
8 Reviews
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Doc Martin (2004–2022)
What a gem
24 May 2006
This gem of a series is lifted out of the sickly-sweet genre of medic/policeman in small quirky country community (often with 'heart' somewhere in the title and 'heartwarming' in the reviews - ugh!) by the spectacular social ineptness of the lead character, Doc Martin, perfectly played by Martin Clunes. Imagine the series if Doc Martin was an ordinary GP, and you'll see what I mean. I was first attracted by the wonderful scenery of Port Isaac in Cornwall (Port Wen in the series)but quickly got interested in how he was going to put his foot in it this week. The story lines are average I would say, some better than others, usually centred on a different medical incident each week, but the real interest is in the relationships between the villagers and the doctor, and how they develop over time. It is always entertaining (and even the not-so-good plot lines are enlivened by the beautiful landscape) and sometimes extremely funny - something to look forward to.
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The Stalls of Barchester (1971 TV Movie)
Classic tale of the Macabre shrouded in atmosphere...
20 February 2006
This short 'ghost story' film still delights and intrigues me even after several viewings over the years. Wonderful creation of atmosphere,from the dark interior of the archdeacons house to the misty cathedral grounds.I agree that some may find it a little 'plodding'but this is not a slasher/effects movie and I think the build up of the macabre moments and outcome are to be savored and maybe the 'ghost stories' series strong point. I also enjoyed the subtle moments of humor in this story. All in all a very enjoyable winters afternoon or evening viewing.

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A pale shadow of the book
5 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
May contain spoilers! The Horse Whisperer is a favourite book which I have read many times, so I was excited about seeing the film. I read the reviews on IMDb first and was surprised to see many people saying that the love affair between Tom and Annie was irrelevant, but having now seen the film I can see what they mean. In the book their affair is beautiful and passionate, a true meeting of souls that they just couldn't help, and it was intrinsic to the plot and the healing of the whole family - if this seems unlikely read the book for yourself! The ending of the book (I won't spoil it for you here) has been called melodramatic by some but brings the whole thing to an end and a new beginning. However in the film their affair did appear irrelevant, a kind of add-on which did nothing for the story. I'm not usually a fan of Kristen Scott Thomas who is about as passionate as an iceberg (see The English Patient), but although I thought she was very good here the way the Annie's character grows and develops in the book was not shown in the film. The ending (of the film) was frankly bizarre - to just drive away without a glance seemed to show that Annie too thought the affair was not that important and betrayed the passion they felt for each other. Shame. Otherwise the film had a lot of good points - beautifully shot and acted (though Robert Redford would have been better for the part if he had been 20 years younger), with Grace especially being played very well indeed.
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Precious Bane (1989 TV Movie)
The best love story ever
13 March 2004
Having known and loved this book since I was eleven I was terrified to see it coming up as a movie - what if they'd made a dreadful mess of it? In the event I needn't have worried at all. Everyone was very well cast and the acting is terrific, it followed the story very well except for the strange addition of the scene in the prison, which to me added nothing at all. However it really is the most beautiful love story and I'm so glad I videoed it so I can watch it again and again. My only gripe is - why didn't they give Kester a green waistcoat 'which made him such a personable man'? Such a simple thing, when they went to so much trouble for everything else. If you get the chance, see this, it is excellent.
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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
Great movie even though we know the ending
28 December 2003
I was about 8 years old when Apollo 13 happened, so I can't remember not knowing the story. I've read the book 'Lost moon' 2 or 3 times, and seen the film several times too. But I watched it again the other night and once more was completely lost in the tension and drama of the events, portrayed in such a convincing way. How can it still make me so involved and worried even though I know the ending? Terrific movie. Tom Hanks was superb in this as ever. Kevin Bacon is also always convincing and a great character actor.
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Worth watching if you can follow the plot
28 December 2003
This is a good thriller that is somewhat spoiled by a confusing plot. Maybe it's better if you have read the book, but I haven't and so found it a bit difficult to follow. Some characters were poorly developed so at times I wasn't sure who was who. Having said all that it kept me interested right to the end (and the plot did eventually become (fairly!) clear) and I thought Harrison Ford was great. I also found it refreshing to watch a movie without a million special effects and a thriller without lots of blood and gore in every scene. Worth watching.
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No chemistry
26 December 2003
I was looking forward to seeing this film as it was one I had heard a lot about. But I was sadly disappointed, bored and depressed by the end. I have never really understood before what is meant by 'chemistry' between the lead roles - this film explained it to me because they don't have any, so their love affair was for me utterly unconvincing.
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Total Recall (1990)
Unnecessary violence
26 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER? This was a mostly entertaining film until the dreadful ending, which made me think they had suddenly run out of shooting time and had to wrap it up quick. Up to then the twists and turns of the story kept me interested in guessing who the Arnie character really was.

The special effects were indeed excellent for their time but were unfortunately used mostly to expolit the gratutious violence which made up the bulk of the film. Violence was necessary for the story but there's no need to labour the point. It's taken well over a decade for the wonderful special effects now available to be used to support the story (e.g. Lord of the Rings) rather than the story to support the special effects.
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