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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
A Suitable Replacement for the Office
20 May 2014
Going into this show, I had very little hope that I would watch for more than a couple of episodes. I'm extremely had to please when it comes to comedies on local TV and Andy Samberg has a way of grating on my nerves. However, I found myself tuning in every week and now patiently waiting for season 2.

For some reason when I think about this show, the first thing that comes to mind is the office. This is probably because I loved the office and have been waiting for something to fill the void that Jim, Dwight and Michael left. While this show has only been on 1 season, I see the groundwork being laid for what could be an excellent show.

The biggest thing this show has going for it is a strong cast. As I said, Andy Samberg is hit or miss with me but I fell he was the prefect choice to play Jake. Along side Samberg, is Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, and many others. They all have there stereotypes but I love the way each approaches their work differently. Similar to the Office, everyone plays a specific role.

The plots for the episodes have also varied greatly allowing different characters to shine. I liked how this wasn't just a bunch of cops sitting around the station. Although it does happen, the characters are able to get out and breathe.

With Brooklyn Nine-Nine, there is something to enjoy for everyone. You may not click with all the characters, but there is sure to be one person who you can relate to and enjoy. Season 1 started out good and just got better and better as the season wore on. I think the cast has found their identity and the writers have a feel for what works. This show has a bright future and I can't wait to see what comes next.
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Walk of Shame (2014)
Surprisingly Good
20 May 2014
With the slew of "get drunk, end up in bad situation" movies that have flooded the industry, it was hard to get excited for this movie. I enjoy Elizabeth Banks and the trailers did seem funny. I just couldn't help but have that feeling of "been there done that". And that feeling is valid but it doesn't mean that the movie was bad, in fact, I quite enjoyed it.

The plot plays out like any number of movies in the genre. Main character gets drunk, wakes up in a bad situation and has to try and retrace their steps to get from point A to point B (point B often being supremely important). While the plot was predictable, it's what happens between point A and point B that matters.

Despite the number of movies similar, the director was still able to find some uniquely funny scenes to put Banks' character in. Some scenes that come to mind are an impound lot and a crack house. While not all scenes hit the mark, there was enough here to be worth a viewing. I also found the running gag about Banks' characters profession to be extremely funny.

So what make this seemingly mediocre film worth viewing? Two things in my opinion. Firstly, this is the first movie of this type where I actually felt for the character. I wanted her to get where she wanted to go and that kept me involved in the movie. Secondly, I appreciate the fact that we can have a movie like this without relying on extremely rude and crude scenes. Yes, there is profanity and some implied sex but in comparison to other films with similar plots (Hangover), this movie is tame. But that doesn't mean it's not funny as I feel it is able to remain funny throughout.

If you into movies like the Hangover, Hot Tub Time Machine, or Bridesmaids, then this is a must watch. If you love comedies then this is also a good bet. It may not end p being a movie you need to own but you can do much much worse than giving this movie a shot.
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Another Solid Outing from Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman
20 May 2014
As a self proclaimed Marvel fanboy, I purchased my tickets for the premier showing well in advance of opening night. After Amazing Spiderman, I was very excited to see what Mark Webb had in store next for Peter Parker. My expectations were at an all time high for this one, and for the most part the movie delivered.

As with the Amazing Spiderman, we get a wonderful performance by Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. I know some don't like him but I think he does a great job of embodying the young carefree cockiness I have always loved about Spiderman. Jamie Foxx is also excellent as the villain Electro. He does a great job of making you feel sorry for his situation. The rest of the cast did a fine job and there wasn't anyone that stood out as having a poor acting role in this one.

What I think the movie does great, is deal with some very heavy things. I won't go into detail as I don't want to spoil anything but there are no punches pulled in this one. The film tackles some of the biggest moments in the comics and does so head on.

What I feel ended up bringing this film down for me was the fight scenes. Although movies don't have to be jam packed with fight scenes, I feel the ones in Amazing Spiderman 2 were just too short. Fights seemed to last seconds and we never really got to explore any of the characters fighting strengths.

