
29 Reviews
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Osmosis Jones (2001)
An absolute embarrassment.
8 October 2023
If I were to go back in time and find out I wanted to see this movie in my childhood years, I would've told my younger self to not waste my breath, and that I wasn't missing a thing.

"Osmosis Jones" is, as the title of this review implies, is a complete and total embarrassment; From the first scene, to the second the credits roll.

It is, without question, the worst movie I have ever seen from Warner Bros. And one of the worst films to come out of the early 2000's.

Bill Murray makes a total man-child out of himself in this. He plays Frank, a man who cares more about being unhealthy and eating junk food than he does for his own daughter, Shane; who, by the way, is one of the few decent characters in this cinematic disaster... Which brings me to the biggest problem it has to offer.

"Osmosis Jones" is a live-action/animated hybrid. Why do I find that reason to be a big problem? Because the two just do not mix well, when it comes to this movie. They show too many live-action segments, and when they show the animated sequences, the latter takes up half the runtime.

The filmmakers should've filmed it entirely in live action or just scrapped the idea to make it a hybrid and turn it solely into a cartoon, but NO.

You wanna know what other movie was a live-action/animated hybrid, yet it actually worked and was enjoyable? "Space Jam." It did this concept so much better and wasn't a boiling pot of bull crap, like this movie is!

Now, onto one of many complaints I have with this film; The gross-out jokes. The jokes are nauseating and not funny, whatsoever. Not once, did I laugh or even remotely crack so much as a smile.

Like I said at the beginning of this review, Bill Murray makes a total fool out of himself and his acting is HORRENDOUS. He acted like he didn't give a single crap and wasn't trying at all.

His character is the most unlikable idiot you will see on screen; including Mayor Phlegmming (voiced by William Shatner).

The entire screenplay is a jumbled, contrived mess with barely any character development in it. The only character that has at least SOME redeeming qualities, besides Leah, Drix, Thrax and Shane is Osmosis Jones, himself (played by Chris Rock).

The voice acting is fairly decent with Chris Rock leading the cast as the titular character, David Hyde Pierce, Lawrence Fishburne and William Shatner, but even they weren't able to save this train-wreck. The poor actors just wanted to grab their paychecks and run. Honestly, I don't blame them in the slightest.

Finally, the animation is great; However, once again, it barely saves this movie from falling flat on its face.

In conclusion, "Osmosis Jones" is a terrible, poorly-written excuse of a movie that has little to almost noting going for it. At least, it was the inspiration for "Ozzy & Drix;" a version that was more intelligent than this. Do whatever you can to avoid this film, at all costs. It's not worth it.
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Blue's Clues & You (2019– )
Welcome back, my precious childhood
13 November 2019
I practically ate the original 1996 show up like candy as a young child and to see it in this form is beyond believable.

Joshua Dela Cruz does a good job of being the host, and he has almost the exact same enthusiasm and charisma that Steve had. That attribute alone is a perfect example of how good this reboot is. The animation on the characters may take some time to get used to, but trust me, it is totally worth it.

Not only is this show adorable and colorful to look at, but it brings back memories of my love for the original Blue's Clues. Some episodes from were remade for this new series, and does it botch it up? Absolutely not! The show presents the original in a way that'll bring back the old audiences who used to watch the previous cartoon.

Without question, Blue's Clues and You is a reboot that adults, as well as children, can enjoy. I highly recommend this new series.
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Coco (I) (2017)
A magical, wonderful and emotional experience.
3 June 2018
I had never seen this movie in theaters due to lack of interest, but after discovering it on Netflix a couple days ago, my curiosity was immediately peeked, and I decided to give it a chance and watch it. I have absolutely no words. "Coco" is, without any doubt, whatsoever, a masterpiece of a film and the best one Disney and Pixar's made in decades.

The characters are the most sympathetic fictional beings you will ever see on screen; especially Héctor. You are gonna fall in love with all of these characters. The songs, animation, voice acting, morals and writing are brilliant. Seriously, this movie has everything an animated movie SHOULD have; Characters with immense likability, through and through, moving, catchy and emotional songs, the list goes on. Not only does "Coco" have things children will enjoy, but it has material adults will love, as well.

I could put up many reasons why I think you should see this movie, but be warned; It is bound to make you cry, at points, including a certain plot twist and ending, which I refuse to spoil. After I watched it a couple times, it instantly made me bawl like a baby. I have a very sensitive heart, and this movie ripped it out and showed it to me, full throttle. The plot is handled with such care and love, you won't be able to stop watching. Once the film becomes an emotional and bittersweet rollercoaster ride, and my goodness gracious, does it ever, you feel a sense of peace and happiness shortly afterwards. I thought "Fluke," "Titanic" and "Finding Nemo" were the only movies to make me cry buckets of tears, but "Coco" managed to break that scale.

