
17 Reviews
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An Original Slasher Movie With All The Right Elements But..
25 November 2013
I know a lot of people probably read my title then saw my rating of 6 out of 10 and asked themselves why would he do that? Its true this movie is a fresh take on the slasher genre and Freddy is a wonderfully designed character. The kills are great which is usually all I need to enjoy this type of movie. However a few things bother me when it comes to not only this one but the whole series.(Relax I am only reviewing what I think of this one and not the series).

First off the comparisons between this and Friday the 13th is ridiculous. FT13 simplifies the slasher genre and makes it fun and gory and is one of the FEW slashers where you actually root for the bad guy. Here we have a child killer(admit he was a pervert to) who comes to you in your dreams. While most people say he is scarier than other slashers because you can not get away from your dreams, you can't get away from Jason either since he can not die. Also when Freddy does come to the real world he always gets his @$$ kicked. Onto the film.

I won't talk of the story because in slashers its always basic. Instead I will talk of the concept. I love Wes Craven's works and think Scream was a great slasher series. The ideas presented in this movie are great concepts. I mean a serial killer all burnt up with a glove on his right hand with knives on each finger is a great design. He invades your dreams and kills you off in sick ways. While it is interesting I just do not find this movie to be all that great. While the later ones get more humor put in, I feel this one has just as much black humor and I think it works against it. Freddy has great one liners but a character needs more than that in slashers. The kills are good like I said earlier but they still don't entertain me as much as FT13's or Halloween's.

I will admit the remake that came out in 2010 had a lot of problems with it. The pacing was pretty bad and while I enjoyed the kills, I wish they wouldn't have copied some of the kills from the original. However the one shining character in the remake is Jackie Earl's portrayal of Freddy. Robert England did a good job but Jackie actually makes Freddy menacing. I believe with a more original story put behind it he could become a great Freddy. Also for all you fans saying FT13 turned slashers into cliché's. I agree to a point but NOES does the same. This has original ideas but the series would go on to do what all successful slasher series do and get made for the cash. Maybe I will do a report on these two franchises and show what each did do and didn't compared to the other. IN till then this movie stays at a 6 outta 10. It is a good movie with original ideas but I don't find Freddy all that creepy or interesting. If you haven't seen it don't let my review stop you from seeing it. With this movie you will either love it or just like it which is something you can't say for a lot of slashers.
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Get Mad But I Find this one slightly better than the original
25 November 2013
But to be fair I only gave the original a 6 out of 10 so this one actually surprised me when I watched it. First I will talk about what bothers me in this movie.

First off the acting wasn't that good(except for one exception which will be in my next paragraph). The teenagers all look like their in the late 20's which usually doesn't bother me but ALL OF THEM look way to old. The two leads do an OK job but it wasn't spectacular. The parents also didn't do a good job so overall the acting was mehh throughout. The pacing also was off and sometimes the movie would get a little boring which shouldn't happen in a slasher. Also the ending seemed to be a little over the top and the Welcome To.....line has already been used before so why do it again?

The one thing I loved about this movie and why I rate it slightly higher than the original(only one point higher to be exact) is Jackie Earle Haley's portrayal of Freddy. Everything from his voice to his movements just work great. He actually manages to creep me out which is something the original series could never do. I hate they took a few kills from the original and pretty much redid them here but I found he did a great job. I honestly didn't know what to think and unlike Robert Englund who put some humor into Freddy, Jackie makes him seem very chilling and thrilling.

Overall I understand why the original is so highly rated and why this was a big flop budget wise. But to me I did enjoy this film and it has a lot of weak points but Freddy alone in this movie is worth the price of admission. Keep an open mind and you might think the same. I give it a 7 outta 10.
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Carrie (1976)
What a Disappointment
25 November 2013
I never watched this movie in till last night. I was born in 1990 but I love going back and watching what my dad calls the classics. This is one movie I just never watched but with the remake out now I decided to watch this before I saw that one. I couldn't be more let down.

For those of you who don't know this movie revolves around a teenager named Carrie(duh right?) who doesn't fit in with anyone at school. She gets her period while taking a shower in gym class and because her mother is a religious fanatic and doesn't tell her how her body works, Carrie thinks something is really wrong and when she asks for help they all bully her and pick on her. The catch is she actually has telekinetic powers and she slowly learns how to use them throughout the movie. The movie continues from there all the way in till prom where she is the center of attention thanks to a very cruel joke. I really thought I would enjoy this movie but unfortunately I didn't.

