
18 Reviews
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Black Adam (2022)
Not Terrible
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, let's give this a "6" for a couple of specific reasons:

The comic-relief kid is just annoying. He's almost a word-for-word copy of the sidekick from Shazam. It's been done. We didn't need it again. Better all around without him trying desperately to be some kind of modern-day touchstone for the ancient time-displaced monster.

Discount Antman was also unnecessary.

Pierce Brosnan is a rather good dollar-store Dr. Strange. Good attitude and gravitas.

But the only reason this get's 6 instead of 3 is because of Teth-Adam. The initial intro scene is one of the better things DC has put on film. Adam/Johnson pulls of "casual absolute power" better than Superman ever has. And largely, he continues to do so through the rest of the film as he mops the floor with the "heroes" and the "villains" alike. He has some great badass lines. He kills people. Unapologetically. And I would love to see the director's cut that was rated R.

Delete all the scenes with the side-plots/characters and just give me an hour or Johnson being mighty. If I watch this again, I'll keep my finger on the FF button and just enjoy that.

DC is always one-step behind Marvel. They are always copying. But (though it's not saying much) this is one of the better ones.
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Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (2017 Video Game)
More Than Just A Game
29 March 2023
So, first off, yes, this is a game. Yes, there is combat. And yes, there are puzzles and things to figure out. (There are games with BETTER combat but this is not bad. I can name some games that are really bad. And the puzzles... there are some clever puzzle-elements in Hellblade that I found rather unique and interesting.)

But this isn't so much a "game" as it is an interactive-feature-film. This is Cinema. There is creative photography, stunning visuals, and brilliant concept art. Fantastic soundscapes and voice-acting that invokes just what is needed in the mind of the player. And, while it is a game, the acting is also great when matched with talented motion-capture. All of this comes together and is presented as an immersive story. One that, by the final scenes, you aren't ready to see end.

You aren't going to replay this game to see different endings or try different strategies. You will replay this game in the same way that you will re-watch a movie that you enjoyed. Sure, you know the story and how it ends, but you will want to see the imagery again, be disturbed by the ideas, and go on that journey once more.

Hellblade has better writing and production value than many theater-level movies out there.

This is GOOD.
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Phenomenon (1996)
One Of My Favorites
13 July 2022
So, yes, there's some BS in here.

It's not a GREAT movie, but it is a really GOOD movie.

I keep coming back to this one for some of the sweetest scenes on film. There's something naively fantastic here. As in, a fantasy where things shouldn't work out, but do, even if just for a time. And maybe that's it: the transience.
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Encounter (III) (2021)
Not What It Wants To Be
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As an exploration of mental health, trying to do one's best, and road-trip relationships, this isn't too bad of a movie.

... But there is no scifi. Not any. At all. If, at the very end, they had given it a twist and left us with a really good "maybe", then I would have been on board. But there wasn't. There wasn't any of that. That is upsetting for someone who sat down to see one thing and was presented with something completely different.

So, not exactly bad, but not what it tells you that it is. Do we call that a marketing blunder? I don't know, but it annoys me enough to keep me from really liking it.
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Muck (I) (2015)
This Is Not The Plot You're Looking For...
21 March 2021
First off: Do not, under any circumstances, take this movie seriously. It's NOT a comedy, but it almost wants to be one because it heard that comedians get free drinks and chicks. ...and it really wants the free drinks.

The whole thing is gratuitous. All of it. The situation (no plot at all, don't look for one, it's not important), the wet tshirts and bouncing flesh, the slasher crazies, the horrible deaths... ALL gratuitous. You will never learn HOW or WHY any of it is happening, but it's okay. Sshhhhhh.... It's okay. It will all be horribly, brutally alright. (Well, until there's a sequel. I'd watch the HELL out of a sequel.)

But I keep coming back for the writing, the banter. The lines are just fun. Lachlan Buchanan sets precisely the right tone with every line: complete drunken disregard of reality. THAT is what this whole thing is about. (The house get's a credit at the end... for brilliantly playing itself I suppose. Drunken disregard.)

Is it a great flick? No. It's really not. But it is the right mood.. ...And I keep watching it.
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Code 8 (2019)
Surprisingly Good!
1 January 2020
This flick was surprisingly good. Good characters, good acting, and subtle, tasteful special effects. I could name fifty movies that should have been good, but the special effects ruined everything. You can too. You know it. But that's not the case here! Special effects are the salt, and this is a good meal.

