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The Way Back (I) (2020)
Not Hoosiers, but a worthy film indeed
10 May 2024
Being married to an alcoholic, former athlete and coach who recently passed away from alcoholism, I suppose I bring a different perspective to this movie review. However, this movie is very real in the incredible pain that often high achievers feel who turned to alcohol to address their fear of failure and the propensity to self sabotage. This film is a very real look at exactly what happens when the world has very high expectations of you but your life has been fraught with pain or disappointment and you have not been taught to cope with such pain. Ben Affleck does an amazing job of his role and I think it's extraordinary that he literally came out of rehab to make this movie. I was shocked when I looked up what awards he must've nominated for and was shocked to see that there was no Oscar or golden Globe nomination at the least. It could've moved more in the direction of a Hoosiers if say they had wanted to focus on it as being an underdog sports movie, but I like the fact that they stuck with the underlying theme of alcoholism, addiction, self sabotage and the avoidance of dealing with one's pain. By the time we got to the end I actually wanted more out of the movie so perhaps it took a little bit too long to make the point but I like the fact that it was a understated realistic drama versus an overhyped version of it. I'm not a huge Ben Affleck fan but I will leave this movie respecting him a lot more than before I saw it. It took a lot of courage for him to do that role with the world knowing that it was a parallel of his own current life story.
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Time: Episode #2.3 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
19 April 2024
I accidentally came across this series and have always had an attraction to prison dramas so I gave it a try. It's a hard watch a times especially in the beginning when you sense how hopeless their stories seem to have become. But it's very well worth a watch to the very last scene. Extraordinary acting by all. A transformational unfolding of what happens when we push through the struggle instead of giving in to the worst of a survival mindset. I think all women should have to watch this series. If we could learn to support each other instead of tear each other down all these women's highlighted could've avoided prison altogether. Bravo on a really well done poignant series. All three women deserve awards for their performances.
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Why the haters?
7 April 2024
This movie was really well done. Great cast. Good script. Set design was amazing. What in the world did other people watch? It was no Star Wars or Blade Runner but it's a very solid action based sci-fi. The lead cast did a superb job. She is definitely at the beginning of a great career. The supporting cast was also very well played. The action scenes were choreographed in a more unique so they were not as tedious as directors sometimes allow them to be. We are excited there is a second part coming soon. I don't know what these critics didn't like, but Wow, I think they really got this one wrong. It's really good and definitely will keep a Star Wars lover entertained.
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Road House (2024)
Unbelievably bad
23 March 2024
I am a huge Jake Gyllenhaal fan, and I could not believe how bad this movie was. There are so many things about it That are bad I'm just gonna name a few. For one, the story is extremely shallow and unlike the original version of it and you feel no connection to the characters whatsoever or the storyline. As for the the cast, they are comically bad and again you feel no feeling towards them whatsoever and I could care less what they're doing or not doing. I don't know who the casting agent was, or if they were just going for the cheapest supporting cast, they could find, but none of them are memorable whatsoever, except for the girl of the bookstore owner. The acting is dismally bad and the script as bland as it gets. The fight scenes are unimaginative and basically look like CGI run amok. The villain is so ridiculous that the fight scenes are just not watchable. The romance between Gyllenhaal and the doctor has no chemistry to it whatsoever and again, you feel no feeling toward their relationship or have any idea what in the world would bring them together other than some quick sex. There is no Sam Elliott, mentor characters to help provide some backstory for Jake's character.. the only thing you have to go on are some MMA fight flashbacks that are more like a gut punch than giving you any reason to feel empathy for him. He's really not even likeable which is what carried the entire original movie. So disappointed.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
An actors transition
7 March 2024
So we are seeing an actors transition from comedy to drama very well, like a seasoned professional. Bravo Sofia. She will make her way to much more diverse roles after successfully nailing this performance. This story shows how any person of a desperate mindset can transition to an evil greedy power hungry murdering mob boss even as a woman. Although it was a task to hide Sofia's beauty she does a great job thru facial expressions and body movements to mimic such a famous personality. It holds your interest all the way thru and was done similar to Narcos or some other well done cartel dramas. Even to the end she still thought it was all for the benefit of her children.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Extraordinary and delicious
5 January 2024
This is a mix of high paced riveting world geopolitics mixed with complex relationships created with some of the sharpest wittiest writing I can recall of late. I saw this floating around for a while on Netflix but am not usually drawn to anything I think has insultingly unintelligent humor so I avoided it. How wrong I was. It's absolutely absorbing and addictive. And did I mention smart as heck. The actors were absolute brilliant choices and I can't imagine anyone else in each role. Each one is intoxicating and masterful. I would've nominated the entire group for Emmys if possible. You must give this a watch but be prepared to get nothing done for 9 hours because you will want to binge all the way thru from the first episode. Netflix and writers- nicely done!
