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Challengers (2024)
Watch "Match Point" instead
20 April 2024
This is a tough one. I liked the concept and the overall story. However i feel like it missed the mark on occasions.

The acting was decent. Felt like each character was built upon chemistry and realism. It kept me entertained for the most part.

The times jumps at the beginning worked and created suspense. Leaving the viewer unsure of what the history our 3 characters share however, the time jumps became a bit too rapid and i personally found it harder to keep up with where we are in the story. I feel like they could've left out a few scenes to make the story flow smoother.

The soundtrack was interesting. Not sure if it suited the mood of the film. But my biggest gripe is the ridiculously slowed down ending. Not sure what the director was thinking with that one.

The conclusion felt like it was going on for 1 hour and i felt it a little cheesy with the last scene of the film.

Overall I see a lot of influence from the film "Match Point" starring Scarlet Johansson. In my opinion that film was far more successful in what "challengers" was attempting.

Overall, bit hit and miss. Some decent moments but nothing to get you excited about or talk about after.
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Monkey Man (2024)
🔥Indian John Wick🔥
4 April 2024
"Only God can forgive you now"

Man. What a wild ride. Violent, fast paced yet beautifully shot. Great effort by Dev Patel on his directorial debut. He has managed to create a worthwhile action film with some great set pieces, neck, breaking stunts and an overall good looking film.

I think what triumphs the most is the fast pace, headache inducing editing (this is a positive) with some great colour schemes and set pieces. It's fast paced editing matched the chaotic streets of India, mixed with its rich culture and history.

The soundtrack was reminiscent of John Wick, with it's party scenes and colour palette. There was some great cinematography, especially through its use of silhouettes towards the final act.

You can see the directors, aim to portray the monkey man, as a legendary figure who supports the powerless, and the impoverished of India's lower class. He makes a stand against those who are in control, which is a great pairing for an action/revenge film.

I will say that the second act does falter a bit in its speed and does drag down in some places however, it quickly picks up pace again in the last act where monkey man turns into a proper beast.

You can see the message the director portrayed as he highlights the inequality surrounding the poor in India and uses this medium to show that there is hope and people willing to make a stand against those who are in control.

All in all a decent action film with great choreography, stunts, soundtrack and editing. This is an enjoyable watch, but doesn't elevate much further than your standard action flick.

All praise for Indian John Wick!
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Technically superb but...
22 July 2023
At its core Oppenheimer is a technical masterpiece. The haunting score by Ludwig Göransson is one of the film's most profound highlights. The score acts as its own character in how it builds and arcs throughout the film and peaks during arguably the best moment, the bomb drop. Paired with an aggressive and bold sound design that transports you into the screen, both sound aspects make this film truly remarkable.

There are no faults in the incredible acting of the monumental cast in Oppenheimer. Murphy plays Oppenheimer in a way that enables the audience to feel the gravity of his situation and the historical repercussions that follow. However, Robert Downey Jr., who plays Lewis Strauss, is arguably the best the Oppenheimer cast brings. Downey Jr perfectly portrays the slow spiral and eventual downfall of his character.

The film shines when it shifts into a more psychological element focusing on Oppenheimer and the impact of his actions and their effect on his person. The scene in the small theatre, when he gives the speech on the success of the bomb, is easily one of the film's most haunting and gut-wrenching moments.

I wish there were more moments like that...

If the film had followed this psychological approach more closely, engagement levels would have been higher, making the run time feel considerably shorter. However, the third act and its portrayal of Oppenheimer as the political 'scapegoat' is done well; this is when we see the other actors shine.

However, Oppenheimer has its flaws. The non-linear timeline, used abundantly by Nolan, sometimes struggles with its fast-paced switching. The overload of characters being interviewed, heavy dialogue and the constant time changes does at the time make it difficult to follow the political aspect of the story. Engagement levels during the first and last acts were low, making the story feel dull and sluggish. As stated before, if the script studied the immense impact of this event on Oppenheimer and his family on a psychological level would have helped the meandering political story flow more smoothly. And yes, the three-hour run time could have definitely been cut by at least 15-30min.

