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Getaway (I) (2013)
OK, let's review...
5 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start from the top. This movie is called Getaway. The trailer features a number of cars doing back flips, bouncing off of each other, and various other types of vehicular carnage, and very little else besides a wisp of a plot thread involving a man, his kidnapped wife, and flying around Bulgaria in a stolen Shelby Mustang, being directed by a voice on cell phones. So you go to the theater, and the entire movie is set up in the first three minutes. The man gets told his wife is in mortal danger if he doesn't follow instructions to the letter, steals the car, and basically floors it for the next 90 minutes or so. The cast list on here gives a name to exactly two individuals. Everything else is generic (Kid, Thug, Man, Voice) Plausibility, therefore, doesn't exist. Reality doesn't exist. Common Sense doesn't exist. Most of the reviews seem to think the script is lacking. To a point, it is sorely lacking in a number of departments. However, if you don't know what you're in for within that first 3 to 5 minutes, you're really watching the wrong movie. It delivers exactly what a movie with this trailer and title and set up should. Lots of stunts, lots of vehicular destruction, and very little plot. The actors do not have a lot of help from the script, which seems to always be trying to set up the next load of driving stunts, instead of character development. You get bare outlines of the two actors with the most screen time, and very little else. However, because it's Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez, they do their best with what is given. Mr Hawke is a reliable presence, and Ms Gomez, I think, has a bright future, assuming she stays clear of Lindsay Lohan territory. Yes, the script is lacking. Yes, the plot has cavernous holes in it. Yes the twist ending may leave you with the proverbial OH COME ON!! sort of feeling. But, this isn't an awards season kind of movie. Take it on its own terms, and it's a fun ride.
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I don't get the overall negativity here sorry
24 November 2009
OK I understand that these books have sold millions of copies and there are people that are to the point of obsessed with them (I consider myself one of them actually). However I have also seen more than enough movies to know that you can't expect a movie to be much like a book, if for no reason than books can tell you the internal motivations of any character they focus on, which movies can't do. Also take into account that it is a 600 plus page first person narrative (as in told from Bella's perspective only) and that makes it nearly impossible to convert accurately to anything resembling a movie unless you turn it into a 10 hour miniseries. So they changed the order of some things around, added a couple of things to make it a little more visually stunning for the movie person that hasn't read the books, and dropped a whole lot of stuff just so they could get it onto a movie screen. I think they did an excellent job of condensing it down and still keeping it coherent and somewhere within the themes of the book it is based on. The acting is generally good, especially Taylor Lautner as Jacob, who it the character the whole movie hinges on really, because if he wasn't such a strong presence the whole concept would collapse. Kristen Stewart who plays Bella even manages to be interesting, which is something of a feat considering she spends probably 80 per cent of the movie in something resembling a clinical depression. It is certainly a movie I will be adding to my collection when it makes its DVD release and I enjoyed it immensely.
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
decent if not really original
13 April 2008
First off I never saw the original with Jamie Lee Curtis but as this was a re imagining not a remake I didn't really need to see it at all. Secondly I walked in knowing that it is a PG horror film, so you know that there is going to be very little blood, nothing more than kissing and looks in the intimacy department and whatever killings were done would be mostly off screen. Within this kind of setup the film works reasonably well. The only reason I didn't rate this higher is because of the logic flaws in the story which are almost funny to try to accept. As they could be called spoilers I won't try to list them here but some of the comments here allude to them, and some of the other characters come off as cardboard cutouts, which is more the fault of the characters and the writing than the actors. The acting works for what is here though Ms Snow isn't given much to do other than do the bland I'm the heroine of the story shtick. There are no major flaws in the killings the tension is reasonably done for a PG flick and the best acting in it is done by the bad guy who is played by someone who isn't really known for playing psychos. So if you want a decently paced quickie that won't strain your brain this is for you but stay away if you like your horror more direct.
