
29 Reviews
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Last Resort (II) (1994 Video)
Guilty pleasure
15 July 2004
If you want to see a movie that's pure fluff, something so bad that it's good, that's the movie I'd recommend. I don't think it deserves a better IMDB rate because it's so badly made and pointless, but that's why I loved it so much. In fact I think this is one of my favorite movies because of how crazy it is.

There is absolutely no point in this movie. I sometimes felt like this was poking fun at 80's beach party movies, but it was so silly that I must admit it's probably not a parody. However it's so absurd and cheesy that no one can possibly be bored by watching this movie. It's not the type of movie that has bathroom or sex humor all the time, it's just crazy fluff at it's best.

I'll repeat myself; if you feel like watching an incredibly bad or stupid movie for your own entertainment, watch this.
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Blame it on everyone who made that movie
15 July 2004
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'm not usually difficult for that type of movies. I like the type of movie that is so bad that it's entertaining and hilarious, but this one goes far beyond that. When I read the review of that movie, I expected a light-hearted Woody Allen-esque early 80's comedy, but I found out that it was one thing: softcore porn for middle-aged men.

I don't see anything wrong with nudity in movies. I don't even have the problem with the may-december relationship in this movie that might seem sick to some people. Hey, I'm a teenager and I like older men myself. But maybe it's for that reason that I hated it so much, I hated it because I could tell how unrealistic it was. This movie is not one bit funny except for a few lines and it doesn't have that cheesy appeal that 80's movies usually have. That's why I'm not to excuse the fact that it's only a fantasy for middle-aged men.

Aside from the male characters, the acting is horrible. The character of Jennifer is so unrealistic it hurts. The main character is a horribly plain man, physically AND in personality. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a superficial person, but there was just no way this girl could fall in love with that man. He was just an average middle-aged man.

There's nothing much to say about this movie aside from that. Most people seem to have given it a 7, probably because they wish it would happen to them. But what can I say?
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Weird Science (1985)
That was made by John Hughes?
14 July 2004
I've always been a fan of John Hughes movies, even the goofy comedies like Vacation. My boyfriend is a fan of that movie so I decided to watch it, even though I was septic. I didn't know it was made by John Hughes when I rented it, and I thought I was going to see just another 80's goofy comedy, which is pretty much what it is in general.

I'm not sure if I liked that movie. I liked the silly story, two geeky teenagers making the perfect woman with their computer who becomes like a big sister to them who gives them advice. It's also so badly made and silly that it can be hilarious for that reason. [ Just watch the scene where they create the girl ]

But sometimes it just seemed like an excuse to give real geeky guys something to dream about. The two main characters aren't even that interesting or funny. One of them is a fun character because he's very shy and scared of people around him, but in my opinion, the other character is extremely annoying. I usually like pointless and goofy movies but I was completely discouraged at the end of this movie when there was an attempt at a love story. I know this movie doesn't take itself seriously, but come on...

I didn't find this movie very funny overall. It just seemed like another sex comedy for teens. It's sort of like a really bad cross between "American Pie" and "Mannequin". I laughed sometimes, by example, when the two protagonists have bras over their heads, but I don't think anything made me laugh aside from this scene and the general goofy-ness of the movie.

I'm not going to talk about the acting either. The appeal in a movie like this one is that it's so stupid and badly made that it can be fun to watch. It can be a good addition to your 80's classic comedies collection as well.
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Not THAT bad!
14 July 2004
Sequels are rarely as good as the first movie. Everyone should know that, specially while watching Airplane 2. In my opinion, Airplane 2 still has the same quality of humor as Airplane does and it only repeats a few jokes. It never seemed repetitive for me, but maybe for most people it can get old to see two movies with the exact same type of humor and the same type of universe and imagery. I thought it was really funny that they went into space this time, and they could have done a lot more science fiction movie related jokes, but they didn't, and I suppose that's okay. I didn't expect it to be as good as the first one, really. Of course the first one was better, but I wouldn't say it was much better. I've seen much worse sequels for comedy movies. I personally thought it did fine as a sequel and I'd recommend it to anyone who liked the first one.
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Neighbors (1981)
14 July 2004
Come on, this deserves more than just 4.8. This means even "Clueless" gets a better rating than this movie. What did you think this movie would be, really? "Citizen Kane"? 1981 was a good year for comedies. The funny 80's classic "Airplane!" came out this year. While "Neighbors" isn't as funny as "Airplane!", it still has the typical silly type of humor of the early 80's.

