
9 Reviews
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Antichrist (2009)
Do not be fooled by the hype.
14 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It is with some regret that I have decided to spend time reviewing Von Trier's 'Antichrist'. I am, by nature a curious film watcher, and will, at times, succumb to temptation and reserve a couple of hours to cast my own opinion, when a film creates ample controversy. Thus far my curiosity, across the spectrum has been met with, elation and disappointment in equal measure.

This is, and I make no apologies for this statement, a truly terrible film. I was hoping to read the user comments and be satisfied that it was met with the utter indifference and loathing that followed my own viewing and was genuinely shocked with the ridiculous ratings that have been pulled from the posteriors of those who mistakenly interpreted this dull and pointless movie as high art.

Given that the acting was by no means sub par(Dafoe was very good as a husband/psychiatrist torn between his professional disposition and the demons of his relationship with his wife; and Gainsbourg was nothing if not committed to the role of a postnatally depressed lunatic) and the cinematography was at times excellent, it should give you some idea of how bad this movie was.

One review entitled 'Canonical Sermon, Classical Hero Journey, Numeric Elegance and Name of The Beast' offered an academic dissection of the movie...referencing the film's numerical balance and some other contextual information that completely fails to justify the relevance and poor execution of this movie, which in principle, before pen hit paper, may have carried some merit and proved to be a dark and disturbing study of the human/inhuman condition.

So, let me 'break it down' without offering insight where there is none or jumping on board the 'Turner Prize' high-art mindset that has corrupted modern art finding thought and intellect in the explicit and mundane.

Firstly: This is NOT a balanced movie, no matter how Von Trier cuts the film into chapters. A nice prologue, followed by over an hour of self absorbed boring nothingness (aside from the revelation of child cruelty), climaxing in a violent last 10 minutes that arrived way to late for me to care about the resolution. Simply put, it is quite an achievement to bore someone to the point that genital mutilation, the ejaculation of blood the image of a wife fingering a freshly drilled hole in her husband's leg does not leave them shocked or a little sick; and yet I was so paralyzed by boredom that I was rendered immune to the horrors depicted on the television in front of me.

It is all very well dissecting this movie for its symbolism and I am sure that for an academic essay it provides the necessary 'meat' for some critical analysis, but seriously, why bother when as a film, as a piece of entertainment, this movie fails at its most basic level.

I have watched interviews with the cast, who really don't seem to understand the movie and listened to drivel about how this was a product of Lars' depression. The reality is that 'controversy' is the most marketable aspect of the film and one has to question the misogynistic stance/intentions of the movie. I am not a fan of feminism as it has moved beyond equality but it certainly wouldn't be too late to question Von Trier's relationship to the fairer sex, both in the context of this movie and his work as a whole.

Imbalanced and a cry for attention; a cheap snub of mainstream Hollywood that craves the attention Von Trier claims to shun; or a failed art-house movie that owes its substance and form to antiquated intellectual study that it fails to properly address and far superior 'cabin in the woods' movies that it does not get close to matching....Take your pick of which best describes this terrible film.

If you want cabin horror, watch 'Evil Dead'. if you like dark and harrowing try 'requiem for a dream'. There has been some talk as to the meaning of 'Antichrist' in the context of this movie. I can say with some certainty that it refers to the pure evil that stole 2 hours of my life last week. Damn you Lars Von Trier, you are an idiot.
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Hustle (2004–2012)
Annoying, superficial, amoral and embarrassingly stupid.
24 January 2010
Hustle is a 'just-about-watchable' but eminently stupid English drama about a group of con artists with a heart.

The series, for even the most moderately cerebral viewer is dull and predictable and just goes to show the gulf between the British one-hour drama and its vastly superior American rivals.

I know that the budgets are smaller which impacts of the quality of writing and overall production but it doesn't take a genius to realise that this show fails on so many levels.

The casting, with the possible exception of Robert Vaughn, is haphazard at best. The twists really stink after a couple of episodes and the whole program is so cliché and amoral that I struggle not to throw something at the television when Adrian Lester gives his cocky/superior wink at the camera. I find Jaimie Murry about as convincing and sexy as a blow up sheep and what could have been a good idea is just pure farce.