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10,000 BC (2008)
OK Early Summer Type Effects Picture
26 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK usually I don't get this crazy about comments, but I actually watched this picture and paid money for it so here goes. I liked it, not as an Oscar winning historical epic, which if you have ever watched any of the other Roland Emmerich movies you will know it will never even come close to that (anybody remember The Day After Tomorrow, Godzilla, INDEPENDENCE DAY!?!), but as an enjoyable piece of fluff with ridiculously large effects and a reasonably coherent story. It was not designed to be historically accurate, nor did it try to be. The acting was within the bounds of reason given what was there to be had. I didn't care that the Mammoths weren't around at that era or the weather wasn't properly set up or whether there weren't any pyramids at that time frame or whether mammoths were ever used as trained muscle to help build them or any of that stuff. I went in expecting the usual stuff that Mr Emmerich and Co usually deliver and was impressed with the visual show and reasonably impressed with the actors involved that they could even be noticed within a story of this size. I enjoyed it for what it was and hope you do too
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Casino Royale (2006)
Wow is the only word that fits
19 November 2006
OK I'm convinced. I've been a Bond fan since I got to see the older stuff on TV back in the 70s when I was a kid. The movies have gotten wackier over the years, partly because technology has allowed the movies to get that way and partly because people come to see the craziness that is a Bond film these days,not that I minded. They were what they are and didn't pretend they were anything else. Well fans of the early Sean Connery films can rejoice again because the Bond from the early 60's has been resurrected. Daniel Craig is about as perfect a choice as you can have in 2006 terms for a Bond film based on what was the first book in the actual series. The script is excellent, the acting first rate across the board, and even Judi Dench gets to show some backbone and toughness along with the human qualities she has been always been able to bring to it. The girls are beautiful and lethal when necessary, the stunts are fantastic and realistically performed, the only reason this didn't get my first 10 is this is one long movie, apparently the longest in the series, not that it drags much but I'm sure the editors could have chopped some down somewhere. In any case a fine ride for fans and might get a few converts along the way.
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Saw III (2006)
suitable for fans and others with strong constitutions
29 October 2006
Assuming you have a strong stomach, this is a worthy addition to the Saw franchise. Almost all the survivors from the last one are back for another go, the death scenes are spectacular if gruesome, and just like the first two you have a killer surprise twist ending, no pun intended. Only reason I didn't rate it higher is due to the volume and over the top nature of the violence, which might turn off some people. What performances there are are workable within the context of the storyline as presented, if have a reasonable constitution and no real problems with blood gore and grisly death scenes you should have no problem here.
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The Protector (2005)
great action movie with serious how'd they do that quotient
25 September 2006
The heir apparent to the Jackie Chan Jet Li mantle has done it again, Breathless action sequences that have to be seen to be believed including an extended fight sequence with about twenty gang members and a restaurant fight that will leave you with a breathless feeling. Story such as it is revolves around Tony Jaa setting off after some elephant poachers and following them to Sydney Australia to regain custody of said elephants to give to the King of wherever he actually resides. As with Ong Bak, the story is just an excuse to get Mr Jaa into as many stunt filled fight scenes as possible and once it gets started it never really lets up for even a moment allowing our hero to do many wild and crazy things in the pursuit of his elephant friends. If you're a fan of non stop action movies give this a whirl I guarantee you won't be disappointed
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The Covenant (2006)
good pg fun
25 September 2006
There's normally just something wrong with the phrase PG-13 horror. Usually not enough blood for the slasher people, not enough skin for those looking for that type of thing, and they're usually so careful NOT to show anything that might get into R territory that even the scares are toned down to the point of non existence. Here we have a solidly made reasonable well acted and competently produced action horror hybrid which does its level best within the PG guidelines to at least try to generate some creepiness, since no real heavy shocks are or can be involved. It involves a set of families that have kept a secret promise ergo covenant and what happens when the latest generations of these families begin to test their limits. Reasonable story for what it is, absolutely gorgeous if somewhat dreary scenery, effects are reasonable for the obvious budget constraints, and the acting in general is at least serviceable to the story. If you're looking for a reasonably well made movie of the PG horror type you should check this one out.
