
221 Reviews
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Our Friend (2019)
Don't waste your time.
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with many of the other reviewers about the timeline changing back and forth. Why do films do this? I don't get it. But that said, Jason Segels character was too nice and even the family suffering was selfish in allowing him to throw away his life, while going through many relationships. If one had any sympathy for Nicole, it was lost when she was caught as a cheater and then in a fit of rage, said she attacked her husband and said she was glad she f'ed her lover. Her husband seems to take blame for her cheating , because he had the audacity of working away from home to take care of his family. Just a weak movie and Casey Affleck is just coattailing on his brother. What a horrible , listless actor , who is only successful because of nepotism. Long film and not worth the watch.
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Freaks and Geeks (1999–2000)
An absolute work of art
10 March 2021
Great acting, great plotlines, great directions. Though I am saddened this show lasted only 18 episodes, I thoroughly enjoyed it, like looking at a rare butterfly for a few seconds that flies away just as quickly. This is what I take out of this beautiful show. I thought the show captured the turn of the decade,80-81, beautifully; Especially since that was my senior year, so I know what I am talking about. The mixture of the faculty, students and parents was the perfect recipe. This show also, did something that most shows have not---They captured each personality from all angles of every prominent character and there were many. They captured the boldness, vulnerabilities, ambitions, defeatism sensitivities as well as how in many ways the characters personalities , despite sociological and financial differences etc., were very similar as well as different in their everyday plights to weather adolescence and face the issues, dilemmas and pressures of going through the rituals of not just the "here and now" but concerns for their futures. Simply an awesome show that is worth the watch.

Furthermore , the shame of this show is that if it were released today with all the streaming services available, is that it would have had a longer shelf life, despite being somewhat niche entertainment.
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Nomadland (2020)
Ho hum
24 February 2021
Other than the fine acting and a good premise, this film did not deliver. There was nothing out of the ordinary. No shocking surprises, action or even a bad character in the film. Quite frankly , I don't get the fuss. This film based on truth, still could have had more pizzazz and it simply did not. Such a shame too, because I actually believed the hype and I was let down.
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The Goldbergs: Eracism (2020)
Season 8, Episode 6
Lighten up Folks.
2 December 2020
Admittedly, not one of the funnier episodes, but it was poignant. It seems to me many people were butthurt about this episode. I thought it was well done and the irony is that people who reviewed this and dismissed this episode as politically incorrect or whatever, are probably the racist people inferred in this episode. Very sad. And about the people making comments about THE GOLDBERGS ignoring that they were Jewish; They were mistaken. The Grandfather did make mention of that sort of thing. Remember this is America 1980 something, not Germany in the 30's/40's. I am disappointed in the reviews that seemed to just want to gloss over the bigotry in our nation. I think an episode like this actually will help people who realize that maybe they should think about how their actions and words could hurt others. Is it wrong to be concerned about others feelings? I don't think so.
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B Positive (2020–2022)
Laugh Track for a show with no laughs.
9 November 2020
This is an absolutely awful show. I can not believe this was greenlighted. Simply wow. The laugh track was annoying as well. Why don't these shows just eliminate those silly laughtracks. There weren't even any laughs. Annaleigh Ashford was obnoxious and not funny at all. Middleton who is the straightman for AA's foil was bad as well and too monotone. I don't get this show and the ridiculous premise. This show wont last. It is bad on every level.
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Me Too would and should be angry.
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible film. CEO's should not initiate personal relationships with subordinates. This is one of the most disgusting films I have ever seen. The main lady character was immoral as well, the way she treated her bf. Just an awful ROCO with a slew of characters that lacked moral values. The idea seemed like a nice idea for a film, but they veered into a direction that is just wrong on so many levels. I truly am surprised that the METOO movement did not come after a movie like this in of course a negative way; Especially since we have a world of Harvey Weinsteins that need to be exposed if they were not exposed already. I was angry and of course knew the ugly direction this would go. Nothing new here.
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Last Sunset (2006)
Not Believable
18 September 2019
Besides the fact that the film was shot very shoddily, it just seemed silly. While the film did keep my interest, I will give it that. It sometimes seemed to be a film that was supposed to be modern day mid 2000's and yet it seemed dated. No cell phones were seen or used as well an instant camera being used. Also, it was made clear the lover was 18 and yet he had a chest tattoo that looked worn. Obviously it was an older actor playing the part or else the character in the film was about 8 when he got said tattoo. Things like that annoyed me. Just sloppy. They could have easily covered the tattoo while there were also too many other loose ends and inconceivable storylines and circumstances.
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Very Bad Taste
1 June 2019
I could not get past the anti-Semitism. This was a joke, even from the first scene where a supposed Jewish customer is bragging about a big tip and then the main character actually not taking the tip. I am surprised seasoned Jewish actors like Lainie Kazan and Eliot Gould would submit to this travesty. Simply horrible and other than wasted acting, the movie was a hate filled film against Judaism.