Before I say why I didn't like this movie I did feel for her character and what she went through. I thought it was set up very well and just because it was set up in 1976 didn't detract anything for me. Bullying is bullying to me so that has nothing to do with it. Something was just off for me in this movie. Everything seemed to work but by the time the credits rolled I asked myself Why Didn't I like this movie?

One reason is actually the prom scene. I know it is 1976 and the effects aren't as good as today but she managed to kill people with a fire hose? That scene was so boring to me and the whole time Carrie is just staring real hard at everyone. I found her portrayal good all the way in till that scene. After that her acting was dumb ed down. Her mother was one of the worse acting jobs I have ever seen. She was a religious freak but she didn't creep me out because most of her time on screen I thought she was trying to be funny. Carrie's gym teacher did do a good job though but not good enough to save it.

Overall it wasn't a bad movie and I didn't go in with any expectations. It is just this movie gets so much love and the remake keeps getting bashed more than recent remakes. So I told myself either the remake is that bad or the original is that good. Well I can't speak on the remake but this is not that good. I also believe in judging a movie on its own merits instead of comparing two movies separated by almost 37 years. In-less it is a shoot for shoot remake which I read it is not, I don't see how it can be any worse. If it is I guess I am missing out on something. I give it a 5 outta 10. I love almost any horror and sub- horror genre but this movie just didn't do anything special for me. I consider it below average.
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Very Hard to Review this Movie
25 November 2013
I keep asking myself how do I review this movie? For those of you who don't know this movie consists of extremely short horror films, one for each letter of the alphabet. It is a very ambitious film that actually works. I wont detail each movie because there isn't enough space to even do half of it. I will call out the strongest and weakest though so you can judge based off of that.

I enjoyed letters D and letters C. Both were unique and the endings to both were just out there. Letter E was OK but I knew someone who had something similar happen but only to his "private parts" so I was kind of grossed out. Letter X was amazingly well done and made a bold statement. K was animation but still funny in a sick way. Letter F was over the top and while not scary I just couldn't stop laughing. If you know Japanese culture then F will crack you up.

The two best are the letter T and the Letter L. T was amazing and I liked the set up. Letter L was out there and is my favorite and the ending is just really sick. Directed by the Mo Brothers I was amazed by it.

While I enjoyed most of these, the letter H was stupid and disappointing. A lot of these films were only decent though which is an accomplishment considering there are 26 shorts in total. One of the fun parts is trying to guess the word used for each short while watching it. That is why I only called the letter out instead of saying the name. Have fun guessing which word each story is based off of. It goes in ABC order so if your watching segment J you know the word has to be based off of a word with J. This was a fun movie and if you like horror I believe you will like this movie. The ones I called out are only my personal opinion and some of them were just funny and others creepy. Each film averages about 4 minutes maybe with some shorter and others a little longer. The talent on this movie was amazing and I cant wait for the sequel which is being made right now. Overall I give it a 7 outta 10.
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
Better than the first because of Safe Haven
25 November 2013
I liked the original and this one surprised me. While not every story was top notch one stands out as original and had great direction.

Tape 1-Phase 1 Clinical Trials, This was a decent Ghost Story but was not very memorable. Did have a few scares and was fun to watch.6/10

Tape 2-A Ride In The Park, This one was fun and creative. Wasn't scary but I did like the set up and actually seeing the perspective of a Zombie was real cool. It has a lot of gore and while I don't really like zombies this one was nice to watch. 7/10.

Tape 3-Safe Haven, This is the best out of the bunch. Details an investigative team going into a religious cult and the outcome is insane and over the top. Has the best pacing and while there aren't many jump scares, it really manages to creep you out the whole time through. Also it is directed by the Mo Brothers who also did the ABC's Of Death letter L which was one of the best on that horror movie and did Macabre which I will link my review to that movie in the end. 9/10

Tape 4-Alien Abduction, Most people consider this the weakest of the bunch but Tape 1 was the weakest in my opinion. This has a nice set up and the effects are good for a short. Wasn't creepy like Safe Haven but it kept me interested in till the end. 8/10

Tape 49- The main story about two private investigators watching the tapes in a house where their looking for a kid from the first VHS. It was OK and while not the best story, it did give us a reason for watching the tapes which is nice. 6/10

Overall this movie gets a 7/10. Safe Haven was great and I never knew it was by the Mo Brothers in till I watched Macabre. That was great knowing that. My link to Macabre and my review.

