
28 Reviews
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Jumping on the bandwagon to say that Season 8 ruined this show.
4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Editing my previous 10 star rating: OK, so now I'm caught up to Season 8, current episode. Like everyone else, I am so upset by the turn this show has taken. Come on... this is leading up to the most unsatisfying ending ever. 1. Cersei did not get the death that her wickedness deserve. On top of that she got to die in the arms of her lover while every good guy died horrible deaths. 2. How in the world did Danearys just flip a switch a turn evil. I wish they had transitioned her character change better. Like when she found out that Jon was a Targyrean, that her true self emerged out of jealousy for the throne. That it was never about saving people, but her real motive was her desire to rule the world. Just to have her suddenly kill innocents overnight after being a savior for the life this show, just doesn't make sense and feels rushed. Just so many other things did not follow in the previous episodes' footsteps. Such a shame... shame... shame....

I know Game of Thrones doesn't need my help with another 10 star rating, but OH MY WORD. I am not easily amused by any series, I get bored easily and barely follow anything too long. With the exception of Shameless and AHS, which I haven't followed anymore either, everything is 'been there, done that, what's new'. I didn't even want to watch this at first because I'm not one for Dungeons and Dragons and Medieval movies, But GOT is unlike anything I've seen before. Just when you think you know what's going to happen next, you have no idea what's coming. Keeps you tensed, at the edge of your seat and you become so enthralled with each and every character. And the dialogues, oh the dialogues are so clever and witty. Very intelligent script. The director and creators really know their stuff with this time period. Just genius.
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23 April 2019
I think I'm the only one who finds this movie silly. Super predictable and more like a teen flick than a high budget action adventure movie. He doesn't even have his own identity, he's just Iron Man's puppet. All the dangerous scenarios were cliche with Spiderman unsurprisingly saving the day just in the nick of time. No surprising tension there, nor any tension at all. Even the villain and the twist with the villain was predictable. Everything about this is silly. Just doesn't live up to the rest of the MCU films. Bring the real Spiderman back.
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Just stupid.
21 April 2019
I'm usually very generous when it comes to rating scary movies. I even gave the Nun a decent rating even though a lot of people hate on it. But this, come on. The backstory behind La Llorona is so weak, almost pathetic. Like really? This is your tragedy story that makes you La Llorna? There are worse tragedies in life to bring someone back or keeps them in purgatory. And the constant screaming scares, oh goodness gracious, enough already. It became sort of cheesy.

There were a couple of scenes that were good scares that could've been the overall trend of this movie but nope. Just bad, no suspense, no mystery, bad story and even predictable. Some of the people in the theater were even giggling, like seriously?
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Revenge (II) (2017)
Great overall but falls short in some areas.
26 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Good quality cinematography. I like the style and the acting is good. It's just some stuff didn't make sense. It's one of those movies where after watching it for a bit, you set a certain bar for where it should consistently stay at. But some scenes didn't live up to the overall brilliance, such as: 1) the part where she was getting raped, she didn't even put up much of a fight or struggle and he nearly had her pinned down. This is not consistent with the revelation that this girl turns out to be a fighter. 2) She burns her badly torn up impaled skin shut but there are no scars from where the skin broke and she fainted before even sealing her back but when she awoke it was sealed. And how did she manage to do her own backside? They should've thought up a solution for that. Otherwise it would have been great from start to finish.
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Just weird...
11 March 2019
I was so excited for this movie but from the get-go it just started off weird. Brie Larson's acting was just "off", it seemed forced and just unconvincing, like B rated acting. I thought she was supposed to be a great actress, or maybe this is not the role for her. Maybe she was nervous stepping in such big shoes? But it definitely shows. It also doesn't help that her voice in the movie was almost inaudible compared to the rest of sounds in the movie, wondering if I'm the only one who noticed that.

Even getting past her acting, is she basically indestructible? It was not really a good story overall: confusing in the beginning with bad acting, picked up a little in the middle, thrown in comedy towards last half. I do enjoy the comedy part but everything else, nah.
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Glass (2019)
26 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nowhere near as good and credible as Unbreakable and Split. The story only took place at this psychiatric facility, very underwhelming. Nothing climactic. I find it very implausible that the 3 main characters are known to have superhuman abilities and are a danger to the public but yet there are virtually only 2 nurses on duty (actually 1 per shift) and no high security measures or guards. The premise was good, just not executed in a credible manner. Especially when it's later revealed that the doctor (woman in charge) knew all along that they are real, so even more questionable as to why the lack of security.