I'm not a fan of John Belushi but he was very good as the naive suburban man who leads a dull life. Dan Aykroyd has played many types of characters, including this strange neighbor. I've seen other "neighbor movies" like "The 'burbs" and they really didn't catch my attention as much as this one. The actors were very funny in this and adapted well to the situation that the movie is about. This is what made this movie so charming to me, I suppose.

I personally thought it was a hilarious movie with a different kind of humor. Unlike most 80's movies, it doesn't rely on "sex and rock n' roll" to make it interesting. It's a quirky dark comedy, which is a type of movie that I usually find enjoyable. It's very strange, with an even weirder ending, and some people might be turned off by this. The movie doesn't make a lot of sense in general, but what makes it funny is the main character and the absurd situation that he's brought in.

I personally gave this movie a 7 or a 8 because I really liked it. It doesn't take itself seriously and certainly isn't a "smart" movie, but I found it hilarious and I would watch it again. I liked it's weirdness.
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Airplane! (1980)
Very funny
14 July 2004
It's strange how types of stories that touch people change according to the era we live in. I think the same thing can be said about comedies. What was funny in the 1980's wasn't what is considered funny now, and vice versa. Airplane! is a good example of this phenomenon. This is a movie that used to please everyone back in the 80's, but today only people with a certain sense of humor would find it funny. This proves again that many different types of humor exist.

What is so special about "Airplane!" is that it defines a genre, a type of humor created by David Zucker. This type of brainless, completely absurd and sometimes unpolitically correct without being offensive humor is something you won't find anywhere else now. This type of parody was also something new at the time. It also clearly wasn't influenced by the other popular comedy movies of the late 70's and of 1980 such as Caddyshack. It's a very different type of humor, and that's why I think it's so great. In my opinion, it's not stupid to call it a historical movie for that reason.

This is one of my favorite movies ever, because I love this type of humor. I didn't stop laughing through the whole movie, and I can honestly say that I believe this is one of the greatest comedies of all time. Maybe it created a genre that is sometimes seen as stupid or repetitive, but it's still a movie that's worth seeing in my opinion.

I'd recommend this movie to anyone who has an absurd sense of humor and who enjoys laughing.
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Reality Bites (1994)
Reality or not?
13 July 2004
I rented this movie knowing it wasn't really a comedy but a drama about the life of people in their early twenties in the 90's. What pushed me to rent it was the fact that many people qualified this film as horrible, but many other people loved this film and were talking about it like it was the most realistic thing ever.

Let's face it. I'm not going to pretend to know what it's like to be a teenager/young adult in the 90's since I was 9 years old when this movie came out. However, I think I have a good enough judgement to tell if this movie was realistic or not based on my personal experiences.

This movie isn't specially about the 90's, it's about "becoming an adult" and all it implies. It's about a cast of characters who hesitate between forever living what they were told is a pointless life [always having fun and bumming around] and becoming like the adults that they have criticized so much in their childhood. This, by itself, is very realistic, because it's a problem that many young people face even today. The main character Lalaina represents this fact completely. She's shooting a video of her friends as they struggle to find themselves in this world that was built by baby-boomers that they can't relate to. Also, she's a very clean-cut and hard working person, yet she hangs out with her friends who are more of the "rebellious" type.

This movie tries to represent the "alternative" crowd. Each character in this movie has an "alternative" as well as a "conformist" side, which is very strange. By example, you have a female character who wears vintage clothes and lives in a typical artsy room but works at the gap. This is another side of what was mentioning earlier. As young adults, they're straying away from the whole "alternative-ness" of their teenage years. This is something I've seen among people I know as well, and that I personally dislike. I guess it's something very typical of our era as well as the 90's.

What I found unrealistic in this movie was that the characters seem a bit cliché sometimes. Sure, I've seen people like that. But the personalities in the movie are too simplified. By example, there's the guy who always is slacking around doing nothing because he feels that having a full-time job until you retire is like wasting your life. Okay, but what else? What type of person is this guy, really? Also.. Each of the characters seem to act the way they do because they come from broken homes, which isn't very realistic in my opinion... The video that the main character has made is supposed to make their viewers know her friends and herself, but we don't really get to know them by watching the entire movie.

Overall, I thought it was an enjoyable movie. I liked the atmosphere of it. It also wasn't always predictable. I gave this movie a 7 because I liked it even though I disliked some of it's aspects.
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Very well-done
13 July 2004
I thought I wouldn't like this. I decided to see it because I'm a fan of Johnny Depp who appeared in some of my favorite movies [ Edward Scissorhands, Benny and Joon, etc. ] I knew what the plot was: a guy who lives with his 15 year old sister, his 18 year old mentally disabled brother who could die at any time and his morbidly obese mother always has to do everything for his family and something happens that changes his life. It sounded like it was a typical sappy drama. I usually hate dramas like that. Movies in which the only point is to feel bad for the characters. But this one was quite different.

