
3 Reviews
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Nostalgic and Wonderful
15 May 2006
What a show! I remember watching this when I was so young, and for the longest time whenever I talked about it everyone thought I was crazy because no one remembered it. But just because a lot of people don't remember it that doesn't mean it wasn't terrific! This show had everything that little kids would want in a TV show—video game heroes, an imaginary land where your games come to life, a princess to appeal to little girls, and characters that could make you laugh. The main character, Kevin, completely has the whole 80's character feel to him: a smart aleck who loves everything electronic, takes on the world single-handedly, and being more into his video games than real life. It totally takes me back to being little, to the good 'ol days when 8-bit Nintendo was the best $100 you could spend, and cartoons were the way they should be—animation that ISN'T done on a computer, innocent (for the most part), and free of big-eyed, big-lipped sassy girls who only care about their clothes and makeup. I give this show an eight rating for its content, characters, and being so kid-friendly. The negative two points only exist because I haven't seen this show in seventeen years, and can't make an adult decision. It'd probably be more if I watched it now. : )
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25 March 2006
As a child of "Quest for the Crown," I grew up on these games and they never got old for me. When "Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow" came out, Sierra could do no wrong. This game is packed with adventure, logic puzzles, mythology, and an enticing plot that absolutely keeps the gamer interested the whole way through. Even at the age of seven I was captivated by the story of Prince Alexander traveling through all the islands, trying to find Princess Cassima. It takes some serious thought to solve all these riddles, making you feel like you're the most brilliant person alive when you do solve them. All in all I've give this game 10 stars, it's one of the best adventure games even made, let alone in its own time.
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Family Dog (1993)
Where did it go?!
28 July 2004
In 1993 I was six years old, and I remember watching "Family Dog" with my dad and my best friend. It was the funniest show ever! I remember one in particular when they all go to the zoo, and the little girl gets stuck in a cage with the lions. "Happy bunny happy bunny at the zoo zoo zoo!" Haha. Of course, the animation was terrible and I WAS six years old, but we could not get enough of it when we were younger.

But the show went off the air after only like fifteen episodes, if that many. Now that I'm older I realize that it must have sucked if it only stayed on for such a small amount of time, but I miss it nonetheless! They should put all the episodes on DVD or something. :'(
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