Without question, "Coco" is arguably the greatest Disney movie I ever watched. I've grown up with Disney, all my life and this should be up there with "Pinocchio" and "The Lion King" as their crowning achievement. I have nothing more to say in this review, but the following; I advise anyone who hasn't seen this movie before to watch it. Trust me, it is totally and completely worth it.
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They call this a Christmas movie? A mean spirited pile of garbage is more like it.
11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is absolutely the most mean spirited, dark and depressing excuse of a movie that Walt Disney Pictures has ever made. If you expect me to believe this is a Christmas movie, you are sadly mistaken. There are barely any lighthearted moments and the rest of the film is just scenes of the sadistic orphanage owner mentally abusing the children; Especially threatening the two girls of throwing them into an incinerator. She even has the GALL to confiscate Quinn's angel Christmas decoration; Mind you, the only thing she has left to remind her of her deceased mother. I cannot even believe this was fine to put in a movie centered around the holiday about the birth of Jesus. It is absolutely mind-boggling.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Santa loses his memory, gets separated from Paws, who, by the way, is one of the few likable characters in this movie, becomes mortal and almost dies. Yes, I did, indeed, say that. Santa Claus almost dies. And to top it all off, Paws and Quinn are nearly killed in the incinerator when she rescues him. Let me remind you, this is a movie that presents itself as cute and happy to a young target audience. Do the scenes I just mentioned sound like a Christmas movie to you? No? I think that proves my point.

The Air Buddies franchise may be the most terrible thing ever to be spawned into existence, but at least it's positive and has a lighthearted tone to it. The Search for Santa Paws? NO. There is nothing to like about this film, point blank period. It is ugly, disgusting and depressing in every facet. I honestly do not see this as a Christmas movie. It does not deserve to be called a family holiday film and could easily scare kids or give them nightmares.

Paws and the dogs are only a lazy gimmick and the writing is abysmal. The only actors who felt like they were putting effort into their performances were the kids, the people playing Santa, Mrs. Claus, the child who voiced Paws and the elves. The rest of the cast is just flat out cold and lifeless. I also forgot to mention that this movie has some of the worst CGI that I've seen in years.

If you want to see a good Christmas movie, see Rudolph or any of the other classics. Disney, for someone who has watched your movies since she was little, you have a really disappointed viewer. This movie outright destroys the true meaning of Christmas. If you ask me, it should've been rated PG-13.
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Drake & Josh: Theater Thug (2006)
Season 3, Episode 14
So mean-spirited, that it is beyond detestable and incomprehensibly stupid.
3 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to be honest, here. "Drake and Josh" has been my least favorite sitcom. I have never liked it, despite the fact it has given me some minor chuckles. When it comes to mean-spirited and cruel, however, the show goes right down the drain. The episode, "Theater Thug" is no exception.

Drake and Josh get chosen to be in a reenactment on a show that's trying to find somebody known as the Theater Thug.

The next day, everywhere he goes, Josh is mistaken for the Theater Thug by people who are too stupid to realize he's not the guy.

This absolutely unnecessary and downright IRRITATING gag repeats itself almost every single scene. You cannot go away from it. It is "Modern Fairly OddParents" levels of repetitive gags.

What makes it even worse is Josh getting arrested and pleading he's innocent, while Drake stands there in the background like a moron and does nothing.

I'm serious. He stands there and watches while his poor stepbrother is taken away and he does not lift a freaking finger to prove his innocence. The ending is also unspeakably insulting. After the boys catch the real Theater Thug, Josh is arrested yet again, while the real bad guy goes free. I am astonished at how awful this episode is.

When I said "Drake and Josh" can be downright mean-spirited, I was not kidding. "Theater Thug" is the lowest common denominator when it comes to this show's humor and, not once, did I get a laugh from it.

My advice to you for "Theater Thug" is, run, don't walk away from this one.
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A dull-as-dishwater movie that tries way too hard to be funny.
22 October 2017
I have grown up with Disney all my life, and as a kid, I loved Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy; along with all the wacky scenarios they would get themselves into. This movie, however, is the weakest thing I have ever seen these classic characters in. The animation may be good, but the film falls flat on its face. Allow me to explain.

The jokes can go from kind of funny to outright repetitive and aggravating. The characters will reinstate one joke a couple of times and the way they're presented is flat out lazy. Donald and Goofy themselves are completely out of character.