To summarise, Oppenheimer is a technical masterpiece. Sound design, soundtrack, cinematography and acting are at the peak of their game. It portrays the political impact that the creation of the atomic bomb had on America and the world. However, its pacing issues, extended run time, and heavy political agenda that steer us away from the effects on Oppenheimer himself provide problems in an otherwise strong film.

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The Whale (2022)
Life's Deepest Regrets
4 February 2023
Darren Aronofsky's "The Whale" is a profoundly moving, tragic, yet authentic look at a dying man's deepest regrets. The Whale's true-to-life reflection of family relationships, personal guilts, dreams, and their inherent affinity allows the film's continual setting in a cramped apartment to be worth its simplicity.

"The Whale" focuses on Charlie's (Brendan Fraser) last week alive as a morbidly obese man dying from congestive heart failure. The film cleverly employs a 1.33:1 cinematic ratio that exposes Charlie's massive stature and size on the screen. With a profoundly resonating score, beautiful cinematography and atmospheric setting, "The Whale" is technically excellent.

The film examines Charlie's last attempts to reconnect with his daughter Ellie played well by Sadie Sink, who has been absent for many years. The film excels in the thoroughly complex and authentic relationships between each character. Such relationships are full of anger and hate, yet used as a medium to demonstrate deep love between them.

The Whale is about the lifelong remorses of a dying father and his aim to reconcile with those he has grown distant. Although able to go to the hospital to help his condition, Charlie desires his remaining money to go to his daughter's future.

Honesty is a motif employed in "The Whale". Charlie's last fragment of his daughter is from an essay she wrote in year 8, which analyses "Moby Dick". He cherishes this essay as it is an honest and beautiful reflection of the novel. The film alludes to the convention of hiding behind mundanity to hide true feelings of sadness in the form of literature, but it also can transcend social media today. The appreciation of his daughter's honesty in her writings is a fragment of his daughter that he holds onto deeply.

"The Whale" concentrates on Charlie's anguish that his oncoming death was the sole reason for reaching out to his lost family, an act that he could never do before and now is too late. Fraser's performance is tear-jerking and oscar worthy. Sink and Chau are profound supporting members who ensure the cohesion and ultimate authenticity of the relations of their story.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Damien Chazelle's Love Letter to Cinema
21 January 2023
Babylon is Damien Chazelle's love letter to cinema, as cinephiles or regular viewers witnessed earlier in the year with Speilberg's "The Fablemans." Babylon is flashy, over the top and magical. Set in the hay day of silent films to the eventual monumental switch to sound. Babylon's chaotic opening perfectly denotes a style of film that viewers will witness over its lengthy 3-hour runtime. Accompanied by a jazzy score, quick editing and stylish cinematography, Babylon transports us to a vibrant and lavish world of cinema production in the early 20th century.

At its core, Babylon's run time is supported and even helped by striking and stellar performances. Namely, Margot Robbie and her show-stealing performance. Accompanied by her dynamic range, she delivers the grandeur nature of her character Nellie LaRoy and, ultimately, her imperfections not as an actress but as an individual. Brad Pitt equally holds his ground as Jack Conrad, who exquisitely depicts his character's downfall from a star to a washed-up actor with no future. However, we must remember Diego Calva, who deserves equal praise for his exceptional portrayal of Manuel, who functions as the heart and soul that keeps Babylon together.

Babylon, however, does feel at times a series of "set pieces" within a more fantastic story but fails to connect the world and characters as one living, breathing entity. The film jumped from character to character too much, and potentially tightening of the plot, which interweaved them sufficiently (emphasis on Jack Conrad's character), might have reduced the run time and left a slightly better impression on the overall story. Manuel and Nellie's relationship as lovers who wanted to run away together came about too abruptly and even forced. Chazelle could have developed their story subtly throughout the film before its conclusion.