I have no problem with popcorn fodder TV/Film but this over glamorous but cheap show misses ever opportunity to really ask some interesting questions. The 'hustlers' plod through their cons without any serious danger of pain or imprisonment and the only moral setup revolves around the fact that London seems to have a countless number of wealthy but stupid immoral businessman to defraud.

I have watched grittier Disney films and potentially there was scope for making an interesting 1 hour drama in spite of piddly BBC budgets. I would loves to see one of the 'hustlers' meet with a sticky end or get locked up for 20 years.

I watched the latest episode of the new series.....What a pile of wretched excrement with maybe one of the most stupid, overacted caricatures of a villain I have ever seen.

I can only assume the 8.9 rating is a collection of fanboys who have not even dared to watch 'The Wire', 'The Sopranos' or any of the really great drama that has made TV a quality format worth watching again.

Shame on you BBC for commissioning such rubbish - who on earth is looking after your quality control?
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Scrubs (2001–2010)
Pick it up....laugh, cry, laugh some more....and never put it down!
23 January 2010
Even and orgy of superlatives does not come close to how good this show really is and for that reason I find it difficult to know where to begin.

For this reason I will start with what I don't like about Scrubs....

.....Now I have that out the way I will try and explain what makes this show one of the greatest comedies ever to hit the small screen.

The simple answer is that everything....and I mean EVERYTHING works. From JD's engaging monologues to his zany day dream sequences. The main cast is so deftly crafted that I fear those actors may never escape their 'Scrubs persona's' and yet somehow this perfectly paced script allows for some of the most memorable supporting roles in television history.

No doubt the extreme surreality will not be to everyone's comedic tastes but it is impossible to ignore the writer's ability to maintain such a consistently high standard across 8 and a bit series. While the gags are regurgitated in varying forms they never get old and you find yourself looking forward to Cox's next rant or The Janitor's next manic action.

It should be noted that credit should be given to the whole cast for such incredible consistency. In particular, the supporting cast were so excellent that they inevitably became main-stay features of the show. The Janitor, Ted, Kelso etc etc could have easily been bit parts in a lesser show but they became without question one of the highlights of the show.

With more star performances that you would even dare to imagine this show is a landmark for comedy. The relationships are as honest as they are touching and I doubt that there will ever be a show that explores such brazen comedy while managing to offer moments of genuine tenderness and emotion.

With just about every box ticked, the producers could be forgiven for leaving the show with a mediocre soundtrack. But mediocrity was never part of the plan and just to show off Scrubs offers as good a soundtrack as we have ever seen on television or indeed any film.

Bravo to John C McGinley, Zach Braff, Ken Jenkins, Donald Faison and Neil Flynn...for being the brightest stars in a glittering constellation.

Scrubs will make you laugh, smile and occasionally shed a tear....Pick it up from the start and you may never want to put it down.

NB I have since watched series 9 and it is not even in the same league. So this review only covers the first 8 series with the original cast.
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Because stupidity isn't always bad...
22 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It is not often that I comment upon a film that has done nothing to move or upset so I thought I would break with tradition and offer my opinions.

First off - as a film, LAC is not terrible. The stand out aspect of the film is that it is able to maintain its pace without breaking stride, allowing the audience no time to dwell on the utter ridiculousness that is the plot. Now I may be naive as to the way the American Legal system works but it appears that, for the sake of a tidy narrative, it would be appropriate to have a Lawyer, who also acts as lead interrogator, who also heads the investigation against our 'lead man' who incidentally used to be his client.

It is also a little confusing as to who we are routing for. Clyde Shelton - a wronged man who decides he should kill everyone who got close to reading an article about the murder of his family, or, Nick Rice, who seems to route for Sheldon until the point at which Clyde decides to fool around with Nick's life.

This issue of loyalty to our leads also begs us to ask the question why Clyde didn't decide to take immediate action against Nick, who was, let's face responsible for cutting a deal with the man who raped and killed his family.

Herein lies the problem that the well paced plot forces the writers to completely bumble any sense of integrity in either character.

