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A heavily dumbed down version of the original
15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Poor writing, directing and cinematography. I cannot for the life of me imagine why this film has such a high score. The camera work and editing look like they were the result of cocaine induced seizure, the writing pivots between laughably implausible to ridiculously contrived. Expect everything from the first two films to be cranked up to eleven. From the nausea inducing shaky cam, to the 50 cuts per minute fight scenes that are impossible to follow.

The most egregious example of the dramatic decrease in writing is where Bourne purposefully gives his position away for the sake of a one liner, then spends the next 20 minutes being just a few seconds ahead of his pursuers for no other reason. In the previous two films the bad guys motivation was pretty clear and believable however here they introduce new characters who were not even hinted at before and are just there for the sake of making more money from the franchise.

Another example of the poor writing is to make the character of Nicki now a potential love interest with no setup whatso ever.

If you really are a fan of switching your brain off and expect nothing from your action films, this is for you. If however you expect the plot to make sense and characters to follow reasonable behaviour with setup and pay off then give this a miss. An appallingly bad end to the trilogy and obviously a quick cash grab with no creativity or thought put into it.
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Prophetic if misdirected
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent plot, script, well shot acted and directed. Nothing is wasted and certainty worth a watch.


Great acting from everyone involved. Portman does a decent English accent while Weavings accent and performance is impeccable.

The plot is excellent, well paced and grabs you from the outset. A few flashbacks fill in some much needed back story. The only missteps are probably included in the original graphic novel.

The script with a few notable exceptions keeps you glued to the screen throughout.

The cinematography is fine, the plot doesn't require much and the few actions scenes are handled very well.


A couple of shots looked more like they belonged in a TV show than a film.

The script and plot have a few plot holes, the most notable being the idea that the British people would allow human experimentation at the Larkhill facility before the national outrage of the terror attacks but this has to be the timeline as the story describes it as such. V is portrayed by a news report as having a hand in the attack "14 years ago". - Later in the film, V poses as an informant and implies that the current regime rose to power after the terror attack. He confirms this by stating the virus was created by the experiments on V himself. Therefore meaning that the Larkill experiments occurred years before.

Political inconsistencies:

Regardless of how much you dislike the Conservative government, believing that they would be behind an operation of such horrifying purpose denies everything we know about both ideologies currently at work in modern western politics.

On one hand you have Conservative who believe in small government, as made obvious by their wish for low taxes and privatising most of the services and infrastructure of this or any other country. Hard to have large government without money. Also Conservatives believe in individual identity and rights.

On the other liberals believe in high taxes, nationalisation of infrastructure and services. They constantly tell us about their plans for over arching control of our lives. Speech laws, speech crimes, hate laws, hate crimes. They believe in group identity and group rights. Much like the Communists they emulate with their speech at every Labour party conference. They protest the existence of the Tory party, the reverse never happens. The intolerance of rival belief.

Then the matter of portraying Christians oppressing British Muslim citizens, the reverse is true in every Muslim majority country. I'm sure the tens of thousands of white British girls assaulted and forgotten by both parties on the basis of diversity is our strength would argue they were the ones being oppressed. The Protestant church isn't perfect but it was them burning gays in cages or throwing them off roof tops in keeping with the teachings and actions of their prophet.

I wish that just once, the liberal dominated arts would read a history book, or at the very least the Bible and Koran so when they describe these two very different ideologies, they at least came close to reality.
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The logic of terrorists
14 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In an age where the media is constantly bombarding us with catastrophe predictions with zero evidence, Godzilla: King of the Monsters comes across equally clueless. Mostly because the film tries to make the antagonist of the film also the heroine.

The effects are great and with a rational plot, it could have been another good entry in the Godzilla franchise. Where the antagonist isn't rewritten by the end into the selfless heroine, it might have been an enjoyable romp. Unfortunately Hollywood seems to lost the art of fine story telling and nowadays relies on special effects and preachy moralising. I'm not sure who is making the important decisions in these board meetings but they don't seem to understand their audience. Very few people care or believe Grete Thunberg's parents and even fewer want this rubbish inserted into their entertainment.

