
94 Reviews
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Tulsa King (2022– )
Meh. Not awful if you don't think too hard.
8 December 2023
I was really excited about watching this series. After all it's Stallone doing TV, and he's playing a gangster, and Sheridan isn't a bad show creator. But, the situation is so far fetched, and the characters unrealistic and undeveloped, you really have to turn your brain off. This is a step backward for the recent TV golden age. It's formulaic with a big name, and it doesn't deliver. I can think of a half dozen shows easy, which are doing this style better. It's almost like this was created without anyone having seen The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Peaky Blinders. Sons of Anarchy, Justified, etc.

Stallone is ok (better early on as a menace, before he became a rah rah coach/father figure). The pot guy is pretty funny. The gangsters are laughable. I may watch more...I may not.
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An audiobook of a children's story....with Wes Anderson visuals.
28 September 2023
I desperately wanted to like this, especially after being disappointed with Asteroid City. Although some Wes Anderson movies often use a narrator for substantial portions, this short film has it throughout. Also, the 4th wall doesn't really exist. Not a fan. I prefer films where visuals, acting, and direction convey most of the info and emotion. I also dislike how he is increasingly showing his set pieces are artificial, like looking behind the scenes of a play. It destroys the immersiveness of the experience.

Anyway, I guess I'm disappointed because I was expecting a movie, and instead got an audiobook (with visuals) of a children's story. I guess it was unrealistic to expect Wes Anderson would release another real movie, even a short one, so soon after Asteroid City.

I guess I can go back and just enjoy his earlier movies, and hope he regains the mojo that brought us such classics as the Life Acquatic and The Grand Budapest Hotel.
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Very cool music video, but as an actual TV/movie it fails.
24 September 2023
Big John Wick fan, but this misses the a wide margin. I'm not upset they made it, so let's call it a semi-noble failure. It lacks the substance, story, and care of good tv/movies, but with lots of style and music....well, it would make one heck of a music video. So it's aimed at young viewers who only care if things look cool in Tik Tok increments of time.

A lot of the dialogue and actions scenes are pretty laughable (assuming you can see them in the dark). NYC is set in the 1970's, but it plays more post-apocalyptic So it utterly fails in "world building." I don't think any of the acting is worth mentioning...such as it is. In any event, it basically lacks all the stuff that made John Wick great, which was a look into the stylish, dangerous underworld that exists according to its own set of rules when the regular folk are home in bed...with a uniquely qualified anti-hero inflicting unholy amounts of vengeance on the baddies in a marginally realistic way. (John Wick, The Equalizer, Batman, Blade, etc.)
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Asteroid City (2023)
I'll always like Wes Anderson films, but this meta-mess is next to last.
9 July 2023
Like with a few other top directors, I always want to see what Wes Anderson is creating. I've been hooked since Bottle Rocket. He's one of the few auteurs left whose style is instantly recognizable.

As much as I love many of his movies, they're invariably much more about style than substance. There's almost never any real message or philosophy underlying the beautifully created, but highly artificial, visual style. His other trademark is the cool, deadpan acting he requires, which causes the lines to feel more satirical and absurdist.

As far as this 1950's period piece, there isn't much to say beyond the fact that WA has taken his normal style and cast of characters and played it with a highly meta angle. It has its moments. The best way I saw another reviewer sum it up was that it "is the cinematic equivalent of cotton candy." It is beautiful, carefree, entertaining, but not amounting to much.

I'd put this next to last in WA's ouvre. I would not recommend it to non WA fans. I hope it is a coincidence and not a trend, but I think his last 2 films are among his 3 worst. But, I'm looking forward to his next.
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Ted Lasso: La Locker Room Aux Folles (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
Meh. Badly written "movie of the week."
10 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once again the writers and showrunners have abandoned the great first two season of Ted Lasso, and left us with warmed over dreck, political correctness wrapped up in a bow, low quality "Movie of the Week" type stuff.

It was nice to get the guys back on the pitch. Plus, Roy had a nice episode...and not just because they mercifully killed the Jack storyline by sending her to Mars or wherever. Unfortunately, most of the characters are one dimensional, especially the always smiling goofs like Sam and Dani.

But, for the second week in a row, we get a totally cringy locker room scene where blah, blah, blah, politically correct liberal stuff is wrapped up in a bow...AT HALFTIME TO A MATCH. I wonder if they won after servicing the politically correct gods?! What do you think?!

