
9 Reviews
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Windfall (2022)
Well Acted, And Worth A Watch
4 June 2022
That said, it eventually falls into cliché territory at the end. It could have used one more twist.

While I don't think it has a lot of replay value, I do think it's worth a watch if you're a fan of anyone involved in the film.
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The Lost City (2022)
What Could Have Been
12 May 2022
This wants to be a more satirical 'Romancing the Stone'. Problem is, it just isn't funny. It relies too much on improv and the script is lacking.

The dramatic moments are better but they're few and far between. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this in the theatre. Even after seeing it free on Paramount +, part of me me regrets wasting my time.
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Clever, but not particularly funny
17 February 2022
More often than not, I found myself saying, "oh, that's clever", but not really laughing. That said, I laughed, out loud, once in the last episode.

This probably would have worked better as a movie. It felt a bit repetitive and if you distilled it down to the best moments, it could have easily been trimmed down to 2 hours or less.

I'm intrigued by the setup for season two, though.
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Ratter (2015)
Well acted & the last few minutes are intense
18 December 2021
Aside from the opening caption, I'd say this feels drawn out. There's another Indie film that uses a similar concept called 'Alone With Her' (2006). Overall, I think that one does a better job delivering the same sort of cautionary tale.
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Red Notice (2021)
Sort of Fun, With One Major Flaw
14 December 2021
This has all the ingredients of a fun caper/Indian Jones style adventure. The problem is, one or two twists too many. I won't spoil it, but you're left with no reason to root for anyone.

Not something you're likely to rewatch. At least, this reviewer feels that way.

A real shame, too. It could have been above average.
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Such Potential
25 November 2021
I enjoyed the set-up and the cast is excellent. All the ingredients are here for a solid nostalgic ride, but it just doesn't sustain its momentum. For a movie clocking in at just over ninety minutes, this one felt long.

It's not a bad movie, I just couldn't see myself watching it again. 5/10.
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Just Fun & Inventive.
28 July 2018
While the villains are weak (typical of the MCU overall) this movie is a worthy sequel to Ant-Man.

I think there's a group looking to slam this film with excessively negative reviews. No clue what their endgame is, unless they're DC loyalists tired of Marvel winning out repeatedly.

Whatever the case may be, I'm looking forward to the further adventures of Scott Lang. And plenty of others are as well.
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Secret Window (2004)
More to appreciate than some people realize.
8 June 2005
This is one of the few movies that you will either love or hate. There is no middle ground. The people that have slammed this movie must not have understood a lot of the symbolism. Seriously, some of it is obvious but a lot of it would require you listen to the Director's commentary to catch.

While aspects of the story are predictable, you will never see the last couple minutes coming. Koepp made a film that HE believed in, with a finale that may not sit well with the general public. For this, I applaud him.

As I've noted on the message board, Koepp borrowed a page from Hitchcock's book and relied on our imagination to fill in the gaps during the violent sequences. Some of it is shown but certainly not all. Without question this film tested the limits of the PG-13 rating but Koepp did not take the easy way out and turn this film into an R-rated gore fest. This film proves that PG-13 films can be gritty and poignant.

Depp's performance is amazing, as can be expected. The cinematography is awesome. Watch this film with an open mind, taking to heart each character's motivations.

If you've already seen the film I would strongly suggest you watch the Featurettes and listen to the Director's commentary on the DVD. You may find this to be quite an eye opener.

My Score: 8/10 stars
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Not enough suspense
15 August 2004
The set-up for the movie is unoriginal but decent. In the beginning they even try to do some character development (very little but its there). The real problem is this, it just wasn't scary. They needed another half hour (yes, thirty minutes) of suspense. They just needed more time for the cast to hide out, run, and try to survive. Add in the sound effects of the 'face suckers' scurrying across the floor from time to time and you've got some real suspense.

At the showing I went to the sound was turned down much too low. So, I did not get the full effect of the surround sound. This could have had a hand in ruining the suspense for me. However, the movie as a whole just felt rushed.

Perhaps I've been spoiled by "Aliens" which takes it's time to build suspense, or maybe I'm a little bias ("Aliens" is my favorite movie). Anyway, if you're going for the sake of the special effects, you shouldn't be disappointed. If you're going for the scare factor, you may not be very satisfied.

I'll say this to its credit, it was better than "Alien 3". Which isn't really saying much.
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