
14 Reviews
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Broken characters and a plot with more holes than Swiss cheese.
23 May 2020
Honestly I don't know where to start with this one. It really has 'Netflix original' written all over it. The characters act like a group of children most of the time, getting into fights over the most benign things. How this got such a high score I don't know. Race and religion plays a huge part and each supporting character is basically a stereotypical representation of their race or religion (though the ethnic minorities get a little less of this) though this is again an indicator of it being a Netflix production. As for the science in this science fiction series, the writers seem to have spent about 5 minutes on Google and Yahoo answers getting their information as anyone with a basic education in science can spot huge flaws from medicne, chemistry, biology, physics even aviation it is clear that the writers have never sat in a lower education class covering any of these topics and they never bothered to research anything. I'll use one example (without any spoilers) as a specific "what on earth were the writers thinking" moment. At a certain point one of the characters needs surgery and said character has to get the surgery in a "clean sterile operating room with medical equipment" once at the operating room there are characters walking in and out of the (totally not sterile, they just moved a dead guy from the operating table and put him to the side) operating room, none of them wearing even basic equipment like gloves and masks. This is just one example of the series "plot A leads to plot C" mentality. Everything revolves around the extremely fragile plot and if something happens, it's because the writers needed to fill up another episode. If you want a "crazies on a plane" series that takes up twice as much time as it needs then you're in for a treat. If you want a science fiction thriller that is somewhat believable with characters who are relatable and not just caricatures of their respective nations and pop culture then I suggest you avoid this hot mess of visual Valium. It gets a star for the music though, I liked that; however it's a TV series and not a synthwave CD.
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White Chamber (2018)
A good concept with good actors let down by a bad script.
1 October 2019
I watched the movie over the course of two nights, so I guess that says something about it not exactly keeping you on the edge of your seat. The premise the movie is set on is okay however like all movies of this era it squeezes in a political message and after an hour or so of bland storytelling the movie tries to hand out a twist (or three) and all but one I could guess would happen long before they actually did. The one twist I didn't see coming is so chichéd in films it hardly deserves to be called one, I guess I didn't see that one coming as it's a poor plot device (There were many other alternatives) to explain why the start of the movie is the way it is.

All in all I feel every copy of this film should be confined to a dark chamber, never to again see the light of day.

Three stars for decent actors.
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Redcon-1 (2018)
What is this I don't even
29 May 2019
I got to 30 minutes in. Movie is terribly directed, with terrible actors and full of mistakes. For example; the zombies are directly stated to not have a heartbeat, yet there is arterial blood splatter everywhere. Somehow rifles such as AK47s have become the criminal norm in London, to the point of gangs having multiple AK style rifles. No NATO country uses AK pattern rifles therefore not including the few owned by gang members before the disaster they would not be anywhere near as common as NATO weapons which would be used by police special response units and then the military. There are working military vehicles sitting abandoned that haven't been stolen The rounds fired are all very clearly blanks. At 25:42, whilst describing gang warfare in the zone it shows a number of blank rounds on the ground (very obviously visible due to the crimped ends) It's like the director played a few (bad) zombie games and thought "this will make a great movie!", don't waste your time, the action is boring, not at all believable and the actors are terrible. Spend your time watching something else, Birdemic or Sharknado would be better wastes of your time.
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An amazing Sci-fi movie. Really surprised it was a China-Netflix collab too.
3 May 2019
If I had been told China would be making mid-budget sci-fi movies 5-10 years ago I would have laughed. If I had been told Netflix would have made a good movie a week ago, I would have doubted it. Propaganda level seems significantly lower than the new Star Wars. Writing is better too. No fancy camera angles, slightly poor CGI (I could swear there was a frame rate drop at one point in one of the more involved CGI scenes) but no over-arching political message and the plot is fairly solid. Due to (okay) dubbing I had to rewind some scenes to understand what exactly was going on as I took my eyes off the screen but all in all this was a great movie. I had expected some sort of Netflix/Chinese propaganda beast though I watched the full two hours intently.

"Woke" western directors might want to pay attention to this one. I can only fault small things. The plot kind of feels like someone hit fast forward but that is expected in a book to movie title.

I'm 12 minutes off the ending, so I can't spoil that for you, but everything leading up to it was great Sci-Fi. Hopefully the last 12 minutes and 44 seconds deliver on that too.