Also, how did Mr. Glass break out of his cell at night, needed to see more ingenuity at work here. There are definitely some lazy writing that can't pass unnoticed but otherwise, watchable.
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13 (I) (2010)
Unexpected find!
3 January 2019
Very dark, very tense. I don't know about the original or anything, just came across this movie randomly and it is better than most thrillers nowadays. Not a lot of movies can make me feel tense or keep me at the edge of my seat. What I like about the plot is how plausible it is. I mean, could there be such an underground gambling ring? I mean if you have nothing to lose and you're desperate enough or don't have much to live for, then why not make money for your family while you're at it. I guess it's not that much of a stretch given how much insanity exists in the world. The acting was good and depicted the proper human emotions in these types of situations. Enjoyed it thoroughly, no complaints here.
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Bird Box (2018)
A copy of the Happening.
29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, not that original. Seems like a copy of The Happening except no reason as to why it's happening or what's causing it. Seems implausible as well, like how did they survive for 5 years? How did they raise the children, they looked pretty healthy for how the world is ending? If you ever had to raise a baby, you will know it's tough enough as it is with the world being 'OK'. So many questions left unanswered. None of the scenes made me feel tensed because I kept waiting to see what was actually happening. The Happening was better executed and at least that explained what was happening.
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Not as bad as the rating shows.
21 December 2018
I thought the acting was good, not overdone. Yes it's a bit slow but that's what makes it feel more real. The acting was nothing too far-fetched or impractical. There were some good creepy moments but some predictable ones too. The only negative is the overuse of the crawling, but other than that, good concept. And the ending was a little predictable as well. This reminds me a lot of "Autopsy of Jane Doe", which the actors in that one were superb and the execution much scarier. But otherwise, this is worth watching.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Boring and uninteresting.
25 November 2018
This show is so boring, didn't keep me interested. Winona Ryder was good and the cop guy, but the kid actors are sort of annoying and cliche. There's nothing tense about this show, it feels more like a kid show. The demogorgons are not that scary, at least not the way they are portrayed here. If we are to compare 80s style Sci-fi's, The Thing or Outer Limits... much better concepts.
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Season 4: Freak Show, loved it. It's so different and intriguing.
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Started out with Freak Show. It is my favorite Season. Initially I couldn't watch this series because I found Freak Show too unsettling, but gave it another shot and it's really captivating. Got through the whole season and I am very impressed by the acting, story, and twists and turns. I don't get hooked on series very easily (with the exception of Shameless) because they always start to get boring as I watch on.

After Freak Show, I gave Roanoke a shot but it got boring already, too much skipping back and forth between the interviews and the reenactment. Then I gave Hotel a shot but I couldn't stand Lady Gaga "trying" to be scary or intimidating. Sorry, I like her but she is just not scary. She's too stagey... I couldn't take her seriously. She just acted like Lady Gaga in one of her videos. Jessica Lange was a phenomenal and more believable lead villain.

Watched Asylum and it was good also with some twists, but Freak Show was still better in my opinion. Coven was not scary at all but watchable. I still liked the story and the acting. Lastly I ended with Murder House. It was a little disappointing, and some stuff I don't get. Like why is Moira the only ghost that aged. And why did some ghosts remain in their deadly looking state when they returned but yet when Vivien died, she was a cleaned-up ghost? Seemed like some get to be the good ghosts and some didn't have that choice or knew they were even dead. And why was Tate so strong at times, but yet when he was chased down by his victims they beat the heck out of him? So many things didn't make sense to me. Seems like it was written to please the viewers and didn't stay true to its element. Other than Murder House, the other 3 seasons were well done and thought out.
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Very creepy, but just some character flaws I can't overlook.
27 October 2018
I love how the scares were executed on this show. It doesn't rely on jump scares, but good old-fashioned suspenseful type scares. The ghosts were very creepy looking as well. The stories and timelines were complex but I love how it was all tied in together as you watch on and you then realize how much it makes sense.

However, one of the flaws I see is in Steve's character. Without spoiling, his reactions to certain tragic events (as an adult) were so stiff, it was not believable. I get that they all grew up with issues from their childhood causing them to be guarded, but it still doesn't justify having almost no natural human emotions after having a tragedy happen in his family. And there were a couple of scenes where Shirley was almost the same way. Maybe the director wanted them to appear numb but it just came across as unrealistic human response. The children actors were great. The only adult character I liked was Luke, he had real human emotions, and you actually care about him.