Do yourself a favour and give it a miss.
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Infidel (2019)
Right film wrong time
13 November 2020
Despite how much I enjoyed this film and how necessary it is, I fully understand the one star ratings. None of them are valid in and of themselves. There are no aspects of this film, any critic could point to that warrants an one star but in this current climate of Islamic violence apologetics, speaking out against such a film, is the safest bet both in a cowardly industry and on a personal level. It simply doesn't pay to speak the truth, when no one in power cares.

While the threat of international terrorism was historically treated much like any other threat by Hollywood, superficial bad guys with foreign accents, the modern response has been the mirror opposite, both in quality and style. Instead of simple good guy bad guy, we have a reversal of protagonist and antagonist, while instead of right and wrong being easily identifiable, we suffer a post modernist take on the issue. An attempt by modern movie makers to blur the lines between what is and isn't justifiable violence and who is right or wrong. This film is stand out by sheer value of being almost alone in tackling this issue. We need more not less in the way of nuanced, personalised and whenever possible, real stories about terrorism.

Instead of making apologies for Islamic violence or portraying all terrorists as evil, it would be far better to address the issue in a way that allows for both sides perspective to be told honestly and let the viewer make their own mind up. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen in the current climate.

As for the elephant in the room, tackling the horrific treatment of Coptic Christians in Muslim countries, never mind Christians in Communist countries, there seems no interest and no end in sight to the world's complete indifference. Although Christians are by far the most persecuted religious group in the world, by every metric available, no one, anywhere, other than Christians themselves, seems willing to even bring up the topic and this film deserves props simply for addressing it.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
Poorly written trash
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently despite Dr Quinzel torching her career, willing to be in an abusive often dangerous relationship, all to be with the love of her life - Joker, now she's a lesbian, because reasons. I'm sure the edgy writers believe this makes sense but given the level of research they obviously didn't do, this is one in a sea of universe breaking gaffs. However for those writers who actually saw the original series and still believes this makes sense, should not have a job in writing, waiting tables yes but writing no. And no I don't consider the comics cannon, the character was written for the series not the comics and the comics are as deluded as this show.

There are plenty of jokes but they, like the characters, are a superficial attempt to mimic the much better, original series. It's not all bad, while Arleen Sorkin's voice was the inspiration for Harley, Kaley does a good enough job. All the voice actors do well enough with what they are given, which isn't much.

This is another example of a well written character being fundamentally changed for the sake of diversity and if you're ok with that then you are a well trained dog and I offer you a biscuit for obeying your diversity and inclusion masters.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
This is not Star Trek
20 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The special effects, cinematography and costumes are great but everything else is terrible. The plot and screen play are both laughably bad. Its as if the people responsible have never watched an episode of Star Trek, have no idea who Picard was and are filling in the massive blanks with Arguments on Twitter. If you enjoyed the any of the original series you will find this contrived and out of place in the star Trek universe.

The Federation are apparently now Xenophobic, all 100 planets and dozens of races. The Romulan Star Empire is apparently incapable of evacuating their own homeworld without support from start Fleet and Picard and every other male character is apparently a weak passive shadow of what men in the real world act like. Why name a show after a character you plan to assassinate? Why bother to base the show around someone you obviously have zero respect for?

In short give it a miss, it suffers from the same gender and race based motivated identity politics that drove Start Trek discovery, Starwars and Dr Who into the ground.
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Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock (2017 Video Game)
Fantastic game let down by some weird choices
2 February 2020
If you're a fan of turn based strategy or Battlestar Galactica, this is a must. The devs certainly put a lot of effort into making this a believable experience set in the BSG universe. Everything from stellar sound effects and music to BSG style combat camera AI. It all works great. The bulk of the game is in setting up your ships actions before executing them. A simple mis-calculation can end in disaster.

With the exception of one poorly acted, over the top character, all the cast do a great job. The music is exceptional, so much so there is a great interest in buying the music from the fans but Slitherin, the publisher, does not seem interested in releasing even a digital version.

As good as this game is, the devs made some questionable choices which the community is understandably frustrated by.

