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Divergent (2014)
DIVERGENT may have just saved young adult adaptations in Hollywood.
21 March 2014
DIVERGENT delivers where so many of the recent young adult novel film adaptations have failed. I saw this film not having read the book and on its own it stands very well.

First off the bad:

1) action sequences feel slow and not natural. You can tell that the actors were not particularly familiar with hand to hand combat, not to say their characters weren't supposed to be but even when they're supposed to know how to fight it feels lackluster. 2) obvious age difference between the two main characters. 3) high school Clich feel for the first half of the film.

Now with that said ^ here is what Worked:

1) length. Often we see film adaptations of novels try and cram everything into 90 or 100 mins but Divergent takes its time. Normally this would be a drawback but the film makes good use of the extra time (the film is 145 mins) to really progress. 2) the performances of the main characters are solid. Nothing amazing but the dynamic between the two main characters works well. - the visual style of the film is very good. The dystopian city of Chicago is very well realized. 3) brings to light moral and societal problems. Suprizingly deep for a young adult film.

OVERALL divergent is a good film. It fails in few places but succeeds in most that count. With the failure of young adult movies such as Percy Jackson, Divergent healthily separates itself from them. I would recommend seeing it. There WILL be a sequel.
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RED 2 (2013)
20 August 2013
I went to see RED 2 with my friends; mind you this was the only Reason I ended up watching the movie in the first place. However I was pleasantly surprised to find it actually satisfactory. But that's it, just satisfactory.

In addition, how is it that this group of "super spies" has a way to get out of every single jam that presents itself. That, coupled with the improbability of some scenes just makes parts of the film laughable because they're so absurd. But then again, the parts which are actually intended to be funny succeed quite well.

It entertained me yes, but would I recommend seeing it in theaters, no. I would wait until it ends up on Netflix or something of that sort. Nothing amazing, but hey, who's expecting to be knocked off their feet by an average run-of-the-mill summer action movie. Anyway, these are my thoughts, see it however you like and make your own conclusions.
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Man of Steel (2013)
A Typical Hollywood Action Movie.
19 August 2013
Wow, well what can I say that I LIKED about this film? I would have to say that really the only 3 things positive this film has going for it are the Score (Hans Zimmer) the special effects, and the talent. Other than that the film is a ridiculous escapade of action sequences and explosions, which I guess hey, moviegoers want these days.

However I am not one of those moviegoers. That's how I felt; I actually wanted to leave the theater at a few points because the fight sequences simply dragged on for way too long without adding anything as far as plot development goes. Seriously, it was like the director and writer were like "Ok, so let's have the plot advance here for 5 minutes and then we'll cut to a 30 minute action scene." It was painful to watch after a while.

I went into the theater expecting a moving plot with great execution, however I was greatly disappointed. I don't usually agree with harsh critics, however whatever bad reviews this movie got it deserved. Maybe Hollywood should stop trying to please the mindless moviegoer with endless action and focus more on the actual content of their summer blockbusters. But hey, this is just my opinion, so take it how it is, go see the movie and make your own conclusions but be warned, bring earplugs.
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Brave (2012)
Great step back in right direction for Disney.
18 March 2013
BRAVE is a decent example of the type of deep, emotional films Disney USED to make. Pixar Movies have never, at least for me, ever reached an emotional level as that of many Disney films. The combination of Pixar's brilliant animation and Disney charm really make me feel that BRAVE is a decent step back in the right direction.

Disney, in my opinion, has lacked in the story department for the last 10 years. Brother Bear (2003) being the last remarkable and deep plot. BRAVE shows much of Brother Bear and its components of love, forgiveness, and tolerance.

Disney films, and basically every Pixar film, being released has a shallow, un-relatable plot. Toy Story very slimly being an exception. Disney needs to get back to making the types of movies which made it how popular it is today. Getting back to these universal ideas and themes would improve the quality of future content. The attention to the story needs to be increased, instead of focusing on creating marketable characters. Really, what Disney animated film won't be successful in this day and age. Disney is big enough to be able to sacrifice marketability for substance.

I like to FEEL something, anything while watching a film. BRAVE I can happily say, gave me chills. I have yet to feels this with really any Pixar film or any Disney film in the past 10 years.

Overall, BRAVE is a great step back in the right direction for Disney. Now the only thing to do is wait and see whether or not they realize the good thing they've stumbled upon.
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Dark Skies (2013)
A typical "scary" movie with an unusual plot.
3 March 2013
Dark Skies delivers the thrills of any "scary" film you would expect, jumps, bumps and just plain weird things. But that's what brings the entire movie down. Had the filmmakers been more focused on delivering the Sci-fi part rather than the scares, this film would've been much much better. The clichés of the "scary" movie genre make this movie's suppose-to-be scary parts, very predictable, however the plot is not. You can tell when the music gets quiet "oh I bet there's gonna be something behind him." and will you look at that, something was behind him. The plot however, was well done. Had the movie spent more time on the advancement of the plot rather than simply trying to scare its audience, you would have a much better result.

I went into this movie assuming it would be just another stupid, pointless, and crappy "scary" film. I was pleasantly surprised to find the plot adequate, but not to find the execution of that plot lacking. Overall, Dark Skies is a better experience than any other typical "scary" movie due to its Sci-fi thriller plot. Its worth seeing, just don't go in expecting to be surprised by it. That's my reason for a 6/10 rather than anything higher. It however, dodges the 5/10 or 4/10 marks it would've had, if it weren't for its plot.
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Brother Bear (2003)
Creative, Deep and Marvelous
3 March 2013
This is the type of movie Disney was synonymous with making pre-2000's. Ever since the introduction of 3D animation, it seems that not enough is being focused on the story and more on giving the audience something to "ooh" and "ahh" at. I feel like Brother Bear was the last Disney film to connect on as deep and an emotional level as Lion King or any pre 2000 animated film. I'm 16 and I cried during this movie and have yet to have that type of experience with any Disney animated film past 2003. Truly an excellent and deep script, some could argue too deep for a G rating let alone a kids film. Plus the execution was remarkable, the lush lands animated by hand will always surpass, on a storytelling level, 3D. 3D feels too in-personal.

Of everything awesome in this film, the soundtrack is the most remarkable. Phil Collins should've worked with Disney on every film because he did SUCH and amazing job on the music in this movie. Its a shame brother Bear didn't win the Oscar for best animated film. Instead, Finding Nemo did, which looking back, Brother Bear is a much better film.

Disney has lost its original drive. Now its only about rating rather than the content. Brother Bear being the turning point.
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