Donald acts like the Cowardly Lion from "The Wizard of Oz" and Goofy has the personality equivalent of Modern Patrick Star, if you were to put that version of the "SpongeBob" character in a Disney movie. The only characters that had some likability were Mickey, Minnie, Clarabelle, Daisy, and even Pete. The rest of them are absolutely annoying.

The songs are so-so, for the most part, but some of them are barely original. They use classic tunes and just throw a bunch of nonsensical lyrics onto them. The story feels more like a parody of "The Three Musketeers" rather than a loose adaptation as well, and I forgot to mention this, but some of the jokes feel like blatant pop culture references than attempts to make the audience laugh. Sometimes, they don't try to be subtle.

This movie is not terrible, but it's not great, either. In my opinion, like the title of this review states, it's dull as dishwater. This could've been a funny, entertaining film for all ages, but from start to finish, it's a complete bore fest.
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You want to see an 80's horror film? Watch "Child's Play." It is competently made and smarter than this insult to horror cinema!
14 August 2017
Never, and I mean, never in my life have I seen a movie like this that is so asinine and felt like it was made by a twelve year old. I cannot believe this "thing" was actually brought to Hollywood and somebody thought it would be a good movie. "Slaughterhouse" is, without question, the worst slasher movie in the history of slasher movies. Oh. My. Goodness. This film is beyond stupid and all logic is thrown out the window the second the main antagonist's son comes on screen. If there's a plot to this movie, it practically has one finger hanging off the edge of a cliff. Let's get into why "Slaughterhouse" fails in every way and manner possible and why it's not even trying to be a horror flick.

The acting is the worst thing you will ever see on screen. The teenage actors, half the time, do not even attempt to put effort into their performances. Seriously, these kids do such a poor job in their roles and the characters are genuinely unlikable; However, the kids are the best actors, compared to Don Barrett as Lester Bacon. This guy overacts so badly, you just wanna reach into the screen and smack him across the face.

Joe B. Barton as Buddy is equally as terrible. He looks like somebody the filmmakers just pulled off the street and the character gets annoying, really fast. I get he's supposed to be mentally disabled, but there are some points where the actor hams it out of the ballpark and overacts, as well.

The writing is... What writing? Yeah, what writing? Like I said, if there's a plot to this movie, at all, it has a finger hanging off the edge of a cliff. The dialogue is absolutely some of the worst dialogue you will ever hear in a film. I'm gonna say it, Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" has a better screenplay than this. The dialogue these characters have to say isn't dialogue. A six year old could do a better job at writing a horror film.

The kills are an absolute joke and the way they're executed is atrocious. Seriously, I have seen better blood and gore effects in "Deep Rising." I'm not kidding. There are times during this movie where the blood has the consistency of water and it looks so unrealistic. You want to see good blood and gore effects? Try seeing "An American Werewolf in London," for Pete's sake.

I could name more problems with this movie, but those explanations are darn well enough to prove my point. "Slaughterhouse" is a pathetic excuse for a horror film that feels like it's not even trying. Its premise is virtually nonexistent, the actors don't put effort into their performances, the kills are incredibly lazy and this has one of the worst endings in all of cinema. Do yourself a favor and avoid this pile of pig manure. In fact, run, don't walk away from it and watch "Child's Play," instead. Now, that is a great slasher that knows what it's doing.
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Fluke (1995)
Do not watch this if you have an extremely sensitive heart.
5 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched "Fluke" last night on Amazon Prime Video. By the time I finished it, I was bursting so hard into tears. Even the original trailer made me cry.

This is not a bad movie, by any stretch of the imagination. It's one of the best movies I have ever seen involving a dog, and I've seen lots of films about dogs. A man gets killed in a car wreck, comes back to life as the titular character, then reunites with the family he had when he was human. It's simply a wonderful premise handled beautifully.

The obstacles Fluke has to go through are not only heart-stopping, but they are also gut-wrenching. There were times in some parts of this film where I was actually tearing up. The movie literally ripped my heart out of my chest and put it in front of my face.

Fluke does it in his best power to reconnect with his family, and he succeeds by sadly having to leave them near the end. That, right there, is when I lost it the second the closing credits appeared.

This is not the first time I've cried at "Fluke." The same thing happened to me when I rented it from a video store when I was younger. The instant I watched it, it had the same affect on me like it did years before as it does now.

"Fluke" is one of the best films in Hollywood history. Its writing is fantastic, it has endearing characters and scenes that will make you cry for hours. I highly recommend it, but for people with extremely sensitive hearts, like me, I strongly advise you not to watch it.