1. The inability to turn off certain option such as the nebula's, which appeared in a later patch. These can make the strategy sections extremely difficult to make out what is going on and are not required in an already busy environment. 2. The inability to increase the fleet cap which is set to a maximum of 8 ships, one of which is a repair ship. 3. The very restricted options menu, which as stated does not allow for the removal of aspects of the game like nebulas, mines or special weapons. 4. With a relativity early patch came the AI/graphics error were enemy ships could oddly slope off at weird angles and at high speed without obeying the laws of motion. Acting more alike a ships from Startrek than a ship under thruster power in BSG.

Given the relative ease at which these issues could be addressed, it is difficult to understand why an otherwise near perfect game is left with bugs and restrictions that clutter the screen and take the player out of the immersive gameplay.
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Watchmen (2019)
Blatant anti white Hollywood propaganda
8 November 2019
Selective facts from The Tulsa riots of 1921 to alternate reality, "Trump style dystonia future". The writers lay on the white guilt and moral preaching thick from the get go. If you enjoy being manipulated by yet another product of socialist anti white, anti American propaganda, then this is for you, if your tired of it, give it a miss.
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The Lycans were never the bad guys
21 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film completely ignores all the lore of the previous three films. So much so, I can imagine this was written and ready to start filming when they got the rights to call it an Underworld film.

The sheer number of plot holes, lazy writing and contrivance is mind blowing. The first three weren't Shakespear but at least they made sense and stuck mostly to the established rules.

Her are some examples of how little the film makers cared.

The opening scene has Selene talking about avenging her families death at the hands of the Lycans, when they were killed by vampires and she knows this.

Selene, previously a hero who goes out of her way not to kill humans start killing humans in the most brutal way she can right from the start.

Selene runs out of ammo then manages to use her butthole to reload, I'm not kidding.

The big bad monster at the end is killed with silver despite the film clearly stating he was no immune to it.

Selene runs into the one cop in the world who not only is sympathetic to the vampires but has also been researching the possibility of a conspiracy against them.

The world suddenly is happy to see men, women and children dragged into the streets to be immolated and shot in the face by armed police.

I could go on but suffice to say, anyone giving this film a pass isn't paying any attention.

Stick to the first three.
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Hollywood's obsession with Mary Sue Characters continues
18 September 2019
Yet another lazily written plot centering around yet another lazily written female character. Either Hollywood is pandering to the feminist social justice crowd or they have absolutely no idea how to write good female leads. Now Given the existence of Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, Clarice Starling, Erin Brockovich, Eowyn, Katniss Everdeen, Selene,Storm, Black Widow and Trinity to name a few, my monies on the former.

There is nothing interesting about the main lead because she has no growth, no trials, no hardships, nothing to overcome. The term Mary Sue was an insult not a guide on character creation. Does Hollywood and their feminists overlords really believe strong women have no flaws? Have no bad character traits? Are never scared? Why would anyone been drawn to Captain Marvel over Captain America? They are both artificially enhanced but while one is still capable of being defeated, knows this and continues anyway, the other does everything with the knowledge she can never fail. This is boring.

I'm out, Hollywood is becoming an ever increasingly lazy, pandering cesspool.
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Phantoms (1998)
Silent Hill before Silent Hill.
15 September 2019
I think most of the films lack luster reception can be laid at the producers and marketing this film received. It is well paced horror film that takes its time to build up to the horror and does some of its best work in fore shadowing but also has a good mix of practical and CGI effects.

The cover for the film was bland and boring and does nothing to help shape the viewers concept of the film. The trailer does a great job of spoiling half the film and removing much of the tension. Avoid the trailer at all costs if you have not seen this film.

I would give the writing and direction 8/10 and the marketing and production -10/10

All performances are good, nothing stand out but better than most horror film acting. The script is great and Peter O'Toole does an excellent job of narrating the science and history of the antagonist.

Has lots of scenes where little happens but does not drag or feel drawn out. Every scene helps build the tension and fans of this type of horror film will not be disappointed. There are also some good special effects and some gore but it is used sparingly. Would definitely recommend this film.
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Suffragette (2015)
More Feminist propaganda
9 September 2019
In 1912 neither men nor women had the right to vote but by lies like this film we only here that women could not vote. The truth is women did have the vote, if like men they owned property. The vast majority of men who fought in the first world war did not own property and as such had no say in Britain going to war. They died to the tune of three quarters of a million. Hundreds of thousands more suffered horrific life changing injuries. Men fought to earn the right to vote. Women were given the right to vote less than a decade after their male counter parts. Suffragettes were nothing more than terrorists, setting fires to homes and public buildings alike. They were mostly middle class privileged women who tried to shame men who had been crippled by the war by giving them white feathers, a sign of cowardice as they saw it.