Viewers may also find some points of the film a little to convenient, making a great show like 24 look positively plausible. A few people have moaned about how a nice guy, turns so very bad, but given the way his life was turned upside down, I didn't really have a problem with a brutal reaction from Clyde. The implausibility however, is dragged to red-alert, when we realise that Clyde only has a couple of people who he should really be punishing - so we are forced to endure a supposedly moral man bump off lawyers for the sake of making the movie last more than thirty minutes.

There is also a big question mark as to how the rapist and murderer, managed to get off with pretty much a telling off, while his accomplice who seemed to be no more than a voyeur gets the death penalty. But, as we quickly learn, this is a film the will consistently, until the final credits role, ignore the unignorable in a bid to keep the story accelerating.

The film has its violent moments, which some may object to, but given the whole ridiculous mess, they may not prove to be offensive as they otherwise could be.

Criticism aside however, I did not feel like asking for the price of my ticket back and it will certainly keep you entertained. If you are prepared to sit back and not reflect too deeply on the utter stupidity of the film, give it a try. If you are the type of person who watches superman and says 'that would never happen' save your breath and go watch something else.

6/10 - Because stupidity isn't always bad.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
The only disappointment is that such greatness will never be matched...
17 January 2010
I find it near impossible to avoid the cliché and hyperbole that will doubtless spew from my mind in attempting to do justice to this show.

Every second of this show oozes with authenticity and meaning. The creators, god bless them, were clearly motivated to produce a work of depth and realism, each series focusing on an integral dissection of the problems that face Baltimore.

Never has television so faithfully and thoroughly involved itself and the narrative in the hierarchy of power and corruption that contribute towards the endemic poverty and exploitation of a city and its people - from the 'ground level' violence to the docks, City Hall and the press.

Many shows would doubtlessly skip certain aspects of Baltimore's drug problem in search of a glamorised, more convenient and commercial storyline that would sit more comfortably with the masses. It is this attention to detail and distancing from the '24-esque hourly cliffhanger' that has to a certain extent, removed the show from the commercial success of other one-hour dramas.

The fact remains that at its most divided, The Wire is five feature films and at its heart a great work of literature, a Dickensian novel for the 21st Century. For this reason I would recommend that The Wire is best consumed on DVD.

From the casting, to the honesty, the performances and the writing, The Wire is a truly epic show and an indication that Television has more to offer in a world where cinema has dominated the genre of quality drama.

This show is like your first love....the best, the least tainted, but like that first love, it is a sad truth that it will more than likely, never be matched.
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9 Songs (2004)
9 things I would rather do that dignify this movie as interesting, provocative, intelligent, challenging....
30 October 2009
I was once told that nobody liked soft porn. Porn lovers hated it because it was,... well 'soft' and porn haters hated it because it was porn. Enter Peter Winterbottom - a man who wants to make a bit of R-18 porn (the full frontal, penetrative kind) but who doesn't want people to think that he actually wanted to make porn, so he tries to convince people that one of most boring films of all time is an explicit, yet subtle exploration of a relationship. No doubt the closet, porn-loving, anti porn guys will love this movie. 'Is that porn you are watching dear...I thought you hated porn.'......'No honey, it's actually a very tender exploration of the physical act of love. I am definitely not watching it because its the only film I could rent at Blockbuster where I could see all the naughty bits.' The reality is that if someone hadn't managed to convince some idiot that they could show full sex in a film, this would have never been made. As a concept (excluding the bodily fluids) its not even a story - Two kids meet, listen to some music, have sex...not exactly Dickens! However if you add the, 'you can see them actually do it' factor into the equation its makes the film a marketable project.

I must confess I watched it because it was the first film I heard of that showed real sex and tried to take itself seriously. More fool me for my curiosity. If anything the film made me feel a little uncomfortable. It was voyeuristic and I couldn't help but think that the two leads got duped into the roles in the belief that showing a couple of their orgasms might make them big stars. It seems a little immoral that no-one told them it would probably ruin their careers, which to date it seems to have done.

Anyone who tries to legitimise this film is either on the right end of a paycheck or is too gutless to say that they enjoyed watching a couple of actors exploited.

I can handle the fact that a Mac Donalds is Mac Donalds, but don't try and serve it to me on some fine china and tell me its fine dining.