The best part was Rupert testing the morality of Nathan. They certainly are doing their best to humanize Nathan's betrayal, and illustrate his desperate neediness.. It looks like they're actually setting him up to play the Darth Vader role in killing the Emperor. Meh, I don't care. I'm checking out after this season...unless they do something like give Ted cancer.
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Ted Lasso: We'll Never Have Paris (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Ugh, these ridiculous stories are getting painful.
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think it may be time for the showrunners to be looking for an offramp to end this show. Clearly, the writers have less and less to say...that makes any sense in Ted Lasso World.

Fortunately, this episode was slightly better than the last one, mainly because it had more Ted in it. But, there's been almost no character development. They're speeding over the football stuff that used to take episodes before, speeding over the team clashes, etc. Etc.

Can they please kill the Keely storylines please?! They're becoming so annoying and cringy. Before, her high energy, excessive yapping was a nice comic foil for Roy's laconic, brutish, bulldog grunts. Now that they aren't together, I'm really hating her character. Speaking of excessively happy 1 dimensional characters, Sam and Dani need some upgrading as characters.

Most of the writing is just painfully bad. Last week they tied strings to their penises out on the pitch....only a child would find that funny. This week, the whole team had a big pow-wow about social media and photos on their phones. Awful. Yeah, like the whole team is going to do that with their personal stuff. Then the story gets sillier with the enforcer finding a picture he shouldn't have...oops (yeah, saw that from a mile away). They should bring back the sports psychologist, and they should have Rebecca follow up the Rich Woman/Poor Man (from Amsterdam) thing.

I'm still not quite sure Ted was so fixated on his ex. Wasn't that a season or two ago?! I mean she's sleeping with someone else, and so is he (i.e. Sassy) but we're supposed to believe this is throwing him totally off his axis?! Oh, and why make Ted's kid, and coach Nathan's girlfriend so bland?! I mean they could use cardboard cut-outs for their characters.

Bottom line: The show is running on empty. But we all know they're going to drag it out for another season or two, so Lasso/Rebecca can prevail over Rupert/Nathan. Ugh.
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Ted Lasso: The Strings That Bind Us (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
Awful! They've totally jumped the shark.
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this show just keeps getting worse and worse. What are they doing?! Politics and weird relationships, yeah, that's what I tune into Ted Lasso for. I don't know, they could just be running out of stories...because the new ones are awful. It was a kindly fish out of water story, now it's this controversial agenda and that controversial agenda....and throw in some weird sex jokes.

They've gone into farce. Maybe they've been there all along and I didn't notice. But when they tie strings to their penises in practice to learn a new strategy...well, I don't know what the heck I'm watching.

I guess I'll long for the days when the story was about Ted. A kind hearted soul in a fish out of water story, surrounded by cynics that he wins over.
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Living (2022)
A noble effort that falls fairly short of the original masterpiece.
25 April 2023
The film is a remake of Kurosawa's Ikiru. That film is a masterpiece in so many ways. It exceeds this remake called "Living" ("Ikiru" means "to live") in basically every way...except this movie is in color. But that being said, it is a noble effort to remake a 70 year old film for a new generation. And, exchanging the restrictive cultural (and working) norms of post-war Japan for post-war England worked very well.

Kudos to the director and the cinematographer generally. It had an artful look and edit. Bill Nighy was pretty good as the repressive Englishman facing his mortality. I liked the young, naive, female character better in this film (Aimee Lou Wood)...she was just more rounded (although that might undermine the original story).

Ultimately, they cut certain scenes they shouldn't have. And, they failed to capture several important points of the human condition that was caught in the original. The worst was probably the entirely unearned scene where the workers promise reform. In the original, it was moving and sadly realistic they did so while getting drunk at the funeral. Very human, and very realistic (people promise change all the time while drunk, but then don't follow up while sober).

I was also kind of surprised that they failed in their choice for the final seminal song/poem. First, the original was straightforward and to the point, why not just use it verbatim or create something very similar? Anyway, noble effort. Worth seeing (then see the original).
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Ultimately a failure, barely a tv "movie of the week."
25 April 2023
They fundamentally failed to capture the spirit of the book...and a lot of the story. The direction was boring, the cinematography surprisingly weak, and the soundtrack was sappy. Redford's acting was inert. Nolte did a decent job as the dissolute Katz. They had a few decent scenes in the last 1/4 of the movie.