I have nothing but contempt for this rewriting of history to make women inherent victims of male aggression and oppression. When by far men were the real victims and they were the victim of power, as it always has been for both genders.

This film is not worth your time unless you like living in an echo chamber and like feminist reinforcement of the oppression narrative.
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Midsommar (2019)
Long and it felt long
30 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only going to talk about one aspect of this film, because in all honesty it isn't worth a discussion on any level other than its hypocrisy.

The two main leads are boy friend and girlfriend. She's an emotional wreck and he feels compelled to stay with her. He organises a trip which is part research and part a break from her and she decides to tag along.

After a very lengthy series of events any sane person would have run screaming from, the the boyfriend gets drugged and sleeps with someone else. The girl friend finds out and is given the opportunity to take revenge on him or a complete stranger. Rather than forgive him and get a stranger horribly tortured to death, she chooses to kill the person who stuck around in a miserable relationship for her.

I get this is supposed to be an allegory of the main female leads life but it isn't good enough to pull that off.

Finally, imagine in the current climate of 2019, with the horrible double standards of racism and sexism flying around both politically and socially. Now imagine the genders are reversed and it was the jealous unstable boyfriend who had his girlfriend tied up in a bear carcass while she gets burned alive for the crime of getting drugged and having sex with some dude. Can anyone who at this point honestly say they think there is a single reviewer out their who would still be singing this films praises?
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Black Panther (2018)
Very Average
26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While I didn't hate it, it certainly had nothing worthy of the 100% Rotten Tomatoes critic ratings it got, or being nominated for 6 Oscars including best picture. Anyone with an ounce of integrity watched this and said meh. It is definitely not a stand out MCU film, There are far better and far more engaging. It works best as a stand alone as nothing within it really impacts on the MCU in any meaningful way.

I found the CGI in parts to be laughably bad, especially the fight between the two Black Panthers towards the end. There was some very cringey lines and nonsensical plot threads but overall it works. There were parts that were purely inserted political statements and a super hero action film is hardly the place for Hollywood to try and make some grand social statement but that doesn't seem to stop them these days. Acting was fine for the most part.

All in all it was thoroughly forgettable and I can't imagine me going back for a second watch. If you haven't seen it yet go in with low expectations as the critics are so out of touch on this one. No film could achieve the lofty heights their reviews would lead you to expect.
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It's amazing what you can do with no budget and no effort.
15 July 2018
While I did watch the cartoon, even as a child I got bored a couple of episodes in and found it repetitive and mindless. The film at least stays true in those regards, reusing shots and locations. While many reviews I've read mention it being boring I found it was just cheap on every level. To the point where a sci-fi film spent more time in LA alleyway ways and houses than on an alien world or fantastical sets. The acting as you can imagine was atrocious, as was the script, but what do you expect from Canon, let's crap this one out asap and move on to the next, films.
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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
OMG people are gullable
29 March 2018
This show has amazingly been running for 18 seasons, and it has not improved with age. I made the mistake of giving it a try part way through season 2 and I regret every minute of it..Think Paranormal Activity filmed in almost complete darkness and without any acting skills. The production is awful, the plot is the same every episode. Things "move on their own" and "ghosts" text the Ghost hunters, of course they do. Basically if you believe in this sort of thing you will see something, the rest of us are just bored and baffled.
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Sanctuary (2008–2011)
Why do Americans think they can do English accents?
16 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show has a very cheap feel from episode one on, and it doesn't improve. Amanda Tapping, who was great in Stargate, does an appalling English accent, which if your British, you will never get over or stop noticing. Her acting is ok, but the script...

The writing is where the true horror lies, cardboard characters, ridiculous plots and lines that feel so out of place and almost painful to listen to at times make this an uncomfortable experience to say the least.