Check out my review for that movie as it is my surprise of the year for 2013. If you liked the first VHS then you will like this one. I find this one to be a little better and more creative. Not sure if they will do a third one but I would be open to it.
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Another Anthology that is better than most
25 November 2013
I admit that while I heard quite a few good things about this movie I held off on it because I typically do not like anthologies but this one was pretty good and original. I will speak on the ones that stood out to me.

The Mother of Toads was OK but nothing special. It involves a couple and a witch. I wont say much more but honestly I thought this movie would be a let down after they started with this. 6/10

I Love You was actually pretty interesting and had a nice story. You do feel for the guy if you have been in a similar position but it goes a little crazy in the end. 7/10

Wet Dreams Has Tom Savini directing so the effects are top notch and probably the best of any of the films. I did like the story and this was my second favorite on this film. Just a little side note, you will either love it or hate it so I understand the reviews not liking this one.8/10

The next three are decent except for sweets which I hated. Vision Stains and The Accident are good however and I have to admit that this anthology surprised me in a good way. Also The Accident is my favorite and the story is amazing. Not a lot of gore or creepiness but I found it to be a great short.

The Wrap Around story is probably the best wrap around story of any Anthology that comes to my memory. While the twist wasn't to surprising, it was still a great idea. Opens a lot of doors if the franchise gets revisited. Still though some of the stories are weak IMO and it is definitely not for everyone, even some horror fans will not like it. I give it a 7 outta 10.
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Evil Dead (2013)
Great Movie, Better than the Original
25 November 2013
I like the original Evil Dead and its sequel. I didn't watch Army of Darkness though so I can not comment on that one. Honestly I prefer the second one because the original wasn't very interesting to me. This remake is a great movie and if it had any other title it would have gotten more love. This is a serious take on Evil Dead and I love the result.

This time around our group of friends go to a remote cabin to help their friend Mia kick a heroin addiction. It makes for a nice set up. Soon they find a door leading to a basement and a weird book. After one of the friends gets curious and chants a prayer all hell breaks loose literally. While their are nods to the original, this is its own movie which means if you loved the original you might not like this one. Just stay with an open mind.

When it comes to remakes or reboots I tend to not compare it to its predecessors because usually there is a difference in the times and everything else. I am not saying I don't compare the movies but I tend to judge it based off its own merits. This movie created a separate universe based around the same book. It is gory and fun and never lets up. I give it 4 outta 5. Loved it and wont stop loving it. Waiting on the sequel!
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Great Shocking Kills and a lot of Nudity
22 November 2013
As stated by other reviews, this movie contains a lot of nudity and has great suspense once sh!t hits the fan. This is the last of human Jason in till the remake also so he goes out with a bang.

This was suppose to be the final film in this franchise and was directed as such. We all know it isn't the case because this one made a good amount of money so Paramount decided to make the next in the series. This one is even more brutal than the previous three and has a lot of nudity which doesn't bother me one way or another.

Onto the cast of this one. We actually have two groups with a family known as the Jarvis and a group of kids renting the cabin across from their house. I like this family and they are interesting and believable, I especially like Tommy Jarvis who is a huge factor in the crappy Part 5 and a huge part of Part 6. The kids across the way are actually really played well and between Kissing Teddy and the Death dance, it has some of the funnier moments in the series. Now the kills.

Overall I like the kills in this movie better than the previous three even though there is only one kill as brutal as Part 3's handstand kill. But the kill in this one is actually over kill and something your not use to seeing out of a 80's slasher. The pacing is better than the previous entry which is a welcome change with this one probably the best of the first four and maybe the whole series.

Tommy Jarvis(Cory Feldman) does a great job in this movie even though he has maybe 25 minutes on screen at the most. Also I love the twins in this movie as their a nice addition to the cast. To think this could have been the end of the series. It does end that way but as well all know, Jason is a cash cow and even the remake did great budget wise. The only two films that flopped are Jason take Manhattan and the underrated Jason X. I give this one a 4.5 outta 5.
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The famous Hockey Mask comes to be....
22 November 2013
I will openly admit I watched this when I was only about 7 years old and never revisited it like other films in the series. The reasoning was because I always heard this one was only memorable because of the hockey mask and that was it. I finally decided to watch it the other night and I came away pleasantly surprised at how great it is.