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Great Popcorn Movie Fun
31 August 2006
Firstly if you have problems with snakes there are a lot of shots of snakes leaping at the screen (befitting a movie called Snakes on a Plane) so don't say you haven't been warned. However outside of that this is a great popcorn movie elevated by the presence of Sam Jackson doing his cop with attitude thing which fits this story like a glove. Decent supporting turns by various actors from TV and other movies (Sunny Mabrey Juliana Marguilies Flex Alexander Kenan Thompson and Rachel Blanchard to name a few) add to the fun and keep things interesting for all concerned. Direction and script are serviceable without getting in the way of the fun, and the actors do seem to be having a lot of fun with the situation as it presents itself. All in all a fantastic way to fill a couple hours.
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Pulse (I) (2006)
derivative but worth a look
13 August 2006
Yes I must admit that the comparisons between the other Japanese horror remakes are inevitable with our blonde heroine and her companions coworkers friends family (depending on the movie) fighting a growing evil force entity presence (again depending on the movie). Also the movie itself is a fairly derivative work, except for where the bad guys are hiding, though there are a few examples that come to mind, Ghost in the Machine being one of the more obvious (run on sentences anyone?). However, the performances are very good perhaps even in spite of the implausibility quotient and if you don't think about it too much there a a couple of good jolts, and a few scary moments. Although the ending lacks a real kicker and there isn't much sequel potential It's a passable way to spend your 90 minutes.
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Click (2006)
Adam Sandler Acts!?! And Decently!?!
2 July 2006
OK I have never been the biggest Adam Sandler fan, I'll admit it but this is just crazy. I now have to admit that he can act (darn, drat et cetera). The proof is in this movie. He plays an junior architect at a firm who is just trying to make a better life for his family and works too hard and too many hours (just like lots of us out there). He goes looking for a universal remote to make his life simpler and that's where the fun begins as his new remote takes over his life. From that point on he learns life lessons about family work and what should be really important in any adults life. Yes it does come off like a Frank Capra movie but it's heart is in the right place and it does sell the "money isn't everything" storyline effectively. Cast is effective, especially Adam Sandler as the main man as far as the storyline goes and Kate Beckinsale as the wife and mother of his children. Almost a perfect film with a message that is obvious without overpowering the entertainment quotient
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Mr Singer does it again (with help as always)...
2 July 2006
Great Caesar's Ghost indeed! Mightily impressed even! Just sat though Superman Returns and all I can say is I enjoyed myself immensely. Fits into the Superman mythos without straining too much of whats already happened. Timeline wise it seems to be after Superman 2 and ignores the other Superman movies. It starts with Superman/Clark returning to Earth after being away for 5 years without explanation and really doesn't stop until the last of the credits roll. Great characterizations by all. Brandon Routh is great as Superman and nearly perfect as Clark, Kate Bosworth hits almost every note she needs to perfectly; I'm nearly certain now that she is destined for an Oscar when she gets a role that really showcases her talents given the amount of gravity she brings to this. All the supporting parts are great and Kevin Spacey manages to make Lex Luthor much less of a cartoon than Gene Hackman was in the older series which is a credit to the writing and the performances. Kudos to all!!
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much better than I was expecting
15 February 2006
I went into this without expectation, knowing that the basic premise was not going to change, which is death making sure it takes what it wants to even when people intervene. It's all about the inventiveness of the killings in these movies, and this one doesn't disappoint. Mr Wong knows how to stretch the suspense for as long as possible and the actors seemed near perfect for their roles. I believe that Mary Elizabeth Winstead is gonna be a superstar if she keeps up with this and doesn't succumb to the pressure of attempting to make it in her field and the rest of the cast does well with what they are given. Overall not Citizen Kane, but if you're looking for a decent gory horror movie with some laughs and a reasonable well told story, you could do much MUCH worse than this.
