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Excellent smart show with a female emphasis
10 May 2024
I just watched the 10th and final show (of season 1. The showrunner hopes for a season 2 - which is unannounced as of now.)

I love this show. I had to go back to watch the first minute of the first show - because it foreshadows the very end of the last episode.

Some criticize the characters as being stereotypes - and yes - but I quickly came to care about each character, even though there was one I looked down on and another I disliked because her politics were different than mine, but - the show did a great job of humanizing each journalist, and developing their history and motivations.

The show is so relevant to politics today.

Don't miss this great show. It deserves your attention.
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Wow - best movie ever to get inside the head of someone with OCD
5 May 2024
Beautifully filmed smart movie adorned with people great to look at that does a masterful job of explaining what goes on inside the head of a person with obsessive thoughts.

There have been a few other movies or TV shows that have examined 'mental illness' in the form of OCD, where your mind goes spiraling out of control with a thought you just can't stop letting control you.

This movie does such a great job of explaining how this happens, and compassionately treating the young woman who sufferes from OCD.

It's obvious that the author of the original book that this movie is based on had his own version of OCD.

I heartily recommend this movie. Girls will probably appreciate it more than the type of guy who wants car chases and shootem' ups. But I'm a guy, and I loved it.

Don't miss this.
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2 May 2024
I watched all the Dexter episodes at least 2 times each, maybe 3.

This is no Dexter - but I'm only going by the first 10 minutes - because I refuse to watch more than that.

It's just dumb.

Please read the other comments that give this sad effort low ratings before you invest your time in watching this junk.

My time is valuable, so I use IMDB to determine what is worth my time - and Dark City the Cleaner just doesn't seem to be it.

And there are limits to what I choose to expose myself to.

This guy who talks a fair amount like a dork - breaks into the house of a woman - and is holding her cat when she walks out of the bathroom - so she flees back inside the bathroom - and he tells her to come out or he will ....

That's it. I stopped watching at that point.

No thank you.
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Allegiance (2024– )
Very impressed so far
16 February 2024
I have to admit - I very often hate 'Canadian' movies and some Can. TV shows. But this show is impressive.

This is like a Canadian version of the TV series The Rookie, starring Nathan Fillion. The female lead is similar to Nathan's character in that she is competent to a impressive degree.

I've watched 2 episodes so far, and the action is great, and the show is SMART, and well filmed. It helps the main characters are pleasant to look at.

I'm not sure if I'll get tired of the show pushing the anti-racism message. It's present - but not offensively preachy so far.

I'm looking forward to the third ep. I'm already invested in the characters.
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So Help Me Todd: Iceland Was Horrible (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
OMG - Lisa Rinna is a plastic surgery freakazoid !!
16 February 2024
I'm sorry - but I just can't be distracted to the point of being obsessed with just how ridiculous Lisa Rinna looks in this show!

It's been a long time since I've seen someone who looks SO PLASTIC.

And - darn - but her face doesn't even MOVE.

And those lips. Is she TRYING to be a joke?

I'm torn about this show. I do care about the characters, BUT - the semi-lack of seriousness of the show is off-putting.

I know it's supposed to be - what, a comedy drame - but the comedy aspect of it just makes the characters seem not real - and somewhat of a joke.

I'm not sure I"ll keep watching this show.
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Comedy doesn't get any better than this
8 January 2024
I think many of the low ratings in these reviews are people who don't like her politics, or they are so uptight they don't like shocking, cutting edge, daring comedy.

I love it. Sarah has perfected her timing and she's so funny because she dares to go past safe boring jokes to lines that would fail miserably if delivery was attempted by a less talented comic.

I look forward to her next routine, and will certainly watch everything else I can, just because there are other mainstream comics out there that are just BORING.

Maybe I like the risky comedy that goes a bit over the line, and this sort of critique of society isn't what many people enjoy - but I just can't see how comedy can get much better than this - but everybody is not the same - and I guess these jokes make some people uncomfortable. Too bad for them.
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Moderately intersring
2 October 2023
I watched this documentary because I walk past this building most days, so I was curious to find out more about the building and its issues. But I would have prefered a version of this documentary that was half an hour long, desribing the 'fight' between longtime building renters and the new owners of the building, a foreign company.

I had to laugh at the representative of the Dutch company that was interviewed by the creators of the documentary - and I wonder if he was fired for how bad he made the carpet bagging owners look.

It was sad to hear how the long time superintendent family was fired and forced out of the building where they had lived and worked for years - with a one week eviction notice (which is standard for superintendents in Ontario (they have almost no protection from eviction) - and they were fired after talking about unsafe asbestos removal procedure in the basement.