I will not spoil the story but will tell you this much, it takes place 24 hours after Part 2 and has a great opening scene. Unfortunately the pacing is quite off in this one compared to the first two and there is a little more back story to our heroine this time around. This means it takes a little time to get to the actual killings but once they start its great to watch. Shelly is also one of my favorite characters in the series because of his humor and of course for what he provides our Jason.

I wish I could have seen this in 3-d like it was originally meant to because the kills in this movie are the most brutal yet. Between the harpoon and the handstand kill(which is very sick and pleasing I admit), this movie out did its self and helped set up the rest of the series. I can see why some fans detest this movie but I love it. Even though it loses its scare factor from part 2, Jason actually runs in this movie and jumps off of barns. He is more menacing but is still human and not undead yet.

For the people who read my part 2 review and noticed I scored this one slightly lower than part 2 but noticed I said I like this one better there is a simple reason. The kills in this movie are great and its a more fun ride than the previous two. I believe this movie started the series into an attractive ride and focused less on scaring the viewer. But the kills are still just as shocking and as usual you cant help but root for Jason in this movie. So I give this movie a 4 outta 5. Watch it after watching the previous two.
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The first of many, but still under-rated.
22 November 2013
I wasn't born in till 1990. So while I wasn't around in the late 70's and 80's to watch the slasher flicks coming out, my dad is a huge horror buff so he had all these, Halloween, Freddy, Chucky, and many more taped on VHS. At the age of four I was watching all these movies. Of all these characters only Chucky(my grandma bought me a doll that looked just like him)and Jason scared me. I never like Halloween even though that is what I watched first since my dad loved it. Halloween started it, Friday the 13th perfected it.

This movie was made so Sean Cunningham could cash in on the slasher craze plain and simple. What he didn't count on was because of the way the movie was shot, and where it was shot that it would go on to become the number one grossing Horror Franchise of all time. That's right, this beats out other greats like Nightmare on Elm Street and Hannibal. That doesn't mean you should like this any better but I prefer Jason and this one over any other slasher.

The reason is Cunningham kept the killer a mystery in this one and actually had POV shots with the killer chasing their victims. Unlike those others slashers the victims in this movie have no back story which is usually a drag but it works great here. He made the kills gory and great to watch even still to this day. If for some reason you haven't watched this movie then there is something wrong because the reason the whole series is possible is because of the formula in this movie. I will say you have probably seen at least one Jason movie and if that is the case then go into this with an open mind. The formula is the same but the set up is quite different and while it is extremely low budget it really works great.

I do not knock anyone who likes Michael Myers or Freddy more. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Critics cant seem to understand how this series is so popular. I will tell you why. It simplifies the slasher and makes it more about the killer and unlike other killers both the killer from this movie and Jason in the others are both sympathetic to a point. Not to much but enough where you ROOT for them to win. While Michael Myers started the craze, Friday the 13th perfected it and made it fun to root for the bad guy. The kills are always great and inventive in each of the series. Even the worse Jason movie is fun(Jason Takes Manhattan, I am looking at you!) and watching this movie is a great ride that never gets old. It gets 4.5 outta 10 in my book and there is no reason not to watch this movie.
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Yes, we Meet Jason and boy is it a great time
22 November 2013
As I am reviewing each film in the series I have noticed a trend. Almost everyone loves this one or Part Four: The Final Chapter. I openly admit that of all the Jason movies that this one scared me the most when I was younger because the knapsack over his head was extremely effective in making him scary. While I love the hockey mask he gets in Part 3, he is at his scariest in this film.

The movie starts with our group of counselors trying to fix up Camp Blood again and there is a nice night time fire story about what happened in the first and how the legend says that Jason walks the camp looking to kill any counselor he finds. It is a nice set up and the fact Jason came to be because of a joke by the first films ending is amazing when you think about it. The story is nice and simple meaning the kills are what matters.

I love the kills in this movie and the wheelchair kill is one of the best in the series. I also admit that Gina is one of my favorite heroine's in all the series and she is great in this one. Some of these kills are brutal by even today's standards which speaks volumes to how crazy it must have been to seen this in theaters and having a good time.

