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Keeping it real
23 May 2024
A tale of the racial divide in America and told in a satirical and yet compassionate tone. I loved it took place in Boston my home town and on the Cape. A great and talented cast. I felt how real this fiction really is . Life is hard for artist and academics trying to straddle genius and mediocrity. I read a lot of plays and modern fiction back in my college days at Boston University where I fortune lately got a goid exposure to classical and modern art. We can appreciate writers from all walks of life and not the stereotypes. Be they promoted by academia or the marketplace. Individuals know there own experience not the brokers at the market place. This film is a gem and a work of art it touches the soul.
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22 May 2024
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I was hoping for more about the multiverse but its a misnomer. Its Wanda part 2. Monsters chasing teenage girls glad they gave the magic oriented Dr. Strange a mission. The visuals are inspired and psychedelic . I enjoyed this movie for that achievement. The script not so much its boring and simplistic. Maybe good for a 12 year old and scify enthusiasts. It lacks a believable dramatic plot. The characters seem like caricatures of thier previous agendas. Like throwing on some of the X men and Patrick Stewart. Wandavision was an excellant story and the character is now a power hungry witch. Dr. Strange was more of a subcharacter but Wanda the true protagonist who had to re-live her grief. The script is confusing the Latino girl Chavez was to be the victim or sacrifice for what?
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Outer Range (2022– )
Better than 1
21 May 2024
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Yes this season 2 is better than season 1 it definitely matures with this season 2 , and I can't wait for 3. The script gets better as the characters are developed. Also the time line jumps add to the mystery of the hole. The characters come alive with their individual stories. The existence of the hole as a time travel portal starts to be explained more with each episode. There is a psychological depth to the characters and with the protagonist Royal one wonders If it's all in his mind. A kind of outer limits type of storyline. The cinematography is vivid and a good ground for the oddity of the environment. All the actors are exceptional; talented cast with Brolin doing some of the directing. Love this show. Not a typical western and not like boring Yellowstone.
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It's watchable
19 May 2024
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The empire is run by psychopaths who hunt down the jedia people. Obi wan kenobi we learn was Dark Vaders teacher. He trained Anaken who was a ruthless killer and his accident transformed him into this murderer. Reba who was trained by Anakrn and Obi is also out for revenge against her teacher snd is power hungry. There could have been more character development and less fruitless action. Obi lost his power yet he tries to rescue princess Leia. The fight is the childish whims of a student trying to beat his master. The nuance of this psychological battle is lost here on the dramatics. There is no redemption perhaps a mind game and the powers of the jedia clans. The actors are exceptional. The contest is black and white and immature. The script lacks the philosophy of the jedi way.
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Wonderful heartfelt story
18 May 2024
Love romance pathos a good mix of emotional intrugue. The protagonist Alexandre a symbol of Russia's lost aristocracy makes a life out if being sentenced to live at the hotel. The series captures the sentiments of people longing for their freedom from bureaucracy. The grip of the SSR a tragedy for humans to loose control of their lives. There were some issues believing that a multiracial cast conveyed the era I guess the measure to be woke holds firm in today's film markets however I ignored that this was not true to Moscow in the earlier 1900s post revolution and then the Stalin era. I think the drama focused more on the main character Alexandre and his loved ones and the hotel staff in the midst of the revolution. Sad but sweet McGregor was very convincing in this character representation and cheers to a great cast.
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The Veil (2024)
15 May 2024
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It started off interesting exciting and intriguing yet as the episodes unfold it starts to fall into a premedictable groove. A spy thriller with a sexy blonde who has father issues. A secretive agenda in the cat and mouse game. An intimate relationship forms between herself and the Isis operative, as she tries to crack her character for the knowledge of iris operations and terrorism in Europe. She is not believable in this character Elizabeth Moss is a great character actor but this character seems frivolous and lacking in ingenuity. The race is on between French and American spy masters and she is in between these opposing forces. Not sure this script will evolve.