I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10 but it means closer to 10 than 9 so it gets a 10/10. Good movie, worth watching.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Another astounding "Netflix original"
12 April 2019
It isn't a secret that Netflix hire people with no qualifications at all to write, direct or film their "Netflix originals" and oh wow, does it show. I've only gotten 1 and 3/4 episodes in but I feel like this show was created for zombies, or lobotomy victims, the "director" tries to keep some classy air around their show by, instead of just cutting to each individuals experience (even if their screen time is capped at fifteen minutes) by naming them on an imposing black screen with white text. Does the director think the viewer is completely incapable of keeping up with the story and thus needs their memory refreshed 5+ times per episode? Netflix used to be a mark of (reasonable) quality. A good streaming service for A majority A to B+ shows and movies with the odd AAA thrown in along with the C and D movies and shows. Now they have gone for their "Netflix originals", most of which are complete stinkers (though I have to say, some; like "Black Mirror; Bandersnatch" break the mould and are excellent, especially when watching with more than one person.

This however is not one of them. It's like they had set their show around a zombie apocalypse in a town full of people who had been drinking water with extra lead. Most are dumb as a post. From failing to fasten seatbelts (even when told), to being fooled by a bunch of children or simply walking around making as much noise as they want until they attract a zombie, then ignoring the fact that the mops and brooms they are hiding beside would make good spears and simply running away, even though the character was limping and barely able to use one hand seconds before. The show follows the typical narrative of "any one who dies becomes a zombie, as well as any bite victims" yet, despite a supposed six weeks everyone on the cast seems clueless as to how things work. I would recommend watching this show if you want to be hired by Netflix, as "I can write teevee show, much zombee, real skereye!" seems to be the only thing you need to put on your CV to get job there. It seems that the show has been rewire bombed by the acting and writing tream too. People can't be this dumb, can they?

I would go into more detail, but my brain hurts from just watching the first couple of episodes.
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Life (I) (2017)
In the first 20 minutes I gave it a 6. Then I gave it a 3.
27 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead.

Seriously. What is this. I don't even.... Are space squids supposed to be scary now? The movie is about a soul sample collected from Mars which contains alien life. Which is then flown on the mind-bendingly long journey to the ISS (why couldn't whatever machine they had on the Martian surface simply do it?) after the ISS "catches" the capsule from Mars (which is huge for a soil sample container) the organism continues to grow. In a glove box. They are handling alien life, which they have no idea about; in a glove box.

Long story short, it breeches containment and despite being seen as a simple creature that only wants to live by the ISSS astronauts, it outsmarts them at every turn. Right down to piloting an escape capsule to earth and perfectly controlling the landing sequence.

However this thing is a space squid. It has no bones. Even though it made it to earth it would be as weak as a jellyfish. Maybe not a threat to mankind, but to sea creatures and judging by how easily it is repeatedly isolated (and freed by bad luck) it would easily be caught on earth and killed.

I assumed as it started life as a single cell it would be something to do with an alien disease. I was wrong. Squids in space are more tangible.

I guess that's why it was on Netflix.
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My god. MY CHILDHOOD! (A 2019 perspective on something I watched as a seven year old, on kids tv)
5 January 2019
For a long time I thought this show was one of those "false memories" from your childhood you hear you can have. Years ago me and a friend were talking about starship troopers and how we both remembered there being an 'animated' show on, early in the morning for kids, which at the time was much more violent than things like Pokemon. I searched for it and couldn't find mention of it and assumed this friend was simply having me on as he was a fairly well known BSer. I had gotten through reading the novel (which is a must read and makes the movie look like more of a joke than the movie tries to be) I've only just gotten into this series and I love it already, they seem to have taken more from the novel than they have from the horrible satire which is the movie (I would pay to see an *actual* starship troopers movie that follows the novel again and again, rather than the tries too hard to be funny satire movie that was released and the absolute stinker sequels) so I like that already. Considering it aired on what would be considered "children's TV" hours I don't expect it to get too bloody, I'm only a quarter of an hour into the series so I may be wrong but I distinctly remember it outgunning, out-nuking and out-goring anything else that showed on kids TV. I guess the people aired it never watched the movie and thought "hey it's a CGI animation like Toy Story, run with it!" Without ever previewing it's content I also assume this is why people have said it's "incomplete" around the Millennium kids shows had to have a "moral to the story" and "tone down the violence" something which has only gotten worse in recent years, so if and when I have kids, they'll be watching real kids TV like Ren and Stimpy, Cow and Chicken, Courage the Cowardly Dog and most definitely this.

