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Margin Call (2011)
Raises the tension in a gradual manner!
5 June 2024
If you are associated in any shape or form with any financial institutions, as their employees or as active customers, you will find it much easier to connect to the story as you have the required knowledge to make a sound assessment of the whole situation.

However, if you have no knowledge or have no firm correlations with the financial markets, the conversations, the chatters, or the jargon, to be specific, will make your viewing experience less pleasant, or rather confusing, if I were to put it bluntly.

Hence, tread only if you have your fundamentals (pun intended) well covered; otherwise, you may want to skip it.

As for the film, it does well in terms of raising the intensity in a phased fashion but I still feel there was much more to the story that left uncovered, true potential left unrealised!
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Awakenings (1990)
What an emotional ride!
5 June 2024
The film may have its fair share of issues, it may have not reached the highs it aspired for.

However, that does not diminish the heartfelt warmth it evoked in me. The flaws could not undermine the moments that brought tears to my eyes as well as filled me with joy.

If you can truly connect with the characters, if you can understand their pain and struggles, rest assured, it will evoke the same emotions within you like it did to me.

And let's not forget the incredible casting of De Niro and Robin Williams in leads. Their presence alone makes the viewing experience all the more relishing, especially for the latter, whom I deeply miss.

Mr. Williams, you will never be forgotten, you will continue to live through your movies, R. I. P. :')
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Feels dated!
3 June 2024
The story's got everything you would normally expect to see in early 80s mainstream horror.

Things moving on their own, odd noises coming from all over the house, and unexplainable events keep occurring; the approach is extremely 'Textbook' leaning.

While there is an underlying narrative to unfold and almost a century-old truth to uncover, it's primarily because of the generic setup and the dated feel, which had little to no impact on me.

As someone who adores the genre and has seen thousands of movies to date, it was just another movie to clear off from the list; nothing special, nothing particularly mention-worthy.
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An effective prequel!
3 June 2024
The movie faithfully follows (pun intended) the trajectory of 'Nunsploitation', a new 'trend' in the horror realm which has been gaining momentum for quite some time now.

It particularly brought to mind Michael Mohan's recent directorial "Immaculate", which I had the opportunity to watch and review just a month ago.

Both films share similar themes and treatments, with the main difference being that this one is part of a well-established franchise.

As a result, it not only had to work on its own as a standalone feature but also had this daunting task of serving as a 'prequel' to the first entry released way back in 1976.

And I must admit, it succeeded on both grounds.

The movie boasts solid writing, aided by a tight screenplay and impressive technical expertise, helped to set the mood and tone effortlessly.

My only complaint is that the supporting cast does not offer much, at least from a writing perspective. The burden of storytelling falls heavily on the shoulders of the protagonist, Margaret (played commendably by Nell)

With a bit more emphasis put on developing the supporting characters, it could have become something truly special, something worth remembering.
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Inferior compared to the original!
1 June 2024
I did not find a single scene in the film that frightened me or made me feel at unease.

I'm unsure why it is categorized as horror, since it lacks the necessary elements that usually define this genre and style of filmmaking.

While I understand the presence of biblical references and the incorporation of supernatural constituents, I do not believe that alone justifies labelling it as a horror piece.

Suffice it to say, I'm disappointed, especially considering how much I liked its predecessor. The previous film had superior kills and far better of a storytelling, this one pales in comparison!.
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The Omen (1976)
Effective storytelling!
31 May 2024
While the scares may not be overwhelmingly terrifying, the narrative keeps the suspense alive from start to finish.

Despite its formulaic and predictable nature, the story effectively develops around its initial premise, allowing for a meaningful narrative progression.

The tension is undeniably palpable, leaving audiences intrigued about the child and the potential mysteries surrounding him.

Additionally, the technical aspects are commendable, particularly the lifelike prosthetics that enhance the overall authentic feel of the production.

If there's any critique to be made it would be the desire for exploration of that malevolent child's powers and deceptions, which could have added further depth to the storytelling.
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Tarot (I) (2024)
Technicalities shined through!
30 May 2024
Although the story offers nothing new and the writing makes its predictability aspect more prominent, I loved how technicalities shined through, even amidst such banality, and made the biggest impression.

I would go as far as to say that it's the cinematography, the color grading, and the lighting and sets that made it all click, making it effective, at least to some degree.

