be the new trilogy's biggest issue, as future movies continued to add "Wouldn't it be cool if..." elements that would become harder and harder to swallow.

The final trilogy in the Star Wars saga failed to tell a cohesive set of story and character arcs across the three movies. Episode VII set the groundwork that would never truly evolve across the trilogy, but I enjoyed the film despite the flaws.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode VII - The Force Awakens ranks #5. J. J. Had a great mix of nostalgia and new story elements in the film. Sadly, he never had a vision for all three.
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The Best of the First Three
16 January 2024
Revenge was far superior to both Phantom and Clone Wars. The dark story reminded me of Empire. There are some serious and brutal scenes throughout the film. Anakin's transformation is exceptionally well done, and the acting in this film by everyone was the best of this trilogy. Yoda once again shines as he struggles with the rise of the Empire and the fall of the Jedi. Unlike the first two movies, the story and character arcs take center stage.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith ranks #4. Lucas did an excellent job bringing Anakin to his dark future, and everything we will see unfold in the next trilogy.
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A Step Up from Phantom
16 January 2024
Episode II improved on Phantom in a few areas, but I still rank it as one of the weakest of the nine films in the three trilogies. The middle child in a trilogy always has a tricky juggling act. The movie needs to tell a solid story but leave things open for the resolution in the final chapter.

One of the most significant improvements in the film is the jump in time and having a new, older Anakin. But retaining Natalie Portman from Phantom just goes to show how badly cast Anakin was in that first movie.

Although improved from Phantom, the dialogue still falls flat in many areas, most notably the love story. There is zero chemistry between the leads.

But the movie does shine in the action scenes and moving the overall story forward. The battle in the final act is fantastic, and I loved Yoda in this film.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode II - Attack of the Clones ranks #7. Better dialogue in the script would have gone a long way towards improving the film.
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A Solid but Flawed Movie
16 January 2024
Phantom was a very divisive and highly criticized film when it was released. There was simply no way for the movie to live up to the hype of launching a new Star Wars trilogy. In its defense, the new trilogy had clear story and character arcs woven throughout the movies. Unfortunately, Lucas dropped the ball in a few areas. The biggest negative of the film is the casting of Anakin. Not only was the actor too young, but he just wasn't very good. It's like Lucas had this image in his mind and didn't seem to care that the kid couldn't act. His scenes were cringeworthy. The acting, in general, wasn't good. I blame the story and direction because Lucas had cast members with excellent skills.

There were some positives. The Pod Race was one of the most exciting action scenes in all nine movies. John William's score is new and fresh, especially during the Darth Maul battles. Speaking of which, those fights were epic.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode I - The Phantom Menace ranks #8. Lucas needed input and guidance from others, especially with the poor casting choice for Anakin.
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A Solid Ending to the Original Trilogy
16 January 2024
Return of the Jedi brought the original trilogy to a great ending. Unlike the last trilogy in the series, episodes 4-6 had solid character arcs and stories that cut across all three films. Episode VI falls flat for me in two main areas: 1) Having to blow up another Death Star felt a bit of a rehash of A New Hope.

2) Those Ewoks screamed "merchandising opportunity." As others have pointed out, using sticks and stones to fight Stormtroopers bordered on campy at times.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back ranks #6. I know many will disagree and believe that the original three are all in the top three of the nine. But there were a few from the other trilogies I ranked superior.
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A Brilliant Sequel
16 January 2024
When Empire came out, everyone wondered if Lucas could recreate the magic of the first movie. Not only was the follow-up to A New Hope just as good, but in some ways, it exceeded the original. The VFX technology had improved, but more importantly, the darker and more complex script told a great story. Watching the movie today, unfortunately, the battle scenes on the ice planet Hoth don't hold up that well. My only gripe with the film is the ending. I get that it's the middle of a trilogy, but the ending just fell flat IMO.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back ranks #2. I know most fans - and critics - consider this film to be superior to the original. I do rate them both a 10, but give A New Hope the slightest edge.
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A Sci-Fi Classic
16 January 2024
What can I say about this movie that already hasn't been said? I remember seeing this on the big screen as a kid and being in total awe of that opening shot. I'd never seen anything like that before. I've lost track of how often I've seen this film, but it never gets old. Everything works. The story, pacing, direction, sound, effects, and acting are simply brilliant.