The animation has aged okay, I guess. I mean it's by no means art (though I see where Master Chief from the Halo series of games got inspiration for that iconic armour) but it still looks okay for CGI, at times like something I would expect from Metal Gear Solid 3 cutscenes on the PS2 and at other times it actually looks quite good for it's time.

The whole 90s-ish feel, the bad lines, terrible puns and the slightly bad and occasionally out of sync animation coupled with what would be considered gratuitous violence for a kids show (these days) definitely gives me a huge grin when watching. Not to mention that I thought I had imagined this show for about ten years, because "who would adapt Starship Troopers for kids, right?" especially considering it's timeslot here, other shows like Stargate SG1 ran at a time your parents were awake. This didn't and that alone really makes me miss the 90s. Solid 9/10 I would give it 10/10 if they had made more of it, though the increasingly "politically correct" thinking of the 00s and later has sadly made that impossible.

However this and the (Japanese) Anime series (which sadly only exists now as a low quality copy off the only surviving laserdiscs) both need to be preserved, as they are both better representations of the Robert Heinlein's future universe than the satire movie.

I'll make sure this show lives forever; apes.
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And this. Kids; is why you don't squander your $150m fortune. Another Nick Cage stinker
5 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it on Netflix, which has been almost completely devoid of good movies and TV right now (even cancelling decent shows like Daredevil), read the synopsis and was interested, then read "starring Nicholas Cage, 2017" and knew it would be another of those F movies that he was roped into acting in as he landed himself $13m in debt. Gave it a go thinking "hey maybe it's so bad it's good", everything about it is cheap and shoddy; I don't even think the budget has been disclosed yet. I have to say that the best actor in it was the child; it's a pity to see his future acting career marred by the poor and rigid performance of Nick. At least the "I wish I wasn't here" look on his face throughout was genuine, I wouldn't want to be dancing along to the tune of that script. As for the ending, it's a joke. Spoilers ahead: The child's (adoptive; she killed the real mother during a famine as she was about to sell the kid for meat, in "an accident" (you know, those "accidents" where you murder someone) and probably sold her as meat, or are her), though throughout Nick's character seems fine with her stealing the identity of the woman she murdered, despite having been her lover (This is only revealed towards the end, though little Nicky doesn't react one bit to it) then cut to the last ten minutes, Nick's new lover/the adoptive mother of the boy is shot and killed by the film's main antagonist, who then threatens to kill the boy (while Nick is unarmed and outgunned five to one), but despite the boy shooting said film's.main antagonist's eye out, then mocking him for getting a glass eye and escaping unharmed, the child is let go. Seconds later the main.antagonist (who was also Nick's character's best friend) shoots Nick in the head, the boy runs back and pelts the 5 man death squad with stones. They probably would have no issue shooting a child especially considering that child shot out their leader's eye and they're effectively in the new-US SS and have killed "muh seven million people" in one camp called "new Eden" (EvE online much?) using (you guessed it) gas chambers and crematoriums used to.kill people who... Weren't "productive" enough Even though the first person supposed to be sent to said supershoah deathcamp was managing to afford a motel room and the second pair (the mother and son) managed to subsist on a farm and managed to look fairly healthy) as well as the boy attending school and playing the starring role in a (starched stiff) school recital that he had been "practicing for months for" so it's hardly a deathcamp for slackers. Anyway as the child is pelting the group with rocks (and they calmly sit there and take the rock-pelting, telling him "I told you to run") just for the four of the five to be shot dead by a well encamped sniper while the last guy simply runs away at walking pace. After the boy is taken in by the mysterious group who "killed the bad guys" he is told they were waiting a week on him. Couldn't they have saved his adoptive mother? Couldn't they have saved his father (Nick cage)? It's not like they had a whole week's notice or anything.

After that a flash drive with a video of Nick (despite being quoted as "a rising star" in his organisation (the humanity bureau) saying "new Eden is a death camp on TV" everyone believes him (I assume they also got the plans, but this is not made clear), after that it cuts to angry mobs rioting against the people in the cities; in a revolution, which would have happened decades ago since living conditions are so poor. Cut to credits.