And I get that communication is a problem in this family, but it was to the point where in real life you know it's like, "come on, if we all see a ghost, we're going to have to talk about it one day!" But everyone is so secretive, and when they do want to talk, it seems not one of them could get a word in edgewise. It kinda tugs at me the wrong way. But otherwise, I love how creepy and dark it is.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Glad they're staying more true to Halloween I & II, but could be scarier.
23 October 2018
This is a great movie overall but it still doesn't quite live up to it's predecessors, Halloween I & II. In Halloween I, Michael was seen stalking Laurie and for the most part, he was very elusive, almost like a figment of your imagination. There was something so creepy about his calm but relentless demeanor. And at times when he got up from a wound it was slow and approaching and seeing him in the background behind Laurie being so unaware made it so tense. This one seems to ignore all that and just goes straight to the kills with no tension or buildup in between, no savoring the moment leading up to it. But overall, it's an enjoyable movie if you're a Michael Myers fan.
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The Nun (2018)
Don't understand the hate.
8 September 2018
I went into this movie not expecting much due to the overwhelming gripe about it having too many jump scares. I don't find that to be true at all. As a matter of fact, there were many tense moments leading up to the real scare. The only thing I do agree with is that the Nun could use a little less growl and a little more "ghostly" element. And there were one or two scenes where the CGI was obvious. But otherwise, it had plenty of scary scenes, not just filled with uneventful moments. Contrary to what others are saying, Conjuring 1 and 2 had way more jump scares and loud obnoxious sounds, so I don't really know why people are comparing this to the number of jump scares that Conjuring 1 and 2 "supposedly" don't have. Overall, I liked this and thought that it was scary enough. I really wish that Hollywood gets that jump scares are so overdone and lame, and that they would start taking notes from The Ring and the first Michael Myers where he just stalks you and gets up from behind you while you're not looking, those types are things are way creepier.
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Boring, boring boring. Did I say boring?
18 July 2018
I agree with another reviewer. This movie is soooo boring, it's just these 3 people wandering around the woods acting scared. You literally see nothing happening, just some moments where you think something is going to happen but then nothing, back to the 3 people being scared and breathing and crying into the camera. The hype for this movie is really when it was thought to have been based on a "true" documentary. Otherwise, it's really just pointless amateur video recording like the ones you do for drama class. I think "Naked and Afraid" is way more exciting, and I've never seen it, it just has to be because this is the most boring movie EVER.
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A great time.
14 July 2018
Very funny just like the first one. Paul Rudd is likable and charming as usual. The wasp can kick butt in this one, which compliments Ant-Man really well. A great entertaining movie for when you just want to kick back and have a good laugh. And the action in this is great by the way.
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Loved It!
27 June 2018
Loved It. Funny, light and different from the rest of the Thor prequel. Has some intergalactic flair to it, great Sci-Fi/Fantasy mix. Rented it again on Redbox and made my husband watch it because he doesn't like superhero movies, but surprisingly he enjoyed this one very much due to the comedy.
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Black Panther (2018)
Not as good as the hype
31 May 2018
I wanted to love this movie but left the theater feeling "meh". It started out promising and lively but then got boring in the middle. Just something about it wasn't as exciting towards the middle to end of movie. Unfortunately, most of it was surprisingly predictable as well. The bad guy didn't sell it for me either. I was confused as to whether he was supposed to be fearsome or admirable, or both, but I felt neither. I guess he was supposed to elicit some type of empathy from the audience or something, but his story was sort of weak and didn't seem the least bit genuine.

So in essence, wanted to love this movie but don't.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Sequel that didn't copy the original.
24 May 2018
Deadpool 2 is fantastically done in that it retained the style from Deadpool 1 but yet not redundant. No one wants to see the exact same thing they've already watched. It's a different story line and doesn't rely on the first Deadpool to make it meaningful. Yes it has a more serious tone overall but still packs a lot of humor that is more mature and less silly than the first. The action scenes were great, and I don't see the CGI issue that some had mentioned. I don't agree with someone rating the CGI being in the same league as Justice League. Justice League was just awful and lazy, no good fight action just straight CGI. Deadpool 2 is not that.