I don't think I could watch this movie without shedding a tear ever again.
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This is NOT the silly old bear I know and love.
15 January 2017
I was really excited when I heard this movie was going to be released, but on the day my mother took me to see it, all my hope for this movie was thrown out the window. "Winnie the Pooh" is absolute garbage from start to finish. The only positives I have about this film are the animation and the "Everything is Honey" sequence. That's it. The rest of it is trash.

First of all, most of the characters, with the exceptions of Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, Piglet and Christopher Robin, are completely unlikable and out of character; Especially Kanga and Roo. Rabbit and Owl switch roles and act very annoying. Piglet and Eeyore are abused throughout almost the entire movie because seeing characters getting tortured is funny.

The voice acting, except Jim Cummings as Pooh and Tigger, is beyond lazy. Tom Kenny does a pathetic attempt as Rabbit. He's basically SpongeBob SquarePants in a rabbit costume. Most of the songs are terribly written and horribly sung as well. Like I said, the only song that had at least SOME effort put into it was "Everything is Honey." The story is all over the place and at some points, they shove it off to the side to either make Eeyore and Piglet miserable or tell jokes that aren't even remotely funny.

Ever since my young childhood, I grew up with Disney's adaptation of "Winnie the Pooh." This version of it spits on the legacy of these beloved characters and puts them into a movie that absolutely butchers them. I cannot believe how many positive reviews this film has gotten. Disney didn't even try or care to make it good. They just recycled plot elements from previous movies and made it as sloppy as possible.

If you have a young kid who loves "Winnie the Pooh," I recommend "Piglet's Big Movie" or any of the others starring the character. They are so much better than this.
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Dull, boring and absolute garbage. Watch the 1968 and 1996 versions, instead.
24 October 2016
Wow, and I thought "Romeo & Juliet: Sealed With a Kiss" was bad. This version of the beloved play is terrible. There is no effort, no talent and nothing salvageable about this movie at all. I had found this on YouTube and decided to watch it. Big mistake. This was so bad, I didn't want to finish it.

First of all, nobody knows how to act in this movie. Alex Hyde-White does a pathetic job as Romeo. He is way too over the top, and when he does give a reaction, he's not attempting to try.

Juliet, played by Blanche Baker, is equally as bad. She gives a dull as dishwater performance and looks like she doesn't care.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes did a much better job at portraying Romeo and Juliet than these two! Heck, so did Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey! All of these actors look like they've pulled off the street in this film and look like they don't know what they're doing. I'm being serious.

And secondly, the entire cast puts little to no effort in saying the Shakespearian dialogue. They just say their lines as if they were in a high school play. When you're in a movie like "Romeo and Juliet," you have to at least SHOW the audience you care. These actors don't give two craps that they're in an adaptation of William Shakespeare's classic story.

Do I really need to say anything else in this review? I think I just summed up this entire movie for you; Clear as crystal. This version of "Romeo & Juliet" is garbage, from start to finish. Nothing's redeemable about this movie, whatsoever. If you want to see good adaptations of the play, I recommend the anime, the 1996 version starring DiCaprio and the one from 1968.

This adaptation is, indeed, a tragedy.
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I'd rather watch "Family Guy," "Scooby Doo!: Legend of the Phantosaur" and "Animals" than this piece of crap ever again.
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard for me to believe that I used to love "Pokémon" when I was younger. I owned a few of the VHS tapes and some of the toys. Nowadays, the only "Pokémon" related thing I enjoy is the video game, "Pokkén Tournament" for the Nintendo Wii U. I don't like the anime series anymore; However, I find "Pokémon: The First Movie" to be nothing but a piece of stupid, nonsensical, filler crap. That is literally how horrible this film is.

My parents took me to see this movie back in the 90's when I was a child and I ate it up like candy. Unfortunately, my opinion on it has changed. It has got to be one of the worst animated films I've ever seen. It is rotten to the very core and gives a terrible message to its target audience.

Not only is the message confusing, but also hypocritical. These characters take these creatures out to battle, yet when they see them fight clone versions of themselves, they have the gall to turn a 180 degree angle and say fighting is wrong. Congratulations, movie. You've made the characters of "Pokémon" into lousy, pathetic hypocrites.

As if the plot of the film wasn't bad enough, there's also these ridiculous filler scenes with Team Rocket, and they aren't the main antagonists in here, Mewtwo is. The writers could have just left them out of the picture completely. They have no excuse to be in the movie whatsoever.