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Perfectly delivered gritty robust crime drama
3 December 2023
Absolutely perfect. Every character adds a richness to this gritty fast rolling crime prison drama. Couldn't be better. From the drug lords, dirty SWAT guys, to the top leads every character delivers a perfect performance. Every actor is at their best. The story lines are as compelling as it gets. But I have to say the richest exchanges go on between Mike and Bunny, the head of the Crips. By the end of season 1 I look forward to their scenes the most. I'm not sure where they found Iris but she delivers an absolute knock out performance. My only possible complaint is if they stop at just two seasons. It's likely got an expensive budget and Taylor is pretty busy these days. I really hope they put a few more seasons into this.
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19 June 2023
Why would two rock stars like Spielberg and Bay roll the dice on a 200 million dollar budget on 5 no name no acting experience humans (except for Lauren Velez) for their only human characters in the entire movie? The script was so blah an 8 year old could've written it. The acting was horrendous except for by the youngest cast member. The story lacked the heart of some of the previous movies. The only thing good was the special effects and the action sequences. People were so bored everyone in the audience were on their phones or talking. They want people to go to the movies but please give us something worth watching!!
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Maid (2021)
Not perfect, yet it is
9 May 2023
If you have been in abusive relationship or been closely attached to a narcissist spouse or parent, this show is absolute perfection. It is THIS HARD to escape the cycle of poverty and a history of abuse it mental illness. But the only way out is to do exactly what Alex does- she just keeps trying. No matter how exhausted or hopeless it looks. Perseverance.

The acting is superb. The story, the script, the ancillary characters...Perfect!! The first two episodes were so hard to watch. But I'm the end I'm so glad I stuck with it. It's stressful. It's painful. But you are rooting for her to keep going.. and she dies not dissaappoint.
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To Leslie (2022)
Tour de force
25 March 2023
I have been watching Risenborough for several years now and she is as good as an actor comes. Absolutely could be the Streep of her generation.

Once again this movie just gave her another platform to show us how crazy wide her range is. This is not a fun movie to watch but it's heart breakingly accurate if you have ever dealt with a true homeless bound alcoholic. The supporting cast is understated but also outstanding. Both her son and Sweeney do their jobs extremely well and of course we all live Royal from the Wire. Alison janey could not have been more hateful or in in likeable but then again that was exactly the point.

This is a hard movie to stay with because the reality of it is almost torture but it's real. However I implore you to stick with it. The last 10 minutes will give you the most glorious reward for staying the course. I watched it twice and bawled my eyes out both times. Risenborough deserves every reward out there gif this amazing job. A complete triumph!!
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Will Trent (2023– )
Surprisingly fresh
27 January 2023
I didn't read the books so I don't have any expectations. I never watch shows on network television EVER but I like the main actor and I just thought I'd try it. I'm usually bored in 15 minutes. I have to say it's a fresh take on a typical show subject. I think the casting was well done. I like the main characters and I really think the back story ads so much. I love the dog interaction and I actually like that it's clean but not unrealistically so. I'm usually watching some like DEXTER, so again I'm surprised. The writing is pretty good including the script. There is a wit to it that is well delivered by the cast. I'm on episode three so let's hope it keeps my interest. P.s. I love the dog side kick.
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61st Street: Sins of the Fathers (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
17 December 2022
I'm struggling to find the right word to call my review for this episode, but it's absolutely captivating and painful and beautiful. This whole series is so well done. All the acting is impeccable as is the writing, the directing, the cinematography. I can see a few Golden Globes coming from this episode alone. From the connection Franklin has with his son... so bittersweet. But there is also a growing connection no matter how conflicted the relation between Speak and Johnson. But the stand out performance is from Ellis. What a power house. She has grown into a fierce performer. This is a series you have to just force yourself to watch no matter how painful. It likely speaks volumes of truth and should help everyone be more compassionate to every side.
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Surprisingly good!!
2 October 2022
They cast this perfectly. Rich and atmospheric. Music is a great touch. Storyline is interesting and makes it a truly binge worthy show. Just enough of sex, sorrow, love, sultry and edge. While I really don't care for her politics Rosie is really good and Bernthal is absolutely fantastic. Who would have thought he could replace Richard Gere? I love that there are little perks at sex scenes but it's just enough. Not just over done and with no real purpose.

While I am sick to death of woke Showtime I have to say I was about to cancel my subscription and because of this series I won't now. Well done!