Other than that, it's a heist movie, with good themes of future-dystopia, and classism. The bad-guy is worth hating, the good-guys-gone-bad are worth hoping for. A good dash of super-powers and not at all comic-booky.

Pop some corn and give it a try,. It's worth a watch.
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Aggressiveness, for Aggressiveness' Sake
29 December 2019
This is a pretty good flick!

Now, let me be clear, I am a long-time fan of the "man with a unique set of skills, and a mighty will, who comes out of retirement to get a job done and to f'k-sh't-up" genre. (Can I call that a genre by now? I hope so. C'mon, they should make it a category at the Academy Awards.) But it's an action flick. Don't look for a complex plot. That's not the goal here.

The first Rambo is one of my favorite movies. The sequels, not so much. The actor, Stallone, is mighty. He will be mighty on his goon-dwamed death-bed. The character, Rambo, is a Certified Bad-Ass from the bleedin' days-of-yore. And bad-asses do not fade away, they explode like a six-year-old's C4-birthday cake.

This movie is a good run. It is not John Wick level, though others have tried to make that connection. There is mayhem. There is gratuitous violence and brutality. It's the kind of flick where you watch every move of the bad-guys and think to yourself "You are SO screwed, you cannot avoid it... I personally think it ramps-up a touch slow. And they clearly worked to give Rambo, a classically disconnected character, a little-bit of humanizing real-world attachments. But just when you think it IS moving too slow, it get's one step darker, and DOES explode like that aforementioned weaponized confection, delivering some top-shelf, hard-core, DIY, Home-Alone-style whoop-ass to wrap things up.

I don't think I'm giving anything away. These things are not spoilers, they are reassurances. You knew what you were getting into with this one. I gave it a 7/10 not because it's bad, but because there is better out there. This one is still good. I liked it.
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Rabbits (2002)
This Is An Art Piece. Take it for Exactly what it is, and No More.
7 December 2019
"Something's wrong." Jack says. No kidding? Creepy, stylistic, bizarre, strange, disturbing,...

One of the most terrifying things was the laugh-track. But hey, I'm from the sitcom generation of the 80's.

What really sold me was the Lovecraftian monstrosity speaking from behind the mundane emptiness of everyday. but hey, that's just me. We've all got our buttons to push.
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Good! But Prepare For Subtleties.
7 December 2019
The problem seems to be that some people can't handle the delightful subtlety of some of King's work. Light on plot, sure, but that's not the point. There's a single POINT of plot and everything else is only there to frame it and illustrate it. King thrives in a terrible sense of wrong. Disjointed, twisted, tied-in-knots, all of it ...wrong-but-real. Especially in the short-stories and novellas, King hyper-focuses on a POINT of something terrible and wraps detail around it.

Some adaptations are better than others. This one is really not bad. It's pretty good. The sense of wrong is prevalent, but not insistent. I love the concept of knotted, non-linear time. But even that isn't all of it. (And if you want to look, there ARE sub-plots in the relationships between the characters. But they aren't the point!)

I'm a country-boy. I grew up in farm country. And not even truly LARGE farms, by national standards! As a kid with wide freedom to roam, (free-range, as they say) there was a fear, a wariness of things like the wide corn fields. They are so huge, so endless. Half-way through you start to wonder if you are lost, how you might get out; the doubts begin to creep-in and fear takes root. Things turn sinister as the leaves of the corn give you sharp, paper-cut-like pain, drawing blood as you run through it. ...And that's in the day-time. Try it at night... and the Unknown can grow to fill the edges of the whole world. I know it. I loved it. And I carried a cheap samurai sword everytime I went out to the woods or the fields after dark.

There's some of that in this movie. And with an actor that makes a really good bad-guy. And special effects that do very well to portray a terrible, amorphous, unnameable concept.

This is a well done move. Salute to the director, who took a short novella of treacherous ideas and made a decent 90+ minutes.
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Antibodies (2005)
Solid Acting
1 December 2019
I'm going to compose a list, and this one will be on it. I'm learning German and so I am exploring the world of German cinema. I also have a fondness for thriller/horror/fantasy/ and the like. I've waded through all kinds of b-grade horror and paltry thriller material, ...and this one comes through a a gem.

The acting is great. The language is clear and exquisite. If the subject (thriller/murder mystery/dark) is to your liking, this is a GREAT choice for working on your German.