If only they had provided a touch of creativity in terms of writing the story or developing the characters and had not opted for every known trope that ever existed in the horror realm, the film could have been something very special, and I would have been generous with my rating.
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Civil War (2024)
Something amiss!
30 May 2024
The writing's greatest asset lies in its ability to create anticipation and deliver payoffs effectively and in a timely manner. There are four to five scenes here, in particular, that will shock the viewers with their gruesome imagery, with horrifying details, leaving a lasting impact on them both from a literary and cinematic standpoint.

However, the excitement dwindles as the script moves forward. Aside from a couple of clever cinematographic showcase, the execution lacks the same level of engagement felt in those aforementioned sequences.

The drama falls short, mainly due to uninteresting characters. The lack of insight into their personal lives and struggles makes it rather difficult for the audience to connect with them, let alone care for their survival.

Maybe it's just me, but I had much higher expectations from someone like Alex Garland, considering his filmography, especially in the recent past.
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A must watch!
29 May 2024
More than a film it serves as an educational piece for people who fail to recognise the importance of their financial resources, especially those who neglect to express appreciation for their precious privileges.

Although, it's hard to blame them as one may not grasp the value of wealth until they have endured hardships regarding the same.

Experiencing a depleted bank account, lacking shelter, struggling to provide food for one's family, and being unable to clothe one's children are all circumstances that can shed light on the importance of money and above all creation of wealth.

The story effectively portrays these struggles, with Will Smith delivering a performance that feels both genuine and compassionate. Through moments of sorrow and warmth, audiences are presented with valuable lessons to contemplate upon.

If only the screenplay maintained its pacing, and gave the supporting cast a bit more material to work upon, I would have been more generous with my final rating.

Nevertheless, it's a must watch!
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Still Alice (2014)
Julianne Moore carries the show!
28 May 2024
Julianne Moore masterfully encapsulates the essence of Alzheimer's disease through her empathetic portrayal of Alice. The progression of the disorder, from its early stages to its devastating advanced phase, is effectively depicted through the screenwriting, and Moore's exceptional performance only exacerbated the lingering effects.

As the main protagonist, she not only carries the film but also fulfils its broader purpose of raising awareness about this tragic illness. However, it would have been even more impactful if the supporting cast had contributed more to her cause.

While they didn't necessarily do anything wrong, when your lead actor commands such a strong presence, it is imperative for the rest of the cast to complement her talent, if not match it.
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Oxygen (2021)
Storytelling undermines the potential!
28 May 2024
One of the primary obstacles faced by single location thrillers is the inability to become complacent even for momentarily.

These films do not have the luxury of dwelling on any single plot point. They must offer valuable exposition on a constant basis, continuously feeding necessary information that will not only solidify narrative's core foundation but also ensures a gratifying culmination.

In the case of Alexandre Aja's 'Oxygen,' despite its efforts to adhere to the required framework, it falls short in capturing the essence of anticipation and excitement.

Whilst the movie's aspirations may be well-intentioned and its technical aspects commendable, it is ultimately the story or rather the manner in which it is told, that undermines as well as underplays its true potential!
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I liked the lore but...
27 May 2024
When the background score aggressively dictates the mood and tonality of a horror movie, it usually signifies weakness in its visual storytelling, especially when the said composition depends too much on meaningless exaggeration rather than desired subtlety.

'Death Whisperer' from Thailand is one such example.

I liked the lore and the way it found its place in the tale, but I didn't like the manner in which it was handled.

I feel it could have been something special if only the director understood his assignment better and had a clearer vision on how to take this concept to the next level.

But alas! That didn't happen!

The screenplay has pacing issues, the characters lack depth, and above all, there's barely any emotional pull. I could have disregarded the technical inefficiencies, but how can I ignore incompetence in the writing?
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Crew (2024)
Chemistry between the leads saved it!
25 May 2024
The story was simple, quite rudimentary if you ask me and it also had this tendency especially in the third act to veer towards peculiarities, but not in a convincing fashion.

It's rather the chemistry, the gelling between the three leads; Tabu, Kareena, and Kriti, that kept the interest alive. It was mainly because of this dynamic trio that punchlines seemed to have worked and the comedic gigs tend to function, maybe not all, but at least some of them did.

Now put these three out of the equation and the whole thing comes crashing down yes it's that incompetent in every other aspect save for the flamboyant ensemble!
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Faltered in dramatic segments!
23 May 2024
The cinematography is gorgeous; every single frame appears as if somebody's exotic work of art is being put on display! The colors, the vibe, and the overall tonality complement the mood so well.

Moreover, the execution has had a couple of intense moments driven by the glorious craft of intimidation and bloodshed!