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Beat a dead horse
12 May 2024
There must be a shortage of horror and gory stories about the world of movies . Somehow we must reflect the sensibilities of the corrupt present day. I am not interested in racial inequality amongst vampires. How is this a significant theme in today's world. I thought vampires were a type of old world ghouls from Translavania but now they are in the USA southern plantations but its about gay and heterosexual relations and equal rights. This is like someone smoked too much pot. I grew up watching Dark Shadows that was an intriguing drama mystery. The occult was stereotyped as vampires, witches and ghosts, that was interesting. This vampire story isnt.
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Ufo X files crime
12 May 2024
This show gets better and the charming Castle writer seems to keep this joy babbling along. Cate Beckett plays the reasonable rational detective. Although her 'Scully' to Castle's Muldour a believer is a typical ignorant doubters to this phenomena. Good on the show to bring thus theme to the show.its great that Castle brings imagination to this duo. Good episode that the government cover up men in black show up. Beckett is naive and ignorant but representative of the cover up conspiracies. I just love watching how skeptical Beckett acts as if she could uncover the crime to be just a typical crime. Fun to see Lyle Lovit as mib.
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Doctor Who: Space Babies (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good for a younger audience
12 May 2024
Another doctor but unlike the other series this continues old themesvand I'm not sure I believe this flamboyant version of the doctor. Perhaps this will razzle dazzle younger generations who are new to the tale. Of course the script is the same they go for a ride in the tardis and land somewhere in time with lots of action and monsters ready to devour them. These new versions are not convincing in their characters. Ruby learns she has other genetics as she rides along with this doctor. And the doctor does not remember all the controls on his ship. I guess this is rated PG. A good show for kids but it lacks the sophistication of the previous doctors before Capaldi's doctor. Cheers.
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Parish (2024– )
Uhm, ok to watch
6 May 2024
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I only wanted to watch this series cos of Giancarlo Esposito who is a dynamic actor. He was great Iin Breaking Bad. This series seems convoluted, the characters are stereotypical gangsters. The African mafia in New Orleans peddling humans. City officials double dealing for power with the crooks, bla,bla, bla. The script is not as interesting just madness, mayhem killings for power and prestige. Its gets confusing if this series is about the gangsters, or Parish as a victim. Its a sad story of the dissolution of a parent. He, Parish, suffers the guilt of his sons death and seeks revenge which is not coming.
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Ghosts (2021– )
3 May 2024
It was good when it was more like the British original. Hollywood always makes a TV show a formula to dumb every thing down. Now yhe show is about the ghosts and has lost the original drama of the married couple trying to make the Inn work. It's its more woke being shoved down our thoughts, a formula. The sitcoms of the 70s were great cos they dealt with social issues like " Archie"in funny dramatic way. The ghosts is lacking a dramatic effect because as use th e y are pontificating how we should think, rather then allowing the audience to sort it out. So I'm getting disappointed with this series.
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The Rookie: Control (2020)
Season 2, Episode 17
29 April 2024
The script is getting predictable, I forgot this is tv. They should keep this series as real drama. A police officer I happened to ask her about this show told me it's fiction . Real policing is worst. The fake romances of this season is a turn off. I guess they keep it light for tv audiences. They could really explore the real drama between cop s. These characters are weak, cute srxy ladies and nice gentleman officers. So hollywood weird dramas. Perhaps trying to keep everyone collected and cool. So all these feel good episodes are doing what-an attempt to create a cop friendly entertainment show. I guess I've watched enough.
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The Rookie: Now and Then (2020)
Season 2, Episode 12
Uhm ...going down hill
27 April 2024
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Still some good portrayal of sutrauma for rookie Chen. Who seems c to birder on trying to make it as a cop. That last 2 episodes to deep intense bonding and chsra with the serial killer was intense. Some of the script seems to vary from light superficial to deep in depth connections. I don't care for Abigail her naive fantasy about being an officer but it was good Nolan and Bradford exposed her to the reality and intensity of the job. The streets and criminala are not a joy ride. P 1Hopefully, that charcter is in the background. Perhaps the show gets a bit boring and predictablecat times. Some real issues arec still discussed.
