
15 Reviews
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Entertaining but not interesting
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Has a few cool lines and scenes, I especially liked the Marlboro man bribe, it was never really boring. Overall though I don't think I got anything substantial out of this film. You don't have to be right, you just need to discredit the opponent - as long as the ones you want to convince are a third party. This movie is not against smoking, or for it. It's not against being immoral, or for it. Meh.
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Don't know man, I'm confused, but I enjoyed the ride
2 August 2020
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Remember that video where Christopher Nolan smugly explains the timeline of Memento on a blackboard? I was constantly surprised by this movie, it kept going crazier and crazier. When he swapped roles with the actor who plays the cleaning lady that he impersonated, I straight up started to laugh. I think I was more entertained by my own constant confusion than by the meaning of the film. Which, by the way, I still don't really see. Something something trying to find the meaning of life makes you stop living your life, or working too hard to understand yourself will further confuse you, or only focusing on your own problems make you lose others around you, or you stop seeing how their lives are just as rich. Maybe all of the above. The adaptation was a very straight forward movie compared to this. I'm not even sure if the times and layers make sense, but I feel like they probably do. The title is a bit misleading, the city is completely irrelevant, altough I guess we zoom in on a small part of it.
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Two people only talking for 90 minutes? Sign me up!
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Recently I watched this for the second time. I was less charmed by it than the first time but it's still great. The record store scene is still amazing. Some of the things they talk about are not very interesting, they just pass time, so on my second viewing I was a bit more bored than I expected. This does make it very realistic though. It's crazy to think almost nothing was improvised. I think the context of the next two films make me love this one even more.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
I think this movie is a comedy
29 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film a lot after my first viewing. But after the second I find its dark humour to be its best quality. My favourite joke was asking for the tea at the old lady's house even as the guy's screams are still clearly heard in the background. I still don't know for sure what to make of the ending. We see that the family didn't return to their home. Is it only that they never got the news that the danger was over? That would be kind of a funny way to look at it. The alternative is that they end up dead but that's unlikely. There's a lot of usage of blue and red colors, they usually indicate good vs evil but it wasn't very consistent. I must be missing something there.
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Not quite man from earth but pretty good
14 July 2020
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I love movies that are basically just people talking about life.

Seems like these films often have a lot to say about spirituality, which often takes me out of it. Especially when they say nothing new. But I liked the conclusion of the film about talking religion with someone makes you no more than a salesman.

Acting was very good, Spacey was a bit too much at times, but DeVito was amazing.

I was thinking "i hope they don't do a scene with the kid at the party, i want to stay here". And the movie did. Then I thought "I really hope the movie ends now without adding some more story". And it kinda did.

Oh did I mention the music is distractingly bad at times?
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Sunshine (2007)
It's a pretty movie. Pretty stupid! (also actually beautiful)
12 July 2020
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Fairly good movie but didn't really deliver as a "hard sci-fi". All these astronauts making crucial decisions on the fly when these scenarios could have been mapped out and discussed before lift-off. Also they are emotionally unstable, not understanding their own mission, etc. The very last act of the movie was armageddon level idiocy. Falling in a space box inside the sun while malnourished burn victims lift two people one handed was not the *brightest* moment of the film. Other than that, I enjoyed most of it, wasn't bored. Rooted for Chris Evans, the only sane person onboard.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
So I was told spouting exposition was bad storytelling
12 July 2020
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Apparently it isn't always the case. This film was a lot of fun with great acting and twists all along. Some of these twists were a bit arbitrary or not very well earned but they moved the story along. I was kind of diappointed when to movie ended, it might as well have continued twisting the story even more. My bigger issue is that I didn't really care for anyone in the story, nobody was relatable or particularly interesting. But this was not the goal of it, i guess. For sure this is a new typical Guy Ritchie movie that's only a bit worse than his greatest ones.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Can screenwriters stop doing this?
8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm writing this as I'm about 1h 20m into this movie. I like parts of it, the premise is fun, all that. But the entire plot is predictable from miles away. And if the movie gets interrupted by stupid screenplay one more time by people running in mid sentence right in the worst moment, I might not make it to the end of this movie.

Made it through.

Danny Boyle did a cool thingy with a TV in the background and also some unnecessary dutch angle stuff and edgy 3d texts. Acting was fine apart from Kate McKinnon who I loved until this movie...
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Primer (2004)
After watching the video spoonfeeding me the explanation, I like this film.
23 June 2020
Apparently the director never wanted you to understand this on your first viewing. Well, mission accomplished. Unfortunately the movie is very low-budget and not so amazingly made that I'd want to watch it multiple times. Thankfully there are helpful people out there who will explain it all for you, giving you the full appreciation this film deserves. Even if it can't give you the experience you missed out on by not getting it while watching.
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Timecrimes (2007)
I get it, it's hard to write a movie like this. But then just don't.
23 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In order for the movie to happen the main character's IQ is ping-ponging between 50 and 200. Apart from that it's the best legit attempt I've seen at this concept. Even if the only one.
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The Big Short (2015)
I love the editing of this movie
23 June 2020
So fell paced and intense. You can start watching this at a random scene and you'll stick to the end even on your 3rd viewing.
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The Big Short (2015)
I love the editing of this movie
23 June 2020
Everything is so well paced and intense. You can sit down in front of this movie starting at an arbitrary scene and you'll stick to the end even if it's your 3rd viewing.
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Amazing animation, the story is nice but not great
23 June 2020
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The hand thing is really just a gimmick, I didn't feel like it meant a whole lot. The characters are likable but nothing to write home about.
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Ed Wood (1994)
Great film, a bit slow for my zoomer attention span
23 June 2020
At times the film lost my interest especially in the beginning. But it's worth a watch even just for the acting.
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A bit too oldschool to me but has some great ideas
23 June 2020
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If made today with tighter editing and less spritualism, slightly less cringeworthy dialog and acting, this would be an amazing film I'd rewatch from time to time. The points about modern civilization taking away our freedom and how everyday routines make life not life anymore are great.
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