The plot in this movie is unclear, which makes it appealing in my opinion. There isn't a lot of events in the movie, really. It all revolves around Arnie's birthday and Gilbert's meeting with the new girl. The movie is very slow paced and doesn't rely on action and shock to catch his viewer's attentions. It's moving, but the dialogues are also very simple. You might expect this movie to be over-dramatic but it's everything but that. The situation and story are extremely sad, but I never felt overwhelmed by this. Keep in mind that I can't usually handle dramas very well.

The movie is about partly about Gilbert, but it also describes life in this town very well. Gilbert's family often has a big impact on the other people in this town, so it's natural that they would be the family that the movie is about. What's also really nice is that Gilbert isn't portrayed as a hero in this movie. He has flaws, and he can make mistakes even if he's taking care of everyone. He is not the typical good-hearted young adult or teenager who's taking care of everyone and wants to give everything for his family. He actually has feelings of his own and he is trying to find himself. The whole movie is about his quest to find who he really is, if he isn't Gilbert Grape, the guy who's always running after his brother Arnie.

Another good point about this movie is the way it was filmed. The visuals are great and the way the movie was made makes us feel like we're seeing life in a different way than usual.
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Benny & Joon (1993)
One of my favorite movies..
13 July 2004
At first, I had mixed feelings about this movie. As a person who had experiences with being labeled as a mentally ill person and who knew friends who had mental illnesses as well and weren't able to do certain things because of it, I saw two sides to this movie. One side is a bit over the top, but the other side is a great and positive message.

The actors did their job very well in this movie, but the script has some flaws, specially on Joon's side. Sometimes, you feel that Joon's character was overdone, specially when she gets out on the street with the mask or when she drinks her strange cereal shake every morning. It seems like these traits was added for humor, but there's nothing funny about Joon's character. She was very well acted and believable in my opinion, and I usually dislike phony characters very much.

This is no usual romantic comedy, which is a movie genre I usually dislike. The relationship between Joon and Depp's character is very sweet and brings the positive message to this movie. This message tells us that everyone can do what they want if they set their heart to it, and that a person like Joon can love and make decisions for herself. It also tells us that anyone can take control of their life if they want to, and that they don't have to adapt to society's rules to be happy.

Sure, it's not the smartest movie around, but it's a heart-warming movie with great actors and fun characters. This movie is meant to be cartoony and light-hearted, and not to be taken TOO seriously except for it's message. This is another thing that I liked, but that probably a lot of people weren't able to see. The only advice I can give if you're going to see this movie is not to see it through the eyes of an intellectual critic, but through the eyes of an emotional person.
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The 'Burbs (1989)
Evil Neighbors 129392
13 July 2004
Another 80's neighbor movie! Great.

Before starting this review, I have to say that I don't know what could have possessed the people who classified this movie as horror. This is an 80's comedy, and a typical one. I have a weak spot for movies like this one, because they're so silly, so maybe I'm too biased to write this review, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

This definitely isn't the funniest comedy. This isn't even the funniest 80's comedy, or even the funniest 80's neighbor-related comedy. But it was funny, and it has a formula that works, or at least that worked back in the 1980's. Many goofy suburbans trying to figure out what type of strange neighbors have moved in last month, suspecting them of murdering another of their neighbors? Sounds good to me!

I have to admit that this movie has it's dull moments, but there's extremely silly moments too. Tom Hanks is really funny in this, I thought. This was maybe his last goofy light-hearted movie before appearing in more serious movies like "Forrest Gump" or "Saving private Ryan" in the 90's. Some of the characters in this are so typical of 80's movie. By example, the sexy bubble-headed neighbor who's always half dressed and always nice to everyone and the annoying typical teenager played, of course, by Corey Feldman.

This really isn't a movie for everyone. Most people would find it stupid and unfunny, but if you're not difficult and you like the 80's, you'll like it. Also, it doesn't rely on exploitation or sex jokes to make it interesting. A good movie to watch if you're stuck at home on a rainy day.
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The title is enough to understand what this movie is about.
13 July 2004
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, yet it was still entertaining. It represents everything that was bad in the 80's: sex comedies, college or high school related "exploitation" movies, "resort" movies. To some people it might be "delightfully" bad. This is why I'm not going to completely diss this goofy movie.