If I had a choice between watching this movie and looking at paint dry on the wall, I'd pick the paint. "Pokémon: The First Movie" is garbage. No, "garbage" is too good a word for it. It's an absolute disgrace to animated films, and I feel ashamed of myself for loving it as a child.
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One of the worst "Scooby-Doo!" movies I have ever watched.
24 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is THE movie where Scooby Doo and the gang basically prove they have run out of mysteries to solve. I would like to point out this came out a year after the atrocity that is "Mystery Incorporated." There comes a time where you ask, "Will it ever stop?" Scooby Doo has become Warner Bros.' cash cow, and it shows in this horrible installment, "Scooby-Doo: Legend of the Phantosaur." I don't remember when I watched this and I'm glad I don't. This movie was so bad, I couldn't even finish it.

Shaggy ends up having severe panic attacks during a mystery. You'd think that'd be normal for him, but here's the real kicker; HE IS LIKE THIS THROUGHOUT 95% OF THIS DARN MOVIE. I am dead serious. The first scene literally has him screaming at the top of his lungs for over an hour. At that point, I wanted to scream, "SHUT UP!" at my computer screen. It doesn't even matter if he gets hypnotized in the middle of this film to be brave, you know he'll just go back to being the cowardly crybaby he is.

Now, onto Fred, Daphne, Velma and Scooby. Cheese and rice, what've they done to them? Were the writers even remotely trying? Fred and Daphne are as dull as dishwater in here and the same goes for Scooby. Velma gets a crush on a boy who looks and acts exactly like her. She completely forgets she has to solve a mystery. Just great. Velma has gone from a smart aleck brat in "MI," to a girl who only cares about a crush than her friends. What a wonderful message to the kids of this generation.

The animation and story are utter bull crap. It's the same lifeless animation from "MI," except ten times worse. The overall nature of the plot is forced and shoved down the audience's throats and the climax gets rushed in the span of five minutes. That is where I stopped on this movie. I couldn't take the stupidity, anymore.

If you're a long time "Scooby" fan, like myself, stay away from "Legend of the Phantosaur." It doesn't deserve to be looked at, let alone watched. I thought these movies couldn't get any worse and can just imagine Don Messick, Casey Kasem and Jean Vander Pyl spinning in their graves at this one.
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Little Charley Bear (2011–2015)
Cute, endearing and fun for all ages, except...
10 December 2015
I first came across this show a couple days ago and immediately became hooked on it. Although, I'm not the target audience for "Little Charley Bear," which is ages two to three, I can honestly say this show is downright adorable; from its concept to the characters.

Charley himself is the cutest little guy you will ever see. The show teaches children to use their imaginations in their own way and that things will go wrong if you get too excited. This is the lesson "Barney & Friends" failed to give to kids; However, there is one problem with "Little Charley Bear" that made me give it a 7 in this review.

The CGI animation looks like it came out of a video game. Almost in every episode, you can see the pixels in Charley's fur, including his and the other characters' shadows. The backgrounds look a tad dull and there's hardly anything in them at all, which is the case with Charley's room. If the cartoon had just been an animatronic bear puppet in a live action setting, then I would've given it a higher score.

I can recommend this show to anybody who has young children or who just loves watching these things for the sake of it. "Little Charley Bear" is adorable, from start to finish.
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Stellaluna (2002 Video)
A shallow, lame film with unlikable characters. Read the original book instead.
25 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I first came across this movie on Netflix and decided to watch it. Having listened to the book when I was a child, I thought this film would be a treat. Unfortunately, that was not what I got with this adaptation of Jannell Cannon's "Stellaluna." Most of the characters are either entirely annoying or completely unlikable. Pip, Flitter and Flap are very cruel to poor Stellaluna and even have the gall to mock her at some points.

Stellaluna was one of the few characters, including her biological mother, that I actually sympathized with. The rest of them are intolerable; Especially that stupid, egotistical jumping spider, Askari...

The only two positive things I can say about this movie is that the animation and the song Stellaluna sings are beautiful. The animation itself brings the characters to life and it looks fantastic.

However, I doubt the animation and that one, decent song saves this movie from being a piece of garbage.

If you want to show your kids "Stellaluna," read them the original book. This film will be a waste of time for them and it should never have been made.

No wonder this adaptation got panned.
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The Simpsons: Lisa Goes Gaga (2012)
Season 23, Episode 22
The Worst Episode of This Show I Have Ever Seen in My Life, Bar None.
4 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Being a fan of "The Simpsons," I feel offended and insulted at how utterly horrible "Lisa Goes Gaga" truly is. I just watched the episode on my computer and I now see why fans of the show hate it. It is the absolute worst thing this cartoon has ever put out.

