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the best bad movie ever
3 February 2021
Pretty much everyone here can thank Drew Gooden for showing us this masterpiece. It's truly incredible.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Not the best, not the worst
19 December 2020
The idea of the show and the story are interesting, like Lord of The Flies with a 21st century twist. Some of the actors are pretty monotone and came across as bland character choices. Pretty much every character had their annoying moments (or their entire arc) that made you want to jump through the screen and just smack them. The end of the season is pretty much a guarantee that you'll want to watch the next one. It's not a bad show, I just expected it to be better than it was.
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I can't believe I just now watched this for the first time.
7 February 2020
This is a perfect Tarantino movie. It's explosive and exciting while also deep and well thought out. It took me a minute to get used to reading so many subtitles because of the variety of languages used, but I think that's a quality that makes the movie even more enticing. It is incredibly well done and it had a hold of me from beginning to end. Fair warning for any Tarantino movie, be prepared for the gore and violence. It runs rampant throughout the movie, but it's kind of gratifying seeing it happen to the Nazis.
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1917 (2019)
Probably one of my favorite movies of all time.
19 January 2020
Wow. This movie is impeccable. It truly blew me away. I have never seen a movie filmed like this in my entire life and it is done so brilliantly. The entire movie is made out of one take scenes, meaning there is no cutting camera angles and editing. This strategy keeps you locked into the scenes and make you feel as if you're watching it in real time. I think this movie is legendary and probably one of the best war movies ever created.
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Not the best but it's not awful
27 December 2019
I can see how some people love it and some hate it. I didn't mind the way the storyline took direction and how the plot played out, but there were definitely things I wasn't a fan of that just seemed pointless. Now I'm not a die hard, life long Star Wars fan like my dad or brothers are and I could see why they weren't as big of a fan of it. To them, these last three felt incomplete and rushed.

To be fair, each of these sets of the saga (three movies at a time) was created to fit the era they were released in. 7-9 were 100% made for an audience in 2019ish. Nothing will ever come close to 4-6 in terms of originality and creativity because they changed the game of sci-fi movies, but it's not fair to compare those to anything that came after them.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Criminally underrated movie
4 December 2019
I love anything science fiction, dystopian, or apocalyptic and this move has all of that. It's really well done and written spectacularly. The plot may be a little predictable, but the ending was unexpected yet very satisfying. The animation/CGI in some places is a little corny, but I think it makes up for it in other areas. Showing the drastic changes in the sections of the train was beautifully done and didn't focus so much on it to make it a big distraction. I could say a million things I loved about it. Overall, wonderful movie that is probably one of my favorite movies ever.
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Knives Out (2019)
Film of the year, in my opinion
1 December 2019
Knives Out has the perfect balance for a film in all components. The cinematography is beautiful, the plot and character development completely pull you into the experience, every single actor was the perfect choice for the film, and it has some really great comedic moments to keep you wanting more. I don't have a single complaint about the whole thing. I thought I knew what to expect going into it, but I am so happy that I was wrong with my initial expectations. This movie is a must see.
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
I like the humor but hate the plots
18 November 2019
Silicon Valley is a funny show, I don't think many people will disagree. I'm a fan of dry humor so some of the stuff really gets to me and makes me laugh. I just can't get over how frustrating the show is to watch because of the plot and the story lines. It's the same thing over and over. They have a great idea/plan, one of them (Richard particularly) screws up royally for a stupid reason, they get in trouble, and magically they're saved from the trouble.

I'm only on the fourth season and I'm debating to stop watching it. I want to keep watching it to see something actually good happen to them for once but it never does. They always end up being the losers in the end. I know that keeping you pulled into a show is literally the point of it being made and to keep you watching, but jeez be a little crazy and let the protagonists win at least every other season or something. Really, just write the characters to stop making so many stupid career altering decisions.
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Euphoria (2019– )
I'm a big fan of this
17 November 2019
I think this show is so beautiful, intricate, and incredibly well done. It dives into dark issues that young people today may experience. If someone hasn't experienced these things directly or knows someone who has been down these roads, it opens their eyes in a very artistic and deep way.

Outside of the social and psychological components of the show, the cinematography and design is unique and top of the line. The script, character development, and plot are extremely well done and leave you satisfied with the direction of the show. I can't wait for whatever comes next from the show!
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Disappointing and Not Funny
23 October 2019
Let me start off by saying I have been a massive fan of YouTube since 2007. When I heard Lily was getting her own talk show, for a moment I was proud that a YouTuber made it to the level of success that a late night talk show requires. I've never really been a fan of Lilly, but still I was proud she made it.

I began watching her videos to see if I'd like to watch the talk show and I was severely disappointed in her content. Her old stuff was alright and pretty funny at times, but lately she's jumped into a pit of political correctness and entitled whining about how the world isn't fair for her. Don't worry, she'll never let you forget that she's a Canadian, bisexual, woman of color and that the entire world wants her to fail (apparently we're all a bunch of white suprematists who can't stand the thought of her succeeding).

Overall, the show isn't good. It isn't funny. It's not even remotely entertaining. You couldn't pay me enough money to watch whole episodes of it every time they come out. I wish NBC would have picked a better YouTuber to put in the spotlight rather than choosing this one note, worn out joke, actually pretty awful "comedian".
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