However, Babylon is much more than a story about our characters and their journey throughout Hollywood. Babylon is a message that (maybe too on the nose) exemplifies cinema's timeless impact on us as a viewer, the range of emotions they resonate within us and the beautiful, bitter-sweet memories they evoke. The opening scene perfectly highlights this notion and the pleasure and euphoria cinema can cultivate in us. People, actors and characters come and go and are lost and forgotten, but cinema itself endures and prevails.

Perhaps Damien Chazelle's Babylon is a personal gripe at what cinema as an industry has become through the characterisation of the menacing villain James McKay portrayed by Tobey Maguire. McKay states that anyone will do anything for money, and Chazelle articulates that the loss of cinema's "true art" is becoming apparent today.

Babylon's exaggerated, flamboyant and chaotic tone creates an entertaining and humorous experience that is worth the watch but does not entirely escape its downfalls.
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Visually stunning film that lacked in plot.
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To start of it is obvious to state that Avatar: The way of water is a visual treat. CGI and cinematography are absolute perfection. It looked so much better than all the Marvel/DC films that have come out recently. You can tell most of the though put into the film was the way it looked. Visually outstanding.

The pacing of the film was handled quite well, even though most of the film was focused on world building and highlighted the exploration of the films environment. This is not a complaint as this part of the film was absolutey beautiful and well worth the time. Accompanied with a magnificent score, I could not complain. The underwater scenes were mesmerizing.

The family theme throughout the film was att the forefront most of the film, which worked well due to the strong characters who were written realistically and stong. Jake's sons were great characters who exhibited depth and development during the films duration.

It is important to mention that the action sequences, most prominently in the final act were stunning. The sound design during these high impact action sequences were perfect. Can't complain at all here.

The world building was another aspect that impressed me. Even though it did not progress the larger plot of the film, these moments did enrichen the world of Pandora and the different tribes and people in it. I loved seeing the techniques and equiptment used in the water tribe.

Zoe was a standout for me as Neytiri. Her performance was full of emotion. Top stuff

My favourite aspect of the film was the relationship formed by Lo'ak and the Talkun water creature. It was authentic, rich and beautiful.

On to the negatives.

I noticed that some of the dialogue was corny and cringe during the fight and action scenes. Remarks by the Aussie villian came across as such.

The plot was definitely the weakest part of the film. They had so much time to think of a new and reviving plot but all we got was a copy and paste villain hunting Jake and his family. Thats it. Bit weak. A different villian was certainly needed to propel the story further. The refresh Quaritch was lame.

Also. Quaritch and Spider's relationship was weak. Spider knew he was wanting to murder all of his people. Yet still saved his life. I know Quaritch saved spiders but in both circumstances their heroic saving seemed forced.

Was Avatar: The Way of Water better than the first? Probably not. Story wise, no. Visually yes. I think this outcome was expected. Well for me at least.

Overall, Avatar: The Way of Water was a solid movie and entry into the 2022 filmography. 8/10.
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21 July 2022
I have not read the novel. However what i experienced in the cinemas was quite enjoyable. Slower paced but focused on the relationships between the characters and the environment encompassing the story effectively. Acting was solid, (daisy especially) as well as the cinematography. The ending reveal was something i was not expecting however was well received. The last few minutes of the film may have been slightly rushed in my opinion.

The film was a blend of court room, drama and crime. Which at points worked well, and others became a little slow (romance parts).

Overall was an enjoyable film. Nothing extraordinary. But solid. 7.5/10.
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Great beginning. Messy Endings.
15 April 2022
Part 1: Everything was pretty solid. Interesting premise, great action scenes and humour. Was enjoying it a lot.

The parts onwards just spectacularly derailed. It became an incoherent loud mess of nothing. It felt long but didn't really serve an overall purpose. I understand the ending and the "message" but it felt messy in my opinion.

The final act really had to deliver to be able to fully appreciate and enjoy this film. In which it failed.

6.5/10 (rounded down)
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The Batman (2022)
Safe, but Solid from Reeves
3 March 2022
Beautiful to look at with its noir/dark tone. Had some stunning cinematographic shots and action sequences. Decent intricate plot with multiple of well integrated elements and solid side characters. Loved Colin as the Penguin especially. Catwoman complemented the story nicely.