The movie does clearly set its self for the next film in the series which to be honest I am a little worried about. I didn't like the look of some of the villains who are teased for the upcoming film but as they are barely in this one, I didn't let that sway my opinion of this movie.

Ultimately, if your a Spiderman fan you owe it to yourself to check this one out. It may not have fully reached and exceeded my expectations but it is without a doubt an excellent summer blockbuster.
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Who Doesn't Love Jackie Chan
12 August 2013
For the immense Jackie Chan fan that I am, I am disappointed with myself that I waited this long to see The Spy Next Door. Jackie brings a comedic vibe to all his movies that not many can emulate. I went in with fairly high hopes for this family comedy and wasn't let down.

The plot is your basic "spy who can't let the people closest to him know who he is". With The Spy Next Door, you get a tad bit of a romantic comedy with a lot Jackie action mixed in. Yes, the plot has been done to death but it serves it's purpose and was executed well enough.

The main reason we all sat down to watch the movie is because of Jackie Chan. The guy just seems to genuinely love to act. He is able to make you laugh one minute and then take out five bad guys the next. He is obviously toned down in this movie than some of his other more action oriented films but he still shows off his superior martial arts skills.

Other than Jackie, the cast was alright, nothing to special. The kids did their job well enough to not detract from the movie. The one oddball casting that I really didn't enjoy was Billy Ray Cyrus. I'm not a hug Cyrus fan to begin with but even so he truly felt out of place here.

Other than that small casting decision, I think this is an excellent family movie. With Jackie Chan's comedy and action there is a little bit of something for everyone to enjoy. It's definitely a better "family" movie than a lot of the other crap releasing in the past couple years. It truly brings me back to the days when I enjoyed family movies as much as any other genre (it has been quite some time).

*For any Jackie fans out there, yes, the usual outtake real does come before this one just like all of his other movies and as allows its a must watch.
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A Very Unique Journey
11 August 2013
The Place Beyond the Pines is easily one of the most unique films I have seen in quite some time. It is structured almost like a play in that it has 3 very distinct acts. Despite these different "acts", the director Cianfrance is able to make it all mesh into an excellent film.

In act one we have have Ryan Gosling absolutely stealing the show. Gosling's character finds out he has a son and turns to a life of crime to support him. There's obviously more to this first act but I want to leave it unspoiled and honestly the only thing you need to know is that Gosling does an amazing job. He is in my opinion one of the most talented actors in Hollywood. His characters always seem so layered. Once again, the guy you see on the outside doesn't match they guy on the outside.

Act two, while still tied loosely to act one, revolves around Bradley Cooper and his trials as a cop. Admitadley this part was a lot slower than the opening but it never lost my interest. There was definitely a different pace but I felt it was still acted well and served to set up the final act.

The final act is where Cianfrance ties the lives of Gosling's character to that of Cooper's and how their meeting has affected both their families lives. In my opinion it wasn't a huge twist out of left field but it was a very satisfying final act.

The Place Beyond the Pines was beautifully directed and the acting was top notch. There were some slow points (this is why I gave the movie and 9 and not a 10) but I personally didn't mind them. If your looking for a great journey through two mens lives I would definitely check this movie out. It's such a fresh take on a pretty normal plot that it really has me waiting in anticipation for Derek Cianfrance's next movie
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Green Lantern (2011)
Not Nearly As Bad As It's Made Out To Be
8 August 2013
I have dreaded watching Green Lantern for quite some time. Firstly I'm not a big fan of DC comics. I don't know anything about Green Lantern but other than Batman, I have not been impressed with their super heroes. I also am not a huge Ryan Reynolds fan. Now he's not terrible but he doesn't usually add much to any of the movies he's in. Lastly, the terrible reviews absolutely turned me off. Why go see a movie that I already dreaded knowing that the majority says it's terrible? Well it's unfortunate I waited so long because the movie was pretty good. No, it's not on par with Batman or the Marvel Phase One movies necessarily but it was definitely a good time.