I hope the actors sue Winterbottom for even hinting that they should make this film and I hope people see this film for what it is. There's no benefit moaning about the graphic nature of the literally says on the box what to expect, so if you don't wanna see sex save some of your life and money and give this a miss. It would be nice if someone noticed that this is exactly what it claims not to be. A dumb turd of a movie that shamelessly exploits the human urge to watch a bit of fornication. It's a shame the sh#@!y director didn't have the decency to be honest about his intentions...I am sure the small inde' budget would have been enough for some skint couples around the world to let him watch them have sex and film it.

A patronising concept, and one flaccid sausage of a movie. It will be less painless telling your other half that you'd like to watch some porn now and again - I don't think anyone with a brain could be fooled by this movie!
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Rehashed novel fails on many levels
19 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I think it would be fair to say that the impressive cast was attracted by the equally impressive pay-packets they were undoubtedly offered as well as the chance to partake in a movie that will deliver at the Box Office.

I am not somebody who likes to constantly compare literature to filmic adaptations as they are stand alone art of different mediums and as such deserve to be judged on individual merit. However, it is impossible to read 'Angels and Demons' and not be frustrated by the alterations that have taken place in adapting the novel for film.

After reading the novel I believed that the film would be significantly more successful the the Da Vinci adaptation for the primary reason that the novel is not as focused on theological details that were lost in the adaptation of The Da Vinci Code. The pace of the novel is also more suited to adaptation and the setting of Rome had the potential for incredible cinematography.

Before I define why this film is worthy of a 4/10 rating I will say that the film was well paced (as it should have been), Tom Hanks was likable as Langdon (despite initial casting concerns) and the powers that be graciously decided to omit Langdon's farcical helicopter dive towards the end of the novel (why on god's earth did Dan Brown include this pathetic episode in an otherwise decent book). That being said, the film, as an adaptation fails on so many levels.

If you have not read the book I would argue that you will not leave the cinema demanding a refund, but those who have read the book will be hugely disappointed by an opportunity missed to create a really decent Dan Brown adaptation.

Tonally the film was vacant,but deep down with Hanks and Howard involved, fine craftsmen as they may be, it was never going to the dark and sinister thriller it should have been.

I was however, deeply frustrated by the unwillingness of the director/producers to opt for a riskier but longer run time that would allow the novel to be more honestly adapted. The Langdon/Vetra love interest was rightly omitted - I don't think anyone would say it had any impact whatsoever in the novel, but unbelievably they chose to omit 99% of all the background information that made the characters interesting and motivated - Vetra's relationship with her adopted father paralleling the relationship between Camerlengo and the diseased pope.

The conflict between science and religion was addressed in the loosest terms and sadly the CERN narrative was completely ignored, leading to a not so clever twist and bland storyline. Where was Kohler, one of the most interesting characters in the book? Why did they decide to rewrite the assassin of 'Hassassin' character. His physical presence, fanatical stance and twisted morality was an ominous presence in the book and yet the powers that be decided that he would be better written as a 'bit character' from 24 - a 'gun for hire' - SERIOUSLY WTF!!!!!!! They also decide to rewrite the character of Olivetti in a bid to relieve the film of any interesting, conflicted characters that might offer any element of tension. I actually left the theatre angry at the fact that supposedly 'professional people' allowed the film to be made in this way.

Maybe worst of all is the dialogue. If I another Dan Brown adaptation hits our screens with the characters explaining their thought processes to the person standing next to them, I may be forced to punch the screenwriter. People DON'T talk like that!

With background, non existent, character diluted and a pretty shady script, 'Angels and Demons' will be just another box-office hit with no substance. Sadly, it could have been so much more. This had the potential to be the best of all the Dan Brown adaptations and I am sad to say it is an opportunity missed. The 7/10 rating will probably remain, but, it will not be on merit! If the Vatican interests you watch Godfather Part 3 as Angels and Demons is certainly one you can afford to miss.
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A misguided director attempts to kill Batman by making one of the most disgraceful films ever produced.
20 April 2009
I am HUGE Batman fan and was borderline aroused by Tim Burton's Gothic depiction of Batman. I am not a comics person but I loved how Burton handles such a dark and complex individual. Coupled with some awesome casting (most notably big Jack who has more charisma than I dare try to quantify) the films have a truly universally appeal.