I can only speak for the first series as it was all I could manage. In the past other sci-fi shows I have enjoyed, had poor starts but always had something about them that kept me interested, not so with Sanctuary. Perhaps if at least one of those issues, had improved over the course of the first series I could have brought myself to give it second chance but nothing improved.

The one and only character I felt had any substance and depth to him was John Watson played by one of many ex Stargate actors who make appearances, Peter Wingfield. Unfortunately Sanctuary decided that unlike several other characters who die and are resurrected, Wingfield was obviously not considered important enough.

If you enjoy some soul and intelligence with your entertainment, look elsewhere. If you enjoy turning your brain off, as the expression goes, this may be for you. Just don't expect to be surprised or challenged by anything you see.
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The Orville: Majority Rule (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
Uncomfortable to watch
25 November 2017
Both my praise and criticism revolve around how close our modern society is getting towards this extreme dystopian reality show style form of justice. The idea of being judged in the public forum before you ever reach a court room. In reality the mere accusation is enough to destroy peoples lives these days.
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Monster (2003)
Hit and miss
5 June 2017
Well acted and heart wrenching but totally inaccurate.

One thing that stood out to me was the almost apologetic portrayal of Therons character. Quite seemingly brave to attempt this, until you realise it was completely fabricated. Not once in all the films made about real male serial killers has Hollywood attempted to make them sympathetic characters, and with good reason, they were monsters, and so was Wuornos. None of the films made about male serial killers showed lengthy scenes involving their abusive parents or upbringing. The horrible acts committed against them never put centre stage. When portraying the stories of John Gasey or Ted Bundy I don't remember a violent beating or rape, despite many of the most notorious male serial killers having been abused themselves.

To concentrate on this to make the audience sympathetic does a severe disservice to the memory of her victims, and this demonstrates the stark contrast to so many films of a similar nature. Reversing the gender of the killer speaks to a dishonesty and political bias within mainstream media to portray women as victims and men as attackers.

Jenkins took the time to include the phrase based on true events but distorted the truth to suit her own agenda. While the film is well made, it is hard to ignore these biases, especially in an age when feminism has done it's best to create a war between the sexes under the facade of equality.
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Crusade (1999)
Overacting the series.
3 March 2017
While Babylon 5 suffered from a few over the top performances, in general its main cast and regulars were all accomplished actors.

Crusade on the other hand is jam packed full of terrible performances. From regulars like Galen who never met a syllable he didn't over emphasise, to a whole catalogue of terrible overly expressive bit parts, this show really has more than its fair share of over the top actors.

Whether it was a decision by the director or just poor acting, every episode contained at least one cringe inducing scene.

While the overall story was interesting and had huge potential some of the plots were very samey and one in particular was so bad, it approached Plan 9 levels of awful.

The special effects remind me of games of the same era, which is reasonable given they were all using the same technology, but it has dated very poorly.

There are a number of shows that were cancelled long before their time, Crusade was not one of them.
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Blindspot (2015–2020)
Too much Progressive nonsense to be believable
19 February 2017
As much as I like the premise, the stories have an annoying habit of forcing progressive ideology into every episode. While I have no problem with women working in organisations like the FBI, this show does not come close to reflecting the reality of the male to female ratio in law enforcement and especially the FBI. Mixed race relations again are ham fistedly forced into almost every plot, there are two prominent gay characters, and the condescending political bias makes me feel like I'm being hit over the head with the Democratic agenda stick.

If mainstream media wants to push a message into public entertainment, it should be balanced, but like CNN this show spends so much time telling us what we should think based on a one sided perspective. I for one am tired of being bombarded by it. It's on my phone, the news and now TV shows, when will it end?
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Amy Adams is sad the movie
22 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a painfully slow exercise in self indulgence. It had none of the bombastic stupidity of films like Independence day and it's even worse sequel, but equally failed to be even slightly engaging. Watching it I felt like an advertisement for globalisation, mixed with lithium.

While the acting was fine, it was in no way great, because it's hard to over or under act in dialogue this boring. The story was told through the perspective of the main protagonist which was a good choice, but was insufficient to overcome my lack of interest. It reminded me in certain ways like Apollo 13, in as much as it was trying to tell a first contact story in a way that is technically as realistic as we could imagine, given no one has met aliens yet. However this approach only goes so far, and my biggest issue with the film is the lack of pacing.