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The Cool Kids (2018–2019)
Addition by subtraction
19 March 2019
I think that Martin Mull. David Alan Grier and of course Vicki Lawrence are fine; But that 4th character is annoying and brings the whole show down. I have no problem with gay characters, but Lesley is just not funny and can not act his way out of a paper bag. His accent is annoying as well. I think this show would be a 7 instead of a 5 if they replaced the aforementioned character. Also, this is an era that mostly does not used canned laughs. THE COOL KIDS should abide by that.
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One last gasp
22 October 2018
This was simply awesome. It was nostalgic and just great to get a last tv special with Burt , Adam and Julie. One arch villain voice is better than none. Putting this on a cartoon for obvious reasons was just fantastic. It sort of takes us back to the mid 60s and to get this one last time, even with a silly plot makes it a special gift for fans of this campy show.
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Red Oaks (2014–2017)
Entertaining but unrealistic
22 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First the positive; The story kept my attention and the plotlines were interesting for the most part. BUT, it was hard to get past David Meier and his stoner buddy Wheeler. David was a short, dead pan, at best average looking going nowhere young guy, who was dating a hot daughter of a multi-millionaire. Unrealistic to say the least. Wheeler his buddy , was an obese, unkempt messy guy who gets the hot lifeguard. Both these women were women that could easily have accomplished , handsome, professional men and yet chose to be with such losers that did not even have the bad boy aspect going for them. I somehow got passed that and enjoyed the show. The supporting characters, Richard Kind, Paul Reiser and Jennifer Grey were awesome. Not to forget , the character of Nash as the overweight horny tennis instructor , was also a very funny character. Enjoy this sitcom for what it is and you wont be disappointed .
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Not realistic
18 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What kind of a man attends the wedding of an ex-gf? What kind of an ex-gf, seemingly makes it an obligation to attend said wedding? This makes no sense to me in the real world. This is not only wrong but screams of an attention whore. I wonder why one would not only want to rub it in her exes face but also put her significant other in an uncomfortable spot.
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Doonby (2013)
Was abortion even legal in 67 in Louisiana?
18 November 2017
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A young mother basically being thrown to the coals because of an abortion. This film was so far right wing ideology and it was not even historically accurate. Basically a fantasy film about a man that never was because he was aborted. He was heroic and they actually portrayed the film in a bar in Texas run and owned by a black man. Like a bunch of right wing redneck country boys would frequent such a bar. One of the bad guys was from NYC. This was utterly ridiculous. Also, why is it assumed that aborted babies would be heroic anyway?
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
How did Wynona Ryder get an Emmy nomination?
30 October 2017
This show lost 2 points because of Wynona Ryder. I enjoyed the little story, but was annoyed with every WR scene. one of the most absolutely disgusting acting jobs I have seen in years. This could have been a 12 year old girl from a middle school play. The story itself, although done before was riveting, and kept my attention and I liked the ending. That said, I will not be watching season 2 , with another dreadful season of WR.
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Like , Man this is a bad show
22 February 2013
Think hippy version of "Saved by the Bell" , which was preppy a couple decades plus later. Comparisons to "Square Pegs", with the valley talk are at minimum, being this is based more on stories from boys. That said, this was not a good show. The forced dialogue of saying words such as man,like or cat was just too much. It seemed every sentence had at least one of those words and they even had the authority figures saying these words, including parents and teachers and police officers. I just thought it was over the top. Kind of cultish , which I understand would appeal to a certain segment. Other than that , a show I was disappointed in seeing, after a lot of hype. I gave it 3 episodes and still do not like it. I give it the 3 stars based on superb acting. Very simple show but it translates to dullsville.
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Taken 2 (2012)
Sequel for the sake of a sequel
14 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I did give this an average rating for the acting and action. It did not put us to sleep. That said, this film was very ordinary with no twists or anything shocking . It had that feel of a romantic comedy where everything that you expect happens. The film just veered along smoothly and that was the problem. In other Liam Neeson movies, "Taken" and 'The Other Man" come to mind; There were twists galore , which made for an exciting movie going experience. It was clear this was along the lines of the Rocky series and other brand movie series , this was made simply for a big ,guaranteed paycheck. Not much thought went into this film. It was most likely rushed to get it into the theaters for that big payday. Shame on Liam Neeson, for this project. Hopefully, he stays away from Hollywood greed like this and becomes relevant again in his next film.
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Tried to be Artsy
12 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The film was enjoyable but it tried too much to be artsy. The biggest problem I had was that the film jumped from one date to another without rhyme or reason. It had that quirky feel and was definitely different than a typical romantic comedy. I still felt the film lacked in consistency . The acting was fine as was the direction. 500 days represents the length of the the relationship. Ultimately what kept this film from being extraordinary was that it tried too hard to be different. I think by jumping around it confused the viewer of the film. It truly was a film worth watching but it could have been much more.