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The Rookie: Clean Cut (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Nice guest star
27 April 2024
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Alan Tyduk and Nathan Villiin are the best of friends. Great energy together as the humor bounces off and throgh them. The cleaning guy great character for Alan, Nathan keeps his character Nolan despite we expect them to fall into Firefly character, lol.

Lots of accidents in this episode, Harper starts to melt a little and show her humanity. Not just a hars edge cop she reveals a bit more now that she needs the job. Still she feels like a narcissist. West and Lopez work best together with each episode now season 3 the boot grows and the traing officer lower there boundaries trust is developed. This show although at times a bit idealistic still it grows on you. Cheers!
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Shōgun: A Dream of a Dream (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
Pure Poetry
24 April 2024
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I enjoyed each episode in this mini series almost Tru to Japanese culture to say more with less. Amind the beautiful images of the Japanese culture prior to western influeces a story is developed and told from the barbarian Anjin, and hisctranslator Mariko san and finally the lord Toragana played by the gifted Yurohiro Sananda who portrays and delivers a dance of tenderness throgh solemnity and power. At least in this final episode, he reveals his deeper inner heart and we see his careful planning working out at last; a true master of the game of war and power. He sanctions his nation's peace by knowing whom and what to sacrifice in this game . I will miss this story. Cheers!

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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
The office at the gov.
18 April 2024
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Well I tried to like this but it being a dull duplicate of the office just does not work. To put the protagonist Leslie as the alpha boss is not interesting unfortunately Amy Poelter is not a magnetic comedian in this script and not the right suit as was steve Carrel in the office. I felt this character was dull and one dimensional not interesting in a comedy certainly not in reality. I get it that beaurocrates are depressive dull personalities but not comedic to me. Nick Fetterman and Chris Pratt and others gave the show some value breath and scope of drama. But the false ambition is of these characters is stagering. Pass on this one.
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17 April 2024
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The theme could have been interesting in the hands of ees Anderson. This type of avant guard self referential can be art but this seems like a boring mockery rather than an inspiration to watch. A film about the relationships of the actors can be fulfilling but this film falls short. I tried to like it but I could not connect with the "characters,", a look at Spanish actors is somewhat interestig.¹. I agree with others reviews that it's not funny.i could not fathom the humor at all. Penelope fits in like a dominant critic. But there is no charm, even the lesbian scene lacks ingenuity-perhaps that the point of it being a satirical work on woke in movies. Who is the protagonist here, the theater of the absurd.
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American Rust (2021–2024)
Slow dark and dull
14 April 2024
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On the positive its got good actors but the script is predictable. Throw in victims, corrupt cops, angery poor people , a witch hunt, keep piling on a murder, an abused wife, a poisoned water supply due to fraking and you have the broken american dream. Where there is plight, poverty, ignorance small town minds. A little woke at times with the gay characters perhaps a view into every nook of society. Ambitious chief of police decides to gain favor by boxing Grace as a suspect to the bar girls murder. An attorny general singing karaoke a horrible salacious song just yuky characters. Everyone is seedy dirty looking town. Pittsburg area has gotton cleaned up so is this true to the area? I think the first season was good not sure of season 2..
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Fallout (2024– )
Hodgepodge script
12 April 2024
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This seems like bits and pieces of others sci-fy films. The squeaky clean girl goes roaming in the the post apocalyptic world looking for her abducted dad. Her naivete is unbelievable yet the exposure to the outside causes her to grow. Goggins plays a wild west cowboy ghoul bounty hunter but is he dead or what? This actor really brings star quality in all he does sort of like Jack Nickonson. Despite the usual gory blood baths, with poor character development. The world of a nuclear disaster makes for iinteresting material. Lucy the protagonist blithely just happens to walk into a town and finds trouble she does not understand. At every turn aome one rescues her. A weird choice of 50's technology is featured. Metal armored suits , all kinds of mercenaries , and hidden orders battle to gain supremecy. The soundtrack is horrible takes away from the films ambiance. It gets better it grows on you. Hope for season 2.