In conclusion, I don't like Deadpool 1 over 2 or vice versa, I think they are both great in their own way. And I appreciate that they have independent storylines and have different takes on the adventure that is Deadpool.
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So Boring...
3 May 2018
Expected more from such a big budget title. Not engaging whatsoever with very unoriginal, predictable plots. The bad guy is a shoddy CGI character that does not elicit any sense of tension or intrigue, just classic villain-wanna-take-over-the-world cliche. The action scenes are poorly choreographed with mostly just lazy CGI that couldn't impress an 8 year old. Flying and jumping and shooting lasers, come on. Seems like there was no effort from production whatsoever, kinda insulting to the audience really. Just the overall quality of this movie is poor. And like one reviewer mentioned, Henry Cavil looked off, and so did Ben Affleck. He looked like he put on some weight, and not very invested in making this movie.
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Deadpool (2016)
Pretty entertaining.
7 March 2016
My son loves Deadpool character and I was worried about taking him to see this R-rated movie. But in all honesty, there are much worse that kids nowadays are exposed to (games and movies). Yes, Deadpool has violence and it is a little bloody, but I think the humor really helps to tone down the heaviness. The violence in Deadpool doesn't compare to 300 or Old Boy, which I would never let my kids see. As far as the sexual scenes, there were a couple of scenes and they are far in between. I do think they can tone down on the "unnecessary" swearing that seem solely there just for the sake of making it rated R. I'm by no means sensitive to it, but just stating there are many rated R movies that definitely can carry the same message without unnecessary swears every 5 seconds that makes it seem more annoying than meaningful.

If they do decide to do a sequel, hoping they will stay true to the character's humor and essence. My son did mention that Deadpool in the game was a bit stronger than portrayed in the movie. Most sequels destroy hit movies by trying to overcompensate and thus going over-the-top with bad jokes, story lines, and more violence. More is not always better. This one was nicely done, but can tone down on swearing a bit. Just keep it simple but effective.
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Sinister 2 (2015)
Worst Movie Ever. I'd rather burn my money.
23 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I wish there was a zero star for this movie. I've seen many bad movies but never to the point of wanting to walk out of the theater. I was with some friends and they were repulsed as well but said they paid for it so might as well suffer through it. Another girl next to me was laid asleep on her boyfriend.

This was advertised as a psychological ghost thriller, but the actual movie is far from it. It's more of a slasher flick but with very young kids. What disturbed person conjured up this gory mess with very young kids performing gruesome acts towards their family members? A great message for kids (sarcasm). No substance, poor acting, and I will never get my time or money back. Awful.
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Thoroughly Entertained!
13 June 2015
I was not expecting much based on the previews and thought that it would be ridden with CGI, but I have to say that I am really impressed at how realistic the dinosaurs look. Wow, technology just keeps getting better and better.

I don't get why all the bad reviews about it being predictable. Like what another reviewer was saying, if you're going to see a Jurassic movie, what were you expecting to happen, that they would just clean themselves in a cage? Yah, that would be totally unpredictable.

I also thought the acting for this type of movie was very good, especially from the little boy. Also loved Chris Pratt in this, he was enjoyable to watch. I'm not going to read too much into a dinosaur movie, went to see it for the adventure, loved it and my kids did too. It filled the gap that Godzilla didn't, especially at the end. We had fun so money well spent.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Another good quality series, not just a spin-off.
20 March 2015
I did not expect much from this spin-off. Figured how can they top Breaking Bad, but gave it a shot anyway to pay homage to BB. Surprisingly, I am enjoying it probably a bit more than I did BB. Don't boo me people as I am just as much a fan of Breaking Bad and an avid fan of Bryan Cranston ever since, but there were a few slower scenes in BB.

I have always been a fan of Saul's character since the start. Albeit he is a little sleazy, he had a lovable harmlessness to him and he makes you laugh. I am glad that BCS kept his character's personality consistent with that from BB. Slowly, you see his character building up to Saul.

Looking forward to more.
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Good, Intense, Thrilling
20 July 2014
Better than expected. You don't expect much when you go into these types of movies. I was afraid it would be too violent and is a slasher type film. It was a bit violent (but no different that most action movies out there) but not gory or in poor taste at all and definitely not a slasher flick (thank goodness). It actually had a good plot and good acting, believable and made the concept more legitimate. It does raise the question of what humans are capable of if given free reign by the government. Does humanity still exist?

Overall, good movie considering all the bad execution you find in movies nowadays. Also, it is better and more intriguing than part 1.
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