You'll probably find this doc interesting if you are a tenant who is interested in the battle between tenants and building owners.
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Telemarketers (2023)
Everybody in the show is the worst person you've ever met
15 September 2023
I couldn't watch this. I recorded 3 episodes on my PVR, and then skipped through them, and I was nausiated by the disgusting appearance of EVERY person that came on the screen. Chain smoking drug using fat ugly dregs of humanity that are just so gross and repulsive that I couldn't endure looking at them - even if watching this documentary were to educate me about the awfulness of these criminal telemarketing firms that rip off so many gullible old people.

If you can get past just how unpleasant these people are to watch, maybe you will learn to be much more skeptical of phone calls you might receive that claim to be raising money for a good cause - and that would make this documentary worthwhile - and I guess there are lots of people who need to learn to not trust these con artists who make cold calls to try to fleece trusting people of their money - but some of us are already skeptical.

I guess this documentary is something you might want to encourage your grandparents to watch - and watch again every six months. But I was repulsed by just how awful everybody who came on the screen was - and I couldn't watch more than a minute of it. I skipped through all 3 episodes - but every place I stopped at just made my stomach turn. Maybe you will feel differently about watching these bottom dwellers.
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It's good - and very real
11 September 2023
One of the things that struck me about this movie fairly soon after the kids were first at their new home was how real this movie was.

  • very minor spoilers ahead -

This didn't seem like idealized Hollywood fantasy, but an accurate depiction of the difficulty in taking in 3 kids, one of them 15 years old, of a mom who wasn't able to take care of them.

Minor issues were the parents were white and the kids latino, but bigger issues were the scars the kids had to deal with and their fears and the real complications involved in starting a new life and trusting new people to take care of you.

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How to with John Wilson (2020–2023)
Meh - I've had enough of this show
2 September 2023
I've actually watched most episodes, and it seemed more interesting in Season 1 and 2 - but it's now Sept 2/23 and I've deleted this show from my PVR future recording list.

The recent show just meandered ALL OVER the place - with no real direction - and it seemed boring, and many shows so far this season (Season 3), just haven't had much to keep me watching.

I don't know if John has run out of ideas, or what - but the show seems to have been going downhill for a while now.

Today's show, that the description suggested was about theft of packages from doorsteps sounded interesting - but then it got into someone having medicine delivered to help her conceive a baby, which led to how they deliver organs for surgery, and then John said he 'accidentally' ended up doing an interview with people delivering organs (the type you play music on) ....

No clear direction and who cares? I don't. I'm out. There is lots of other interesting stuff to watch.
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Fun, funny, creative
19 August 2023
This movie starts off a bit slow, but I recommend you stick it out if you are a bit unsure during the first 20 minutes.

It is more creative than I assumed it would be, and, while, of course, this sort of story has been done before, and you can predict what you think will happen, there is lots going on and there are things to stick around to watch because they are pleasantly surprising and not just your standard boring story.

The female lead is fun to watch, and cute and yet she is slightly different looking. The male lead is a fairly typical uptight accountant.

I recommend you give this movie a chance. It's better than most of the Canadian movies I've seen. And it's fun. Funny.
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Clerk (2021)
Very disappointing
22 July 2023
I was looking forward to this documentary because I've very much enjoyed listening to Kevin Smith speak in the spoken word talks he's done. THE GUY CAN TALK !

But there is so very little of his great storytelling here - and I suppose if you really like his movies, you may enjoy learning more about him and listening to people talk about him - but I just found this so boring.

There is not much more I can say: I'd SO much prefer to listen to him speak and tell the entertaining stories that I've seen him tell - and they are much, much more fun to listen to than this drab, lifeless 'tribute' to the greatness of this man.
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Gravity (2013)
This movie is AWFUL !
3 July 2023
The ONLY good thing about this movie is the pretty visuals of space tech, etc.

EVERYTHING else about this movie is just incredibly bad.

Sandra is amazingly annoying, especially when she freaks out after things start to go wrong, and she turns into a useless hysterical little girl. She is fantastically unlikeable and I didn't care at all if she lived or died.

And you won't be surprised that I TRIED watching this piece of junk 3 times previously, and each time, I turned it off. The only reason I stuck it out to watch it to the end this time, is I was bored, and wanted to see what happened.

What a waste of time. Don't make the mistake I did.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
Liked first season, second season was unpleasant
17 June 2023
I liked the first season, and would rate that an 8. I liked the lead character, and enjoyed her courage and intellect.

But season 2 was very unpleasant, and depressing, and we are given a totally different view of the lead character. In season 2 she comes across as MUCH more manipulative, and mercenary, and controlling and money grubbing - and it's just depressing to watch her machinations to control her wealthy love interest.

It's nice to see the wealthy woman learn to stand up for herself and speak out about what she wants, and become her own person - but - I'm really surprised none of the reviews, except for one or two talk about how unfinished the end of the last episode of season 2 is.

It's obvious that the writers expected there to be a third season, because we are just left hanging at the end of ep. 8 of season 2.