You know the plot, you've seen it in other movies of this genre. A group of college kids are going on a vacation with only one thing on their mind: sex. The rest of the movie is just useless frills. What makes this movie so appealing [ yeah, there is some kind of appeal to it.. ] is the fact that it's so goofy and stupid. If this movie was made today, it would probably be offensive.

Oh, another good point: the main character who is a shy innocent charming nerd who doesn't know much about girls. [ aww ]

If you just want an awful movie to watch with your friends and laugh at, this might be a good choice.
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13 July 2004
I only saw this movie recently and I wondered why I had never seen it before. I haven't read the book, and I only vaguely remembered some of my friends mentioning this movie.

I'm not usually a big fan of classic medieval fantasy, even though I love fantasy in general, but I enjoyed this movie so much. Even though it's a family movie, it doesn't get too cutesy and doesn't sweeten the story and the universe that the characters evolve in. And the characters do evolve, which is another of the good points in it. Even though it's a fairy tale, it's easy to apply some themes of the movie to our world. By example, we can suppose that this is a movie about staying true to yourself. This is no Disney movie. The ending can be seen in a positive as well as in a negative light. You can have many opinions about it, which is one thing I liked so much.

The art and character design is beautiful. You can tell it was made in the 70's or early 80's and it just adds more appeal to it. The style is a mix between anime and occidental cartoon style, but it works very well, specially since this type of collaboration cartoon was so frequent at that time. The atmosphere of the movie is helped by the gentle colors and the music. Yes, the music.. The music wasn't so great, I have to admit, but it really worked well for one reason. They didn't take instrumental music, they didn't try to compose fantasy-themed music for it. They used modern music, and even though it wasn't the best, it added a different and pleasant feeling to it..

In my opinion this is a beautiful movie that deserves a really high mark..
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Big Fish (2003)
11 July 2004
There isn't much to say about this movie because it is so hard to describe. As a big Tim Burton fan, I just had to see it, and I wasn't deceived at all.. I was pleasantly surprised. I'd recommend this movie to anyone who likes to add a bit of fantasy to their lives, because this is what the movie is about.

This movie is about a man who is trying to learn more about his dying father. It's about his quest to understand his father as well as his universe. This whole universe created by Tim Burton for this movie is just fantastic and the actors have adapted well to this world.

This movie truly deserves a high rating. Everything in this movie fits, the music, the actors and the background. It's a work of art. Even though the movie isn't preachy and doesn't force a lesson down our throat, I think that you can learn a thing or two by watching it.

It's a beautiful movie, really...
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Ghost World (2001)
11 July 2004
Since I'm a huge fan of comic books as well as "cartoony" or comic book based movies, I decided to review this one. When I saw this movie, one or two years ago, I was in my final year of high school, about the same age as the characters in this movie. I too have had a horrible experience in high school. However, I can't say I could relate to the dark world that is portrayed in Ghost World. I have read the comic book after watching the movie. Both of the versions of "Ghost World" portray a world full of sad and annoying people, pedophiles, typical idiotic high school students, and most of all, people faking individuality.

I don't think "Ghost World" is meant to be realistic, but it's meant to portray this world that we live in. Enid and her friend are the main characters who think they are above everyone else, including the depressed guy that is Seymour. However, things don't turn out as they planned. I thought Enid and her friend were very realistic characters. They aren't shown as heroines who are greater than everyone else because of how different they are and how they don't let themselves controlled by society. On the contrary. This is a good point for the movie, since the realism isn't too overwhelming. However, the depressing atmosphere of the movie can be if you aren't into this. As the movie keeps going, it gets more and more depressing and the ending just leaves you with a "bitter taste in your mouth".

It's not that "Ghost World" didn't move me. It did, greatly. But maybe the reason why I didn't like it as much as a lot of people did was because it mainly brought negative feelings to me. I really liked the story as well as the characters, but it was just too hard to stomach. There was very little optimism in the movie. It also seems to be telling the viewers that it's impossible to be an individual in this world, and that you'll always be just another [ insert a subculture or a name here ] to people, which I don't agree with personally.
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High Fidelity (2000)
A good movie that I couldn't really enjoy
11 July 2004
"High Fidelity" is a movie that a lot of my friends liked and that had a high rating on most movie reviewing websites I've been to. It was also a comedy, and since I love comedies, I decided to rent it. I'm not sure if I can judge that movie properly for many reasons. First, I haven't read the book. Also, I'm not the age of the characters. I'm much younger and I haven't gone through high school in the early 80's like they have. And most of all, I don't know half of the music they talk about in the movie, which is one of the most important aspects to it.