To be truthful, if they had just taken the cast of Sideways (Paul Giammati and Thomas Haden Church), then this could have actually been a worthwhile movie. Very few actors do exasperation and seething contempt nearly as well as Giammati. Perhaps Bryan Cranston and Bob Odenkirk might have been decent too. Of course you'd need a better director too.

But, when a big (OLD) name like Redford signs on, the grey suits at the studios probably considered themselves blessed....and gave them the money for this tepid failure. Too bad really. BTW, I like Redford generally.
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Black Adam (2022)
Dumber than a box of rocks, and I like the Rock!
16 December 2022
WTF is DC doing here. First they retcon a villain into a hero. WTF?! You mean if a star wants to do a role made for him then everything changes?! If Tom Cruise decides to play Lex Luthor, then you're going to retcon Luthor into a hero?! This is so F*ing lame. Black adam was always a villain, which is why they created Shazam/Captain Marvel. But when they figured they needed to make a movie, they retconned him around 2010 to blur his history.

As far as the movie, oh my GOODNESS! TALKY TALLKY TALKY. Stop with the exposition already. Show me don't tell me. The only thing worth watching is Pierce Bronsnan as Mr. Fate. I'm so glad I didn't pay for this garbage..
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Clerks III (2022)
Only for diehards, and hopefully the last!
13 November 2022
I used to love the View Askew productions, but this is just mailing it in with basically nothing new or interesting. Lots of nostalgia and fan service. It's frantic and pointless for the first 3/4 of the movie, There are some decent scenes at the end, but basically it is the third time Smith has used his "Catharsis" section where Dante and Randall lay into each other. It's the second worst in the series. He should have stopped at Clerks II.

Back in 1994 he was edgy and promising. It turned out he's a 1-2 trick pony, and those tricks aren't funny or interesting anymore. He definitely needed writing help, because although they are his characters, he doesn't know how to make them say anything new. I thank him for his earlier creations. But, as Jack Black might say, "His jar of rocket sauce is empty!"
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Ugh, watching this is boring chore. I won't be back.
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea what they're going for in this series, especially since the beginning of this season. I guess they were worried about getting cancelled so they spent the whole time wrapping up existing stories (badly). Then with all the boring as hell personal soap opera filler. (And a bunch of blather of the regularly ignored Prime Directive.)

It's like a bunch of half written storylines. True Sci-Fi writers would put a bag over their heads if they wrote this pathetic, retread garbage. Seriously, is the dumb, uninteresting, already done android and human relationship really supposed to hold up half this episode?! Are they paying royalties for ripping off the much better Data & Tasha Yar storyline from TNG?! Fortunately, she got killed off so we didn't have to watch this meaningless garbage. (BTW, Data was much more human, and not just because he had a face.)

I'm looking forward to never seeing the Moclans and 1 dimensional Kaylons ever again. Or of any of the truly terrible storylines for Dr. Awful anymore. She wasn't good on DS9 and things have only gotten worse (much) from there. Oh, and the married/divorced co-captain was completely worn out, as was MacFarlane's thimbleful of acting ability (but his other shows are funny).

But, if they do a Malloy spinoff, then I may tune in. He gets 1 extra star for his James Taylor rendition.
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The Orville: Domino (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
Cool to look at, but dumb as ever!
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew. Some solid CGI and action. But, as so many have pointed out, this story is dumber than a box of rocks.

1. The "Union" jumps in and out of wars of annihilation twice before you get out of bed each morning. It's become rather pathetic. Seriously, they snuff out lives by the thousands over half-baked reasons. I get the sense the showrunners know they're living on borrowed time, and so they're trying to wrap up the whole series before they end up being produced by Kazakhstan public access.

1A. These clowns bumble across the galaxy attempting to change every culture they come in contact with. The Prime Directive?! Yeah, these guys never heard of it.

2. Despite various serious wars and threats of annihilation, they dismiss powerful allies and then immediately jump sides to support genocidal opponents that would kill them at the first opportunity. It takes them all of about 15 minutes to make these decisions. So obviously the story and motivations are completely ludicrous. It may be just a few keystrokes in a writers' room, but humans don't act that way.

3. Talk about dumb. The Union has a new superweapon, but you know, we aren't going to teach any Union scientists about it. We're just going to leave it up to a perky helmswoman and an android. Then we're going to put it in a lock-up protected by like 4 people. It is only the thing that keeps all life from annihilation, but we'll give it less less protection than the deed to your house in a safe deposit box. Of course that's pure BS, and any country would have an intensive forced debrief so the knowledge and tech would not be left with two crew who are regularly in jeopardy and none too reliable.