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Great Family Movie if a little long
22 November 2005
Banderas and Zeta Jones in a sequel to one of the late 90's best action movies? I was primed for this one from the moment I knew it was being made! Well put together, story makes sense for basically a family movie and the family angle plays out well if a little predictably. Lots of great action scenes and all the swashing and buckling you could ask for from both sides this time as both husband and wife get in their fair share of donnybrooks. The villain, well played by Rufus Sewell tries to steal the show but it really is the De La Vegas show all the way. The only complaint I could possibly make really is that the movie is well over two hours long, which can lead to squirming and running around for the younger set, but it is a fun ride.
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Saw II (2005)
At least as good as the first if not better
22 November 2005
Saw the first and didn't think they could top it. However, they certainly have come close by changing the story, but not really (see the movie, you'll understand). Nice to see Beverly Mitchell of 7th Heaven do something outside the Reverend's daughter kind of stereotype and all the principals acquit themselves reasonably well. The real surprise is Donnie Wahlberg who for me proved he is an actor after showing signs of it in his cameo in the Sixth Sense. He impressed me much more than I expected. By the way, the ending really does rock and sets up even more sequels if they want to do them. Also very nice to see Shawnee Smith finally get something to sink her teeth into after 20+ years of working as a kid and adult, she's been one of the better child to adult transitions I've seen.
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The Fog (2005)
no worse than a lot of them
22 November 2005
OK let me begin by stating categorically that I never saw or have seen even a frame of the original outside of the box the video came in, so I have no frame of reference to try to compare or contrast in that sense, but I can say without hesitation that I have seen much much worse movies in the horror suspense genre than this particular entry. Other than the obvious why bother quotient (are there any original stories out there anymore?) However, other than the ending, which you'll probably guess within 15 minutes if you've watched as many horror movies as I have, everything is reasonably well executed for what it is. Something to watch on a rainy afternoon if you're into a movie that doesn't tax your intelligence or require intense concentration.
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Transporter 2 (2005)
action packed stunt filled fun
6 September 2005
Fantastic action scenes, car stunts, wire work, fight choreography and lots of fun for action fans. Story? There is one I think, just enough of one to get the action set up and let loose. Performances, such as they are are loose relaxed and don't drag the story down with unnecessary emoting, though what real acting there is here does work within the confines of the plot outline/story whatever. There are probably plot holes large enough to run 10 eighteen wheeler trucks through in here, but you're so involved in the action that it doesn't leave you time to think about logic inconsistencies, or logic in general really. Anybody who is a fan of non stop action should really get a kick out of this
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could have been much much worse
6 September 2005
Newest one of the Crow movies, a series that attained a cult status before the first one was released die to the death of its star Brandon Lee. Subsequent films in the series have attained varying degrees of success. None have rocked the world, but none have been horrendous either. This one fits the usual pattern, nothing special, but nowhere near ugly bad either. Performances, especially Mr Boreanaz's and Mr Furlong's are serviceable to pleasantly over the top and nobody in the cast seems totally out of place as you might find in other movies. If you had no problems with the other three you won't be disappointed with this one, if you're not a fan stay away.
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Red Eye (2005)
Great little thriller
30 August 2005
Let me start off by saying I enjoy a well done thriller probably more than the next guy. However I was mightily impressed by this compact little gem from one of my favorite horror directors that being Wes Craven. This is well directed, well acted and reasonably well scripted. The effects are a little more cheap looking than we are probably used to given current films, but this is a thriller, not a 200 million dollar effects extravaganza. The two leads here do a magnificent job keeping the story moving at a brisk pace, especially given the confinement of being on an airplane for probably 50 per cent of the movie. For thriller lovers this will be a great addition to their collection either in the theater or on DVD.