How about the soundtrack though. Eerie but beautiful.

Reeves however, went safe with the story. No extraordinary or shocking moments. But rather a well thought out plot with good character focus on Wanye's history.

Best moment: The car flip scene and the upside down shot. EPIC.
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Moonfall (2022)
Standard disaster movie (Good looks and thats it)
3 February 2022
Moonfall was your typical disaster movie, cinematographically beautiful and thats really it. The movie had pretty poor dialogue, basic writing. At some points i was cringing it was that bad. As well as the acting, didn't stand out really (due to the poor script).

Characters and their emotional connections to others in the movie was basic and not properly developed. Shallow emotional connection all round. Even some earlier scenes with the father and son to highlight their strong family connection. (Just got one- laptop scene- was weak)

CGI was pretty stunning, and there were some beautiful shots in the film. The plot i did enjoy too. It's whacky but an interesting original script. Credit for that.

All in all 6/10 is fair. Would've been more if I actually cared for the characters. Looked good though.
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Should not be in this show
1 February 2022
Solid ep. Does it deserve a 9.4 (current rating)? Not really. Just because it was after some mediocre Boba episodes it stands out. At 9.4 it stands as the tied second highest episode from Mandalorian and boba combined. High 8's for sure. Bit too high in my opinion :))

In my opinion this show should've been season 3 of Mandalorian. Would've been much more cohesive.
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Deluded by the hype
17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If this movie didn't have the 3 boys joining forces it would've been a 6/10 for me. What we got was a shaky plot with Ned whipping out doctor strange moves after 0 training and peter risking the universe collapsing for the lives of a few random villains. Lazy lazy writing

And the end fight we had maybe 10 seconds of our 3 Spider-Men fighting together. The rest was choppy scenes of each character fighting their respective villians. Where was the unity? Thats what we wanted, some combo moves between the 3 at least :(

There were obviously some great moments dont get me wrong but i feel people aren't really taking the movie for what it is. Deluded by the marvel hype

This is what happens when the hype is too big. What was MJ's line on disappointment? Yeah it applies to this film.

My 4 main issues...

1. Ned mastering the Doctor Strange Ring instantly (0 training) 2. Peter's decision to steal the cube from doctor strange because he wanted to "cure" a few villains and consequently risk his universe 3. Needed a few more scenes where the spidermen fight in unison ( we got 10 seconds of them swinging together) 4. Tobey's entrance was lame and should've been utilised during the end fight.
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The Guilty (2021)
Was a decent covid movie
18 September 2021
I haven't seen the original movie so i cant draw any comparisons. However the guilty was a solid movie lead by Jake Gyllenhaal who really carried the story through. Theres only so much you can do and achieve with a movie set in it's entirely in one building but it didn't really disappoint in my opinion. The story progressed well and tied in Jakes own inner demons quite effortlessly. The twist in the film was a nice surprise too.

Some segments i felt the movie maybe was losing me or some of the voice actors over the phone became annoying (we know who) but was quickly resurrected by Jake's top notch acting once again.

All in all guilty was a decent which had some real riveting scenes and some not so much. The guilty deserves deserves a 7/10 for me :)
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Not as bad as everyone says
11 September 2021
Look, this isn't a spectacular movie however it did have some decent moments. The camera work was pretty good and from a technical standpoint I felt like it was solid. Some of the shots looked stunning. The soundtrack was something that stuck with me, another positive element, was eerie and worked well with the atmosphere of the movie.

Yes there were some plot holes and moments where you laugh in a bad way or sigh. As well as some key plot points that were not fleshed out or even explained at all.

