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This might have been good EXCEPT FOR
25 January 2024
I really wanted to watch this despite it having subtitles for all the non-English parts, but I tried anyway. I even tried DL'ing 3 different foreign parts only subs.

What a waste of time discovering that a shyt load of non-English dialogue have no subs at all. And to make things even worse, the alignment inconsistently drifts around ranging from 3 seconds to over a minute off. This makes it impossible to watch this movie. Don't know who or what group created the foreign parts only subtitles, but what an unbelievably crappy job he, she, or they did. If I had paid money at a theater to watch this with such screwed up subs, I would have walked out and demanded my money back.
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Thought provoking satire
26 July 2023
I had absolutely no idea what so ever that it was actually the very well known Dry British Humor presented in a satire. When I first saw the title I thought: "Another lab grown meat documentary / sales pitch with maybe some new info." So I gave it a watch hoping for new progress on the transition to actual commercial viability.

As I watched it looked like they were making actual real progress. That was until "Made from Human Flesh" was stated and repeated throughout the program. I kept thinking as I watched, "How can any sane responsible government allow this virtual cannibalism to happen? Soylent Green come true." Watching further and pondering even more, I realized that Canada, USA, and most of the countries on this planet do not have sane responsible governments.

No surprise considering my own government claims inclusivity by actively promoting (jamming down our throats): assisted suicide, pornography in schools, and a corrupted alphabet agenda. At the same time they are saying our citizens have unacceptable views (opinions). If one publicly even asks for a discussion or expresses any contrarian opinions, you will be shut down and/or threatened with jail and/or ceasing of your accounts.

Gregg Wallace did an excellent job with this British satire and sucked me in good. It definitely made me think and I can laugh about it now.
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Worthy Effort despite low budget.
6 April 2023
This is first and foremost a religious movie with a low budget. I almost didn't watch this, but the poorly treated daughter gifted with the ability to see & interact with angles & demons kept me watching to the end. Even with a low budget, filming and special effects were well done. The musical score was also quite good. Character portrayal & acting ranged from average(5.5/10) to lack-luster(3.5/10). The teenage characters were at the top and 2 of the 3 angles at the bottom. Directing probably had a lot to do with this. Writing and dialogue seemed awkward and spotty at times but overall, not bad. If you're looking for a big budget Exorcist(1973) or End of Days(1999) film this ain't it. If it had a much bigger budget with better directing & acting, it could have been as good as "Stigmata 1999".
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Real Time Crime (2022– )
TV Series NOT a movie
25 December 2022
This is not a movie. It is an Investigation Discovery multi episode series. I've seen 2 episodes so far and I would rate the series 6/10. Here is a list and a brief synopsis I found for each episode.

Dec 13 2022 S01E01 Run Junior / Neighborhood Watch In New York City, after a 15-year-old boy's murder, surveillance cameras capture both the attack and the killers; when someone guns down Timothy Moriconi on a Baltimore street, police turn to a neighbor's surveillance system to crack the case.

Dec 20 2022 S01E02 Watch Your Back / Man Down A shooting in Mississippi leaves a man fighting for his life, and police must use gunshot detection technology to track the shooter before he strikes again; in South Carolina, RTCC cameras capture a deadly bar brawl.

Dec 27 2022 S01E03 Hollywood Heist / Last Supper In New York City, surveillance cameras help track down a trio of bandits after a daring heist of a Pay-o-Matic in Queens; in Colorado, a makeshift Real Time Crime Center helps solve the murder of 27-year-old Andrew Jenicek outside a restaurant.

Jan 03 2023 S01E04 Tailgate Terror / Rap Sheet Surveillance cameras in Toledo, Ohio, capture a drive-by shooting that rips a family apart when a 3-year-old boy dies; Jonesville, La., a nightclub shooting of a police officer's son leads to a manhunt across state lines.

