
11 Reviews
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DON'T listen to the bad reviews
9 May 2021
1. I read the bad reviews 2. I wanted to skip the movie 3. I gave it a shot 4. I ended up watching the whole movie 5. Its really WAY better than what the bad reviews say 6. It IS worth watching as an entertainment.

7. Don't waste your time verifying stuffs, just enjoy the movie, it is worth your time. Really.

For your reference, i am 40 years old, i am a medical doctor and i watched over 2,300 films until now (my watchlist)
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FOR A CHANGE in the typical movies
10 February 2021
What did you expect to see? Space ships crashing, people dying, meteorites, failures onboard, massive destructions and explosions?

YOU AINT WATCHING the right movie, its armageddon you are looking for!

This movie is a calm version of space-related movies based solely on human relationships.

This review below from someone else sums it up pretty well:

Wrong audience slaedefup2 January 2021 It seems that many of the viewers are the wrong one's. For once this is a no bumbum lazer tju bang story. This one is about human relation. One persons journey inwards. It has a deep psychological story. Very calmly told. Silence being a big part. It reminds me of "all is lost" (Robert Red.) although not reaching the same fantastic level it is still very good. As far from "deep impact " and many other idiotic action movies as you can get.
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Great movie, VERY entertaining, DONT LOOK AT STUPID REVIEWS
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a superb movie, promoting the strength, agility, capability, versatility of women as a whole.

The main character plays the role of a fighter, a spy, a mother, a wife, a beaten wife, a lover.

All of this in one film.

I dont understand the stupid reviews. I believe they are mostly from men who hate women or something. Or men who believe that women mean nothing.

This movie shows well how women can do so much more than men. Its certainly not the best movie out there, but its worth at least a 7/10 stars. I gave 10 to balance things out.

Just watch it and make your own opinion. Enough of male-dominance in hollywood.

BTW, im male.

Thanks for reading.
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Mother! (2017)
WASTED time!!
20 December 2017


It is just the drugged dream of a director. This film is NOT worth watching or spending your time experimenting it.

This is a complete waste of time. Total disappointment. Totally overrated film in IMDB. There is no art here, just exaggerated sh*t!

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Second Best Dog Film EVER!
24 April 2017
Hi all,

I Adore this film! Never cried/laughed so much at a dog film ever since lassie (2005)

So much emotion in this film, never seen any other movie featuring an animal as main role, so well-made.

Enjoy it, with your kids, wife, girlfriend. If you are a dog-lover, just do NOT miss this one out.

If there were dog Oscars, this film would have won first prize!

Some sequences might not be so appealing, but the main story is so beautifully told and directed.

Thank you for giving me the second best dog film! (After Lassie 2005)
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GREAT Comedy!
2 April 2017
Been a long while haven't had a real laugh at good old comedy.

This film is well-made and the theme they chose is excellent! Gun control! Well, they managed to put enough together to make it a nice comedy.

The only thing i regret is that i didn't get any popcorn.

Briefly, the story takes place in a little town in Texas, an incident involving a gun at a school creates some havoc amongst parents and the locals.

Not saying more, don't want to spoil the fun for you.

And yes, do not look at the negative reviews. This film is fun to watch!
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Welcome Back Mel Gibson!
22 February 2017
He did it again, the award winner from Braveheart:

Extremely realistic, never seen better in any war movie before. This is a masterpiece.

The actors did great, no questioning that. But the greatest job was done under the direction of Mel Gibson, he made the viewers see what has to be seen and when.

Never seen better, really.

The last movie i enjoyed with such realism was Apocalypto.

Thank you Mel for bringing it all back.
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Bachelorette (2012)
No respect for women at all
30 January 2017
Being male, it might seem different:

THIS Hollywood film is just another piece of junk with plenty of derogatory remarks towards the actresses.

The worst phrase I heard is "Shut the f**k up, c**t!" during a sex scene.

Everything pertains to the conclusion that women are cheap and can be considered as objects instead of people with emotions, feelings, respect and all.

I don't mind curses in films, it's fine, understandable when in the context. BUT, purposeful derogatory curses are really bad.

General male attitude towards females is what is most disturbing in this film. (only 1 guy had respect for females)

ABOUT the acting/comedy:

I didn't laugh like.. AT ALL! The film is about how friends try their best to make up for a stupid mistake with a countdown to a wedding. Some drunk & high girls saying meaningless words does not make it a comedy. Kirsten Dunst did a nice job, really appreciable. Lizzy Caplan has proved that she can do much for the big screen as well. Isla Fisher was just the third wheel, without adding much weight to the whole film, and was totally wasted during most of the film.

The acting, well, everyone did what the script said to do.

I hate this movie. I can't believe it myself.
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Superb! Really funny!
2 August 2014
I didn't want to give 7/10, but 6/10. The main reason is because most people didn't quite appreciate this movie.

This is just another form of comedy (such as "meet the spartans") which "most" people don't want to understand. The kind of movie where you spoil everything, really everything and it turns out to be really hilarious!

You can't go to the cinema and watch this film and expect nice little laughs like other typical Hollywood comedies. This is totally different.

Compared to the previous episode, well many similar sequences. Won't place spoilers, but quite repeating. Still very funny.

The main actor did a wonderful job at making this movie really funny.

The cast consists of more or less same people from the 1st episode.

Contains plenty of swearing, racial words, very direct interracial swearing, some nudity, violence.

Mixed up parody of several movies together, all bundles into having a good time laughing. Never had such a laugh with typical Hollywood comedy.

If you didn't laugh at the beginning of this movie, well, don't continue, you won't like it. But if you had a laugh, then just don't blink :D

Cheers, an absolute must-watch when u want some good laughs.
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Walk of Shame (2014)
Great entertainment!
6 July 2014
Nice film, i had a great time with my wife watching this film.

Good: Had loads of laughs, really hilarious at most moments of this film. The actors did a great job.

Bad: Script/Story could have been a bit better.

On the whole, you are there for the right entertainment. You needed comedy, you got served.

Some people might say it got classic clichés from films of this genre, but anyway its a nice concoction of comedy.

The beginning might seem a bit stiff, not funny, but once the yellow dress is on, the fun begins. And oh, no explicit nudity/dirty jokes, good for family film. Just a few scenes with underwear and bra, no sex implied.
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Great Film, Must Watch!
21 October 2013
This film is really touching. I seldom feel anything so deep for the usual commercial films. This one is much different, death is involved (old people), songs are there, deep feelings.

When you see old people, of course, you'd love to help, but here, much more is done for them. And what would you expect from old people, awaiting death? They certainly made a great piece of work with this film. Actors did a great job. All natural.

It's definitely a MUST-WATCH. Good for married couples and families.

No foul language used. Nothing offensive.

It's not a film about old people, it is just a film showing how the elderly can live better and how we can make them laugh, and enjoy their last moments, with their families, happily.
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