It wasn't so bad it was good, it was just terrible.
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I Kill Giants (2017)
"From the producers of Harry Potter"
9 September 2018
Well the producers of Harry Potter had a book to turn into a script, they butchered the books somewhat; though they still did well enough for each movie to be a box office success. Maybe this film is marketed incorrectly though "fantasy, thriller" are two things I would not describe this film with. With "From the producers of Harry Potter" I imagined that it would have some actual FANSTASY in it, not a film about a girl and how she has an obsession about killing her fantasy 'giants'. Unless a giant shows up for the last quarter of the film, though by checking the minute by minute screenshots on Netflix's fast forward it doesn't seem like it.

If you want a slightly moody looking film about a teenage girl who plays Dungeons and Dragons by herself and generally makes life hard for herself and her family, go for it. If you want a movie with giants in it try Jack the Giant Slayer; at least they got it right with the title and genre.

I suggest they rename this movie to "I kill brain cells" watching (the majority of) it felt like an ice pick lobotomy.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
It would be enjoyable but MacGuffins and poor writing make it almost painful to watch
16 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
*Contains some spoilers* I genuinely liked the first few episodes of this series. They seemed well written, if somewhat directed towards a younger audience, but I loved Dr Who for years; until they started involving politics and sexuality in almost every episode so being geared towards a "younger teen" audience is okay for me. What really killed it... No, murdered it was the acting/scripting done by Dr Smith anyone over the age of eleven could realise she was manipiulating you after she 'moves in' with the Robinson family. Sorry but that sugar laced with sacharrin attitude wouldn't even fool a child as clever as will, never mind the adults. What also wrecked it was the huge radio blackout in episodes one through three, after which everyone seems to be within a few miles and radio range of each other's Jupiter spacecraft. How they have extremely advanced spacecraft, an abundance of EVA suits, helium balloons with a gantry which allows the operator to reach near space altitudes but not a tiny little drone which can be programmed to fly and send out an SOS completely eludes me, instead people have to rely on (even now) obsolete light based flares. Speaking of helium balloons, if Maureen knew the mothership (Revenant?) would be in orbit while she was almost in space on that Red Bull inspired balloon ride why didn't she try to get a radio signal sent from there? I mean, even if the ship lost the dish that let it pick up ground based transmissions; with some luck the radio operator on-board could either pick up on her radio signal or an automated beacon left after we assume she parachuted to the ground, unless she managed to descend with amazing precision to be back within walking distance of her 'chariot' as the planet rotated on it's axis; which due to there being a day/night cycle we can assume it is doing. Though science aside, Dr Smith really ruined it for me. I won't complain about the token black daughter, that is at least plausible; though it brings Maureen into question when she wants everyone to stick together but is constantly reminded about how bad a husband John was via flashback despite agreeing to marry her and I assume take on the responsibility of supporting a child that wasn't his (amongst other children of his own) with his (probably, considering his training) dangerous job away from home. But I digress, 'Doctor Smith' really ruined it for me, even Helen Keller could see through her sickly sweet attitude and from taking to some of the fifty to one hundred people on the planet (or perhaps their own family; what a chore!) they would easily smell a rat. Even Will, for his age seems well educated enough to tell that something is wrong and children are often better at this than adults and a small, tight knit family would likely instantly see through 'Doctor Smith's' lies after rescuing her and meeting Don West for the first time. "I was frightened so I lied but I'm a psychologist so you can tell me anything!" only gets one so far.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Like watching a train wreck in slow motion you know you should probably stop, but you do it anyway.
7 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Contains plenty of spoilers