4. Oh, and while this is a smaller issue, anyone remember when they showed us that Malloy was like the world's best pilot?! Yeah, in this one, mediocre at best. It would have been a lot of fun to let him let his inner Maverick out. Maybe they didn't have the CGI budget.

5. Wow, how moronic is it to send you super essential crew in a cloaked ship...only to then surround it with wing of fighters. It's breathtaking. Only slightly dumber is the 20-30 minutes it takes the base they're attacking from turning on its air defenses.

6. Oof, the acting! Dr. Jerald has always been awful (she sucked on DS9 too). It's like she's in a cheesy soap opera. And. It seems MacFarlane took his acting lessons from her. I don't know how many times he goes for the hurt puppy/loaded diaper face to express his abundance of feelings (usually misplaced). Just what you want in a captain who looks like he's about ready to bust into tears at any moment. It's hilarious he's ever attempted to make fun of Shatner for his acting, when Shatner is 1000 times the actor he is.

7. When this show was just about goofy space fun, another funny MacFarlane show, I gave it a break. When it tried to turn into basic Sci-Fi and get all serious, I can't ignore the empty shell it is.
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The Orville: Twice in a Lifetime (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Fun Sci-Fi, but dumber than a box of rocks.
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Look, who doesn't like a good time travel yarn. In Star Trek, the early years, they had the rather silly gravity slingshot around the Sun (which wasn't bad for the 60's....and mediocre for the 80"s). But, even that is far better than this silly resolution. While it sounds smart, it is dumber than a box of rocks.

Didn't anyone else notice they found an incredibly simple way of time traveling into the future?! A simple modification of the quantum drive, and they can go thousands of years into the future. That's now "canon." At least before they had to use the MacGuffin. But, now?! These dingleberries can travel to the future whenever they want. Travel far enough you can either get another MacGuffin or some other future tech guessed it...go into the past.

I really have liked some of their pure Sci-Fi stories. Shadow Realms was a good bit of fun, and solid sci-fi...although more explanation might have been better. But this...for all it's situation dumber than a box of rocks. Maybe you guys should watch Rick & Morty for some time travel Sci-Fi tips.
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Meh. Special effects and visuals do not make entertainment!
6 September 2022
Two episodes in, and I find it utterly uncompelling. No character has been developed enough to give a dang about. Please tell me they aren't going to hang this series on the uninteresting, stone faced Galadriel. You can't tell us who we're supposed to like. They've spent absolutely no time making us care about these stories or their characters. It's like saying, "this person wears a white they're good and you must like them. This person wears a black hat, so you have to hate them." No mythology has developed (beyond the basic LOR) The story and dialogue are subpar, stilted and uninteresting. As far as the acting, it is wooden. Durin isn't terrible. At this point in LOR, Gandalf, Frodo, Aragon, Samwise, etc. Were far more interesting, believable, and human than this lot. At this point I'm FAR more interested in the GOT sequel than this mess.
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Lone Survivor (2013)
Meh. Decent action, but the stupidity in the execution of mission is bad.
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What do you do when the central core of the movie is a dumb decision? Enjoy the bombs, blasts and gunfire I guess. I understand they weren't supposed to shoot civilians, but they should have tied some or all of them up to give them more time. Letting the young man sprint down the mountain was moronic. They also could have taken away their shoes (to slow them down). Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.
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Great to look at....dumber than a box of rocks!
23 July 2022
There are already dozens of comments that point out the DOZENS AND DOZENS of flaws in this series, so I won't bother repeating them. The look is COOL, which is the only reason I gave it a try. But, the stories, the logic, and the crew interactions are dumb and often cringey.

Anyone who loves Star Trek, who had an ounce of talent, but wasn't trying to push non sci-fi storylines could have done a much better job. This is pandering, done poorly. Don't they have focus groups anymore? Freshmen film school students could probably spot most of the problems. Trekkers deserved better, much better.

It saddens me that so much is spent to be so much worse than TOS, TNG, DS9, and Enterprise. It saddens me because Star Trek can truly spark the imagination. It saddens me, because when these type of series fail...these clowns always blame the audience and not themselves. JJ Abrams breathed life back into the franchise, and these showrunners are killing it.
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Cool to look at, otherwise surprisingly bad!
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really cool visuals and special effects. But, I'm still getting used to the JJ Abrams flashy style. I get it, it's Hollywood, so why limit the visuals to the original and TNG (and most of the movies)...give the people "the goods" visually even if it makes the ship look PALATIAL by comparison.