There is a subtle twist at the end which refers to numerous scenes throughout the film which if I was still interested, I would have found clever, but by that point I has ceased to care.

I can see why some people appreciated it, but cannot understand the waves of overwhelmingly high scores it has garnered thus far.
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Slow paced but worth it
2 February 2016
When I first saw the review score and read some of the reviews I was put off, but now I'm glad I made my own decision on this. The film sets up the premise quickly but then takes a long time setup the final scene. This is achieved by using the mythical one month full moon trope.

I found the characters to be well done, and unsettling realistic. Many may have found they were looking at themselves when seeing this film. From the hypocritical American Christians who superficially great people then ostracise them when it suits them to the protagonist with his grumpy old man angry at everyone persona. It was refreshing not to have perfect main characters but actually flawed human beings portrayed, shock horror! While the police are often portrayed as bumbling or clueless, here they were more disinterested than incompetent, but equally entertaining.

Don't expect a schlock horror, while the effects aren't up to much, it's not about creating fear through special effects, arguably the laziest method available today, but the use of a slow build up of tension based around the one month time restriction. The inclusion of a blind main character was interesting. not relying on the old cliché that other senses become more acute, simply that he has to rely on them more, and we see him pains takingly working out distances around the house to make him more mobile and aware of his surroundings.

All in all, I would recommend this film, to those who like their horror to be a bit outside the box. Certantly not for the typical nudity and gore aficionados. While others have stated this film has "ripped off" better movies, I believe it has incorporated elements in a far more believable way. While Silver Bullet was clearly best appreciated as a comedy rather than a horror, Last Phase is more of a suspense who dun-nit.
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eXistenZ (1999)
Plot Twist, the movie
24 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The film has so many plot twists, that I stopped caring about the characters 20 mins in. The writers have no concept of what a game is and apparently did no research into gaming community. The confusion which was probably intentional, does not help the constant plot twists and double crossing. While an argument could be made that the confusion, plot twists and complete lack of logic was attributable to the minds of the killers, this does not excuse an over poorly written film. It is possible to tell a story like this without loosing your audiences interest or empathy for the characters. The final 5 mins of the film, which is the only part of the film to occur outside the actual game, does make sense now. Given that the deranged killers are out of the decision making process, this makes sense, to the movies credit, but many will see the final twist coming.

The plot is a mess, the characters all over the place and visuals, while intensionally disturbing are not amazing but simply adequate. That said, elements of the film are very well done. The fact that I came away hating the protagonists is understandable given that in reality they were the antagonists. The disjointed plot, and constant illogical decisions of the characters, as well as the constant backstabbing are all explainable by the psyche's of the killers. Despite this eXistenZ is probably a film you will only watch once, which is a pity because it is also the type of film that reveals more of itself with more viewings.
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Oculus (2013)
No Jump Scares to be found
3 October 2015
First of all, a good rule of thumb when reading IMDb user movie reviews is to ignore the 1/10s and 10/10s, very few films have nothing to offer and most people giving such reviews are fooling themselves as much as anyone else.

This film has the audacity not to rely on jump scares but good acting, some great suspenseful scenes and decent writing. I won't lie it's not a masterpiece but neither is it awful, as so many have claimed. Reading through other reviews it was easy to see the main complaints revolved around the use of flashback and the hard to follow plot. Neither of which are things I would cast in the negative column, unless you have the attention span of a Nat and the concentration of a caffeine fuelled ADHT sufferer.

There is one scene, I won't spoil which many will see coming but still manages to unnerve all but the most jaded of viewers. The films strength revolves around the uncertainty of the plot. Are these two children witnessing a supernatural event or is it all in their heads. The ending has the intelligence to leave that up to the viewer and again is probably a source of contention among those who like have their hand held through a film.

If you are of the mindset that everything you watch needs to be spelled out, linear and action packed then this isn't for you. However if you enjoy a bit of ambiguity in your horror film and can manage with a relatively slow paced film, then give it a try.
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