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OK update of 70s TV show
15 August 2005
First let me say that I am not the world's greatest fan of the original TV series. I certainly watched it but it was not something I searched out to watch every week. Therefore I haven't burned the original into my consciousness as one of my all time favorites. Having said that I had a good time watching this re imagining of a 70s TV show. It is not, nor should it be a direct copy of the original, since that probably wouldn't have worked at all in a 2005 time frame. Nor is it in my mind a blatant perversion of the show, since they seem to have set it in a current time frame which would up the intensity level quite a bit (just watch something from the 70s followed by something current to see what I mean). Acting is tolerable to workable, and Ms Simpson isn't the problem here, nor are Messrs Scott and Knoxville. A more involving script would have been nice, since this seems to be just an extended episode of the TV series. A fun time will be had by those who aren't purists, but if you're one of those Die Hard fans, you might better skip this and just watch the DVDs as they're released.
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Sky High (2005)
Better than expected
15 August 2005
An effective blend of teen outsider comedy drama and superhero action movie given the usual Disney touches without being too forced or maudlin. Performances are serviceable to good and it is a joy for this reviewer to see Kurt Russell, who started out playing kids in Disney movies in the 60s and 70s playing Dad here to another crop of talented younger actors. Story revolves around one special kid and how he develops through his first year of high school, through his mistakes and eventual triumph (after all it is a Disney movie). Better than I expected, and I expect to see a lot more of at least some of the younger guys and girls that were on screen here in the future.
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Stealth (2005)
Not xXx but not bad either
15 August 2005
Solid action, great flying sequences when they're in the air, this is definitely a Rob Cohen movie. Performances make sense within the context of the story and the three buddy story works. Acting is solid if unspectacular but in this kind of non stop action thing you don't look for Oscar caliber acting anyway, long as it makes some kind of sense within the story we're watching. Besides idle chit chat is not something you're likely to see in a movie about fighter pilots, which is where character development tends to be in a non action oriented script. All in all a fun ride and since that's what it exists for no problem.
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The Island (2005)
Not a bad summer flick
31 July 2005
Nowhere near as bad as the critics would have you believe, but not perfect either. Performances were serviceable to good, but the script is rather derivative, taking parts and bits from previous movies and running them thru a 2005 era generator. However this IS a Michael Bay movie, and as per his previous work if you don't know what you're in for when you go in the theater, you probably don't know his movies. You get plenty of bang for your buck, the film looks as cool as cool can be and everybody on screen looks like they're having all kinds of fun trying to put the story across. All in all a decent popcorn summer kind of movie, but don't warm up the AFI statues for Mr Bay just yet.
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Batman Begins (2005)
12 July 2005
Finally someone got Batman right! A pleasure from start to finish, performances were great with chemistry to spare between all principals. The only quibble and it's a minor one is that there were times when Ms Holmes was on screen that she looked like a teenager trying to throw paper airplanes at the major crime bosses, but she still managed to make me care about her thru the entire project. Christian Bale makes a reasonable Batman but just about anyone can do Batman with the iconic nature of the character and that suit, it's as Bruce Wayne that Mr Bale really shines as he manages to show the conflicted nature of what he needs to be as Bruce and do as Batman as well that makes the character sympathetic on all levels. Overall a great effort by all concerned and I'll be in line for tickets to however many more of them they want to do.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Solid effort
12 July 2005
What we really have here is a solidly put together superhero movie of the popcorn variety which will more than likely get the sequel it deserves, which unfortunately suffers from timing issues, having come out a whole three weeks after a movie named Batman Begins, which seems to be considered as one of if not the best superhero movie ever made. Since this is a different movie you can't really compare the two in my opinion. Performances are fair to excellent but this being the first movie of a possible series the various relationships have to be set up, and characters have to make sense within whatever story is presented. Origins of the heroes and villains need to be explained, which when you have 5 major characters plus the supporting people takes a whole load of time and you don't want your movie running much more than two hours. Writing seemed to make sense for what was there, but I'd be interested to see what happens in the next one now that the major relationships have been established. What was there was well presented it's just too bad that Batman Begins came out first to deservedly steal whatever thunder this was likely to generate. Again a decent way to fill two hours, just don't expect to be blown away.
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