But, what is up with these poorly written characters in silly circumstances. I mean don't they have a science advisor? I'm sorry, but the audience KNOWS light does NOT convey any contagion...period, end of story. This fan base knows Neil deGrasse Tyson, so don't insult us. C'mon Trek has done probably dozens of contagion stories, and this is one of the worst...story-wise.

Also, how about a Trek advisor. I don't mind crew members going crazy and doing overrides, but c'mon, do it right. You shouldn't be able to go straight to "destroy the ship" without setting off more alarms and going thru more simply violates canon. And, what is with the Una character just strolling around when the ship is facing destruction? Do they not run in the future? I mean we're getting to Galaxy Quest style silliness here.

Also, the kumbaya, there is no hierarchy, few rules/duty, we're all just one big happy crew/ensemble doing whatever we FEEL in the moment must be some sort of millennial pandering because that too is completely anti-canon and ruins a few of the traditional dynamics and tensions in every other Trek series. It used to be only Kirk who didn't follow the rules...OCCASIONALY...but it seems it's every captain, which again, undermines canon. BTW, it isn't like I'm protecting canon for canon's sake. But any make believe universe needs common rules and understanding, otherwise it devolves into childish nonsense (as opposed to adult "what if" sci-fi fantasy).

The INERT! The only one mildly interesting at this point is Aenar engineer. But, that might be because he gets the sharper lines because of his grumpy disposition.
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True cinematic action movie. Enjoy your popcorn and don't think too hard.
14 July 2022
Lots of great visuals and action, which is what you want for a tentpole Summer blockbuster...first "feel good" movie post Covid. The action was great and the acting and directing were serviceable. Tom Cruise is his usual, totally committed, bad arse self.

The story/mission and its parameters are ludicrously improbable. But a plausible story wouldn't have been as entertaining.

No real surprises, but still entertaining. I can't understand the point to the beginning, it was very silly and bizarre. If it were real life, I'd want Maverick dishonorably discharged....after spending a couple years in the brig.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Cool fight scene...dumber than a box of rocks!
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story for this dumpster fire has been dumb as hell from the very first episode, so it was foolish to expect any change. But, that's the problem with Star Wars fans...there's always Hope...perhaps a New Hope. (Yeah, sorry for the pun...sort of.) I know Jimmy Smit's character is dumb too (Disney), but is he really so stupid as to send a voicemail will all the info to find the "secret child"...Senator Dumbarse it is?!

Reva is such a Mary Sue she oughta have a sound track sung by Buddy Holly. Of course her surviving a second stabbing by Vader was totally moronic. Maybe we should start calling this stuff "Disney Dumb"?! So Mary Sue Riva shows off her force powers and finds him in a a few hours? Seriously?! Mary Sue Reva's fight scene with Owen was pathetic. Is she weak, is she not, can she knock around Owen like a piñata with the force or can't she? (BTW, gotta love how stupid Owen & wife are yelling into the sand when Obi-wan shows up. Uh, how far can a little kid run away to in a few minutes?!) Anyway, Mary Sue Reva's story arc was completely predictable once we found out she was a youngling.

Obi-Wan's flattering a 10 yr old Leia made we want to vomit. She's "wise and discerning" eh....maybe you should rewatch the series Obi-Dummy...that's your punishment. Oh, and then crossing a desert to tell Owen a secret...yeah, keep doing what you've been doing, you don't need me." WTF?! The logic of the space chase scenes are awful. The Star Destroyers in orbit always seem to disappear when someone makes a run from it from a planet their near. (Oh, and Obi-Wan and Vader have gotten a MAJOR force power upgrade from the other films...more than we've seen even from Yoda). Qui-Gon showing up at the end was also idiotic. They've got a "ways to go"?! What, to sit in a cave for the next 30 years? Or does Obi-wan go swashbuckling around the Galaxy and leave his cherished charge defenseless for like the 100th time?! He's already stronger than Ben in the New Hope. (Technically, I guess he could teach him about dying and becoming a force spirit, meh).