This movie is very realistic and even though the characters are much older than my surroundings, they reminded me of people I've known before. I suppose this is because it tried to portray the "alternative" crowd, I guess. A lot of people would find humor in the realism of the movie and of the main character. The way modern love is shown in this movie is also very realistic, maybe too realistic for my own tastes... This is my problem with this movie, I guess. It's not that I expect typical fluffy movie romance with roses all over the place, but.. This doesn't exactly match with my ideals.

Like I said earlier, the main character is very realistic. Sometimes, that made me feel like I could relate to him. I also felt sympathy for him and laughed at times. But sometimes, this realism had the complete opposite effect on me. I don't know if anyone else felt this way, but I guess it's a good thing. It means it was well-made.

There is a few very funny scenes involving the main character in my opinion, but the funniest part of the movie involves his co-workers. Jack Black is very funny.

I think this is a great movie for many reasons. I can tell that some people are going to relate to the main characters and to his experience with women as well as his love for music. I know people are going to relate to the whole universe of "high fidelity". I just couldn't personally relate to it.
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Daria (1997– )
One of the best cartoons of the 90's
11 July 2004
I've read the user comments for "Daria" and I noticed one thing. All the bad reviews are written by elitist goth kids who disliked that an "alternative" show like it was aired on a "mainstream" TV channel like MTV. Don't let yourself fooled by these comments.

Sure, this show aired on MTV. Doesn't it seem a bit weird that it bashes everything MTV is all about? Sure, it is trendy to be different and artsy to some extent. Didn't MTV just want to take advantage of this? Personally, I think that Daria is one of the best and funniest shows that I've ever seen.

This show might seem like it's about teen angst. It might seem like Daria is your typical high school outcast with her artistic friend who are proud of being "different" yet aren't that much different after all. But this is not at all what it's like.

First, this show isn't particularly aired at teenagers. It's aired at any young people, I'd say anyone from 12 to 35 but people in their late teens and 20's can enjoy it more since they've gone through high school or are still in high school. Daria criticizes high school life. Aside from the "be yourself and screw what others think" moral, the goal of the show is to make it's watchers laugh. Daria lives in an exagerated version of reality where teenagers and adults are completely brainwashed by society and often act in ridiculous ways. This is what is so funny. Even though the show is so realistic, the fact that it's exagerated reminds us that it doesn't take itself too seriously and that the goal isn't to be preachy but to be humorous.

As I said earlier, Daria is not your typical rebellious teenager. Daria and her friend Jane are spectators in the show and their only roles are to let us see the world through their eyes. However, Jane and Daria are two completely different characters. Jane is a lot less negative than Daria about a lot of things, by example. This only makes the show more interesting because they aren't just two goth teenagers whining about the world around them. Daria is a realistic character while not being a stereotype. Many people view her as a person who's unconfident but I think she's more confident than most characters in the show. She just views things as they are, with a tint of bitterness, without falling into the "gothic" category, yet she still treats her surroundings with respect.

If you disliked the superficial world that is high school, I suggest this show for a lot of laughs.
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19 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
In many Hollywood movies, there's a lesson that is so clear that you feel like someone is trying to shove it down your throat or drill it in your head. I have felt this with several movies, which include some award-winning classics that I won't name so that I don't lose my credibility as a reviewer. [ ... ] Many people who have seen this movie seem to feel this way about it, but I personally didn't. This is the type of movie that leads you wondering what message it's creator was trying to pass. I think this is what was the real beauty of the movie. The viewer questioned himself or herself after watching it. Each viewer saw the characters and the story in a different manner.

*** spoilers ahead ***

Of course, many people thought the end was predictable, and it was, but not right away. Personally, I didn't see it coming until the second half of the movie. What is so great about it is that the creator knows it won't be a blockbuster movie and that the type of "edgy artsy college kids" that this movie is about is going to watch it. I'm not a member of this category, but I fell right into the trap. Neil Labute makes us build sympathy for Evelyn, the "unconventional" art student in a college that is clearly full of less open-minded people. Evelyn becomes the girlfriend of Adam, a guy who is a lot less good-looking and confident than her. He's geeky, and doesn't seem to be a particularly pleasant character. However, as the story moves on, we start viewing Evelyn under a negative light more and more. In my opinion, it's not the unexpected turn that made this movie so great, but how Neil Labute hints to us that something wrong is going on.