This one definitely goes on my "keeper" list.
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The Mist (2007)
One of the Best King Adaptations
29 November 2019
This is a really good flick. Some truly heart-felt acting. Very good SFX. ...and one of the most devastating endings I have ever seen. Brilliantly staged and executed.

i just keep coming back to this one!
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Supernatural: ScoobyNatural (2018)
Season 13, Episode 16
At Least One, Every Season
17 November 2019
At least once, every season, this show does something completely different. The entire format of the shows direction is radically different. Film noir, sitcom, ...something. It's ALWAYS entertaining and fantastically realized. This one is no different. This feature is one of the very best parts of this really great series.

Well. Done.
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Wanted (2008)
Just Enjoy It
2 November 2019
Look, I'll be the first to admit that physics get's a royal boning in this flick. Just... just forget about that. It's a super-hero-flavored movie with fantastic action, Nightwatch/Daywatch style cinematography, cool characters and great scenes... This is a good flick! I put it on a similar level with Fight Club for a " Society" vibe.

Pop some corn and watch it.
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Killer Condom (1996)
Educational. No, Really... :)
27 October 2019
Maybe I'm in a somewhat... special... situation. I'm teaching myself German and during an extended (and somewhat indiscriminate) search for German-language media, I came across this movie (no pun intended, that would be indelicate). I am also a fan of B-grade horror. So this was almost perfect. --- I must say: I laughed. But, more importantly, I learned some delightful vocabulary and some amusing grammar.

This movie does not, in any way, take itself seriously, and that makes for some decent comedic horror. Language learning works better when it's fun!
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Dark (2017–2020)
Time Travel Is Hard to Get Right. This One Just About Does It.
5 October 2019
I came to this show as a student of German. I was looking for shows to practice and learn with. What a find! I get so wrapped up in the story and I forget to go look up that word, or that phrase, or that interesting piece of grammar... I'm going to have to watch this all again and soon.

This show is so good. It is convoluted, and knotted around itself. Complexity! The acting is fantastic, the writing is solid. They found actors that actually look like they might be older/younger versions of themselves... there is attention to detail! It's brilliant.

Maybe it all falls apart in Season 3, maybe they've written themselves into a corner, how do you wrap any of this up? But I can't wait to find out and I have high hopes for the continuation of this one.
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The Core (2003)
It's Fun.
28 September 2019
This is a fun flick. Go ahead, sit back, suspend your disbelief for a bit, and enjoy it. It has fun writing, amusing action, over-the-top sci-fi, and cool actors. Some of the line delivery is just pleasurable to watch/hear. I keep coming back to this one. Make some popcorn and give it a go. It's fun.
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Shazam! (2019)
Color Me... Pleasantly Surprised!
4 August 2019
DC is extremely dubious with their titles. Just not great. C'mon, be honest, you know this. No surprises there. And it's understandable! They have REALLY stiff competition. Marvel is on a serious roll, lots of momentum. You can count on one hand DC's good movies...

I am totally not a fan of the character, never did like DC comics. And so I was extremely doubtful on this one, But this... is actually a fun flick! The writing is fun, and the comedy is not stupidly over-the-top (as I completely expected it to be). The banter is well delivered. The special effects are pretty. I liked the bad guy...

Give this one a try. It's worth a couple of bucks to check it out. I found myself laughing and enjoying when I completely expected nothing but groaners.

Give it a chance and check your "taking-things-too-seriously" at the door for a couple of hours. It's fun.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Not a BAD movie, just not a GOOD movie.
20 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of the whole "Humans getting a bigger predator" story-line. I like the post-apocalyptic nature of such scenarios. I like the whole "your world just got ****ed and you need to deal with it" kind-of situation. That's what this movie tries to do.

The whole deaf-girl thing is amusing, but a bit silly. Just because you are deaf does not mean you are somehow immune from making noise. What this plot-point DID do was force the whole family to have some idea of how to use sign language. Now, as someone who KNOWS sign language, I found this interesting. I also think that people who don't know sign language might miss a few small subtleties, but it's really not a big deal...because most of them are not proficient. -- It also means, interestingly enough, that this is not a movie to play in the background while you do other work on your computer. Ha! Lot's of visual scenes and lack-of-dialog. Ha! It should have been obvious, but somehow it wasn't to me.

This isn't a bad flick, just not a terribly good one. Expect tried-and-true "must find medicine" scenes, and ubiquitous "must have your women" tropes. Not a terrible wrap-up at the end, but I won't be looking for the sequel.

I watched it. I was amused for an hour-and-a-half. I don't really need to watch it again.
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