The episode's first half is about how miserable Lisa is. It's almost like she's turned into Meg Griffin from "Family Guy;" an adult cartoon I hate with a passion. I was never a fan of Lisa, I find her to be an OK character, but she didn't deserve the cruelty that was given to her in this episode.

Then, all of a sudden, Lady Gaga comes to Springfield to try and make Lisa happy. I don't like Lady Gaga or her music, and her voice acting in this is terrible. She doesn't even try to put emotion or energy into her animated counterpart and just comes off as a shallow puppet.

The jokes in "Lisa Goes Gaga" are anything but funny. They range from downright mean-spirited to incomprehensibly stupid. There's one scene near the end where Moe gets run over by a train. How is that funny and how can the writers expect us to laugh at that? I can only hope this show does not go into "Family Guy's" route.

"Lisa Goes Gaga" is an episode you won't enjoy. It's mean-spirited, ugly and disgusting. The only part I liked was Gaga and Lisa's duet on stage, but that's about it. Even that nice moment can't save this episode from being atrociously awful. My advice is, avoid it.
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Insensitive, offensive and evil. Pure evil.
11 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not only the worst animated film I've seen in my whole entire life, it is the most disgusting, insensitive, atrocious, abysmal, putrid and offensive piece of trash that dares to call itself a cartoon. Titanic's story should not be sugarcoated and made for THREE YEAR OLDS!

As if "Titanic: The Legend Goes On" wasn't bad enough, "The Legend of the Titanic" has the gall to tell its target audience that "nobody died" in one of the most tragic disasters in history that killed a thousand people. What I am going to tell you in this review will get even more horrid.

What's that, you may ask? Oh, I don't know, how about this idiot octopus named Tentacles, after being tricked by gangster sharks, throwing an iceberg at the ship?!

But, wait! That's not all! The writers intentionally rip off James Cameron's film! How do I know this? Let's look at four reasons why.

1. A woman named Elizabeth has to marry a man she doesn't love; FYI, Maltravers.

2. A gypsy prince named Don Juan sees Elizabeth and later on, they fall in love... after sharing one line of freaking dialogue! I am so close to screaming right now.

3. Maltravers has his manservant, Jeffery spy on Elizabeth and Don Juan.

4. The beginning of the movie is told through flashback by an old mouse to his grandchildren. Sound familiar?

Not only does it borrow heavily from the James Cameron movie, it makes fun of the disaster and transforms it into a "save the whales" plot that has absolutely no place in the true story.

If they wanted to make a movie to save the whales, they should have come up with another plot instead of throwing it into a tragedy where 1,500 people perished in the freezing water.

Oh, but I'm not done, yet. Remember when I mentioned not a single person dies in this movie? Tentacles, while the Titanic is about to break in two, grabs it with his tentacles and puts it back together. I don't seem to remember an OCTOPUS COMING OUT OF THE WATER AND SAVING EVERYONE ON THE TITANIC BY KEEPING IT FROM BREAKING IN HALF!

Yeah, I'm sure the history articles and Cameron regret not putting that into the ship's story! At least, the 1997 masterpiece didn't have brain dead people and talking animals!

To sum up, "The Legend of the Titanic" is despicable. The animation is awful, the history is BEYOND insulting, and having no one die? The victims of Titanic are spinning in their graves.

This movie is a travesty and it baffles me human beings were behind it. This and "Titanic: The Animated Movie" should have never been green lit. It's a crime this movie, its sequel and the other film even exist.
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Absolutely disgusting. It does NOT deserve to exist on this planet.
27 October 2014
This "movie" practically takes a heartbreaking disaster that happened years ago, stomps on it, spits in the faces of the people who died, then proceeds to laugh at the both of them. I have never seen a movie so atrocious, abysmal and retched, that I hope I never have to watch it again. "Titanic: The Animated Movie" is a huge example of how not to turn a historical event into a kid's cartoon.

First off, the animation is incredibly horrible. I have never seen animation this lazy. Did the filmmakers' even TRY to put effort into it? No, of course, not. They were probably being just as lazy or didn't give two craps. I've watched TV shows and movies where the animation was very bad, but at least they were tolerable. This is just pathetic. The Titanic itself looks like it came out of an N64 console. A three year old could do better than these guys at animating.

The characters are bland and are nothing but rip offs of characters I saw from other movies, especially Disney. Angelica and William are basically clones of Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukator from the original James Cameron film, except the "poor" and "rich" roles are flipped.