Firstly, Green Lantern is a much better hero than I had initially figured. As much as I disliked the costume in the trailer I actually liked it seeing it during the movie. I also loved how the ring allows the Lantern to create anything they can imagine. But anyone who knows Green Lantern already knows these things. As far as Ryan Reynolds I thought he played the character well. Again, I don't know the comic so I don't know if he does the true character justice but looking at the movie in a vacuum, he was very good in the role.

The biggest problem I had was the villains. They were both forgettable. You had a jealous scientist and a floating head. There was no Loki or Red Skull. Nothing that had a real presence. In fact, you didn't even really see the villains until the last quarter of the movie. The were definitely expendable in the grand scheme of things.

Ultimately the movie was a good time and I highly suggest that anyone who enjoys super hero movies give this one a shot. Green Lantern is an interesting hero and the movie was well done. Again, I'm not stating it stays true to the comics but as a stand alone movie I highly enjoyed it.
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Mud (2012)
Great Movie In the Vein of Stand By Me
8 August 2013
Mud was a movie I had seen a trailer for months back and thought it looked enjoyable but it quickly vanished off my radar. It later popped up on my Amazon suggestions and I bought it on a whim. I had pretty much no recollection of what the movie was about I just knew it looked interesting. I don't know if this lack of knowledge made the movie more enjoyable but the one thing I do know is that the movie was great.

I hear a major complaint is that the movie was too long. Yes this movie was over two hours but I never once caught myself checking the clock. I felt engaged the whole time and the movie seemed to fly by. I can see how this movie may drag for some people as it's not a typical action fest shoot'em up movie. But for those who enjoy quieter movies than that should find the pacing to be excellent.

The casting in this movie was pretty good as well. I absolutely loved Mcconaughey in the role of Mud. He felt believable as a guy on the run living off the land. He also had a feeling of mystery while at the same time not feeling threatening. That's what made it believable that he could have committed a crime but still be a nice enough guy with the kids. Speaking of the kids, I think the two actors did the job fine. It's tough casting kids as often times they come off as annoying and don't feel genuine. These two immediately got on my nerves but after fifteen minutes, I had warmed up to them.

I think Mud felt a lot like the excellent movie Stand By Me. We got to witness very adult things through the eyes of kids. We got to see how they would act in unusual situations. We got to see their naive sensibilities as they dealt with someone who they believed to be a killer. The movie was just a fun ride from start to finish that told a great story.
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Don't Waste Your Time
5 August 2013
I didn't have much hope for Gulliver's Travels when I sat down to watch it. I do love Jack Black and Jason Segal and I have enjoyed other Rob Letterman directed movies (Monsters vs. Aliens, Shark Tale) but from trailers and responses I had heard from others, this one sounded like a real stinker. And this one sure lived up to the poor reviews.

The movie actually started out fairly good with us learning how Gulliver (Black) would ultimately get to the Bermuda Triangle where he was a giant. Unfortunately, from the moment he arrives, the movie falls apart. Once there, Gulliver must save the city time and time again and becomes the hero as he wards off fires and attacks on the city.

The movie relies on really immature humor that just doesn't work for me in this movie. We have a giant Jack Black falling down backwards with his pants drooping and the mini person going into his butt. And then a couple scenes later we have Black urinating on miniature people.

Despite the poor story and ridiculous humor, Jack Black is still in it. That has to count for something right? Well it could't raise this steaming pile to anything more than a 4. This one was a real disappointment for me.
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A Solid Entry by Disney
4 August 2013
After a couple of years without a great, non Pixar, Disney animated movie, it seems like Disney is back on track. We first got Tangled and now this, Wreck-It Ralph. This movie was clearly made with young and old gamers alike in mind. There is a little something to like for everyone with this one.

The most obvious thing this movie has going for it is the nostalgia. For anyone who has been gaming, there are little easter eggs and nods to some of gaming's greatest all throughout the movie. There is one scene in particular where Ralph is at a Villains Annonymous meeting and it was great seeing the others in attendance (I will let you see for yourself).

