
13 Reviews
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Family Guy (1999– )
I'll never watch Family Guy again
12 June 2023
I understand that Family Guy is known for pushing boundaries and often delves into controversial subjects for comedic effect. However, I found episode S08E15 to be a particularly distasteful and offensive example of this. The episode revolves around the theme of child abuse, with the entire Griffin family being involved in mocking and trivializing such a serious issue.

While I acknowledge that satire can be a powerful tool to highlight societal problems, there are certain topics that should never be the subject of humor. Child abuse is one of those topics, as it involves the suffering and trauma of innocent children. The writers, directors, producers, and voice actors involved in this episode seemed to have completely disregarded the sensitivity and seriousness of this issue.

Watching this episode left me feeling deeply disturbed and uncomfortable. It was disheartening to see the characters, whom I had grown to enjoy over the years, engage in such callous behavior towards a subject that should be treated with utmost care and respect. The episode's attempt at dark humor fell flat and instead came across as tasteless and offensive.

As a long-time viewer, I can honestly say that this episode marked the lowest point to which Family Guy has stooped. It was a blatant disregard for responsible storytelling and ethical comedy. The fact that this episode was approved and aired reflects poorly on the entire creative team behind the show.

After witnessing this episode, I have made the decision to withdraw my support from Family Guy. I can no longer endorse a program that trivializes and makes light of such serious matters. I refuse to lend my viewership or support to a show that would prioritize shock value over compassion and social responsibility.

In conclusion, episode S08E15 of Family Guy demonstrated a lack of sensitivity and a severe lapse in judgment. The attempt to find humor in the realm of child abuse was not only in poor taste but also deeply offensive. This episode will forever tarnish my perception of the show, and those involved in its creation will never receive my support again.
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American Dad!: The Pleasanting at Smith House (2023)
Season 18, Episode 4
less funny and more irrelevant
18 April 2023
Is it just me or is the show becoming progressively less funny and more irrelevant? I used to roll on the floor every other minute while watching it, and now I'm just waiting the whole episode for a single decent joke or an engaging storyline. I used to prefer this show to Family Guy in every respect, and now I have to watch an episode of Family Guy (which hasn't gotten better; it's just retained its level of quality unlike this one) afterward just to get my dose of humor. This stagnation didn't start this season, though it reached a new low with it. Please fire the current writers! Please save American Dad! It used to be my favorite show, and now I can't even recognize it.
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AHS became almost unwatchable after Season 8
26 October 2022
I used to be such a huge fan of the show, and in my opinion seasons 7 and 8 were its pinnacles. I re-watched them several times because they are pure masterpieces. Then, Season 9 came around, and I was so disappointed and couldn't stop questioning whether it was made by the same people who had created all the previous seasons. In season 10, things got even worse. While the first part of the season seemed promising, its finale turned out to be so underwhelming that I felt really let down. Being so disenchanted by it, I couldn't pass even the first episode of the second installment, which, in general, appeared super unappealing. Moving on to this last season, the first episode of Season 11 is such a bummer that I'm not going to continue watching this show anymore. That's enough! It's official, AHS is dead. I was asking myself the whole time while watching that ridiculous episode what it even had to do with AHS. Where is a horror in this story? Where are all the great characters? I understand why all the lead actors from pervious seasons decided to distant themselves from the show. From now on, I will do the same.
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They/Them (2022)
John Logan did it again
16 August 2022
Such a great ensemble of actors, and such a trashy plot. It reminds me of "Penny Dreadful", another John Logan's project, which was a great show until he made it completely unwatchable in the third season with his abysmally bad writing. It's pretty obvious here that his idea was to create a camp movie about a camp by ripping off (also badly executed) the ninth season of "American Horror Story". It didn't work out though.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
They ruined it with season 3 BIG TIME
19 September 2021
The first season was just OK 'cause the drama elements really killed the vibe. The second season reached perfection with being much wilder, funnier and more relatable. The third season, however, doubled down on the flaws of the first one and almost removed all the good parts from the show. I hate it when TV gets you down. I liked the way the second season put me in a good mood. Why did they decide to turn such a feel-good TV series into a dull and annoying drama??? I wish the third season didn't exist at all.
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so poorly written
30 August 2021
For people with basic common sense, the plot must seem insulting.
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A very intense and captivating thriller
18 May 2021
I honestly can't understand what's wrong with the people leaving negative reviews about this movie. I'm a big fan of the genre, and I haven't seen anything of comparable quality in terms of plot and execution in recent times. So, even though this movie may not be perfect by some high standard (which are not applicable to thrillers anyway), it basically has no serious competition to contrast it with. Plus, Amy's performance alone deserves top recognition. She should literally get an Oscar for the scene where her character films herself on the phone. Julianne Moore also did a great job! So, don't listen to anyone, and just let yourself be thrilled by such an mazing thriller!
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Deep, mysterious and mesmerizing
14 January 2019
The film is so mesmerizing that it can literally put you in a state of ecstatic trance. To me, it's a rare case of a pure audio-visual drug with multiple layers of subtle subplots, deep meanings and unexpected twists. However, it must be noted that this movie can be appreciated only by aesthetically developed viewers with fondness and understanding of European culture. If you're a lover of cheap, basic and derivative American gore horrors with zero substance (like those who left so many negative reviews), you'll be probably dissapointed by this chef-d'oeuvre.