Evelyn tells us that everything in the world is subjective. I think this is what this movie is about. There is so many ways to interpret this movie. We can see it as a dark movie that shows us a negative side of human beings; how they drastically change when they have more power. We can also see it as a criticism of our society which values appearance so much. It can appear to be a harsh and hateful movie if we see it this way. Personally, I saw it as a movie about manipulation, about the nature of art and about a cast of characters who are pulled into an absurd situation that they can't control or understand. This is not completely negative in my opinion because it makes us question certain aspects of life instead of accusing certain things.
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Rushmore (1998)
A very pleasant movie
19 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When I rented this movie, I was already a fan of Wes Anderson and his film "The Royal Tenenbaums" which played in movie theaters not too long ago. [ 2 or 3 years, maybe... ] I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie, but I imagined it would be great because it was made by the same person who did "The royal..". I was right.

This is not a bright and colorful movie. It's extremely subtle, and the characters have many sides to their personalities. I think this great subtlety is what makes the charm of this movie, but this aspect might repulse many viewers who expect something different. Is this a drama or a comedy? I certainly did smile and laugh several times, but like I said, it was very subtle. It's a movie that's completely filled with emotions, but these feelings aren't overpowering like in some other movies.

*** Small spoilers ahead ***

Another great thing is the unexpected events in this movie. There was clearly no "moral". This movie tells the tale of a teenage boy who falls in love with a beautiful teacher and at the same time becomes the friend of the school principal who also loves this teacher. We already think we can predict what is going to happen. It's the same thing with everything the boy achieves. He is very obsessive about everything, and that leads us to think he's going to learn a lesson and change the way he thinks and acts, but that's not what happens at all! I was very pleased by this aspect.

The characters is what really makes this movie one of my favorites. Usually, teenagers in movies are based on stereotypes. Max wasn't this way. When the movie started, I expected him to be a geekish student who was good at everything, but that's not what he was at all. He's a genius and participates in all the student activities at his school, yet he doesn't have time to invest in anything else. He's obsessive and doesn't have one bit of common sense, yet he is respected by his classmates because of what he does at the school. Blume is played by Bill Murray who is one of my favorite actors. He's bored with life and old, yet very immature. There's a strange contrast between this character and Max. Max is the smart guy who has all the ideas and no power because of his young age and social status, and Blume is older and rich but definitely not as smart as Max. Even though they aren't portraits of the typical American teenager and older man, they are genuine characters.

The fact that friendships between adults and teenagers are possible in this movie is something I liked a lot. It's very unusual. Most of the relationships in this movie are.

This isn't a movie I would recommend to anyone. Most people these days want realism, but at the same time they want everything to be glamorized. This movie is the complete opposite of that. While not trying to be realistic, it has a very "real" side to it. We believe in the story, it's not far-fetched, yet it has a touch of fantasy.
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Only historical
19 June 2004
I'm a huge fan of 80's comedies because they are so silly and light-hearted and strange. This is why I decided to view "Fast times at Ridgemont High" one night. I was expecting pure fluff, and that's not what I got.

I wasn't born in 1982. I'll be honest, I graduated high school not too long ago, yet there was something so familiar in this movie that I wanted to run away from it. If you're a teenager or a young adult, you'll probably have seen extremely dumb movies such as "American pie". You'll probably also have watched series made for teenagers in order to preach to them about "serious matters" like pregnancy. After watching this, I realized that it was the first movie of these two categories. I wasn't born in 1982, and what was in this movie doesn't seem outrageous or innovative to me, but I'm aware that it was at the time and that it created a genre. This is why I'm calling this movie historical.

This movie is like many series and movies of the 80's and 90's that I've seen. A very silly and stupid cover hiding something that brings up "deep" topics. In that way, it's not a honest movie. It's so dishonest that it can lead us to believe that it's an exploitation movie. I'm still not sure if it is or not at this point. There was nothing funny about it in my opinion. I disliked American Pie, but I thought it was much funnier than this. The only reason I think a young person today would want to watch this is the nudity.

I don't know how life in the 80's was and I'll never know. But I know what life in the 90's and the 2000's is, and I can tell you that many TV series aimed at teenagers used the same formula that's easy to notice in "Fast times.."
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Run from Wally Sparks as fast as you can (1997)
16 June 2004
I'm not a movie snob. There's many movies I found funny or interesting that most viewers would find terrible. I'm also a huge fan of 80's comedies. There's usually two types of movies that I enjoy watching. The first type is intelligent and creative movies, and the second type is silly, "guilty pleasure" type movies. But this.. THIS..

This definitely wasn't a guilty pleasure. "Meet Wally Sparks" is one of the most stupid movies I've ever seen and relies on sexual humor all the time to make their viewers laugh. A very rude talk show host has to save his reputation. This could have been funny. This could have made fun of all the terrible talk shows that are out there. But it wasn't funny at all in my opinion. The movie lost it's credibility to me right from the beginning when REAL talk show hosts gave their opinions about Wally Sparks.