That said, the film struggles from a narrative point of view. The story's too simple and too safe, and the characters are not fleshed out either.

Their interpersonal dynamics are not as firm as they should have been. As a result, the dramatic portions underwhelm for the most part.
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Has an infectious charm in it!
22 May 2024
People experiencing loneliness or other mental health issues are often unfairly stigmatised, especially if they are in their younger years.

They are often seen as socially awkward or 'weirdos.' It is truly unfortunate that their underlying problems are generally overlooked. Instead of understanding their struggles and hardships, we quickly assign negative labels to them, deeming them unfit for society.

If only we could see them with a little bit of compassion and try to understand their struggles, the world would be a much better place.

Returning to the film, there is a certain sweetness and warmth to it that becomes contagious.

While it may not be as intense or serious as other films with similar topics tend to be, it still prompts viewers to contemplate the lives of such individuals, and that is admirable.

And to top it all off, Ryan delivers a commendable act, flawlessly portraying his character Lars from beginning to end. It is no easy feat for an actor to convey a gentle smile on the surface while carrying a deeper sadness within, but Gosling does this so effortlessly.

He truly is a precious talent.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Works better as a tribute piece than an action comedy!
22 May 2024
It shines the brightest as long as its acts are strictly restricted to showing great stunt work and mounting larger-than-life action set pieces.

That shouldn't really come as a surprise, though, as this whole project was specifically envisioned to pay homage to one of the most brave groups of men and women who pull off implausible stunts day in and day out but seldom get the recognition they deserve.

In that regard, it does a great job; no complaints, but the moment it moves out of its so-called comfort zone, the efficiency takes a hit and the output does not quite reach the lengths it hoped for.

The story's lame; there's hardly any thought given to it. I had high hopes for the romance because Blunt and Gosling look so well together on screen and have organic chemistry, but that too failed to give satisfying results, mainly due to depthless writing and lack of ambition pertaining to the romantic aspect.

That said, I did enjoy what Gosling did as the lead; he kind of saved the film, if you ask me.
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Challengers (2024)
Couldn't quite reach its peak!
22 May 2024
As a regular follower of the sport, I eagerly anticipated watching tennis coming to life through cinematic medium. Despite the existence of a few tennis-centric films in the past, they were few and far between, suffice to say that heightened my expectations for this one.

Unfortunately, "Challengers" failed to meet the desired standards.

While the performances of the three main actors were commendable, it was the screenplay that held the film back, limiting its potential and preventing it from fleshing it, holding it back from flourishing.

The editing lacked the sharpness and precision it needed. Whilst I appreciate and advocate for non-linear storytelling, the back-and-forth approach should have matched the pacing and tonality of the sequences more thoughtfully.

Jumping between different timelines without 'reason' or cohesion makes the viewer's experience lousy.

Moreover, the background score was lacklustre at times, feeling (or sounding would be the better term to use) out of place and disrupting the progressive flow of certain scenes.

As a result of these technical mishaps, a number of intense moments lost their due impact, failing to reach their peak.

And I can't stress enough how much that bothers me!
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Maniac (2012)
Unrealised potential
21 May 2024
Despite having promising ideas, almost everything comes off as underwhelming and undercooked.

There's first-person POV from the killer's perspective, a unique take, but it's not consistent; the movie is a mixture of both found footage and conventional style of filmmaking, which I feel was a bad decision in the first place, should have chosen one or the other.

There's also this naive attempt to delve into the psyche of this psychopath; scenes were dedicated specifically to showcase his childhood trauma and scars from his past that may have shaped him in this state, but then again, that idea was explored only to a certain extent.

Last but not least, they had the golden opportunity to use the inherent creepiness of the mannequins, but as you have already guessed, there too it was bounded by its limitations.

In a nutshell, it is not necessarily a terrible movie on a fundamental level, but is heavily underplayed.
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Elle (I) (2016)
Couldn't capitalise on the subject!
21 May 2024
I have a soft spot for provocative cinema, the kind of movies that fearlessly challenge societal norms and audaciously push boundaries.

However, to fully invest myself, it's imperative for these movie to offer more than just surface-level content.

Unfortunately, "Elle" fell short in this regard.

While the story did present an unconventional point of view on shame, guilt, and grief, it lacked the requisite vision to delve deeper into those said subjects.

