
8 Reviews
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Alien Warfare (2019)
For kids
30 March 2020
If you're older than 14, don't think about pressing the play button. I even thought at the beginning the movie is a spoof. Can a teenager make a movie these days? Coz this cannot be an adults work.
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Munich (2005)
one-sided and not entertaining
17 January 2015
As usual in Hollywood movies, ignoring decades of oppression of the Palestinians by Israelis, depict the Arabs (Palestinians) as mere terrorists, savages whose only way of life is to kill Jews. I am an atheist (ex-muslim), I don't hate Jews just like I don't hate Christians, Buddhists, or Hindus. In fact, I hate religion and I detest terrorism and violence in any form (physical or emotional),  and firmly believe that violence is never a solution. But when it comes to the Palestinians, decades of suicide bombings, assassination missions, kidnapping of Israelis for prisoner swap, killing, torturing …etc, I can hardly blame them, they are reluctantly goaded to this horrible life style. This is not a way of life, nobody wants to live like this, but when someone loses his home, his land, his freedom, his life … basic human rights trampled on with tank treads, morals will wither and disappear and blind hatred and violence will arise.

 No western movie has ever depicted the Palestinian oppression by Israelis, how they destroy their homes, their farms, their properties, killing their sons or whoever resists, desecrating their beliefs, plundering their land with their expanding colonies … the list goes on. But the Media always show the Arabs as attacking and the Israelis as defending, never the other way around. No one on earth (including the Arabs) condones what the Palestinian militants did in Munich, it's appalling and inhumane but has anyone ever thought why they did what they did? Those young Palestinians must have had families, children, friends, life …. Like other people on earth they must had their own dreams, prospects …, why would they do this!!! Can anyone Imagine the pressure pushing them toward this kind of violence, this desperation to embark on mission impossible (kidnap the Israeli Olympic team to swap them for Palestinian prisoners) knowing they don't stand a chance? that no one is gonna let them take those hostages no matter what?

I'm an Arab but I hate the Arab culture, their obscurantist traditions and customs, their stagnant civilization and most importantly their predominant and violent religion: Islam. I know the influence of Islam on violence (especially in the middle east), a religion whose more than half of its scripture dedicated to hatred and killing of other people "infidels", a religion that honors terrorism and deem it the ultimate good that leads to heaven. Muslim people have become terrorists, not only because their religion tells them so, but also because the west have always had their hands in the middle east, undermining the stability of the region and the sovereignty of its countries under the guise of democracy and freedom, mostly to make sure the OIL stays under their control, and probably some other strategic purposes. As for the Palestinians, they not only had their share of foreign intrusions, they had their land taken.

 The movie was biased and one-sided, it was not entertaining, and the message it delivered was wrong. I feel sad to see such hatred from both sides, and even sadder that the rest of the world does almost nothing to stop the atrocities committed and endeavor for peace between the two sides, instead they take sides with the oppressors, it's a shame. We are all human beings, we all have 46 chromosomes in each cell of our bodies, we all laugh when we are happy and we all cry when we are sad ... but it seems that the silly differences between us that we human beings created by default will always tear us apart no matter how high our thinking become and in spite of all the biological evolution breakthroughs that eventually led to our existence, we are higher animals, yet interestingly we are the only species on this planet where members kill or mutilate each other, simply for joy !

what a doomed review, neither of the two sides are gonna like it, I bet not even the moderate and open minded of them, but then again, who cares...

nobody likes the sordid truth? ...

sooo what?
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Caramel (2007)
The joy and pain of life... mostly pain
20 November 2014
Tender, passionate, painful movie about life, nothing new, but still true, and deep. Disappointment in this world is our shadow, no one can shake free from it. feelings overwhelmed me throughout the movie but I have no words to express them, why do we have to suffer, why do we have to age so fast and die regardless of our dreams, regardless of our desires, fulfilled or not. Life... Is not long as some may say, it's short, it's too short and cruel and it does not care for individual lives, it's just about luck, that's all, and by luck I mean everything: how good your genes are, how well and how rich your family is, how prosperous the country you live in is, ... And the list goes on, and we can do almost nothing about it. Some may have what they want and be happy in their lives but many just don't, no matter how hard they try, and the painful thing is: you only got one shot, one life, you can't just go back in time to redeem yourself, to have what you never had, to re-do things that could've changed the rest of your life. It's like a blink of an eye, one day we wake up and find out that it's too late...... it's just cruel. We are the products of our genes, our environment, our lives are determined by them, we think we have choices, but we're wrong, the choices we make are just so minor and insignificant and will never change the way we are molded, ugly people will always be ugly, the stupid will never be smart, the boring will never be interesting or fun to be around, the weak and sick will never be healthy and fit......

We are who we are no matter what we do, we're born... we live with what we have... we die... and that's all we get, and no imaginary God, old or new, can make it up for us.
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I cried... but I laughed even more... Nadine : I love you
19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
let's be honest, it wasn't realistic, but it was like a beautiful dream.

In conflict areas, we usually don't have good intended, perceptive, rationally thinking people (not even the women), and the clergy, in real life, they broil the fire of hatred and sectarian violence, not quench it. I'm an atheist, so no wonder I liked the movie, but if I had watched it a few years earlier when I was devoutly religious, I would've hated it most probably. Obviously the message the movie is trying to deliver is that we should forget about our differences and live in harmony with other religions (and for that Nadine, I respect you), but I think the message is incomplete, in order to forget the differences "for real" and rise above all the bigotry and hatred religion breeds, YOU HAVE TO QUIT RELIGION.