Jan 10 2023 S01E05 Almost Home As of Dec 25, I could not find anything about this episode.
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Modern version of the old cheesy SiFi
31 August 2021
Remember those old cheesy SiFi's that were so bad they were hilarious, well here's a modern version. With an easy to follow predictable plot, half decent acting, humorous, and lots of female cleavage, this less than average cheesy SiFi kept me chuckling and I watched it to the very end. BTW, Nov 2023 I just saw @klaushutchinson review and now I want that $100 you offered, ha ha.
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Mind Talker (2021)
Seen too many far worse that this.
17 August 2021
This low budget movie was actually fairly entertaining. I thought it had a very good storyline that kept me watching despite the less than average acting. The rather abrupt and unresolved ending leads me to think that a sequel might be an idea. With a bigger budget maybe better audio, who knows?
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Double Blind (I) (2018)
Barely worth it if you can tolerate or remove the camera shake
22 July 2021
First let's get the worst part over with. The nausea and seizure inducing severe camera shake made my watching this directly from a stream absolutely intolerable. As I really wanted to see this film, I had to capture and save the stream. Once run through a strong de-shake video filter I was actually able to concentrate on the story line, acting, character development, and etc. For the most part the acting was on the low side of average. I found Jennifer J's portrayal of the lead character Jessica Tucker a little lacking at times but this could be from below par writing in spots. Character development for the main players was actually fairly decent for the most part. Story line was your basic Cancer Research Conspiracy Theory with some action and intrigue. This was shot in B & W, I guess to add to the artistic merit, and frankly, I don't think it made much difference.

