
5 Reviews
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Step Up 3D (2010)
Step Up 3D: Electric Boogaloo
7 August 2010
Dancing movies are hilarious. Stop taking them seriously. People watch bad horror movies all the time and laugh their asses off, yet they don't seem to understand that they can, and should, do the same thing with dance. Step Up 2 the Streets is absolutely hilarious. Step Up 3D just takes the dancing and bland story of Step Up 2, mixes it with the plot of Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo and sprinkles a bit of 3D acid into the mix. Entire theatres should be breaking out into uproarious laughter, both during and in between the dance scenes.

This is a comedic gold mine.

If you want to watch it for good dancing, then you get that too, as a bonus. All of these 1/10 reviewers need to grow a sense of humour. This movie is only boring for a few minutes. The rest is just epic.

9.5/10 rounded up to a 10.

Learn to have fun. You'll live longer.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
Best crime film I've seen in quite awhile.
27 January 2007
Smokin' Aces is the best crime film to be released in a long while, putting even last year's popular remake, The Departed, to shame with its intriguing plot, its dark humour, which is often off-the-wall and occasionally anti-climactic, and its memorable characters. It is not as funny, daring, or iconic as Pulp Fiction was, but the flick is still damned good, and it serves as an amazing start to what should turn out to be a great year for the movies.

The plot synopsis is as follows: Buddy Israel, a Las Vegas magician, has a problem. A mob boss has put out a million dollar contract on his life. The FBI has a problem as well. They need to protect Buddy, who just turned snitch on the mob, and that's not going to be easy. A contract that big is going to garner the attention of quite a few bounty hunters.

Jeremy Piven gave one of the best performances of his life in this movie. I was glad to see him in such an integral role, as he has often been stuck on the sidelines in the past. Hopefully this film will gain him the notoriety he needs to land some more starring roles. Nestor Carbonell's character should have had a few more scenes as he was the most interesting of the killers and also one of the better actors. The rest of the acting in this film is quite good with the exception of Ben Affleck's abysmal "performance." There is also a really annoying child in two scenes of the movie that can't decide if he wants to be a rapper or an easily aroused ninja. I could help him decide really easily if he were to have a third career choice of "dead." The camera angles used during the aforementioned child's scenes are ridiculously spastic and feel like they belong in a bad music video for an even worse hair metal band. If the director was going for humour by means of camera-work then he needs to either go back to the storyboards, or possibly just consult Sam Raimi who pulled it off with a gloriously timed pause during the musical montage in Spider-Man 2. Whichever way, I hope that scene is removed in a future director's cut or special edition so that this reviewer can give the film the rating it should have earned, but until then it's getting stuck with an 8 out of 10.
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There's a little bit of Satan in all of us!
24 November 2006
This movie is quite hilarious. The scenes with Tim Robbins and Dave Grohl were a riot, and pretty much the whole movie is just great heavy metal comedy unleashed in one mesmerizing power-riff of a movie. It starts out with young JB rocking out in Kickapoo. If you don't find the beginning to be hilarious then you probably won't like the rest of the movie. Jack Black has so many great facial expressions and the music in the movie is just as inspired and great as the original album. "Master Exploder" and "Kickapoo" were my favourites, along with "Car Chase" and "Break In-City (Storm the Gate!)" Some of the material in the movie is from the album, but not much of it, so no worries of a rip-off.

My only problem with the film is that it ended too soon. It should have lasted about another 10 minutes, or at least for one final song.

I give it an 8.5 out of 10 because of ending a tad too soon and there should have been a few more minutes of Satan, because he rocks.
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ZOMG!!! Snakes!
17 August 2006
Sex, Snakes, and Product Placement. This movie that I thought I could laugh at turned out to be a movie I laughed WITH. It is hilarious and the filmmakers knew this. For those skeptic about the re-shoot for "R"... not just one line was altered. It earns it's "R" in language and nudity.

Sony and Red Bull sales will skyrocket after this weekend. I saw the 10 PM showing tonight on a digital screen. Amazing. Never has so much applause and laughter been heard... except for at my house when I first saw the trailer for World Trade Center (seriously, wait a few decades before making fun of tragedies... pearl harbor and passion of the Christ waited... why couldn't the makers of WTC wait?) Snakes on a Plane can't even be considered a bad campy horror movie. When you see it you will know, that the only genre this movie belongs to is camp. No horror was seriously attempted. It's simply the best comedy of the year. Clerks 2 is a close second.

The only bad part of the movie is the horrible music video in the end credits... 12 year-old girls aren't the target audience here... wtf?
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Deceptive Packaging.
22 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Shaolin Vs. Evil Dead is a horribly drab film about a monk who goes around putting souls at rest. There is also an ex-student of his who goes around capturing the souls into purgatory.

WARNING: It's filmed like an old TV special (maybe it was straight to video) and despite what the box says, there is very little fighting in the film.

Nearly everything that the DVD says in the plot synopsis only happens IN THE CREDITS of the film in a TINY screen on the top left. So you won't be seeing the five-element formation... hahaha and also it's not a gore-fest as it claims to be. In fact... I don't recall any blood. There were some worms... and some hopping vampires (sweet... that's why I gave this film higher than a 1) Avoid this film at all costs, unless you wanna get drunk and laugh at the horrendous dubbing with friends. (I watched the first hour subbed but it was so horrid that we switched to dubbed for the end... and no I wasn't under the influence of alcohol when watching it.)
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