Enter Joel Schumacher.... I believe the conversation went something like this:

Producers: Hi Joel, Batman is arguably the most interesting comic book character and we have made two really good Batman films. We have decided to contractually release the actors and director who made this franchise so good. Is there any chance you can make a bad Batman film and then follow it up with a film so stinking that it could kill the franchise forever.

Joel: Not a problem. Do you mind if I waste a lot of your money in the process and try and destroy some acting careers as well?

Producer: Why not? Fill your boots Joel.

Now I am not going to even try and talk about the lack of artistic integrity in relation to the comic books, I am merely interested in relating how utterly atrocious this film is.

I am truly amazed that so many successful actors signed on to make this film, regardless of how much money they were paid. It is sooooooo excruciatingly bad that when I went to my local video store to buy the Burton films there was a box set of all 4 films for a cheaper price than the first two individually. I decided I would rather spend more money than own this film. In hindsight I realised that the box set was cheaper because you would have to pay someone to take Batman and Robin out of your shop.

Please for the love of God do not watch this movie, even if you are being paid to. I was genuinely angry that any actor, director or producer would allow this film to be made, given that it does not stand alone but is part of a franchise.

On the plus side, it was the production and circulation of this film that ensured that the franchise was reinvented some time later. I will, however, never forgive Joel Sh**macher for p***ing on Tim Burton and his hard, artistically excellent film making.

Shame on everyone concerned with the making of this film. It is without question a urine-soaked abomination of a movie.
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Revolver (2005)
Guy Richie attempts to end an otherwise promising career as a director by trying to be clever.
20 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Before I begin this review I would like to say That I was a big fan of Lock Stock, Snatch and more recently Rock n' Rolla. That being said I will continue. When I first saw the trailer for Revolver I was excited to see that Richie had appeared to want to make a darker gangster movie. The movie appeared to be visually impressive (which at times it actually was)and even more impressively it had Ray Liotta in it.

If you have not seen the film I suggest you just watch the trailer as it will undoubtedly make more sense and be infinitely enjoyable. Understandably (but idiotically) Richie jumped to the defence of the movie amidst a flurry of terrible reviews, stating that it was for intelligent people and he was right - it was made for intelligent people to avoid1 Aside of the aforementioned visuals and a decent scene with Beethoven's moonlight sonata playing in the background the film is pure excrement. To my utter dismay, I discovered that the film was a farce after paying for my cinema ticket (I hoped the reviews were a little harsh) and sitting in the cinema for two hours. Worst of all it is only in the last 15 minutes of the film that the audience discovers that 2 hours would have been better spent locked in a refrigeration unit.

No matter how many quotes Richie plasters across the screen, this film will never ever be clever. An apt analogy would be writing a complex mathematical equation on a piece of paper and pretending you solved it by writing some Greek and some numbers next to it - It may look clever, but its not and it doesn't make sense. That is Revolver - Richie poses a question and then tries to answer it with some vague, narrative deficient conclusion.

Poor Ray Liotta does his best to distract with some committed acting. However given the abyss that is this film he simply manages to overact and is unable to save the movie. In an attempt to create a Usual Suspect-esquire movie Richie ignores the fact that it needs to make sense and tries to fool the audience into thinking their has been some monumental twist. Trust me there has not! The climax of this pretentious excrement is Jason Statham's character shift in an elevator. Never have I felt more compelled to throw stuff at a cinema screen. The intended intelligent twist in the film is so unbelievably stupid that I wanted to hurt myself. I left the cinema worried that I had missed some crucial scene before realising that the real shock was that I had paid to see this film.

Should you wish to understand the Revolver experience just book somewhere nice to go holiday, spend all day travelling, stop a couple of miles away from the hotel/resort throw your holiday money down a drain, poor petrol over yourself and then set fire to your face. It really is that pointless.

The only people who will think this film is clever are stupid people. If you want to watch a really clever film, rent 'Old Boy'. If you do watch this film and think it was clever and are not Japanese, do not watch 'Old Boy' as it has subtitles which you will probably struggle to read.

I give this film 3/10, but only if you stop it 15mins before the end. That way you can make up your own ending!
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