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He Got Game (1998)
A simple story of a father, a son, atonement, and of course, Basketball....
18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After directing Malcolm X, Spike Lee, along with John Singleton ('Boyz N the Hood'), became arguably the most popular and respected African American filmmaker of his time. Lee's wife, however, didn't like the fact that her husband's last original screenplay was nearly a decade ago and was vocal about it. Lee, then, decided to go back to do what originally launched him into the filmmaking world: writing and directing his own material. And although 'Malcolm X', an adaptation, was the biggest success of Lee's career, his rekindled desire to bring his own, fully original, story to the screen was the spark that led to 'He Got Game'.

The film opens with an almost five-minute montage of people playing basketball, shooting, dunking, pivoting, blocking and what have you. Spike Lee, a huge Knicks fan, believes it's worth to spend five minutes of screen time with nothing but the basketball and the music, composed of several orchestral pieces by Aaron Coplan ('Raging Bull'). The montage ends with Jesus Shuttlesworth ('Ray Allen'), in the basketball court, shooting the ball, followed by Jake Shuttleworth ('Denzel Washington'), his father, in Attica's Correctional Facility, shooting the ball as well, and one can already feel that the only connection, if any, between that father and his son is basketball. Following that intro, Spike Lee begins to utilize the old fashioned three-act structure to begin his story.

The warden calls Jake to his office, and we get to know about Jake's past and who he is through the warden's interview with him. The warden finally lays it out on the table and tells Jake what's what. The governor wants Jake to convince his son, Jesus, who is the number 1 basketball prospect in the country, to play for Big State University in exchange for a reduced sentence. Jake agrees and becomes wired by the two parole officers who will keep in touch with him. He got three days before he's sent back to Attica.

Jake starts by meeting Mary, his little daughter, first, as that, in his mind, would make it easier for him to contact his son. When his son enters the house, he doesn't look his father in the eyes and scolds his sister for allowing a "stranger" in. Throughout the film, the father, during his numerous and brief encounters with his son, tries to convince Jesus to go to Big State, but with no success. Their past is so dark that no light could break through.

In the best sequence of the film, during the last night of Jake's parole, he plays a defining basketball game in his final hours as a free man. If he wins, Jesus goes to Big State. If Jesus wins, Jake goes back to Attica. The stakes are high and as Jake plays and scores some points he begins to let go and shifts from wanting a reduced sentence to wanting forgiveness from Jesus (pun intended) and his murdered wife. He accepts his fate. He chooses the worse in hope of gaining the better later on. Only when they were separated again did he and his son connect more than they ever did.