I recommend you watch season 1. Skip season 2. It's just not fun to watch. I stuck it out to see what happened, and because I was committed - but I wish I didn't. I just keep coming back to the word unpleasant. That's how season 2 felt.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
Definitely worth a watch
30 May 2023
If you're like me, you read reviews here before deciding to invest your time in watching a movie. I read a bunch of reviews, because the title of this movie suggested it might be a really cheap B-grade waste of time written by morons with no talent, and directed by a similarly untalented director.

Thankfully, this isn't the case.

I almost stopped watching this movie about one third of the way through, because I was getting peeved watching a woman continue to be deceived by someone she obviously should have walked away from. It just made me angry that a woman would be dumb enough to keep believing lie after lie that she caught him in.

But thankfully I kept watching, and the movie got much better, and, as others have written, the last half keeps you on the edge of your seat, and it got good - with a satisfying ending.

I won't spoil things for you too much, except to say that this movie is based on a true scumbag conman, and there have been two documentaries about him, one in 2005, and a 2022 Netflix documentary.

It's really nice to see the main female 'victim' - played by Gemma, wise up and start to hunt this guy down. It's worth a watch.
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The female host looks 'so natural'
22 May 2023
OMG. This series is such a joke.

It's a cheap America's Funniest Videos knockoff, with terrible hosts that are SO CRINGE!

The female host has a shockingly fake plastic face with stupid puffed up lips and has got to be the WORST actress I've seen in a couple of years.

The hosts are very uncomfortable to watch, and the show is interspersed with the typical shots of the audience laughing in an over the top way at clips that are just like that 'other funny videos show.'

One of the interesting things about the show is the Real or Fake series where they display 3 products, one of which is real, and you are supposed to guess which is real - like a combination shower head/coffee kettle. (Like there is no risk to running electricity into your shower to boil water !)
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This is the worst movie I've seen in years
3 April 2023
I just can't believe the stupidity of the writers of this so called movie. I mean how can any half intelligent person watch this garbage and not jump up and down and scream at the screen: "No character would do THAT!"

This movie is so terrible that it's made me want to start a blacklist of shockingly bad writers - so that if I ever see another movie that I'm thinking of watching - and they wrote it - then I will NEVER give that trash a minute of my time.

I'd like the power to erase any movie created by these talentless hacks from my search results and movie listings and TV guide listings.

That should soon be possible, now that Artificial Intelligence like ChatGPT is becoming so powerful?

I wrote this review without spoilers - because I want to warn people, who, like me, read the reviews here before they decide to invest the time in watching something, or, god, worse - PAYING to watch such a terrible movie. And I can guarantee you, that if I saw this in the theater, and had to actually pay for the insult of wasting my time and trouble going out to see a show - I would DEMAND a refund - and I've only ever done that once before - and I'm over 60 years old - and I watch way, way, way too much TV and movies - so I've probably seen 3 times as much TV as the average person (I guess I'm lucky enough to have enough spare time that I have the TV on 15 hours a day.)

But this movie is just SO BAD! Even the acting is a little cringy at times - and even some of the scenes with such a great actor as Gerard Butler were so poor that they snapped me out of the movie and reminded me that I was watching someone act - if you know what I mean. I don't think I'm giving a spoiler at all to mention a scene where he's talking to his (pretty) wife on a dock - and his acting is just so self-conscious and poor that it spoiled the scene.

And Gerard does dumb thing after dumb thing - just to move the plot along to create action and tension and a rollercoaster ride of excitement.

But I just kept rolling my eyes again and again - asking why would he do THAT! It isn't logical. It's stupid. It doesn't make any sense - and so do so many of the things other actors were doing in the movie - especially at the 'farm'/camp.

I'm not really giving you a spoiler to say that some drug addict is seen running around in his underwear, firing off a gun - and nobody bats an eye about this - but it seems the lazy stupid writers needed to throw this dumbness in so as to explain why NOBODY reacts to a gun battle in the middle of an area with dozens of people within 50 feet of the shootout!! Hello?

And I don't want to create a spoiler, so I'll be a little vague - but it's just SO DUMB there there is tons and tons of something that you wouldn't have all together close to whacked out people running around out of control like idiots in a situation that no sane person would set up - because it's just not safe. You will know what I mean when you get to that point - late in the movie.

Oh - and there is an explosion - with the WORST CGI you've ever seen in your life. Laughable. They probably spend $100 to create those terrible effects.

Oh - and then the main cop investigating the disappearance lets someone get away with a BUNCH of extremely serious crimes.

Don't waste your time watching this movie.

And if you do watch this dreck after reading this warning - I told you so.

PS: If you are one of the 49% of the population that is on the lower half the IQ belle curve - then maybe you will find this movie entertaining. And I'm sure some of the 10 star reviews posted here are paid for. It's a giveaway when you look at the profile of the person reviewing the movie - and they have never reviewed any other movie.