While I love this one I have to admit my favorite in the series is Part 3,4,6, and I love the remake. I know that is against the grain but check out my reviews of those for my reasoning. This one is still great though and is great time all the way through. There is nothing more to say, watch this after watching the first and you will see why Jason fever is an amazing thing to catch. Great kills, great thrills, what more could you want out of a movie? I give it 4.5 outta 5 just like the original.
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
Looking for a great werewolf Movie? Look no further.
22 November 2013
I finally decided to review this unknown gem. First saw it in 2008 and watched it about 2 months ago so I decided to review it. So into the good stuff.

This movie is as much about werewolf's as it is about teenage girls coming into age. The movie stars two sisters who are really outcast at school and like to pull horror gags on their family. One night they are out walking when the older sister gets attacked by some kind of beast and the rest of the movie is about her dealing with the transformation. I have to admit I was surprised how good this was for a movie and while the design of the wolf wasn't the best it wasn't bad. Also it was done practical and not CG for those it matters to.

There is more but I will not ruin the movie. If you are looking for a good horror flick this one is slow building but keeps things really interesting throughout. They did a sequel and prequel which both are equally good so check those out after watching this one. Overall a 4 outta 5.
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Macabre (II) (2009)
One of this years Surprising Gems Of Horror
21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My first review was not accepted and I do not know why. So here it goes as I submit another review and hopefully it will get posted. This is an Indonesian Horror Film that came out in 2009 but wasn't made readily available in till 2013. It is subtitled and if you do not like subtitles I still have to insist you give this film your full attention. Directed by the Mo Brothers, most known for their short in V/H/S 2 called Safe Haven which was arguably the best in the whole series both 1 and 2, everything from the cast to camera angles works great in this movie.So let me jump in and give you the basic story and why this is one of the best horror films ever in my opinion.

The story follows 6 people who are friends in a restaurant. As they are leaving they run into the beautiful Maya who says she has been robbed.They decide to take her home and are invited to stay for dinner after meeting Adam and Arman who are her brothers and we also meet Dara, who has the scariest stare I have ever seen and there is something that gives you chills watching this woman. Dara is the mother and that is the family.Soon after a nice 25 minute build up the group is killed off one by one. That is all I will say and I admit that it probably took some cues from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But while that movie was good, this movie is something special and I'll explain why.

First when it comes to movies like this one of the important questions is the kills and pacing. While some of you might be turned off by the slow(but entertaining)build up. However it sets up everything nice and lets you get attached with our group of friends. Once the fun starts it never lets you go but keeps getting crazier and crazier all the way in till the surprise ending. This movie makes you question if this family is even something normal and while there is only a slight background on them, when we finally understand why their doing these killings, it's nothing short of insane. Do not read the story from anyone and just watch it, you will be blown back by the why.

As for the kills I have to admit that they are really well done. I have seen a lot of over the top movies and then movies with barely any gore even though they should have more. Very rarely do movies like this land in the middle and everything is done right. Every kill in this movie is so memorable. There is a lot of blood and decapitation. You feel their pain and everyone in the family is an expert killing machine. It just makes for a lot of fun and I will admit this is one of the few movies that has actually grossed me out in a long time. If you aren't into gore there is more than just a lot of gore in this movie and you should still give it a chance.

Dara is absolutely terrifying and a lot of people are saying unlike TCM who had LeatherFace, this movie doesn't have a memorable character. I am sorry to say Dara is one of my favorite villains of all time now and Maya I believe is the craziest woman ever. Arman is just plain nasty and Adam is a killing machine. The camera angles used in this movie are great and we actually get to see the kills instead of the usual technique used which is to show the start of the kill then jump ahead to the end result. They really aimed to let us see each kill fully instead of using that editing technique which is something we don't see to much. Dara makes this movie very special and what is freaky is how much she really does care for her family which I picked up on after watching it a third time. Which leads to one of the best things about this movie.

This is one of those rare horror gems in which each viewing is better than the last. You pick up on things you didn't notice before and it just stays so entertaining you can't help but love it. If your a true horror fan then this movie is an absolute must watch because I promise you will never look at another horror movie the same. The only flaws for some people might be how little is explained about the family. I honestly would love to learn more and I believe there is talk about a prequel. But one of the nice things about this movie is how it leaves mystery and you WANT to know more about the family and the people they are "involved" with. Also as I said earlier if you do not like subtitles that is your only option to watching this movie. Besides those two things this movie really nails everything else which is so rare to see.