I also enjoyed the fictional game worlds. Ralph was in three different game worlds, a "Donkey Kong" type game, a "Call of Duty" type game, and an arcade racing game. My personal favorite game world was the Call of Duty one. The soundtrack kicked in nicely and it was great to see Ralph frantically trying to survive. I did however think they spent too much time in the racing game "Sugar Rush". I know it was necessary for the plot points but I would have loved to see additional games (One can only hope for a sequel).

Aside from all the spectacle, the movie had a great story with an interesting theme. We get to see Ralph grow as a person as at first he is selfish and disregards others feelings in order to get his medal. He later realizes that the medal doesn't mean as much as he thought. We also get to see how the characters from his home game go from shunning him to realizing they need him. Ralph was treated poorly and no one cared until they realized without him, there is no game for them to live in. You really get to see that everyone has value as well as the importance of teamwork.

I don't think Wreck-It Ralph is on the same level as some Pixar movies but it should please gamers and anyone looking for a visually appealing animated movie with heart.
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The Sitter (2011)
Don't Waste Your Time
1 August 2013
The Sitter is a strange movie. It's very adult at times in its language and content while at other times relying on cheap laughs you would expect from a Disney Channel cartoon. It's almost as if the director was thinking, oh kids would think this would be funny without thinking, this movie is absolutely not for kids! Other than that issue I had with the movie, the premise is just ridiculous. I'm supposed to believe that Noah, the babysitter, would set out on a crazy adventure with the kids he was babysitting, involving drugs and theft all so he could have sex with a girl who didn't even like him? I can suspend my disbelief with the best of them but come on, that a little overkill in the unbelievable department.

To go along with the unbelievable story, were unbelievable characters. The children in this movie, mainly Rodrigo, did unthinkable things. Kids don't just carry around cherry bombs or pee in the middle of a high end restaurant. And if they did, their parents wouldn't be leaving them with a sitter, they would be locked in a closet in the attic.

I did enjoy Jonah Hill despite the train wreck of a movie. He seems to be funny in whatever role he plays. Yes, many jokes fell flat but there are some people who are just funny, and I believe he is one of the few.

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone as at its best it's a very mediocre comedy and at its worst it's painful to watch.
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The Avengers (2012)
The Greatest Cinematic Event of My Lifetime
29 July 2013
Its rare that a movie is able to not only live up to it's hype but actually exceed it.Avengers matches the hype surrounded by it and then blows it away. This huge scale superhero movie set the bar astronomically high for all other action movies, none of which have come close to attaining that height since.

The Avengers pulled together arguably the greatest cast ever to share the screen. Not only was this an incredible feat based on the actors and actresses, but the characters themselves. Many worried how the movie would stay balanced and give each character their dues but director Joss Whedon proved it was possible.

I wont get into the plot much as it's been explained numerous times, and honestly you should watch regardless of what the plot is. But with that said, the movie centers around a group of superheros brought together to stop an evil force, Loki, and his evil plans. The movie explores the dynamics of all the characters working as a team and how they pull together to extinguish Loki's catastrophic plan.

The most intriguing part of the movie, aside from the fight scenes, are the character dynamics. Joss Whedon does such a good job making the banter and interactions between these superheros feel real. The snide remarks and off comments felt genuine. Complement to all the actors involved who took this dialog and delivered. The movie is endlessly quotable and everyone will find a character than can truly enjoy.

Speaking of the fight scenes, they were absolutely fantastic. The battles were large scale fought between numerous superheros and army's of bad guys. There was carnage throughout and it was a sight to behold. There are even times when there is a little in fighting amongst the Avengers and it's quite a treat.

The Avengers was a case of every single person doing their job and doing it at the highest standard. Whedon with his direction, Downey Jr. with his cocky demeanor, and Hemmsworth with his Goldiness. Even Mark Ruffalo stepped in a filled in the Hulk's shoes nicely. I could go on and on about each actor's brilliance but just trust me when I say, EVERYONE was excellent.