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Really good
5 September 2022
The first two episodes I was skeptical if I'd stay the course as they were a little off but then later you realize why. It was intentional and part of the storyline. As each episode plays out you think it's almost concluded but then there is another interesting twist. WOW it just gets better and better to a very powerful conclusion. Respect for the actors on this. Plays like the budget and quality of a big movie with the perfect length of a limited series. Chris Pratt really shows his skills in this and a shout out to Tripplehorn. Makes you wonder where she's been all these years. Fuqua definitely had a big hand in this. He rarely disappoints. It has both his pacing, his action quality, character development and suspense.
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Potentially good cop drama hard left propaganda
27 August 2022
20 minutes in I'm thinking glad to have found a good The Wire-esk like cop drama. 5 minutes later, Nope! Outright goes woke left in a very shove it down your throat kinda absurdity. While they show hardly anything but black criminals running drugs and guns they posit them as purely oppressed and of course not at fault. They actually outright discuss that if Hillary is elected she'll be the savior of all civil liberties. I wonder if they know what a criminal they are supporting? While they show more than a high ratio of leading black cops, leaders and politicians, it's still pushed like all black people are being beaten daily by white cops. Unfortunate. Could have been a decent show. HBO is just gone woke beyond reality.
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Monsters (2010)
Great accomplishment with a small budget
26 August 2022
I just love this movie. It is always the sci fi element that brings me to it each time I watch it but then I remember it has such a delicate and well intentioned intimacy to it, a real human nuance. They could have easily just slammed in a romantic or sexual component right out of the gate but the beauty of it is how their relationship with each other evolves out of the shared human experience and how it evolves in a foreign land amongst others that are living with this terror daily while moving on with their lives each day, even still helping others versus other Armageddon movies which always focus on how awful people are in terrible situations. So delicate and yet very powerful. The music added a lot. Added in in just right moments. I am always just so impressed with both actors and what they and the director were able to pull off. I have not seen much of the female in much since but I have grown into a huge McNairy fan since especially for his work in Godless.
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The Road (I) (2009)
Unprecedented. Phenomenal.
7 August 2022
Thus is a film that will take you to hell. And show you what real love looks like. Show you the true savagery of human desperation as earth approaches the end. Yet it's beautiful in so many ways. Shows how a father can go to every extreme to protect and show his son the experience of love and protection amidst the savages. This film will culminate in an extraordinary ending. Not to be missed. Acting and cinematography is extraordinary as well.
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Dino movie for dumb people
30 July 2022
I couldn't imagine why people were complaining about this movie. Trailer and graphics looked amazing. Well it turns out it's a dinosaur movie for dumb people. Really. Dumb. People.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
Perfection! Phenomenal!
21 July 2022
This review will be short but I must add my two cents. Absolutely brilliant. So well written, acted and executed. Every character brings such richness to this multi National palette. Bravissimo. I'm on my third rewatching and this series is like nothing you've ever watched. It takes some getting used to but they have poignant moments where the audience has clearly missed something and then they go back and show what happened behind the scenes. It's executed so well. Sometimes directors try this and it just leads to confusion but not in this show. Andrea is absolutely a power house of an actress. She shined here as she does in everything. I think she is the Streep of her generation. But the supporting cast are also amazing. If you love the Godfather or Narcos you will love this show.
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Astonishing production
5 June 2022
Everyone is rightfully Raving about the story, the performances but I want to shout out to the set creators. The production value was that of 100 million dollar movie. Outstanding job!!!
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The Outsider (2020)
Very a solid time drama
14 May 2022
Very solid. Great cast. Good storyline. Although it has an element of fantasy it's believable. Mare Whinningham is outstanding!! Very good chemistry between all the characters.
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Shot Caller (2017)
Surprisingly good
7 April 2022
An engrossing story. Not a typical prison drama. Very well acted and a good script. Could have have come off cheesy or over the top but despite the violence it's quite believable.
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A Vigilante (2018)
Great performance
25 March 2022
Outstanding performance by olivia Wilde. Truly she deserved an Oscar nomination. The only reason this movie didn't get a higher rating is because the watchers do not understand how very realistic it is. Gritty. Slow burner. Gut wrenchingly accurate.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
21 March 2022
This is an original approach. It jumps timelines along the unfolding of 20 years of a global pandemic but actually does so in way fairly easy to follow. The script and story is very original, well done. Soundtrack is very good. Adds quite a lot of depth and mood. There is definitely a melancholic approach that dwells on you after a few episodes. The first episode is just captivating. The chemistry between young Kirsten and Jeevan is outstanding. Each episode follows another group and highlights a persons experience and leading transformation. There is an implied violence but it's only rarely done in a direct manner. Definitely a higher quality more depthful approach than other versions of this we have seen.
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Billions: STD (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
What happened?
1 March 2022
Just about every character looks and is acting like zombies. Did the make up artists go on strike? Did the actors decide to take sleeping pills before the said "action?" Writing is awful. Script while still quippy is not being delivered well at all. Zero energy. I miss the smart edgy Billions I used to love.
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