In my ranking of the nine movies in the three trilogies, Episode IV - A New Hope ranks #1. I gave the follow-up Empire the same rating, but I have to place the movie that started it all as my top pick. Episode IV launched not only a massive cinematic universe but also made lasting impacts to pop culture. How can it not be the best?
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Far too Biased
3 January 2024
I went in hoping to see a scientific comparison of how diets impact your body. Using twins as a baseline seemed like a great idea. The two diets would be plant-based versus meat-based. Within 15 minutes of the first episode, it became apparent that the series was pro-vegan. Every "expert" talked about the benefits of plant-based diets and the evils of the standard American diet. The problem is that you can eat a healthy meat-based diet using grass-fed quality meats. But all I ever heard was how unhealthy hotdogs and other processed meats are. Duh.

I stopped watching before the end of the first episode. I would have preferred a test comparing the standard American diet to something like the Mediterranean one. Or a diet without processed foods compared to one with processed foods. This was a missed opportunity.

When the experts compared the pros/cons of the vegan/omnivore diets, you could easily see that NEITHER diet gave you all the nutrients your body needed. It's almost like a BALANCED diet of quality meats and vegetables would provide your body with all the required nutrients.
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A Solid if Mixed Sequel
29 December 2023
I went in with low expectations, given all the negative reviews. When the credits rolled, I found myself pleasantly surprised. Is it the best DCEU movie? Not even close. Is it as good as the first one? Nope. Is it a fun superhero movie that people should enjoy on the big screen? Yes.

My biggest gripe with the movie is the pacing. The first 20+ minutes are a bit slow as they set the stage for Aquaman's current life, which has changed since the first movie. Another obvious issue is the very minor presence of Amber Heard in the film. Although I get the off-screen reasoning, it still feels like a big miss.

The core story is your typical sci-fi leap of faith stuff, but overall, I felt it was well executed. When the action starts, it never lets up, and the movie builds nicely to the final conflict. However, I found the very last scene to be a bit cheesy.

The cast does a great job, and I enjoyed the humor. I do agree with other criticisms in that the screenplay feels a bit choppy. Sometimes, you can almost see the post-production rewrites or missing pieces that ended up on the cutting room floor. I thought the movie needed another 10 minutes or so to smooth out some of the rough/rushed areas.

The VFX, sound effects, and score are very well done. I've always loved the Aquaman theme.

If you liked the first Aquaman movie, then you should definitely see this one. Compared to the quality drop from Wonder Woman to WW1984, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is a lot of fun.
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The Best Godzilla Movie Yet
17 December 2023
I saw this in the theater because the only way to see a monster movie is on the big screen. The buzz for the film had me hopeful and turned out to be warranted. IMO, Godzilla Minus One is the best adaption of Godzilla yet, including the original. Modern-day VFX elevates the movie above that first classic.

Unlike most monster movies, GMO offers a compelling human story to drive the narrative. Ryunosuke Kamiki stars as Koichi Shikishima. I found his character arc from beginning to end to be beautifully told. I even found myself a bit choked up at the end. A few parts of the story were predictable, but these did not distract from the movie's enjoyment.

Overall, I found the acting by Ryunosuke and the rest of the cast solid. Director Takashi Yamazaki keeps the story moving relatively briskly once the characters have been fully defined.

The VFX, sound effects, and score are fantastic. The original Godzilla theme brought a smile to my face. And the monster's roar is as guttural as ever.

Speaking of the big guy, prepare yourself for a ferocious portrayal of Godzilla. His destruction is brutal and, at times, made me ill at the devastation he inflicted. Godzilla's escalating brutality drives the story forward as everyone scrambles to devise a way to defeat him.

I enjoyed 2014's Godzilla and 2019's King of the Monsters primarily due to the amazing VFX. King Ghidorah, Rodan, and Mothra, and their battles, looked incredible. But the stories kept getting a bit far-fetched. GMO's far more grounded in reality. (You won't find any hollow Earth and wormholes here.) That realism adds to the tension throughout the story.