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Resident Alien: Homecoming (2024)
Season 3, Episode 8
Great show
12 April 2024
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Bummer is this the last episode?, is there more? Seems like cliff hanger. It got pulled? I hope not . The baby is back thats great humor. Another alien race shows up, this one looks like praying a Mantis bug looking monster. A great cast of actors: Linda Hamilton Terry O'Quinn and the humor is priceless even given the seriousness of the abduction and alien hybrid programs. We need a good laugh in this challenging world. I hope there is another season. Scarry subjects like the alien's agenda to take over the earth which is not the best for humans. Alan Tyduk is an amazing talent and the writers of this show. The Darcy character and girlie talk is unnecessary and boring. The tin foil is nice flash back to others alien movies. Cheers!
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 2: The Child (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
7 April 2024
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I guess this is not for me. The cinematography is great, the pace is slow and boring to watch the mandalorian walking through the desert terrain. Don't know why he had to capturYoda? Kill the baby yoda? The action scenes with creatures is childish action figures stuff. A western movie is better likevciwboys and aliens was a great Don Favreau production. The little Yoda has the power of the force that's cool to that that be finally featured in this episode. Perhaps this will get interesting soon. Little creatures with magical power always makes for fun entertainment. But there is more filler than drama so far. Cheers!
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Seriously, the end?
3 April 2024
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A very long production 3 hours to show off the marvel universe, seriously. Did not engage as much as the other ones. The pace was slow and melodramatic. Was it a blockbuster that it was slated to be. So many great actors perhaps 2 hours would have sufficed. Sad to see Iron man go so this was the memorial for Tony Stark . I was not a big fan of this franchise but it was good to see all the of the series rolled up into one and it revealed to me that Loki, the Guardians of the galaxy and Wanda vision are my favorite ones. But I hope Marvel continues with better spinoff. Cheers to all the cinematographers, writers special effects and the talented actors.
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The best spin-off
1 April 2024
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This is the best of the spinoff, i hope they have another season with these characters and and evolution of their love and courage to be the ones that live. The ending was brilliant as it somerized the journey of both Rick and Michonne. The many challenges they faced to fight for their beliefs in this apocalyptic world. It is the best of the spinoff I feel because of these two actors and their chemistry together they did a create a force of passion where they take on the CRM and once again overcome the oppressors. Rick's character creatively and spontaneously takes care of the head Beale and does show that yes indeed he is a great true leader. Michonne 's foresight and ability to strategies in difficult situations shows her leadership ability and that is yhe force these two charcters create. I hope the series continues and what happens now at their home in Alexandria. Cheers to the actors and writers for this fantastic series.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Bye bye Jadis
25 March 2024
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Another bad character hits the dust. For all of her double crossing Rick and Michone and the people of Akexandria her death is a deserving natural justice. Rick and Gabriel gave her a choice to believe in their community and to become a better person but she rather traded him in to be part of the CRM utopia a global security military force. The lesson that fascism does not work on humans because of free will which Michone reminds Rick that there is a better path in love and community based on choices. I'm glad to see Jardis gone I didn't care for this character just another bad player in the apocalypse. Cheers to Rick and Michone defeating this jaded player.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Good scify
23 March 2024
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Its good scify as most movies are average this one has a great cast and the pace is faster than the Chinese version. All the episodes were interesting full of concepts involving nanotechnology, A. I., computers Some parts drag it down like the love story. The best parts involve a look at the drama of the people's revolution and how repressive tyranny is and there is no masking the idiodecy of the perpetrators. Any form of fascism, religious delirium as a projection of God onto the aliens which is absurd. The premise that we are not perfect enough to pass the stringent values of another species is truely explored as we can be stomped out like bugs.
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