To call 'He Got Game' bad would be an understatement and to call it good would be euphemistic. The film pushes some buttons in the human nature and emotions but you never feel a solid film. Overlong at parts and extremely short at others, the film tries to find its rhythm during its two-hour running time and doesn't quite get it right, but with all its flaws, it came out watchable, if intriguing, at parts.
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A miracle of a film! The true definition of an epic
5 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am not one of the guys who can sit and watch a 3 hrs epic film just like that. I have to be in a proper mood and have to be willing to get on a journey or an adventure, if you will, to another place and time. Happily, the conditions were right for me to watch an epic and I did watch Lawrence. A lot of things were intriguing about that film: The amazing cinematography, the framing of shots, the impeccable crowd control, and, you know, all the technical stuff. Although not as good as Lawrence's, these qualities are present in other epics as well. What really drew me into the film was T.E Lawrence's character in the film. Usually in epics, the characters take a back seat for the sake of the action or events. But here we see this intimate personal story of a man who, for some reason, challenges and tests himself: Burning his hand with the matchstick, standing in front of a man firing bullets towards him and almost killing him, and constantly going to dangerous battles with the Arabs. For what? He's not doing it for his country and most probably not for the Arabs. He is trying to prove something to himself about himself. He is a deeply self-destructive character and to have such small exquisite story of a man within the epic canvas of the wars and the desert is just extraordinary. I can't believe that Sam Spiegel really took a chance on this madly genius (and very risky) film. I give credit to him, to Robert Bolt and Michael Wilson for the amazing screenplay, to the terrific Peter O Toole and Omar Sharif and , of course, to the man himself, one of cinema's greatest filmmaking artists, Mr. David Lean.
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8/10 feel you've been with the crew.
14 April 2016
After watching this, I have respect for Michael Bay. Yeah people don't like his movies (me included) but they are sort of entertaining especially when seen on a big screen in theaters. Some of his films are even pretty good (The Rock (1996) for example). But, to get to the point, this man is very creative. He always try to make new things to impress the audience. He is also a real hard worker. The work, he and his crew did to bring us this movie was phenomenal and he deserves to be respected for that. This documentary, for me, is actually better than the movie itself. I've always loved to watch behind the scenes of films, but this one is pretty well made and detailed. And it's very inspirational for aspiring filmmakers such as myself. So bravo for the job Bay and his crew did. Keep 'em comin.
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Southpaw (2015)
OK, I just witnessed one of the greatest performances of the 21st century.
27 August 2015
Some say the movie is formulaic. I agree with that. It is formulaic and at times clichéd, but the performances are unbelievable. Oona Laurence gives an incredible performance that is so believable and heartbreaking. And, of course, the champ, the king, Jake Gyllenhaal. To describe his performance is to count drops of rain. He took acting to a whole other level with this performance and proved himself as the greatest actor of his generation. I never thought I'd say it, but he surpassed DiCaprio...Big Time. 50, Forest and everybody give good performances. So here is my opinion of the film: As a performance and directing work, it is amazing. As a good story and all that, it falls. Since I am a fan of boxing , I am biased. So this 9/10 maybe inaccurate for some people. Bravo Gyllenhaal.
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Top Gun (1986)
The piece of crap that happened to be one of my favorite movies......ever!
4 January 2015
To start, I watched thousands of movies, literally (The Godfather, Goodfellas, etc..). And from my perspective, Top Gun is an average popcorn flick. The plot is as cheesy as any movie. After you watch the movie for a while, the story will fade but something else will stick with you. That thing is what forced me to give this movie a 9/10. What is that thing? Well, the feel of the movie, the mode. The 80s fresh air. And the beautiful soundtrack. These things overcome all the flaws in this all-flawed movie. This is the weirdest review I have ever wrote, but it's true. You will like and detest this movie at the same time. The question is: what feeling will you choose? To conclude, this is a really terrible movie but one of my favorites. Give it a chance (on a big screen) and you won't be disappointed or will you?
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Fight Club (1999)
One of the most alive, smart, and entertaining movies in film history
13 November 2014
This movie has its own place in my top list. It is ferociously entertaining. You will enjoy every second. But put for your note: this movie is made especially for young male audience. It is humorous in a very smart way I'm surprised it didn't even get nominated for best screenplay. Oh the acting was amazing. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton made great performances in this movie. The sound and music makes it all better. Just brilliant! The movie was surprisingly ambitious. It changed many things in my life and I'm very thankful to David Fincher and all the terrific cast. However bored you are, if you start watching this movie you won't fall asleep. It has the effect of caffeine, although it tastes a bit better than coffee. Whoo! What a movie!
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Better than anything I ever seen!
31 October 2014
This masterpiece is unbelievable. It is a true story. A true story of Mason, of me, of every human. I didn't believe that there is someone so smart to make such a movie. Richard Linklater proved me wrong. The Godfather, Goodfellas, The Shawshank Redemption....Boyhood Surpassed all of those very much. I believe that in a decade or so we will see Boyhood #1 on IMDb because it simply deserves it! As soon as you begin watching the movie you are in. You don't feel you are watching the are living it. Whenever you want to live your old days again, all you have to do is to go watch Boyhood I know that there will never be a movie like this to the end of the world...I sware it was like breathing....the movie is alive! Anybody got to watch this movie. It is an antidote for the weary of spirit. It is a time machine. It is a miracle. And if this movie didn't win the Best Picture Academy Award I will seriously suicide!
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Along with The Godfather, this is definitely the best movie ever made!
24 August 2014
I don't believe what I saw! This whole trilogy is astonishing and magnificent! But this particular one.....there is no word to describe it! Filmmaking never got better. No filmmaker has ever aimed higher or achieved more than Peter Jackson. From war scenes to the trickery of Gollum to the climb of the mountain, this movie takes hold of your heart and never let go. This is the first review i ever wrote on IMDb, but this movie deserves it. I didn't watch this movie when it was still brand new. I waited 11 years then opened the chest and i found treasure i never thought i would possess. I don't think we will see movies like this for a very very long time. Thank you Peter Jackson for this movie..for this....Gift
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