I highly recommend Godzilla Minus One, especially on the big screen. I can't wait to see it again.
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The Creator (2023)
Visually Perfect, Narratively Flawed
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had such high hopes for this movie and finally saw it in the theater this week. Given the scale, I knew I had to experience it on the big screen. I skipped seeing the trailers or reading detailed reviews to avoid any spoilers. Going in, I only knew that the movie centered around a war between humans and AI. I've loved Gareth Edwards' previous directorial work and was excited about what he could do as the director and writer.

About a third of the way in, I had my first, "Wait. What? Why? That makes no sense." Similar moments soon followed. By the time the movie ended, I found myself disconnected from the characters. The visuals, especially for a film budgeted at $80m, were stunning. Everything technical about the movie rocked. The actors did the best they could with the material given. Ultimately, the script failed to live up to the hype and promise.


I feel that the script needed more work. Maybe another set of eyes. Or maybe there are chunks left on the cutting room floor. I will give one example of where the storyline made no sense. When Joshua and Alphie get captured in New Asia, they are separated and taken back to a base in the United States. They have Alphie under lockdown and tell Joshua they haven't yet terminated the AI and let him do it. Seriously? Colonel Howell and the rest of the military wanted "the weapon" found and destroyed immediately. Howell called Joshua a traitor for not terminating the AI child right away. But when the Army finally gets Alphie, they decide to fly the child across the Pacific and put her under lock and key and not kill her until they can do it humanely and allow Joshua to do so. And don't get me started on the lengths they go through to escape the military base to get to a lunar shuttle and then divert it to dock at NOMAD easily.

At that point, I just gave up on believing anything. There were so many better options the writers could have taken. The Army could have decided they wanted to dissect Alphie to learn how the new generation AI functioned. They could have brought her from the ground right up to NOMAD flying above them. (Side note - how did Alphie and Joshua get to America if not via NOMAD anyway?) On the ship on the way up, Joshua could have reminded Alphie what to do once they got to NOMAD. Once onboard, she could have started to gain control, etc. They still could have had some great action set pieces. But, for whatever reason, they went with bringing them to America, doing the big escape, and then the lunar shuttle heist, etc. None of it worked or was remotely believable. The entire third act may have been visually stunning, but it was a narrative mess.

The script needed a lot more work to make character choices and actions much more believable. I bet if everyone rating it a 9 or 10 went back and watched it again, they would see all the huge plot holes and missteps. I loved the look and feel, the music, the acting, and even the direction. But a rushed third act and sloppy writing doomed the movie to mediocrity.
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Why are aliens always naked?
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can see why this is such a divisive movie. "Show, don't tell" is a staple of storytelling, but the director takes it to the extreme here with almost no dialogue. That will be frustrating to many viewers. But I think the most confusing part will be the ending. I will cover that later in the SPOILERS area.

As others have pointed out, there are throwbacks to movies such as Signs and Close Encounters. And that brings me to my biggest beef with the film. Why are aliens always naked? Seriously. They have the technology to travel faster than the speed of light, but they explore alien worlds nude.

For a low-budget movie, the effects are fine. There's a certain nostalgic feeling seeing the flying saucers and big-eyed creatures. I found the endless chases a bit repetitive and eventually boring. The aliens are smart, terrifying, and also surprised that sharp objects can puncture their skin. Maybe they should have worn rugged clothing.

I thought the actors all did a great job.

As for the ending, I think it's one of those things that if you blink, you might miss what's happened.


When Brynn emerges from the house and waves to the others working outside, you can see one of them has the mind-control creature in his throat. Brynn does not. As other reviewers have pointed out, the aliens probed her mind and sympathized with her being ostracized by the town for the death of Maude. So, they let Brynn roam free on the newly conquered Earth, happy that she is no longer scorned.