Most of the 'what' moments have been explained, though despite those the movie reeks of neo-leftist propaganda, it didn't even take me to watch the movie to catch onto that one, the first two minutes said it all "sponsored by the blah blah blah of cultural arts" and other special thanks that would indicate nobody expected this movie. One so full of gaping plot holes especially the "we have this experimental new gas that should cool the world down if sprayed into the upper atmosphere because global warming is just _that bad_ in 2014, no time to see if it has any negative effects" (though all the 'frozen' scenes seem to show that there was no desertification and no massive pressure to rush ahead), I mean why not carry out small scale trials first. An experimental trial gone wrong would have been a much more believable premise than "we're going to spray this into the upper atmosphere of 72 countries at the same time, you know; because we can". Along with that we have people talking about how they ate people's babies but are completely disgusted when they find out their mystery protein bars are made from an abundant and never- ending supply of roaches. As well as "we have to thin the population by having riots riots every few years that almost completely deplete our ammunition rather than having people sterilised (which would be extremely simple considering Wonka, or William or Whatever his name is controls the food supply), die due to a 'small mechanical failure' and many other things which don't tend to provoke all out revolution. The art director deserves praise which is why it gets more than one star, but other than that it gets silly fast.
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Darkest Day (2015)
A boy wakes up on a beach... Terrible film, avoid at all costs.
15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a blow by blow review though the first hour is basically the silliest 'fast zombie' movie I've ever seen. The protagonist, who is barely 20 and has a weak, slender build later manages to overpower a soldier armed with an l86(a2?), that's right, he manages to push the barrel up, disarm the soldier (who I'd assume is spec ops and would instantly go for his sidearm or knife), wrestle him to the floor (despite being about half his weight) then strangle him to death then strangle him to death, then runs off ignoring the fact that there's a rifle and lying on the floor right beside him. To summarise the first hour of the movie, this boy (and I mean it when I say it) wakes up on a beach with amnesia (overused) and runs after two people, he shouts for them to wait and despite the infected only really screaming comically running in this the guy out of the two attacks him anyway and then subsequently gets killed. He and the girlfriend? Of dead guy run back to a house filled with hipsters and one self proclaimed hard lad who won't shut up about his biceps. Eventually his (sister? seriously none of this is telegraphed at all to the audience, you're left to assume and hope you're right) somehow (maybe I'll find out in the last half hour of this movie) gets infected and after being taped up, then freed by her brother? Runs around the house trying to kill everyone until they throw her out a window. Now the option of leaving the city and going out to a house in the country (rather than sitting drinking beer until you pass out while playing nice loud music in the middle of a zombie infested city, throwing food at each other and generally getting on like zombie food rather than 'survivors') was on the table in the first 20 minutes but "it's a bit of a hike" despite the roads being filled with cars the only time they leave the house is when they're starving, to go to a supermarket half a mile away when there are houses all around for looting, even when the protagonist takes a rucksack of food off a random dead girl he's scolded with "don't do that, it isn't right" well gee, not like it's zombie apocalypse. It's also worth mentioning that the cameraman is terrible and doesn't seem to understand depth of field, for example; when two people are talking one will be in focus and the other will be horribly blurry. Maybe they wanted this 'unique art- style' but you use depth of field to isolate a character or characters, when there's a dialogue of two people, both should be in focus. So, the hipster squad; chased by a wholly inept military who decide to use a sonic device to lure the zombies out to chase the hipster team down (yet don't seem to use any military tactics like staggered reloads so everyone ends up out of ammo at the same time) or on their fallback position they hadn't rigged any clay more (this whole spelling correction thing drives me crazy when using actual words!) mines prior so naturally the soldier's 'cunning plan' (reminds me of the 'cunning plans' in Blackadder) completely backfires and most, if not all of them get eaten, when they could have just fallen back and flipped a switch. They have Chinooks, they have some expensive sonic zombie horde truck but not basic training or tactics; it's like they were made stupid on purpose, which is probably the case because they're outsmarted by 19-25 year old's at every corner, none with any sort of survival training. Even when the hipster squad decides to light a fire and stay outside for the night all of them go to sleep instead of setting watch schedules. Personally they'd be dead 10 times over if they weren't so amazingly 'lucky'. As well as that, even though the military have choppers, amazing sonic technology zombie horde trucks; they don't seem to have any sort of IR camera (which you can buy as an add-on for your phone for gods sake!) as you could pick up a group of hikers and differentiate from zombies on high res IR rather easy.

Yet another one of the hipster squad has died, from a half amputated hand; something that bears mentioning is that the hipster squad don't know how the virus spreads and seem to be immune so at worst this one guy would lose his hand, not his life. It just seems like the developers are throwing twists in to 'make it interesting', sadly this isn't working, it just makes the film seem sillier and sillier as I watch it. The skinny protagonist decides to split up from the hipster squad, surrenders to a soldier as he was given a prototype vaccine and may still be an infected carrier blah blah same old BS is on the ground, still manages to overpower another spec ops soldier; again ignores his rifle and then as the hipster squad magically arrive at their country house he manages to magically tel-e port (Good job spelling correct, maybe you should pick up a dictionary; both clay (no space) more and tel-e (no space, no hyphen) port will be in it, or you know; since reviews are moderated allow 'spelling mistakes' if someone check-boxes them and penalise users who abuse that system) to the beach where he started out, despite it being a two days walk. On this beach he sits down, contemplates life and then walks into the water (with no stones in his pockets) until he is completely submerged, apparently killing himself, when he could have just been shot in the head literally one and a half 'film minutes' ago. Cut to credits.