Okay, if you're with a group of friends and you're all really tired, you might laugh at certain parts of the film. However, when I DID laugh, it was at the stupidity of the movie and not at their attempts at humor. The worst thing is when you realize it was made in 1997 when so many other better comedies were made before.

Not only it wasn't funny, it was just pointless. I had a hard time following what was going on because it was just so badly done.

I'm aware that very few people are actually going to rent this movie, but if you're someone like me who randomly picks movies at the video rental place, I only have one advice; avoid this one. Some people might find it amusing, but probably not more than that..
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Cry-Baby (1990)
Don't expect Grease.
16 June 2004
If you're a fan of the rockabilly fashion of the 50's and of John Waters, you will like this movie. Personally, I was a big fan of it. It's one of my favorite movies.

This movie involves two groups: the "squares" and the "greasers". While most teen movies set in the 50's involve typical preppy high school students, this one was on the side of the greasers. This is what I found fun and interesting. The world in which the greasers live is fun and colorful. The characters are all social outcasts or "delinquents" as they call them in the movie. This is what is so particular. Maybe this isn't what life in the 50's was really about, but it gives the illusions that you're seeing an aspect of life during that time that you normally don't see.

It was a pleasant and fun to watch movie. It was also very cartoony, which is something I like in a movie very much. The imagery is very pleasant. However, it's not a movie for everyone. It can easily be seen as cheesy. And if you're expecting a typical 50's musical like Grease, there's a good chance you won't like this one, since it makes you root so much for the social outcasts. This movie doesn't show the typical "clean" 50's that people enjoy so much.

This movie also makes fun of the typical "bad boy" image of the 50's. But doesn't it also poke fun at the image that Johnny Depp had at the time? In several interviews done after the release of this movie, Depp mentioned that he enjoyed playing that role because it was a satire of the image he had and that he also disliked very much.

I think this is the type of movie that can easily become someone's favorite but that can be hated by a lot of viewers. Maybe the dancing and the singing isn't as good as in Grease. But you have to remember that this is a light and fun movie that doesn't take itself seriously. It can also be seen as a satire of typical musicals. I would definitely recommend it.
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One of the best movies about teenagers
16 June 2004
It's hard for me to review a classic movie like this one. Even though it's not a perfect movie, it did an excellent job at explaining what being in high school is all about. I've been a child and a teenager in the 90's so I never had the chance to watch this great movie when it came out. I also had to endure all of the painful and unrealistic teen movies and soap operas of the 90's that were often set on glamorizing high school life or preaching to teenagers about serious topics such as teen pregnancy. I'm not saying that any of these movies or TV series were bad. They just weren't about teenagers. They were about models in their 20's who acted like idiots. Or they were written by adults in order to pass certain messages to teenagers.

What is so great about The Breakfast Club is that it brings to life many characters that are completely different. The "high school stereotypes" is something that's still present even today. The stereotypes might be a little different, but after watching this movie, we realize it was this way even in the 80's. This is an aspect of high school life that was never discussed in movies. As a teenager, when I first saw this movie, I immediately thought that it probably helped teens in the 80's understand their peers better. It can also help adults understand why teenagers can act certain ways.

But this movie does not preach to us. A proof of this is that the parents are accused for putting so much pressure on their children and making them become the stereotypes that they are now. In fact, all adults in this movie have a negative image, which is something I liked. In most modern teen TV series, there is always a teacher or a parental figure who makes the teenagers learn something. The adults are "always right". However, in real life, it's not necessarily like this. Parents and other adults can also be a negative influence to their children and sometimes mistreat them. John Hughes understood that.

It wasn't a perfect movie, of course. By example, certain scenes were silly and over the top, and the acting wasn't perfect. But isn't this what made the charm of this movie?
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For fans of absurd humor and silly 80's teen comedies.
16 June 2004
This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I admit I'm a huge fan of 80's comedies, and that probably affects my judgement as I write this. However, this movie wasn't the typical 80's comedy at all. I'll explain myself.

This comedy has a very particular, absurd humor. Unlike a lot of comedies that were made in the late 80's and early 90's, it's not a rip-off or a bad version of something that was made in the early 80's. However, it's not a type of humor that anyone can enjoy. But if you do enjoy it, you'll love this movie and it can easily become one of your favorite. The strange family of the main character and the main character himself played by John Cusack are extremely amusing and funny.