If you haven't seen the Avenegers, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!
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Coffee Town (2013)
More of A Sketch Show Than A Movie
28 July 2013
I was extremely excited when I first saw the trailer for Coffee Town. As a huge fan of It's Always Sunny and Eastbound & Down, I couldn't wait to see Glenn Howerton and Steve Little in a movie together. They both put in hilarious performances but I'm not sure it made for a great movie.

Coffee Town felt more like an extended sketch show than a movie. Yes, there was an overarching plot, planning to rob the Coffee Town to keep it from being converted to a bistro, but the movie shined in the conversations between the actors. It seemed like each time we saw them sitting in the Coffee Town was a small sketch. Don't get me wrong, these scenes were extremely funny but it lacked a cohesion found in most movies. It may be that the majority of the movie was set at the same spot inside the Coffee Shop as that lead to it just feeling like little clips.

I did love the banter between all three of the lead characters. They genuinely felt like old friends and the dialog felt real. I can picture my friends and I having similar conversations. I also enjoyed the small parts from Adrianne Palicki and Josh Groban.

If your looking for a good comedy thats very quotable and re watchable, I believe this is it. If you like your comedies to rely on story for their jokes than this may fall flat. Any fans of Howerton or Little you MUST watch.
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No Tricks Here. Just More of What's Expected
28 July 2013
If you even contemplating watching this movie you should already have an idea what your getting yourself into. You get to see Steve Carell being, Steve Carell. You also get Jim Carrey playing another zany off the wall character. You get nothing more and nothing less.

The story focuses on the magic industry and how it is changing. In a more broad sense, it simply deals with change. The main characters Burt and Anton are at a crossroads. They continue to put out the same flamboyant magic show they have for years. The problem now is that the audiences tastes have changed and their show is losing numbers. They come to the realization that they must change and do something to win their audience back.

The premise is pretty standard and only provides a platform for the lead actors to shine. And for the most part the actors do shine. As with all comedies, some joke hit while others miss. I would say in this movie there are more that hit.

Steve Carell puts in a great performance with some really funny gags. Jim Carrey at times was a little over the top (I find him over the top in most movies) but he did a great job portraying the ridiculousness of street performers today. A stand out for me was Olivia Wilde. She didn't have a huge role but in the limited time she was on screen, she became a very likable character.

If you'r not a fan of Carell or Carrey I can't see any reason you would enjoy this movie. On the flip side, if you do like them then this movie should be right up your alley.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Second Season Can't Come Soon Enough!
27 July 2013
After enjoying House of Cards, I figured I would give Netflix's next exclusive, Orange Is the New Black, a try and I was pleasantly surprised. I went in knowing next to nothing about the show itself or any of the cast or directors involved. From episode 1 I was hooked and the show just got better and better with each subsequent episode.

Through season 1, we get to follow Piper Chapman as she is set to spend time in jail. The show does an excellent job of being diverse with the casting. Don't expect your usual "supermodels" to be in the show. This helps add to the believability of the show as a whole. The cast is however full of talent. I can't think of one character that I really didn't like. And be prepared for Taryn Manning to steal the show as Pennsatucky, the religious Zealot.

With this being a Netflix series, the director was able to push the boundaries a little more than usual which I loved. Be forewarned this show can be a little dark at times and has plenty of profanity and nudity but it doesn't feel out of place.

Ultimately, the show is an excellent blend of comedy and drama that should please most. I would be prepared to lose a good chunk of your day when you sit down to watch an episode as it is difficult to stop at just one. It's content like this that more than pays for a Netflix subscription.
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A Neat Blend of Crime and Cartoons
27 July 2013
For it's time, Who Faramed Roger Rabbit the feat. It was unlike any movie out and to this day it is still pretty unique. The way they blended live action with the cartoon worlds was very novel. It's also pretty amazing that they were able to get so many licensed cartoon characters to have cameos in the movie. From Tweety to Mickey, this movie had them all.

More so than just being a visual treat, the movie has an engaging crime story. Trying to follow along with the "who done it" plot is quite a treat. It's clearly meant for more than just a cartoon loving kid. With that said, I am shocked at the PG rating as there were some questionable moments for a PG movie but I think that was more a product of the times of when the movie was released.