So, this is one of those mash-up movies where they are merging genres. We've got an alien sci-fi/horror story mashed with a drama about grief, loss, and acceptance. I found it to be a unique story that works on some levels and fails on others. In the end, why would aliens conquering Earth care about one human's grief so much that they decide not to enslave her? Weird story.
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Close Encounters - The Musical
7 August 2023
This episode will go down as one of the most divisive ones of the series. I get the hate. I get the praise. Lots of 1s and 10s flying around. I appreciate that the writers tried something different. The biggest issue I had with this episode revolved around the core concept. The idea of using music to communicate makes sense. The movie "Close Encounters" tackled this the right way. But to have the subspace anomaly projecting full-blown musical songs - both the instruments ringing out through the ship's audio and the characters singing uncontrollably - killed any plausibility. We're talking science fiction. This episode came across as 5% science and 95% fiction. Musical notes being communicated would make sense. But controlling people to make them sing? Ugh.

It felt painfully obvious that someone decided, "Hey, how can we do a musical episode in the style of Glee?" Unfortunately, nobody chose to kill that terrible concept. I guess the writers' room spit-balled many ideas before finally settling on what became "Subspace Rhapsody." I give props to the inventive songwriting and passion the actors displayed singing their songs. But in the end, the basic concept was dumb, and this just wasn't a good episode for me.
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Tinnitus Sufferers Beware
7 July 2023
Although I enjoyed this episode, as someone who suffers from tinnitus, I found the show difficult to listen to. As the synopsis explains, some crew members suffer memory loss while exploring the planet. What you should be aware of, especially if watching in full surround sound, is the sound engineers chose to depict memory loss with a high-pitched tone resembling ringing in the ears. Personally, I found myself blocking my ears to get through these scenes. There are MANY of these scenes.

I just thought I should give that heads-up to fellow sufferers.

I enjoyed the story and liked that part of the episode revolved around Lt. Ortegas. From a storytelling perspective, the writers did a nice bookend with her character. Otherwise, the episode has nothing groundbreaking to add to the overall series, but it's decent filler.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
The Flash and the Infamous
17 June 2023
I'm doing a spoiler-free review because this movie has a lot of surprises. Before seeing the movie, I knew very little about the plot besides what they showed in the first trailer. Barry goes back in time and consequently unleashes a mess of events. The posters/ads show Michael Keaton as Batman, so it's no surprise that he reprises his role in the Tim Burton movies. The movie also has a new Supergirl, also featured in the posters.

I highly enjoyed this movie and found it one of the best in the DCEU. I don't consider The Flash to be THE best, but it's definitely in the top tier. The humor, set pieces, and emotional core are all very well done. I held off on reading any reviews until after seeing the movie, but I agree with some critics that the action scenes, although exciting, can sometimes pull the viewer out of the movie's heart and Barry's original intent to go back in time. But I also think the movie nailed the landing emotionally, so I can't complain.

Okay, so let's address two of the biggest "controversies" surrounding the movie.

Issue 1 - Ezra Miller's off-screen bagagge. Replacing Miller and reshooting the film would have been outrageously expensive. The studio had no choice but to move forward and hope for the best. Haters will hate, and cancel-culture advocates will avoid the movie. They are most likely review-bombing this movie with 1-star and downvoting all positive reviews. I thought Miller did a great Flash in the Justice League movies and continues to shine in this film. I would love a sequel, but given what's happening at Warner and the DCEU reset, I doubt that will happen.

Issue 2 - Wonky CGI. When Barry moves within the Speedforce, much of the world around him appears filtered in color and clarity. Some have vented that this is poor CGI. The director is on record saying this look is intentional and we are meant to see the world through Barry's eyes. Perhaps this is also a copout, meaning they could be a bit lazy with the CGI effects inside the Speedforce, but I will take the director at his word. The look inside the Speedforce didn't bother me at all. I also felt that the VFX outside of the Speedforce rocked. Seeing Keaton soar as Batman again, using the latest special effects technology, is pure joy.

Although the movie has a runtime of 2.5 hours, the story never drags. The script and direction keep the film moving forward. The humor can sometimes come too close to being too much, but it never gets out of control. Also, unlike the recent Thor movies, the characters don't make jokes during highly emotional moments. The film is earnest and heartfelt when required.