DISCLAIMER: I can't be completely objective though because the movie ticked too many boxes for me as if it were created with me in mind. Specifically, I have a great affection for the following things: Tilda Swinton, Berlin, this particular historic period of Germany, English-German-French language mix in movies (you won't find many movies where leads speak long lines in perfect foreign language), occultism, secret societies, alchemist symbolism, trippy music, elaborate cinematography, exquisite atmosphere and strong leading female characters.
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No more Lars
14 December 2018
It's so boring that I could hardly watch it on 4x speed. I used to be a huge fan of von Trier until his fall into disgrace with Antichrist. This is the fourth movie since then and it is the worst. The previous three, at least, have some redeeming qualities, and, despite being trash in essence, they are more or less engaging. But this piece of art reminded me of the work of film student with zero talent but with enormous ego. All these philosophical bla-bla-bla's with no relevance to anyone make this even more unbearable. I think that this is the lowest of von Trier, and I doubt I'm going to watch anything he will ever come up with in the future. He used to shock in a good way, but this is a big long and boring nothing.
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It's generally good but the drama part makes it hard to bear sometimes
16 October 2018
Although, the horror part of the show is REALLY original and great, you should be warned that for the most part it is a family drama (disguised under a horror through misleading marketing, and I hate being tricked this way). It would have been much better to have this show split into 2 mini-mini series: the horror one and the cheesy one. Therefore, despite of the high quality production, this series attempting to satisfy everyone, may not fully satisfy anyone because you can't have it both ways, sorry.
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Great movie reminiscent of the golden age of teen thrillers from the late 90s
12 October 2018
Great atmosphere, original plot, stunning cinematography, excellent soundtrack and beautiful cast. What else do you need from a good (teen) thriller? You might find plenty of flaws if you're gonna look for them, but if you want to just relax and immerse yourself in spellbinding and mysterious atmosphere, this movie is the right choice.
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Heathers (2018)
The most underrated TV show
6 October 2018
If you want to derive a great pleasure from watching this show, which is inevitable, just follow two simple rules: 1) Restrain from comparing it with the original movie -- consider this one as an independent work of art, which it is. The movie and the show have nothing in common, except for the characters' names and some themes. 2) Watch at least 3 episodes before forming an opinion -- don't judge it solely by the pilot! Most ratings and reviews are based only on the pilot, which is totally unfair since it's just 1/10 of the show.

I haven't seen anything that brilliant in years! This show became a victim of PC culture, which contributed to dropping it off the screen.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
Don't watch this!
29 September 2018
I'm wondering why the movie's rating is 5.8. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT!

If you look at 262 reviews, you'll see the following picture:

1* - 35%; 2* - 13%; 3* - 13%; 4* - 6%; 5* - 5%; 6* - 4%; 7* - 7%; 8* - 7%; 9* - 4%; 10* - 4%; no rating - 2%

which gives us the weighted average rating of 3.5

The movie is about a bunch of sick people, and it's made exclusively for sick people because If you're a sane person, you won't find anything to appreciate here. I'm very disappointed in Netflix.
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