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Avoid this film like the plague
14 August 2011
I was actually embarrassed for the headline actors, Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. The material was not good nor were the jokes. Justin Timberlake was bad enough to begin, as usual. Mila Kunis is normally better than this. I guess she was playing down to her material and co-star. Either way the acting was horrible as was the plot and the direction. A negative trifecta. If there were any redeeming factors to the film it was the supporting actors. All of which I felt did an excellent job with the material they had to work. Patricia Clarkson, Woody Harrelson, Richard Jenkins and even Jenna Elfman, respectively. The film was predictable which is OK in this genre. Just a sloppy project in every facet. Save your time and bypass this one.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Too much on the plate
4 May 2011
This film was basically satire. There was no real plot. The nonsensical plot lines; seemed like there were a hundred or so, just made this silly. The way this film seemed to veer, the average joe or criminal can gain super powers just by walking out the door. This was just a very silly film that was just made to bring the spiderman brand some built in bucks. The special effects were fine, thus the 2 stars. This project was an insult to my intelligence and just another disrespectful film fed to the masses with little care for the consumer. The acting was fine , though Spiderman was made into an egotistical , unlikable young man. Kirsten Dunst was whiny most of the film. Save your 2 plus hours .
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Retired at 35 (2011–2012)
All over the Place
3 February 2011
I saw the first 2 episodes and I truly thought this show overplayed its cards. There was so much happening in these ep's that I thought I was watching a soap opera. It was like the writers were trying too hard to get peoples attention. The show itself, was not well acted , well scripted or even well directed. This was an unorganized mess that was not only silly but not believable at all. George Segal was fine as was Jessica Walters. I would only hope these fine tenured actors would not have this show being their legacy. The premise of the show was actually a good one; Middle age son moving to his parents Floridian nest to get out of the big city rat race. It was just not articulated in the proper way or with the best actors.
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Wave Babes (2003 Video)
Hate Reviewing this But I Will
24 January 2011
I must say that the actors and directors and everyone in between put their heart into this project. I saw the extras and really liked the people that did this film and the improvision. The fact that most of the people involved with this, multi-tasked , including the actors. I have to say this dreadfully, that this film was horrible. I can put my heart into playing a major league game but I will still strike out every time. My point being that every facet of this film was bad; The writing, the script, the direction, the acting, the cinematography. It was a dull movie from start to finish. 3 middle age women reliving their past at the beach , they used to hang. Old scores to settle, old friends to party along with new ones. This was simply a bad film, which brought nothing new to the table. There is no redemption from anything even remotely attached to this film. The extras are actually better than the movie itself. Enough said.
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Sanford and Son: Aunt Esther Meets Her Son (1976)
Season 6, Episode 11
Atheism is not a disease
13 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the most disgusting TV episodes I have ever seen. Esther meets her adopted son, who happens to be an atheist teen. Basically, This episode portrays atheism as something that is horrible and morally wrong. I thought this episode placed religion in a bad light by showing how judgmental one can be. Obviously, I did not like this episode and particularly did not care for the negative connotation placed with atheism. This could have been a wonderful episode , embracing differences not shunning them. Shame on the writers of this for this awful , hateful episode. The bright side is that the other S and S eps are much better.
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Could have been an awards contender
19 December 2010
I think it is a shame. The storyline was very deep and the twists in the film, magnificent. The acting was good and just seemed like a film that would be Oscar worthy. Now here is the problem. The film veered, in and out, from a dramatic effort to high school/college fratboy humor. This was lethal for the esteem of this film. Humor would have been fine but the over the top humor that this film resorted , did not fit the sensitive, serious nature of the film. The basic premise of the film was a womanizing,goofball pharmaceutical salesman falling in love with a young lady with some issues. I will leave this vague. I thought it was a creative , refreshing effort but the sellout to the fratboy humor I alluded, took this film from extraordinary to ordinary.
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Paul Simon, Paul Simon and more Paul Simon
29 November 2010
I wonder about this episode. I loved the first five seasons of this show , but this episode had to be the worst episode ever. It seemed to me that Lorne Michaels lost a bet to Paul Simon and had to feature him for most of this episode. Basically this episode had few comic moments and even the one funny skit with Paul Simon playing basketball with an NBAer, had Pauls music blasting. This was basically a Paul Simon concert with a number from Randy Newman and Phoebe Snow as well as Art Garfunkle doing duets with Paul. This was an atrocious episode and the only time the cast did not bow out at the end. My guess is that even they were upset at the direction of the show and refused to be a part of the final curtain. I can not say I blame them. What were they thinking or maybe not thinking at all? I do not know . Maybe Paul Simons label paid for the production of the episode to promote Pauls latest concert or record.
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The Other Man (2008)
Hidden Gem
6 November 2010
This was a film that explored the characters to the fullest. There were no stones left unturned . The results of this film was one surprising twist after another. The acting was top notch as was the suspense. The churning of my stomach was non-stop; Which is a good thing. A psychological thriller for sure. Basically we know the plot from the film explanation; Husband discovers wife had affair, goes to any length to find her lover and film takes off from there. Liam Neeson does not disappoint . Banderas was Banderas, basically the same character in every film and that was OK. Linney and the rest of the cast were serviceable. This film was unique from other films that are like this and that is what contributed to my high rating. This was a very emotionally charged film that dared to veer from the vanilla script that we see too often. Many times in my head I tried to guess what would happen next and I was wrong. Keeping the viewer wrong is a sign of great film making.
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