I look forward to seeing the movie a second time. There are so many jokes and Easter eggs I often found myself reaching for a non-existent remote control to jump back to rewatch a scene. If you are a Flash fan, you will love this movie. The movie can also stand on its own, meaning that if you don't know the history of the Snyderverse or other DC movies, you will still have fun.
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Like it or not, this is Classic Trek
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The producers decided to follow up "The Serene Squall" with another throw-back episode. As others have pointed out, "The Elysian Kingdom" is similar to many holodeck-type episodes from other series. However, unlike the last episode, I think this one succeeds and doesn't deserve the low rating it's accumulated.

Arguing that this type of story should happen in later seasons is laughable. TNG kicked off with the all-powerful Q. There's no reason for SNW to wait a while to do something like this. I also find it interesting that the same people crying for classic Trek stories are trashing this one.

The actors get to let loose and have fun. This is also a very personal story focused on the doctor and makes for a nice character arc for him.

Although not the best episode in Season One, it's classic Trek and a lot of fun.
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A Swing and a Miss
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I get that the producers wanted to do a classic throw-back episode. But there's one massive plot hole that ruins "The Serene Squall" for me.

First off, after reading the negative reviews aimed at Jesse James Keitel, I went and read what the drama was all about. Having watched the episode, I had no idea that Jesse's trans. Therefore, I never felt the episode was lecturing me about identity. Spock's always struggled with his half-human side.

My main issue with the episode was the ease with which a bunch of pirates beamed onboard and took over the Enterprise. It seems like every Star Trek series has one of these. How 400+ crew members aboard Starfleet's flagship succumbed to a few dozen pirates is beyond me, and it totally took me out of the episode. Follow this up with all of the cheesy lines and plot with Captain Pike cooking for the green Cats reject, and you have a total failure.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This review covers the first three seasons of Discovery. I recently binge-watched all three after getting Paramount+, and I don't plan on watching future seasons. I feel a love/hate for the series and found it frustrating to watch many of the episodes. Terrible plot holes and awful dialogue spoiled too many great moments.

Season one was very dark, but I enjoyed the tonal shift and focus on the Klingon war. Season two made a big and obvious pivot to inject more humor. The parallel universe storyline was well done. The third season had a lot of potential, but with so many options jumping 900+ years in the future, they had to make another Michael saves the universe story.

S1 - 7 stars S2 - 5 stars S3 - 3 stars

What works: 1) They did a great job with the cast, and the actors did their best with the scripts handed to them. Standouts include Doug Jones and Michelle Yeoh.

2) I liked that each season is serial and unique. The writers had a clear vision for each season and incorporated many great twists and surprises along the way.

3) The production value is cinematic, including top-notch visual and sound effects. The expensive budget is evident on screen.

4) The bulk of the episodes are well directed and paced.

What doesn't: 1) Show, Don't Tell. For whatever reason, the writers insist on preaching to the viewer. Characters are constantly jumping on a soapbox to explain why things are or need to be. These moments are groan-inducing. As I stated in another review, TOS put Uhura on the bridge in charge of communications. Back in the 60s, this was ground-breaking, and some stations refused to air the show. But DIS (I can't call it STD because you know) has to make it a point to spell out why they are making current social/moral issues relevant. Adira's pronoun discussion with Paul told me that 1,000+ years from now, gender-fluid humans would still struggle with identity and acceptance. Ouch.

2) Character Development. As I wrote this review, I had to go to IMDb to look up the names of the supporting bridge characters Rhys, Bryce, Owosekun, and Detmer. Their characters hold critical positions on the bridge, but we never get any backstory or insight into them. Detmer had one minor moment in season three, but the rest are all truly paper cutouts. Paul, Hugh, Tilly, and especially Saru, get a decent amount of screen time and character focus, but only Saru seems to have any real growth over the first three seasons.