I believe that no movie is ever perfect and everyone has different opinions. Well I give this movie a 10 out of 10 because everything just works so well together in this movie. It is blended together and gives you a fun and sick ride throughout. Some of the kills are so well done you cant believe what you just witnessed. The secret behind the family is never expected and you will want to watch it again after you learn it just because it changes everything. This is a must watch movie for any mild horror fan. You can watch this on also. Side note, ABC's of death segment L was done by the Mo Brothers. Keep an Eye on these two.
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Don't listen to bad reviews, it is a good movie.
3 March 2012
I won't spoil the movie but I will give a few opinions. The story is predictable but still interesting and while it isn't fresh it does have a few things that feel new. It starts off like a detective movie but quickly changes to more of a thriller which is nice. People who gave bad reviews say they couldn't understand why the main character is like she is and makes the movie bad, but I find it easy to understand why she lives like that. Anyone with common sense will see the same thing. The ending is nice too and it is one of those endings where your glad you watched it. Overall I recommend this movie as a rental or a buy when it is 10 bucks or so. Give it a chance and let it develop and the characters acting aren't bad at all as they all played the characters they were suppose too. Give it a whirl and I am sure you will enjoy.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
This Movie IS NOT BAD, If you like Adam Sandler Humor then you will Love this.
25 February 2012
Let me start off with this, Adam Sandler acting his twin sister isn't the best thing and it certainly isn't anything I wanted to see. But I went in with an open mind and said I am just going to watch the movie without basing it off just that. Well I suggest everyone do that because this movie is funny as hell.

Jack hates his sister so everyone can agree and relate to his part. She basically comes for the holidays and stays longer than Jack wanted. Al Pacino played an excellent part and is hilarious too. This is Adam Sandler humor through and through. Please give it a chance and I know these cross-dressing movies are getting out of hand lately but I can say this one was enjoyable from beginning to end. So watch with an open mind and I believe you will enjoy this movie. Also this is the best Adam Sandler movie ever! I Kidding, I Kidding, LOL watch the movie for that. Enjoy people and never go into a movie expecting the worse. Just watch it with a clear and open mind and you shall enjoy! Go ADAM SANDLER!
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Spiral (1998)
Must See For Fans of the Ring Series
9 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start saying this is the intended sequel to Ringu. I have seen Ringu 2 but barely remember it. I will admit that. I barely remember because I was bored out of my mind watching it. I will also admit I had never seen the original Japanese version though so to be fair I have to go back an watch it. I recently decided to sit down and watch the original Japanese and was surprised at how atmospheric it was and the story was much better than the American version. I then decided to watch this sequel as it was intended and prepared for a bad movie. Let me just say this was my second favorite in the series behind Ringu 0(the prequel).

The first was all about introducing us to Sadako and her sinister ways. She telepathically killed you with her video tape. The sequel picks up right after this movie. I will not go into specifics about the movie. I will say it shows how it works scientifically which I find amazing. Also we learn of Sadakos true motives and I cant say I don't blame her. The series should have continued with this movie. Although I read the other sequel is not bad either. I liked where this headed and hope one day we get to see the end of where this series should have went. In till then I will go find the books and read how it turns out. I recommend this for any true Ringu fan and just keep an open mind.
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Here is the Deal
5 December 2011
The American version was good to me. I believe the Ring to be overrated compared to this. Let me state if you have not seen any version yet and are wondering if you will get into this.

First off, watch this movie alone in a dark room. If you can have surround sound. The atmosphere created here is amazing. While a lot of Japanese horror movies have the "Black Haired Girl", this one is original to me. The atmosphere is the creepiest thing in this movie. Also if you know Kayacko(sorry can't spell it) story, you can't help but feel bad for her. You will like this movie if you go in with an open mind and like supernatural horror.

You will not like this movie if you are more of an American Horror buff. I love American horror. But on theme I have seen among people who don't like this series is they prefer serial killers and such. Nothing wrong with that and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Overall as long as you like supernatural horror and have an open mind, this ranks as my favorite ghost movie. Quick side note, Ju-On The Curse is the original that aired on TV. This is the movie he made following the TV airing. I recommend this one first then watch the first version. Also the second Ju-On does something most horror movies don't; It is improved and the ending is SICK. Enjoy and watch.
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