All in all was not horrible and it was not amazing. 7/10 is an average movie, and Malignant was such.
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Six Feet Under: Untitled (2004)
Season 4, Episode 12
Why are people giving 1's?
8 August 2021
This was one of the best episodes of the show so far. Absolutely stunning. The character development is top notch, it's truely a stunning piece of art. 10/10 There are still a decent amount of people giving a 1/10, how is this possible?
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Good moments but lacked in story/world building
28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had some very suspenseful and tense moments. However lacked in the overall story/world building.

Could have been a longer running time and incorporated some word building on the island. Introducing us to some characters and how they function on the island would have been important. As well with the ending it had the same elements from the ending in the first film. Was very similar, and this was a bit disappointing.

However all in all was not bad 7/10.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Aftermath (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Decent beginning
5 May 2021
Enjoyable beginning. Loved the link to order 66. The end fight in the hanger was the best segment in this first episode. Some average bits however, hope Omega's character doesn't disappoint. Can see it happening though.

Overall 8/10. Solid start. Can improve.
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Slowing down
7 April 2021
Since the introduction of Zenitsu 5 episodes ago, the show has been slowing down a bit. It has lost its dark and ominous feel. Tanjiro and Nezuko on their own felt like the show ran more smoothly in contrast to the introduction of the 2 new characters. It took a light hearted and funny tone at this point which i think took away from the serious nature the show implemented in the earlier episodes.
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You watch it for the fights
28 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Meh. Plot was terrible and unrealistic. The whole sneaking into apex arc was absolutely useless and pointless. Just for them to "save the day" by pouring alcohol on a computer to mess up mechazilla. Yeah right. The fight scenes and cinematography during them was beautiful.

Godzilla v Kong 9/10 Plot 2/10 6 seems fair.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 6: The Prisoner (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Felt like a star wars horror
14 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Such a step up from the previous 2 episodes. Happy to see The Mandalorian back to where it was before. Hope the season ends as strongly. By the way how cool was the scene of Mando and the flickering lights. 9/10 epic
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Mindhunter: Episode #2.4 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Massive episode with a big ending!
21 August 2019
Quality television continues. Another awesome episode with a massive twist at the end. Season 2 has been excellent. The dark nature of the show is continuing with great scenes and big moments. Love that eerie soundtrack at the end. Enjoying all story lines, Atlanta, Bill's home and even Wendy and her bowling expert lover ;)
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Mindhunter: Episode #2.3 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
A slower episode but still as good!
20 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A slower episode however still provocative. An episode that focused on more of the psyche of the killers who Holden interviewed, the acting by the two killers was superb, doing it justice. Moreover we dealt with the team separated and focused more on their own story lines. Wendy and her bar tender lover, Bill and the death in their home town as well as the effect on the community and lastly Holden with the findings about the missing/death of the black children. The introduction to the black women story was intriguing and set up an interesting dynamic with Holden and whether he will pursue the case. Once again the acting was perfect as well as the eerie sound track which complements the dark nature of the show. Interesting to see where the 3 stories will lead and how the BTK will be integrated within them. Bring on episode 4
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Mindhunter: Episode #2.2 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
Phenomenal Episode!
19 August 2019
Wow! What a phenomenal episode. Suspenseful, eerie and dark. The interview with Berkowitz was incredible, what an interesting insight. The BTK arc is expanding superbly too. As well as the car interview and how kevin's face was never in focus, an interesting touch. The ending was ominous and foreshadowed whats to come. This episode made me keen for episode 3. Well done.
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Mindhunter: Episode #2.1 (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Excellent Beginning!!
18 August 2019
A superb start the season 2. We really see how fragile Holden is at the moment due to his interaction with Kemper last season and how it's affecting those around him. Great acting. The acting and directing is once again top notch. The first scene of this episode was terrifying and am excited to see where that story arc continues. The shows dark mood is portrayed throughout the episode, especially in the beginning and the end of the episode. Looking forward to episode 2.
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Black Mirror: Striking Vipers (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
What was the message?
6 June 2019
I thought the message of the episode was not conveyed in a clear way, what actually was the episode about, what was the purpose? Sometimes simple is better. Acting was solid was well as the cinematography. But the episode lacked in what others had in seasons before, a clear direction.
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