3) Plot Holes. I honestly don't know where to begin. Is there anyone in the writer's room throwing logic at the scripts? Nothing yanks a viewer out of a show more than when you stop to say, "well, that makes no sense." A perfect example is in Season 2. A few torpedoes don't destroy Discovery, so the crew decides to fly it into the future to get the Sphere data from Control. Um, just do tons more torpedoes and phasers. That's how most starships get destroyed. I spent a full minute trying to devise a better scenario: The Sphere prevents the crew from leaving to destroy the ship. They are trapped. They ask the Sphere why. The Sphere tells them to fly it to the future because it knows if it stays, Control will eventually get it. This is a simple, easy, logical alternative to, "Gee, the Sphere put up shields so it won't die. I guess we have to..." 4) All About Michael. I have no problem that the captain isn't the main focus of the series. But making the Burnham character the center of the universe is awful. She starts the Klingon war. She ends the Klingon war. Michael tells every captain and admiral what to do, and 95% of the time, they nod and agree. She's the key to the parallel universe, as well as saving all sentient life. And in Season 3, the future Federation spent hundreds of years trying to figure out The Burn, but all they needed to do was wait for Michael to save the day. Terrible. Despite all her tears and preaching, Michael has very little growth across the first three seasons. One minute she's superior because she was trained on Vulcan. The next, she's crying and an emotional mess. Her character should have had many more setbacks-two steps forward and one step back. Learn and grow. The fact that all of these major universe-destroying events place Michael at the center is simply not believable.

Conclusion: The show had some grand ideas each season, but a combination of lazy writing and making Michael the core savior kills the quality and enjoyability of the series.
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Disappointing End to a Disappointing Season
3 September 2022
How big is this ship? I'm sorry, but that entire turbo-lift scene went on forever. Is Discovery hollow? Do the laws of physics not apply inside? Why is it that in some episodes a turbo-lift ride takes 10-20 seconds, but for this fight scene the cars travel for several minutes? The answer - the writers don't care. Sadly, that's been the theme through many DIS episodes.

"Hey, I have this cool idea for a big fight scene involving the turbo-lifts. Can we make them go through crazy loops and go on for several minutes?" "Sure!" Throwing logic out the door ruins the storytelling.

Also, the final source of The Burn was also another hard pill to swallow. Given the blank slate Season 3 started with, it's sad that it all came to this.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Sanctuary (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
On the Nose and Bad Writing
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with this episode, and many others, is the bad writing. The golden rule of writing is "show, don't tell." After three seasons, the writers still cannot grasp this concept. The endless exposition, speeches, and on-the-nose dialogue are truly painful.

I read many reviews of this episode. A few nailed the "woke/pronoun" issue, being forced and preachy. The writers "tell" the viewer what they should be experiencing instead of "showing" them.

When the series introduced Hugh and Paul as a gay couple in season one, they did so casually, just like any other couple. No announcements. No requests for validation. Very well done.

Compare that to Adira anxiously asking Paul to use their proper pronouns and Paul smiling in recognition. So, a thousand years from now, people will still struggle to ask others to use their preferred pronouns. Seriously? The writers should have introduced Adira with they/them pronouns. As other reviewers have pointed out, Adira is a Trill symbiant. This made for a perfect opportunity to use they/them. No speeches or clarifications. That's just how Adira's referenced. One and done. All Trill carry the memories of their past hosts and different genders, so it's the perfect opportunity to use different pronouns. But when the writers do these ham-fisted dialogues, it feels not only cringy but what many other viewers/reviewers observe as forced wokeness.

Many other Star Trek episodes from other series dealt with key/current social/moral dilemmas without being so direct and on-the-nose. TOS had Uhura, a black woman, in a position of power on the bridge. She never had to explain to others who she was or how she earned the right to sit there. This was the future, and the Enterprise crew was diverse, no questions asked. But here on Discovery, people need to preach and explain who they are, which comes across as smug and insulting to the viewer.
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RoboCop (2014)
Excellent and Different Remake
25 August 2022
The funny thing about remakes is feedback often falls into one of two camps. If the movie follows the same core script as the original, people cry, "why did they bother?" Conversely, if the movie reimagines the original, people cry, "why did they change it?" As they say, you can't please all the people all of the time.

Read the reviews of the remakes of Total Recall and Fright Night to see what I'm talking about. Or read the reviews of this movie.

I think this 2014 version of RoboCop is excellent. The original is a bit of a camp classic with a lot of over the top gore and social commentary. This new one takes a much more serious approach. Needless to say, the visual effects are a big improvement over the original. No more janky stop-motion action. The story has similar elements of the first, but has enough twists and differences to make it unique and highly enjoyable.

I would have loved to have seen a sequel or two. If you love a good action movie and aren't beholden to the original, you will like this version of RoboCop.
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