There is also a family of mice that looks like Fivel's family from "An American Tail," two Dalmatians with red and blue collars, (where do you think that's from?) and various similarities which bring up one word: "Plagiarism."

Not to mention, there is a rapping dog in this film. No, I am not making it up. A RAPPING DOG IN SOMETHING ABOUT THE TITANIC! Can somebody please tell me, how anyone in the right mind, thought that was a great idea? Is this movie trying to be a comedy?

Comedy is something for movies that are written to be comedic, and it is not, in any way, appropriate for a historical subject .

Stay away from this piece of crap. If you think this'll be a good film, think again. It is beyond insulting, the animation and editing are the worst I have ever seen, and it is bound to make you angry at your species who made this.

At least, when Winsor McCoy created his silent cartoon about the Lusitania disaster, he got it right.
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Big Time Rush (2009–2013)
A "Big Time" Piece of Utter Crap
30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'll never understand why Nickelodeon had the gall to put this trash on the air. This show is a disaster in every sense of the word. The characters are completely unlikable, especially Carlos and Kendall's mother. Carlos has the personality of an immature child and I. Q. of a rock. A three year old has more smarts than this idiot. Kendall's mother is just an overreacting stereotype. I forgot to mention that all of the characters overreact to the smallest things. It's beyond ridiculous! Gustavo is a terrible music director for the main protagonists. You want proof? Here it is; He yells and screams at them, abuses them. etc. In one episode, he gave them ELECTRIC SHOCKS by pressing a button on a controller. I'm sorry, but that action, right there, is inexcusably cruel. If I were one of the members of this band, I would have quit, let the man go bankrupt and watch his company crumble to the ground. What a wonderful character Gustavo is! (Sarcasm, how I love thee).

Another major problem with this show is the acting. I have never seen such horrible acting on a show in my life. Don't even get me started on the cartoon sound effects. They worked in "Ned's Declassified," despite being a little annoying, but they fail to get a laugh in here.

"Big Time Rush" is utter crap. The acting is atrocious and it throws every pathetic little joke at you in the sad hopes of getting a laugh. If you want to see something by Scott Fellows that's funny and entertaining, watch "Ned's Declassified." That show is a hundred times better than this.
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Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby (1993 TV Movie)
Not All That Bad
9 September 2014
I have never actually been a fan of "The Flinstones," but this movie is the cutest thing I have ever watched. The thought of Pebbles and Bamm Bamm becoming parents is like a fan fiction come to life. It's just adorable. The animation is excellent and the characters have a certain charm to them. After seeing "I, Yabba Dabba Do," which was also good, on TV a couple times, I stumbled across a clip of this movie and just had to see it. I'm glad I did. Sure, the cartoon's not without its flaws, but they're drowned out by the sweet and tender nature it has to offer.

I give "Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby" an 8/10.
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Not as bad as everyone says it is. It's great.
2 September 2013
I first saw this movie on YouTube and I was really impressed. And, you know what? I still am! The story, animation, songs and characters are great, especially their human counterpart designs. It's too bad this has very mixed reviews, but, hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The movie is a treat to watch, however, I don't get why it was released to theaters in June 2013 when it clearly feels like a made-for-television film. It doesn't matter, this is such a wonderful piece following "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," regardless if it's a theatrical feature that's like a TV presentation.

In conclusion, "Equestria Girls" is an absolutely fantastic movie. I highly recommend it to everybody!
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What in the living Sam Hill is this?!
26 July 2013
Horrible isn't enough to describe how bad this piece of crap is. It's atrocious. Don't believe me? I actually saw it when the sneak peek came on Cartoon Network, and have watched the original YouTube series, but that show is like a two minute, tolerable short film compared to this! The characters are so one-dimensional, that they're painful to watch. Orange is a character that will make a person want to rip his or her ears out and scream. His puns are terrible and his laugh makes you want to bash your head into a ten story wall. The animation and CGI absolutely suck. It is the worst animation I have ever seen on a television program, next to "Chowder" and "Flapjack." Also, might I point out that the human in this show, called, "Nerville" or whatever the heck his name is, is worthless as a bunch of rocks?! Cartoon Network, do the world a favor and cancel this pathetic excuse of a show. You have lost the magic of what your channel truly used to be, and it hurts. Really, physically hurts.