Here are some other observations from other commenters: "Why would Kenobi suddenly get his full force power back because of a Leia flashback? Luke running away from someone with a lightsaber, yet no memory of that event in A New Hope? How can Vader feel Kenobi flying off in a ship in the middle of space, but can't feel him creeping up behind him on a deserted planet?"
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Lightsabers...the new backscratchers...and other dumb stuff.
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Many people have pointed out the huge plot holes and dumb writing. While I knew people survived lightsaber severing injuries (e.g. Luke), this show is making a mockery of a light saber as a weapon. How many people need to get skewered in the chest/gut...with their internal organs severed and cooked, and spine severed/burned before they actually die?! The Reva/3rd Sister skewers the Grand Inquisitor, and he's doing better than ever. The super dangerous Darth Vader can't seem to kill Reva/3rd Sister no matter how many times he stabs her (once as a youngling and now). This is getting pathetic. I don't know where this Mary Sue got her plot armor, but the writers should take it back.

This, among other things, is why this series is so bad. Vader and Obi-Wan, great...lot of fun when they're chewing up scenery and you don't think too much. Everything else is pretty badly written. I mean with all the main characters having plot armor (Obi-wan, Vader, Luke, and Leia)...they should be dropping characters added to this series all the time (and introducing new ones.). They shouldn't be handing out more plot armor to every dang character. Without real danger, where is the drama? The only character they seem to have killed is actually one of the few decent actors (Tala). But who knows, maybe there's a bacta tank.

Children's programming. Disney sucks.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
The only episode worth anything, and the writing is still awful.
2 June 2022
Finally, a bit more of an adult episode, with adult actors getting to do something. So great to see Indira Varma added to the cast (Rome, Game of Thrones) Now there are 2 actors in the cast, and one Vader.

Despite all the cool visuals and a more "mature" episode, the writing is still TERRIBLE. It is hard to imagine well paid writers being this bad, so I'm guessing it is the Disney corporate touch that makes everything so stupid. They know most teenagers or younger kids don't understand or don't care about all the inconsistencies and plot holes...and that's their core audience to make that Disney money. I mean why make anything better than what is satisfactory to your avg. 12 year old?!

Leia is still annoying and silly. I think it is time to start calling 3rd Sister Darth Mary Sue.

It is becoming comical that one of the most important, super secret people in all the galaxy is constantly being left with and abandoned by people you wouldn't trust to water your plants while you're on vacation. I mean Leia looks like she's 10 going on 6...but she should be fine on her own. I mean she's always shown such great judgment so far! (The Mandalorian type protectors they are not.)

Too bad George Lucas is so old. It'd be great if he created some new adult sci-fi universe that leaves Disney with this empty husk of a franchise. (Although I'd probably watch more Mandalorian.)
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part II (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Isn't this called Obi-Wan Kenobi...FALSE ADVERTISING
2 June 2022
This is actually the Kid Leia Story...and Scooby Doo. Watch her "dire" chase scenes as she runs slower and more unbalanced than Ewoks...while all the adults half-heartedly attempt to stop her. It's sorta like playing a game of Tag with a toddler, you can't let it end too soon....because stuff.

Listen to her blather on in Sorkin-esque unbelievable dialogue, and leap to goofy conclusions the next.

Watch 3rd Sister pout around the scenes, and have one of the silliest, most disjointed "action" scenes. Just take an elevator next time, and use your Jedi-location skill. It would actually be cooler and make more sense.

Ugh, I feel bad for Ewan McGregor...until it occurs to me how much Disney $$$ he's probably getting for this mess.

The only people seeming to earn their paychecks are the CGI, monster, and visuals folks.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part I (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
I guess Star Wars is now children's programming.
1 June 2022
The Leia actress is being asked to do way too much above her age. Her dialogue is completely unearned...just meaningless in the mouth of babes. Her "chase" scene was incredibly cringey. Like the Keystone Cops or something. Her running scenes make the Ewoks look like Carl Lewis.

The 3rd Sister Inquisitor actress is trying too hard. There's no real explanation why she's acting like a petulant child...although they tend to have the dark side folks act like they can't control their emotions...the new ones anyway (The Emperor, Darth Vader, Count Dooku, Darth Maul...none of them acted like petulant children.) It's like they need a diaper change or something.

The only reason to watch is for Ewan McGregor. Although the Grand Inquisitor character has potential to not suck.
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Copshop (2021)
B-Movie action film. A bit of empty style. cotton candy.
12 April 2022
A bit of B-movie action fluff, with enough style to not be too boring. Ludicrous plot.

Turn off your brain and just enjoy some of the ambience, style and action. There is some fun quirkiness. Eminently forgettable.
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