Overall, once I got rid of most of the horrific camera shake I found this movie on the low side of average 4-4.5. Worth a watch but definitely not a keeper. That's my humble opinion.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Even well know actors gotta eat
3 March 2021
Despite the decent graphics and special effects, this was a waste of time. I found it disjointed and struggled to watch it to the end. Bruce Willis, if it really was him, mailed it in. Personally I think they used a body double including the voice.
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Kalashnikov (2020)
Entertaining and worth a watch
17 February 2021
I just saw the English dubbed version of this film and the voice actors did a pretty good job. Don't know how accurate this was compared to the real history, but it sure was entertaining and kept my interest right to the very end. Propaganda, so what? You'd be hard pressed to find any fictional movie, docudrama, documentary, or fact based movie of similar genre that doesn't have propaganda. Hell, the Americans are experts on it and I wish us Canadians were better at it.
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Sci-Fi Definitely Not, Just Another less than average Documentary about UFOs.
27 December 2020
This is actually a UFO documentary, sort of, and a very dry one at that. With Mandy May Cheetham playing the part of Laura Gale being interviewed, I'm left wondering why not use the actual footage of Laura being interviewed? If it even exists, it might have been an improvement. After about 10 minutes of watching, I just couldn't handle any more, overly long pauses, voice from a black screen, and slow drawn out speech, so I started over at 2X play speed. About 30 min in I slowed to 1.4X because it started to get interesting. That's the way it stayed till the end, barely interesting even at 1.4X playback speed.
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I Am Lisa (2020)
Not All That Bad
12 October 2020
I think this revenge / werewolf story was not half bad for a low budget Indi film. Seen way too many movies with acting far worse, so this doesn't deserve all the 1's and 2's, nor does it rate any hire that a 6, even for a low budget Indi. Don't expect American Werewolf in London or even Ginger Snaps and you'll enjoy this one more.
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Etheria (2020– )
Twisted story line like The Twilight Zone(s) and Black Mirror series
21 August 2020
Only watched the first episode and it was captivating right from the start. If you're able to watch all the really short episodes in a row without interruptions or even with short commercial breaks between episodes, then this might be a successful series. For those like me with no TV service (too expensive) and have to manually find a FREE streaming site and stream the episodes one at a time, then it becomes too much of a chore. I won't be watching the remainder of the series.
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Nightblade (2016)
This is a teaching movie
17 June 2019
The IMDB rating shown here must be a geared towards a teaching movie. By that I mean that this movie teaches new up and coming movie makers what NOT to do when selecting the cast, acting ability, and dialogue writing. With only one exception, the entire cast appears to have been recruited from a weight watchers client list. Only the bouncer was normally proportioned for his height. We may never know if any of the cast had any acting ability because I've seen original high school plays that had better dialogue. I did find 2 things that very slightly helped this movie, an actual story line, and those holding the cameras had steady hands (no camera shake).
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Better than your average TV movie
14 June 2019
I was expecting this to be just another run of the mill average made for TV movie. To my surprise, I found it to be a very entertaining with good mystery twists and plenty of humor to spare.
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Very Very Bad
2 April 2019
At the time of writing this the story/plot is still wrong. I submitted a correction several days ago and still no updated(corrected) plot. It has absolutely nothing to do with ships or U-boats. It's about American pilots helping the Brits. Extremely low budget ($1,500,000) movie and it shows. It seems that they could not even afford to rent time on a cheap flight simulator for filming the cockpit scenes. Starts out with an idea for a story and goes down hill from there. Poorly delivered dialogue combined with amateur grade school level acting and no action sequences to speak of, made for a real snoozefest. Even the aerial flyby scenes barely made this corpse of a movie twitch in its' grave. If the budget was not a government grant or even if it was, then it was money not even well wasted.
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Death Kiss (2018)
Death Kiss $5.00 DVD bin watch and give to a friend
10 January 2019
This movie has a few good points and a few flaws as well. It has a fairly decent story line and even better camera work. Scenes with a hand held camera were far better than big budget shaky cam movies. Dialogue had its ups and downs. The acting for the most part was only B rated and needed a lot of work except for Dan Forthright played by Daniel Baldwin. He did a good job delivering his lines, especially the radio dialogue. Robert Bronzi (Robert Kovacs) who plays the stranger looks a little like Bronson and I hope his acting improves with time and experience. The cleavage and bare breast scenes were done modestly and added a little spice to the movie. I like a little gore in a movie, but the exploding blood splatter in this movie were comically obvious. Fans of the Charles Bronson Death Wish movies might get a kick from this one. For a low budget Inde film it's not too bad, 5 of 10.
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Helltown (2017 TV Movie)
Do you believe ?
24 November 2018
Whether you do, don't know, or don't at all, it doesn't really matter. It was well done and even cell phone footage was kept to a minimum. While watching this on a streaming site, I almost quit after about 15 minutes, but everything was presented in a way that kept me interested just enough to keep watching right to the end. The consperisy theorists should be happy with this one.
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Deadwood (2004–2006)
Gritty, violent, rough and good western
30 September 2018
Very impressed with the first season. The overall story line was intriguing and kept me wanting more. The dialogue, although a little too foul, was well written with a Shakespearean touch to it. Don't know if people actually spoke that way back then, but it's fiction after all and meant to be entertainment. I just started watching the second season and the very first thing I noticed is the dialogue's Shakespearean aspect increased dramatically and became much more distracting than entertaining. Season 2 drops from 8 to 6 stars in my opinion. Will continue to watch more episodes and see how it goes.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Would have added 2 more stars but for excessive subtitles.
14 September 2018
I've watched the first 4 episodes so far. The story line embellishes on the original character from the movies a little too much and the series seems to have lost that "feel good" sense that was in the movies. Even then I would have given it an 8 except for the dam subtitles. The show just isn't compelling enough for me to get up, back up 10 seconds, read what was said, and repeat many times during the ~43 minutes of the episode. If I want authenticity, I'll watch a documentary, if I want to work at being entertained, there's a ton of really good mysteries and detective shows all in 100% English. Despite being an avid Star Trek fan, excessive subtitle are the reason I stopped watching Star Trek Discovery after 4 very frustrating episodes. I would rather hear bastardized English over reading a sht load of subtitles.This wouldn't be an issue if I had better eyesight. Episode 4 was my last with none to follow.
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Astro (2018)
Keep your expectations really low and you'll enjoy it more
8 June 2018
I wrote this while watching the film. The dialogue seemed a little too natural with blandness and obvious errors that people have when speaking without thinking. Some of the technical jargon could have used a little more work on consistency. The hand held camera work is reasonably good without the extreme shakiness that made Bourne Ultimatum so nauseating to watch. Action sequences weren't too bad but could have been more fluid. The short pauses during action scenes would have benefited by replacing them with slow motion. This movie started with a good story line and ended abruptly without completing the story. I don't know what the budget for this was, but it must have been very low. If your prospective is of a group of inexperienced students first attempt at making a movie, then it was a decent attempt. I don't expect this movie to leave the 1 to 5 dollar discount video bin at your local department store.
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Hot Shots! (1991)
Definately good for a few laughs
1 January 2018
Thoroughly enjoyed watching this today after ripping the disk and doing some major adjustments to the video. What a shame it was shot on 35 mm using a smokey fuzzy lens style. Some may consider this artistry, but I'm not one of them. Fortunately this can be cleaned up, to some extent, by using the contrast and sharpening filters during a re-code of the video. The result was worth the effort. All I need to do now is burn it back to a disk and use the original as a cup coaster on my coffee table. I don't need to get into the details of the movie because others have already done that. if they ever come out with a decent remastered BlueRay of this movie, buy it.
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