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Sam & Cat (2013–2014)
Better Than I Expected it to Be
9 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw the premiere of "Sam and Cat" last night, and when I saw the trailers and previews for it before it came out, I was afraid it was going to be as horrible as the disgrace to comedy that is "Victorious." I was really wrong. From what I saw in the pilot episode, "Sam and Cat" didn't disappoint me at all. This show is very funny with the most adorable moments. Jennette McCurdy shines again as Sam Puckett, Carly Shay's best friend, only this time, she meets Cat Valentine and they become roommates, while starting a babysitting service in Cat's grandmother's home in L.A.

While she isn't as dumb in here like she was in "Victorious," Cat seems to have a few "slow in the head" moments, but she makes up for it quickly by being a sweet, charming character. Sam, on a good note, hasn't changed her personality at all. She is still the same hilarious, rough, aggressive teenager I loved on "iCarly." You do not even know how happy that makes me. She steals the show completely, with Cat helping her, of course.

Overall, "Sam and Cat" has amazed me. Its humor is cute and charming. It's better than I expected it to be. I am already in love with this show, and I just saw the first episode! Is it better than "iCarly?" No, it's up there with it on the scale! Is it funnier than "Victorious?" Oh, heck, yeah! Let's just cross our fingers that "Sam and Cat" gets better as time goes on.

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Daisy-Head Mayzie (1995 TV Movie)
A wonderful and entertaining movie, but it's not without its flaws.
19 April 2013
I remember having "Daisy-Head Mayzie" on videocassette when I was around three or four years old, and I loved it, mainly because the Cat in the Hat was in it. Now, in 2013 of this year, I was so happy to find it on YouTube last night. It felt great to see a lost piece of my early childhood once again.

However, I now realize this movie is not without a couple of flaws. The rhyming isn't all that perfect, and there is almost no explanation for some of the scenes. I understand why people are saying it's not the best "Dr. Seuss" special in the world, but I still love it, nonetheless. The animation is excellent and really lives up to Theodore Geisel's illustrations.

Overall, if you or your kids are Dr. Seuss fans, I highly recommend this special, regardless of its flaws.

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Dexter's Laboratory: Rude Removal (1998)
Season 2, Episode 0
Offensive, Disgusting and Painful to Watch
23 January 2013
Just because this is a "Dexter's Laboratory" episode, do not let it fool you. This is a disgusting, foul-mouthed, offensive disgrace disguised as it and I am shocked that Genndy Tartakovsky had the nerve to even make this thing. It feels like a horrible "Robot Chicken" skit, (don't get me started on THAT show), and "Family Guy" rolled into one. Don't get me started on "that" show, either. I know that this was an in-house project created as a gag for the real "Dexter's Lab," but I'm not giving this piece of garbage any excuses. It is absolutely terrible. Even its title card is revolting to look at. When I first saw the title card while watching it on YouTube, I was beyond outraged. The whole short is a complete, utter mess, with stereotypical, unfunny jokes, and a ridiculous amount of swearing. Thank goodness, it is bleeped out. Leonardo DiCaprio's "Titanic" is more child-friendly than this.

I don't care if "Rude Removal" is a "Dexter" short. In my personal opinion, it should have never been made or brought to television. It should have been thrown into the garbage where it belongs.

Rating: 1/10. (Like "Fritz the Cat," it doesn't deserve a chance).
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Back at the Barnyard (2007–2011)
Next time, Nickelodeon, leave the movies you make alone.
15 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I loved "Barnyard: The Original Party Animals" when it first came out. It was a funny and cute movie with action and a lesson for kids who were too selfish to be responsible, "A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others." That obviously meant for you to look out for your friends instead of thinking of yourself. When you turn such a great movie into a television show, what could possibly go wrong? "Back at the Barnyard" is your pitiful answer.

This show is so insipid and dumb, it makes Homer Simpson look smart. There is hardly any mention of Otis' lost father or Daisy and her calf, Ben. Most of the episodes consist, (I have seen a few), of the animals being stupid and messing around with the humans. We saw that once in the original film, Nickelodeon, why would you wanna make us see it again? One of the characters, Nora Beady, is a big example of "Back at the Barnyard's" cheesy and pointless jokes. I will admit that she was funny in "The Original Party Animals," but in this cartoon, she is so obsessed with trying to prove that Otis and his friends aren't normal, that it's just plain ridiculous.

And, might I point out, what is the purpose of Abby's character? She was never in the film, so why did they replace Daisy with her? It's completely useless and deserves an explanation.

Overall, "Back at the Barnyard" is a worthless cartoon that does nothing, but become terrible in every way possible. In my mind, there is only one "Barnyard," and that's the movie. All I have to say about this poor excuse for a cartoon is, thank goodness it is now gone.
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