Other than that, the movie is laughing, innocent comedy, beautiful simple village with adorable people...etc, I could keep talking positively for hours... but I have to say: I was touched.

I wish one day on this planet, there will be no more "us and them" because we are fellow inhabitants of the Earth and we share both splendor and travail on it.

Oh... And... Nadine... : I love you.
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Swades (2004)
over-rated ..... just another Indian romance, drama cliché
19 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
the woman of his dreams turns out to be so beautiful ! as usual of course in Indian movies (amidst hundreds of millions of ugly Indian women!!! "no offense"... his girl is a MODEL), the meeting was so soon after he landed in India ... and a stupid one ( buying books from the bookshop of her childhood friend's friend !!! on the only day he visits his friend's bookshop during his stay in India !!! and during the brief period when his friend asks him to watch the cash machine for a few minutes !!!... the usual Indian destiny cliché).

the songs are too long and boring that the movie would have been better without (why do all Indian movies have to be stuffed with tedious, unnecessarily numerous songs? is it because that each Indian movie has to be over 3 boring hours?). I really like most of Indian songs, but do they have to be so many in one movie? and do the tracks have to be played full duration each?

the project he makes to provide electricity for the village is just wacky and unrealistic (a ridiculously small turbine having its kinetic energy driven from a very shallow and weak stream of water !!!) ... I live in Iraq where the electricity blackouts are much like that depicted in this movie and I know the size of a turbine needed to light a village and the amount of water needed to turn that turbine. all I'm saying is that Indians always have to make the main character a hero in every aspect of life: unifying the people's word, providing green energy that he created out of thin air, convincing people to enroll their children in school saving their children from illiteracy and preventing the elders from turning the school's building into a council... etc. I'm not saying that I don't love such deeds, they're what every human being dream to have or do for his people, it's just that achieving them all together and this simple is so unrealistic, people died trying to save others from racism, ethnic and sectarian violence; governments and scientists spend millions of dollars and hundreds of days just to harness green energy hardly enough to light a small area. this kinda unrealism is not an interesting thing to watch especially when it's in almost every bollywood movie. the only thing I liked in the movie are the village people and their daily life, that was the only realistic thing worth watching.

and last but not least, the end of the movie: leaving America and returning home !!! I'm not saying that people don't do such things, but I have to say that it was so stupid of him to leave a very good job that he's very good at, in the best country in the world and go to live in a "village" in India, are you kidding me! who does that unless he's retarded or something.

I like India and Indian people, I like their songs and their culture, but I don't wanna watch stupid hero-fairy tale romance movies anymore.
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come on !...... 7.0 ! seriously?
8 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
stupid story, totally unrealistic, ridiculous, when Suri showed up in the dancing hall I thought: at last ,the wall between him and his wife Tanya is gonna break and their life is gonna be better, but her.... not recognizing him !!!!!!!! what the f**k!!!!! she didn't even mention the fact to him that he looks like her husband sooooo much, what about his voice? even if she was literally blind, she should have recognized him by his voice. come on ,bolywood , u could have made it a comedy, it would have been hilarious and funny, but this, it was soooooo silly and tedious , I wasted 3 hours of my life for nothing, and I finished the movie just coz my best friend recommended it, so I watched waiting for something worth recommending.

and what's with this religion thing? "I see god in you"!!! why does everything, even love, has to be about god? if he does exist, which I highly doubt, he doesn't give a s**t about you, he doesn't care if you're crippled, retarded, ugly, and he surely doesn't care if......let's say your family get raped and then burned to ashes by a bunch of burglars, he will only care if you are homosexual(which he is to blame for in the first place) so that he can enjoy burning, scalding, and roasting you for eternity. " I see god in you".... when do you see him best, when you f**k? cut the crap and love for the sake of love itself, not some jealous, envious, sadist psychopath people have imagined to be in the sky millennia ago.
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realistically beautiful
29 December 2013
I was captivated by the acting and script, so engaged that I lost track of time and when the movie ended I was like "what? it just started". anyone who worked as a salesman for a company or an office can relate to this story. the desperation to make a living, the strife to keep your job, the bloody competition are all part of your daily routine, and you have to get used to it and accept your destiny, otherwise don't bother going to work because you'll be replaced sooner than you think. I really liked Alec Baldwin's scene, it was the best in the movie. Not to mention Al Pacino's performance, everybody was real and convincing. if you appreciate real talent, it's a loss to miss such a performance. 10/10
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Root of All Evil? (2006 TV Movie)
one of the best atheist documentaries
21 December 2013
I totally agree with everything Dawkins says but the problem with atheists is that they too are fundamentalist believers just like theist ones, they are so sure that what we know yet about the universe, biology and evolution is the absolute truth and everyone else who disagree with them is blind and wrong. I don't believe that god exists (no evidence), we all know that, but I also don't believe that god does not exist as there is no evidence on this claim too, so I can say that I'm an atheist until proved otherwise. but what we think we know about god and the universe which is religion is bad and naive and causing much more harm than good to the human race(hatred, killing in the name of god, terrorism,myths and superstitions blocking our pursuit of the truth about this world). If there is a god somewhere (which I highly doubt given the indifference and lack of interference in our war torn world) I don't think that such a deity who made us in the first place and programmed us (genetics) to be good or evil would burn us in hell for eternity if he's to be fair, and if he's not then why bother praying and dedicating our time and finite resources to the stupid and meaningless rituals that we human beings do throughout our lifetime hoping that in the other life god will reward us and save us from hell when he already decided who wins and who loses.

Richard Dawkins - two thumbs up.
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