There was so much potential for the film to become a captivating character study, and although it hinted at its ambitions at times, I cannot help but feel surprised that it didn't take that extra step, that it didn't dare to go that extra mile.
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Monos (2019)
Such a unique experience!
18 May 2024
Despite the lack of explicit exposition or dialogue, a pervasive sense of unease permeates the entire storytelling. The sight of teenagers assuming the roles of staunch rebels, burdened by heavy weaponry and holding prisoners, is deeply unsettling and prompts contemplation.

Moreover, the cinematography, predominantly centred around a mountain top and later transitioning to a wilder, jungle setting, coupled with the committed performances of the young ensemble, contributes to this peculiar feeling of uneasiness.

This strange feeling as if something terrible is about to happen at any moment, becomes an indelible presence that persists throughout, it gradually takes over, and you can't shake it off, no matter how hard you try.

It was such a strange experience, but in a good way!
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Points in the right direction!
17 May 2024
"Aap nahi hoti, toh hum kabhi na milte" "Agar tu nahi hoti, toh humko hum nahi milte'

Stories centred around "Women Empowerment" often have this tendency to portray all men in a negative shade. While some of these stories do address important issues, the majority tend to vilify the opposite sex while neglecting their main objectives.

However, Kiran Rao's film "Laapataa Ladies" takes a different approach. It does criticize patriarchy and regressive practices such as blind arranged marriages, which are still prevalent in rural India, but does so in a balanced way.

The film showcases both men and women who are rigid and unwilling to adapt, as well as those who are supportive and open to breaking away from archaic traditions. This portrayal reflects the reality of the world we live in. While there are individuals with ill-intentions who will never going to change, there are also good-hearted people within that stubborn crowd who genuinely want to contribute to a more progressive society. Kiran Rao, as the director, exemplifies this reality so well.

Aside from its themes and messages, "Laapataa Ladies" is an entertaining movie from start to finish. The screenplay maintains a good pace, the humour is well-executed, and the performances are commendable. Whether it's the seasoned actors like Ravi Kishan and Chhaya Kadam, or the newcomers like Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Srivastava, every single member of the cast played their parts with utmost sincerity and commitment.

I loved it.
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Good for passing the time!
17 May 2024
I adore the film's depiction of middle-class families and their everyday struggles in a lighthearted manner. Most of the comedic moments are indeed over-the-top and delivered with exaggerated enthusiasm, but they still manage to create genuinely humorous situations.

The film's downfall lies not in its intention but rather in the script's lack of clarity and ambition. Additionally, I feel the family dynamic is terribly underplayed, which in turn makes the dramatic scenes and the emotions within them feel superficial, or rather half-baked in a sense.

Good for passing the time, but nothing exemplary to write home about.
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Claustrophobics would be petrified
16 May 2024
The first half hour, or its banality to be specific, would instill doubts in viewers' minds, especially those who have come after hearing so much praise about it.

I would advise them to stay put and wait until the group of friends reach the inside of 'Guna Cave'; the actual story starts from there.

The circumstance itself induced fear, more so because I am terrified of tight spaces, and to even think the film is based on a real-life incident and the sheer fact that more people have fallen into such bottomless holes in the ground sent shivers down my spine.

I was already holding my breath, and the film just had to sustain the tension and seriousness of the situation, and it did so without a hiccup. The brilliant utilisation of juxtapositions particularly caught my attention, those were done really well!
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Aavesham (2024)
FaFa steals the show, yet again!
16 May 2024
It was quite a dream run until the interval: drama, tension, and, most importantly, FaFa's captivating performance elicited thunderous cheers. Everything worked so well together, culminating in an hour full of fun and excitement, but then it all started to dwindle; the screenplay gradually loses steam and comes to a halt for majority of the second half, except for the last twenty minutes, when it recapitulated its pace and attempted to deliver a gratifying denouement.

And, to some extent, it worked, especially when FaFa unleashes his 'Massy' avatar in the climax, which almost helped me forget all the annoyances I had to deal with earlier in the second act. That being said, I still wished for a better film overall, as I cannot disregard the incompetence demonstrated in the middle.
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Stakes never felt real!
14 May 2024
I like the aesthetics and I appreciate it from a technical point of view, but unfortunately, I couldn't connect with the storyline and I strongly disagree with their writing choices. There were numerous missed opportunities that should have been addressed, gaps that should have been filled.

Moreover, the chemistry between the lead did not click more so because both of their backstories contributed very little.

Additionally, the anticipation built throughout the story never quite reached its pinnacle, as a result, the stakes never felt real.

On a side note, I must give a special shoutout to Katy O'Brian. Not only did she build an enviable physique, but her acting skills were also notable. She did good!
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