
7 Reviews
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Oh boy was i wrong
28 June 2022
So whatever you think this movie is about - you're wrong. All the opinions i had before and even while watching this movie went out the window. So refreshing to watch something like this. Boy what a rollercoaster. Please, watch it. Be open minded - this movie is something else. Still can't believe it got me so off guard. Be prepared to experience a bunch of emotions. Even the ones that you deep down from surface. Thank you for this experience.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Keep it coming
25 November 2021
I love the anime and i like the remake. I don't think it's fair to compare it to the original. Nothing is going to live up to one of the best anime of all time. So i think they did the right choice and kind of went their way. It's more of an inspired by, rather than a hard remake. Which is fine. We're getting more of cowboy bebop and that's a good thing.
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High and Low (1963)
Stock up on beer
7 August 2021
Kurosawa is one of my favorite directors, but some of his movies - although rated highly are extremely boring f.e. - Ran. I barely sat through the movie. Sure - it's a masterpiece, influential yada yada yada. But boy is it boring. Same goes for High and low. Sure, one could say it's an old movie, but old doesn't necessarily equals boring. Fritz Lang's M is much older and waay more fun to watch. High and low is very well filmed and extremely well acted (like all of Kurosawas movies) but boy is it slow and boring. The pacing is one of it's weakest components. I think if an hour would've been trimmed of this movie it would've helped. Anyway - worth the watch, but stock up on beer. It'll help.
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Homunculus (I) (2021)
Inspired by the manga
27 April 2021
Ok, so i'm not an avid manga reader, but - i do binge on it once in a while. Homunculus was one that blew me away. I wanted to read something else an author of my favorite manga "Ichi the killer" - Hideo Yamamoto wrote and that's how i found Homunculus. And boy it did not disappoint. I'd say it's a must read. The art is a masterpiece, the story is engaging, the characters are flawed and interesting. I loved it. So when i saw the movie on Netflix i was really excited, yet cautious. Live action movies rarely (if ever?) adapt manga properly. Anime is way better at doing it. So - i watched the movie... It's weird. The first half is kind of alight - it has pretty much similar plot and characters as the manga, although acting and execution is meh. The second part of the movie is where it completely goes of the rails and becomes it's own thing. So it's deceitful to even call it by the same name as the manga. The movie on it's own is pretty worthless. The plot is lame and barely makes any sense. So i guess the main reason why manga readers are upset is that the movie and the manga has almost nothing in common.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Knockoff of a knockoff
3 February 2019
So Happy death day, was a self aware knockoff of a Groundhog day with some goofy and sometimes funny added elements that do work as a B comedy. It was about a girl, that gets murdered on her birthday and wakes up the same day to try and figure out who keeps murdering her. Russian doll is a knockoff of Happy death day, which wasn't that good of a movie in a firat place
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Baby Driver (2017)
Don't waste your time - it's awful
26 July 2017
Enduring this movie was a pain - i mean literal physical pain. Predictable plot would be an understatement if there were any. Character motivations are non-existent. It's just a random mess of pointless violence in the universe where every police officer has an IQ of a carrot. The main protagonist is mix of typical "my mommy died" and "save the girl" motivations. Please - do everyone a favor. Don't watch this movie. Let Hollywood starve themselves to death. Maybe then they will move on from cookie cutter plots and characters. It's awful. But it will probably sit fine with 14-22 year old "Twilight" fans.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
If you rate this movie above 1 - you are the problem with this world
25 August 2016
OK let's start with something positive - Margot Robbie was great. She was extremely fun in this movie. Seeing her was like a ray of light in hell.

But that's like saying "you know that cherry on top of turd sundae was amazing"...

What a horrible movie. I feel violated. Hollywood strikes again. What happened? It's not even a kids movie. Blockbuster movies are on the same level as "Birdemic" Jesus Christ... And we're to blame.

You - yeah you. If you are reading this post - this is your fault. We messed up. We're at the point in history where porn plot is better then the summer blockbuster plot.

And it's happening all over the place. In game industry we have "No man's sky" and it's akin. And don't get me started on music industry.

We reached the bottom. I think we're doomed. Idiocracy plot was a prophecy.

So please if you like this movie - next time when you're contemplating suicide don't talk yourself out of it. Only then we stand a chance a species.
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