But - gee - can you tell that this movie made me angry? Just a bit?
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Decent movie - well done
30 December 2022
I was pleasantly surprised by this 'little' 'low budget' movie.

The writing was good, and the story progressed without being obvious and predictable, although, now that I think of that - we expect the student to grow and learn and there to be a happy ending, and it's easy to also assume the student will teach the teacher.

I enjoyed this movie, and it didn't drag.

The writing was smart - and educational about standup comedy - and I'd recommend this to anybody who likes standup, and has ever had any thoughts that they could be funny.

This movie could be homework for anyone with dreams of being a comic - but is pleasant enough that watching it doesn't seem like 'work.'

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Mermaids (1990)
I love this movie
27 December 2022
I've seen this movie SO many times over the years - and watch it when it comes on TV - and it makes me laugh - and cry.

Everything about it seems perfect. All the actors are great. Cher and Winona are so memorable - and little Bob Hoskins is a riot.

I'm sure I'll watch this again in a few years. It's a bit like visiting home. It brings back memories of screwed up parents, and the fear of trying love and sex and life for the first time.

This movie will be in my top 100.

I don't want it to end.

It's cool to Ricci in such an early role. It makes me wish there were more with Cher to watch - and hunk love interest was so pretty.
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Red Rover (2018)
Smart honest movie
27 December 2022
I usually hate low budget movies and am very skeptical of 'Canadian' movies - but THIS movie SHOULD be seen by FAR more people than will sadly ever see it.

(Very) Minor spoilers ahead:

I don't think I'm giving too much away to say this guy is like so many of us who don't feel listened to or respected or valued - and if everything in life was ending, like your job, relationship, home - wouldn't you want to 'run away to Mars' - to just stick your head in the sand like an Ostrich, and run away from everything?

This movie has a fairly large audience out there - of sensitive, intelligent people - who are feeling alone, and unappreciated.

It's really well done, and worth your time invested in watching it.

Maybe I'm getting old - but I used to watch all the shootem' up movies - but I'd now rather see more movies like this.

Strongly recommended.
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Darn, this guy can TALK!
4 September 2022
I watched this again recently, and was impressed again by how smart, and open this guy is. He's a pleasure to listen to, and entertaining, and says some surprising things.

He's so entertaining, that the time passes quickly while listening to him.

Looking at him, and knowing that he. Started as a punk rocker, I might have simply assumed that he was a meathead - but he seems intelligent, and might even be a better speaker than Kevin Smith.

It's funny to read the outraged reviews written by dumb conservatives who are made to feel so uncomfortable by his 'liberal' opinions. And I don't think I'm betraying any spoilers to describe the delight he takes in replying to homophobes who assume that he is gay because he was seen out with RuPaul. He describes how he toys with the bigots and rocks their world by shocking them with witty replies that he knows they won't be able to handle.
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2 September 2022
I'm skeptical of Canadian movies, but this one is 'extra' Canadian.

The actress is OK looking, with great red hair, but I think she's a poor actor, and the writing is just AWFUL.

Most of the other acting is poor, but this movie comes across as SO cheesy. Again and again and again, near the start, I rolled my eyes so hard, because the events are just SO ridiculous.

If you have young children, they might enjoy watching this to see big cats and 'dogs' (wolves) - but everything else about it is just dumb and poorly written and cringy.

This feels like an effort from first time writers/directors/producers who don't really have much talent.
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True Detective (2014– )
Ep 5 in Season 4 is FINALLY getting GOOD
28 July 2022
This is a review update: to talk about Season 4

I understand why the reviews of the most recent season, Season 4 include many very negative reviews - but please stick out watching the season: because the fifth episode of Season 4 gets VERY good.

I wasn't enjoying the first 4 episodes greatly, but the action really gets going in the episode that aired Feb 10, 2024.

............................... I'm stunned that the reviews of Season 2 are so terrible. I don't remember if I watched season 1 - but 2 is just phenomenal.

I'm watching it again now - and just WOW.

And there will NEVER be titles/opening credits that can every compare to the Season 2 opening music and visuals. Spectacular.
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13 July 2022
The first episode I watched - and the very weird looking Snoop Dog BRAGS about stealing other peoples packages.

The host of this show is a scumbag porch pirate - and he's PROUD of it - as if it's something that people should admire.
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My God! Gloria Estefan is a TERRIBLE actress
20 June 2022
The first scene with Gloria. And Andy Garcia in the therapists office, it was as if Gloria wasn't even in the same room with Andy. Terrible chemistry, and WOW, Gloria should never try acting in anything ever again!

I gave up on this 10 minutes into it. You should too.

Trust the terrible reviews.

This is awful.

A total waste of your time.
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