
6 Reviews
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I wanted to like this....
6 December 2023
...but I did not. The current 12/23 rating of 5.2 is accurate. I gave it five stars despite being a huge Daily Wire and Gina Carano fan. Poor Gina looks morbidly obese now, and would still be tough and stunningly beautiful if she would/could drop 50 or 60 lbs. So, right away I was visually put off.

Then I watched in horror as a slow, boring dreary, depressing movie unfolded. Nothing like the well written, acted and directed Run, Hide Fight which I have watched many times. I would have to be paid large sums of money to watch this abomination again.

But, I am sure the fledgling Daily Wire is well aware of their errors. The very green film production company seems to be course correcting for some superior upcoming content. I am going to watch the well received Lady Ballers right now.
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Anna (II) (2019)
A solid 7.5 for me
21 December 2022
I usually agree with the ratings for films on IMDB. That is why I only use them when researching media. The great thing about some films is that it shows off the great diversity of human likes and dislikes.

I like/love Luc Besson films in general. I LOVED his 1990's La Femme Nikita and LOVE Anne Anne Parillaud. Sexy, beautiful and immensely talented actress. And of course the famous French Directors wife at the time.

Anna is a 21rst century re imagining of Nikita, the beautiful former street urchin turned exotic, highly skilled assassins with John Wick level gun fighting scenes (which are QUITE well done, IMO).

Anna. Played by real life A list high fashion model Sasha Luss is intensely beautiful. Breathtakingly so. Which makes her cold, deadpan acting effective IMO. I believe we got the best performance out of her being so brand new to acting. Not great, but not bad either. Not at all.

Was I entertained? Oh, yes. So much so, that I am enjoying a second watch a few months later.

I give it a 7.5. IMDB sits at a 6.6 which I can definitely see. That is probably very fair and accurate. I just got more enjoyment out of the film than some people.

Even the critics were divided. Some by quite wide margins.

If you like well directed action, a good plot despite the obvious giant plot holes (ignore them) and the fantasy of a 110lb skinny fashion model throwing around 245lb men, then give it a try.

The gun play is great. The girls are stunning. The stunt double they used for Sasha Luss should have gotten an award! She earned every penny of her salary.
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NOT woke!!! Will never go broke.
3 June 2022
I did not think it was possible these days to produce any kind of Hollyweird film that was not hopelessly woke. I am down to paying for just one or two movies per year. However, I put this movie at the second best movie I have ever seen in my life.

Tips: 1) Do NOT read one single spoiler. Don't even watch the trailers before seeing this film. Your overall experience will be enhanced 100 fold.

2) Drive hours if necessary to see this in an IMAX theater. I have one of the best in the nation one mile from my house. Just lucky. Sit more to the rear. Sitting off to one side like I did is just fine.

3) When the plot just gets insane and unbelievable, go with it. You will be glad you did.

4) Bring a hanky. This old guy found it very emotional. I have seen the first film many times.

Remember.... NO spoilers before you see this!!!
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Apparently not for everyone
25 March 2022
You must have a fairly specific sense of humor to love this film. I have that sense. WHAT the sense of humor is, I am not certain.

Base, unsophisticated, crude, sophomoric? Probably. Guilty as charged. I have seen this movie at least five times.

If your sense of humor is hoity-toity and high brow, skip this great entertaining flick.

Good Karma and a happy ending. Hollyweird in 2022 needs MORE of this type anti woke, anti PC cinema.
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This movie proves some movies are not for everybody.
3 March 2022
The reviews are all over the place. I see extremely LOW ratings and many 7-9 star ratings.

I loved it. I have seen it many many times. I can say that for only a handful of films. I give this an 8.5. Call it a 9, because I cant do half stars for the review header.

I want to explain what type of person will love this movie, and find I am unable to. I don't know what kind of person will hate this movie either.

I read reviews to see if I would like a particular movie .

The only thing I can do is tell you what movies and TV shows I absolutely love: Seal Team, BSG the Ron Moore version, Deep Space 9, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, JAG, NCIS(only seasons 1-14), House, Almost Human, Sleeper Cell, Star Trek II, Vikings(Tv show). I have re watched all these many times.

I hope this helps you decide to watch this movie. I very much hope you enjoy it, if you do. Bon Appetit.

Big Dave.
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Bloodsport (1988)
Most memorable and iconic martial art characters, ever.
17 October 2021
Yes, 6.8 to a 7.0, that is being generous. Still, it is my favorite Van Damn film. And it is watchable over and over again every few years. Timeless characters. You can not forget them. Classic Van Damme at his peak level of physical fitness. Great 80's musical score. 1980's was a GREAT decade for entertaining films that hold up over time. Those films represent a time when many of us were also young and good looking... way back then.
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