I want my hour and a half back, this film is a terrible copy of 28 days later with a bit of a twist.
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Going to have to play the original games again.
12 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Great movie for those who played the game as kids and a decent family film too. I'll have to emulate the first three games (I've a PS2 downstairs and bought each game as it was released though over about 13 or so years the games have either been lost or scratched up. I still miss upgrading the chicken gun in the first game to turn enemies into giant clucking chickens. Always loved the games and the movie doesn't disappoint either, though they naturally had to squeeze hours upon hours of game (I think I completed the first one twice to get the RYNO since it was the most expensive thing in the game, though with it the last boss became a 5 minute ordeal compared to a 20 minute whittle down his health) it's rather depressing that they can't make video-games like this anymore and have to make movies to immortalise them though the movie has everything from the game (even the hover taxis), just squeezed into an hour and a half. I can understand why critics mightn't like it, they may not have played the games; the movie is a great source of nostalgia for me back to a time where children's video- games were enjoyable either by children or adults and had serious replay value, it's sad to realise that game developers will now just make what they think makes money, or make 'casual games', there's very little out of the box thinking) if you're a fan of the game or have kids the movie is great (though somewhat rushed in areas since they tried to stick to the original game's narrative while giving it an almost complete (spoiler alert) ratchet was never in the galactic rangers ever in the video-games, but quark usually popped up here and there IIRC (end spoiler), a great daytime movie and even my cat hopped up on my lap to avidly watch it. It'd get a 9 out of 10 if they'd made a 2 hour movie that wasn't as rushed, but it's not a Disney-Pixar unlimited time and money animation so I'm sure the studio went as far as their budget would allow and even left it open for a sequel while not leaving things on a cliffhanger.

Personally I'd like to see the three original games made into movie form, even if it's direct to DVD, old fans of the game; I can remember sharing secrets locations of golden bolts how best to get through levels and such, which, sadly nobody does anymore (hence game developers jumping to procedural generation to make things more interesting, hopefully given five years or so they'll have procedural generation designed so no play-through is the same but the whole whispering of secret areas, things to backtrack to and game-play tips will be a schoolyard thing again, I wouldn't want children of mine growing up in such an artificially sterile world) I would assume because all they need is an internet walk-through or let's play videos on YouTube.

All in all, budget considered; it's an excellent adaption of video game to movie. I know I've rambled on about games, though it's a movie adaption of a of mind-blowing game, hopefully there will be more movies to come, it's just a pity that the critics gave the movie such a low score, for what it is it's worth eight stars; easily.

I look forward to hooking up my PS3 controller to my PC and playing the sequels to the original (I know the original back to front), hopefully this movie will inspire game designers to turn away from total realism and think outside the box a bit more, the Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank game series' made my childhood, along with games like Abe's odyssey and Exodus.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
If you're prepared to suspend disbelief (a lot of it) this is a great action/sci-fi movie
3 October 2014
I went into watching this thinking "6.6; average but good enough for a night in" considering 22 jump street (which I stopped after the _painful_ first half hour) gets a 7.6 it makes me wonder about what the people rating movies on this site prefer.

This film is quick, intelligent and has a number of good actors in it; if you watch it to the end you'll appreciate it, because (in my mind) it does everything right. After this paragraph we'll probably be moving into (mild) spoiler territory, so if you've not watched it yet, or just don't give a flying uh.... seagull? (good job on your censorship IMDb, words are just words and they have their place); stop reading.

The whole 10% premise is false, I'll give it that along with the 'fact' that you somehow develop supernatural powers at higher than 10%; it's almost like someone saw the matrix, a supernatural film, an action film and thought "why not compress all of this into one film" as I've said in the title, if you're prepared to suspend disbelief, it works. If you want pure scifi with no (major) suspension of disbelief; it's best to look elsewhere. Though as I've said, the movie has all the things I like. Unwitting protagonist, pressure of time put on said protagonist, some scifi in between and the mind control powers of Morgan Freeman's voice (seriously, they should get some real scientists on that; it would accelerate brainwashing research tenfold).

From reading other reviews this film seems to be movie Marmite; you'll either love it or hate it.
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