If you haven't seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit yet, you owe it to yourself to give it a watch at least to see how well the two worlds, cartoon and live action, were blended.
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Improves On Everything From the Original
25 July 2013
Underworld Evolution picks up right where Underworld left off. Selene and Michael are alone and are now on a quest to find out the truth about Selens family and their origins. The film is presented with the same beautiful dull grays that made the original a treat to watch.

The big difference right off the bat is that the movie now revolves around Selene and Michael and not Vampire clans vs Lycan clans. I much preferred it this way as we got to see more of Scott Speedman's Michael. And of course, you can never have enough Kate Beckinsale.

As far as action, Underworld Evolution takes everything from Underworld to the next level. The movie starts off with a bang as the opening fight scene was better than anything in the first. The movie doesn't let up much as it is pretty action heavy and brutal throughout.

If you enjoyed Underworld than this is a must see. I would also encourage anyone who liked the premise of one to give this a shot even if they didn't enjoy it as I feel Underwolrd Evolution is far superior in every way.
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A Cheesy Kung Fu Soccer Movie
25 July 2013
Shaolin Soccer is a very quirky movie. I can't say I have seen anything else like it before. The movie has a very basic premise. An ex-soccer player gathers up a rag tag group of players and coaches them to win a tournament against all odds. It's a premise that has been done to death in many sports movies but this is the first time I have seen it infused with Kung Fu.

The Kung Fu adds a lot of fun. As cheesy as the special effects are, it still makes the movie more enjoyable on the whole. I do however think they over did it with the juvenile jokes. There were funny parts but many times I just couldn't understand how they thought they were being funny (women with facial hair for no reason at all).

Ultimately its not a bad movie but it's not one I would watch again and again. I wouldn't say you must be a soccer fan to enjoy this movie, but I think it definitely helped me enjoy it.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Not Your Average Robot Movie
25 July 2013
Pacific Rim was easily one of my most anticipated movies of the year. With a great director like Guillermo Del Toro, a fun cast with Idris Elba and Charlie Day, and monsters vs kaiju; hyped was an understatement. The movie almost lived up to its hype but unfortunately had its flaws.

The movie is all about the human's war with the Kaiju (monsters from the ocean). To combat these monsters, society creates monsters of their own. The movie doesn't try and be anything more than that, a vehicle for monster vs monster combat.

As expected, Del Toro delivers when it comes to one of the most stunning fight scenes I have ever seen. You could have put the middle fight scene from Pacific Rim into the middle of Batman and Robin and I'm still giving it a good score. I also enjoyed the performances by Idris Elba and Ron Perlman.

Unfortunately, there were a few negatives. Firstly, the acting was just OK. Aside from Elba and Perlman, there weren't really any great performances. The scientists definitely overacted and the rest were just pedestrian. This wasn't a huge issue as I didn't come for the human interaction, I came for mecha carnage.

The most disappointing thing with the movie was the ending. It's not that the final fight scene wasn't great in itself; it's just that it couldn't live up to the fight scene in the middle of the movie in the streets of Tokyo. The ending was a bit anti-climactic.

If you are a fan of great action you can't go wrong with this movie. If you're a fan of mecha anime you can't go wrong with this movie. If you're a fan of Del Toro's you can't go wrong with this movie. Do yourself a favor and see it on the big screen, you won't regret it.
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Underworld (2003)
As Expected: A fun, Stylized, Vampires vs Lycans Film
23 July 2013
When going into this movie, I expected one thing and one thing only; Action. I wasn't disappointed. In a movie about a war between Vampires and Lycans, I want to see some great action scenes and Underworld delivers. But you get more than just good action; you get a great looking movie. I absolutely loved the dark dingy look throughout the entire movie. There isn't much color but that's the point. I think they also did a great job in the costume/makeup department. The Vampires look believable but not overdone and I love the Lycans. The acting was so-so and the story while not bad in my opinion was nothing to write home about. If you're looking for a stylized, fun, action movie, then this one is definitely worth a shot. O yea, and Kate Beckinsale is in it…. Need I say more?
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