It's seen as a teen movie by a lot of people, but I personally don't think it is. It's an unique genre, but it's also easy to wonder if it's a parody of the typical 80's teen movies. If it is a parody, it's a lot easier to understand the typical cheesy ski film aspect of the movie and the romance with the exchange student. But if it's not, then the movie would be separated into a horrible cheesy teen movie and a hilarious comedy. This is what is so strange about it. The typical 80's love story really doesn't work in this movie because of how goofy it is.

I prefer believing it's a parody, and it probably is. Basically, I think this is a very enjoyable fun movie that no one can possibly hate. Specially if you're a fan of absurd humor and the 80's.
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A real coming of age movie
16 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Very few teen movies that have been made were really about teenagers. I'm personally not too fond of the teen movie genre, but I've watched several of these movies in the past. If everyone agrees that John Hughes has produced some of the most accurate portrayals of teenage life, it's because there's a good reason to believe this.

John Hughes has done several "silly" comedies such as "Weird science" or "Vacation". Even though these movies weren't intellectual films, they're true classics in my opinion. The same humor that was present in these films is present in "Sixteen Candles", but it's never overpowering like in some other teen films. Also, unlike most modern teen movies, it doesn't involve popular kids acting like idiots or trying to find a girl to sleep with, but this is irrelevant here.

This movie is about Samantha Baker. Her family completely forgot her 16th birthday. This is also a day in her life. We learn what she goes through in high school and about her family life. It's very hard not to relate to Samantha because she has so many insecurities that teenagers have. She never comes off as a hero or as a phony character. This is what is so good about the movie. Her personality and her reaction to her surroundings are so genuine that it's hard to criticize. Farmer Ted, the geek, is another very real character in my opinion.

I would definitely recommend it.

*** Spoilers ahead! ***

The only thing that personally bothered me was the ending since it wasn't very realistic. It was supposed to be a realistic movie after all.. I wasn't expecting Samantha to end up with Farmer Ted, and I'm not quite sure if an ending like this would have been better. However, it's possible that a girl like Samantha would end up with the popular boy even if it's a little unlikely. This is why I'm choosing not to let it ruin the movie.
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Orange County (2002)
Maybe I'd watch it again.
15 June 2004
It's hard for me to tell if I found this movie good or bad. I wouldn't call it an excellent movie, but I wouldn't call it bad or average either. There was some very good aspects to this movie in my opinion, but the bad parts ruined most of the movie. So here's what I found good and what I found bad.

I'll start by naming the aspects I found good in this movie. First, well, it's supposed to be a comedy, and I can't say I ever thought it was stupid or un-funny. Sure, it's not Monty Python. The jokes were sometimes a bit awkward, but generally it was pretty funny. Jack Black was specially funny in it. His character might have not been perfect, but he really brought him to life.

I knew it was a teen movie and that it was labeled as an MTV film so I didn't expect too much from it. Anyone who saw this movie should have known it wasn't going to be a masterpiece. Personally, I found it very refreshing compared to most of the popular movies. For once the characters weren't a group of dumb teenagers trying to find a girl to sleep with or partying all the time.

I also kind of liked the fact that this movie tells you that you don't need to go to college with intellectuals to become smart or to be successful in your life. I think that in a way, the movie's message was that being pretentious won't lead someone anywhere..

But this leads me to one of the MAJOR disadvantage of this movie. It takes itself WAY too seriously and tries to pass messages. By example, through Jack Black's character, there's a serious anti-drug message that people tried to pass. By example, when they set the building on fire. For someone who notices these things easily, it can be very annoying and it can be seen as preachy, specially since it's supposed to be a carefree comedy.

What's really strange is that even though it took itself very seriously, the movie was far from realistic. Even though I said I liked the message it seems to convey, I think this message is delivered in a very awkward way. The characters could have been developed a lot more, and the events of the movie aren't realistic at all. Since the movie takes itself seriously and tried to pass messages, there shouldn't have been such questionable elements.

By example, there's Jack Black's character. He's always doped and completely selfish and loud at the begining of the movie. That's what was funny. After the second half of the movie, he becomes "nice" and wants to help his brother. That just seemed unlikely. The fact that the parents go back together is also pretty unlikely.. One of these elements alone would have been tolerable, since they're all possible.. But there was just so many things that were far fetched in the movie that it was impossible to think it was realistic.

If the movie really wanted to be absurd and funny and unrealistic, it shouldn't have tried to convey such a serious message.. I'm not saying that an absurd movie can't transmit a message to their viewers, but in the case of a teen movie like that, it's very hard..
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