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Imagine Dragons: Birds (2019 Music Video)
21 November 2019
This is perhaps one of the most satisfying music videos I've seen in the recent years.

I mean how can a music video not have stuffs like product placements, parties, hot cars, explosions, odd random twists etc yet be so good? Simple, it truly is made out of pure heart.

You will fall in love with the small yet strong story included on this wonderful animated short followed by a very sweet song of Imagine Dragons. The girl is relatable and you'll probably feel her emotions when you see this work of art.

I wish we could have more MV's like this.

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Ben 10 (2016–2021)
Umm... OK? Is CN running out of ideas or something?
28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
2 words that comes to my mind whenever I think of this show are "Sigh" and "Hopeless". I mean really is this the best they could come up with at Cartoon Network? While I have to admit that I wouldn't consider myself a big fan of the Original Ben 10 series, I thought it was decent in the beginning but later on became repetitive and a bit boring afterwards. Plus I didn't care so much for the other continuing series that came after either but when I found out about this reboot I thought; "Again another Ben 10 series?"

Now don't get me wrong I gave it a chance but with all honesty I can say that this is in my opinion one of the worst reboots I've ever seen. But just how bad is it? Is it "Uncle Grandpa" bad or "Teen Titans Go!" bad? I'd say it's sort of a combination of both, you'll have to excuse my bad joke but it's what I feel for this show in a nutshell. What happened? The show looks like a complete dumbed-down version of the original itself with childish designs, lame and uninspiring humor, lame stories with a cheesy moral at the end (I honestly think even Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog had better and clever morals than what this show has), simpler animation and overall even more childish and kind of more babyish than the original cartoon.

This reboot doesn't even bother to care about character development and story continuity it's just for the lame humor and the action which doesn't even help to save the badness of this unnecessary mess. Every episode is always the same where they can be summed up in these simple ways: 1. Our heroes goes on an activity. 2. Crazy things happen and it's up to Ben and Gwen yeah you guessed it. 3. Weird but uninteresting conflicts occur to our heroes. 4. Villain returns and Ben always finds a way to kick their butts. 5. Moral schmoral and some random twist from nowhere happens yeah you get the idea.

I wish CN could come up with newer and better ideas rather than creating dumbed-down version of their previous toons. This is basically the perfect example of why some cartoons are just made for money but what also worries me is how people (not all of them but it feels like it) will think that cartoons are just for kiddies again thanks to this excuse of a cartoon. Go watch Steven Universe or We Bare Bears instead you won't find anything special or inspiring here it's just plain dumb and worthless.

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If Sailor Moon met Scott Pilgrim!
28 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Star vs the Forces of Evil is another odd but a pleasant surprise from Disney, it is definitely not the type of cartoon you might expect it to be. I expected this to be another obnoxious and forgettable cartoon but much to my surprise I ended finding it worth-watching, fun and sometimes thoughtful. Yes I am aware that these days Disney hasn't been doing so well with their TV-shows and I don't even watch their Live-Action shows which are in the majority awful IMO, but thankfully lights can still arrive whenever they need to.

At first I was a bit unsure, but I decided to give it a chance and I can tell you I think SVTFOE is primarily the first Disney cartoon I've watched since Phineas and Ferb! As I said earlier it is definitely not the cartoon you might expect it to be, but it doesn't matter which is exactly why I like this show. The main characters may seem typical at first but then later you'll get to learn the characters better than ever and solve many troubles and interesting dilemmas. I like both Star and Marco they give such nice chemistry together and I know what you're thinking: do you think they should really be together more than just friends? Well what the heck, yes but its also so much more than just about romance.

It has some pretty neat adventures and actions whenever they arrive but also gives at times some thoughtful messages that are way more nicer and smarter than any of those awful Live-Action Disney shows. Plus another thing I like about this show is its style, a nice combination of both cuteness and dark themes tied together.

I have nothing against its humor, but if you're not into dark humor you may not like it but to tell the truth I'm not even a fan of dark humor yet the humor in this show manage to be witty at times. Its not Steven Universe but (similarly) whenever there's dramatic or tensed moments at least they never milk it or ruin up with a pathetic joke.

Though one minor criticism I have is the animation, now don't get me wrong it looks really good and so does its style as well but a heads- up to tell before watching it is that sometimes it changes its animation process to another. I would've preferred to see the show with one animation process only but otherwise both of them are in a good level even though Rough Draft Studios makes the show look even better.

Overall I think this is one the rare gems from Disney of today that gives so much more than just your typical Disney show. It delivers more than just the cuddly themes people are used to believe what Disney is all about (which in my opinion does not have to be true). See this instead of watching those awful Disney Live-Action shows or even the brainless Pickle and Peanut (which is worse than the plague trust me). If you liked shows such as Gravity Falls and Wander over Yonder then I think you might have a good time with Star vs the Forces of Evil.

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HowToBasic (2011– )
Holy crab-apple, seriously why do people even like this?
15 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Look I get it, HowToBasic is definitely not the type of YouTube channel people should expect it to be like. And yes it's not even supposed to be helpful but seriously who thinks it's fun to watch an anonymous man smashing and throwing the crap out of many random things to his food, furniture's or even his toilet?

I mean come on I expect those kinds of actions done by highly mischievous children or perhaps even those lame families from Honey BooBoo. But HTB is much more worse than one could expect. The dude has no talent or have anything relevant to say, its just plain dumb not to mention disgusting at times. The only relevant thing I can say about HTB is that the user is the king of false advertisement.

Over the years his videos are getting worse and worse than ever and he even tries to do other mischievous things that aren't even inspirational. Seriously I'd rather watch paint dry in slow motion which would be way more interesting than watching HTB. Along with "Henry Philips" and "You Suck At Cooking" is another lame and uninspiring cooking show on YouTube.

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Dear Lord will the Ice Age franchise never melt down?
7 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly can't remember the last time I felt this disappointingly angry from an animated movie, and I am afraid to say that this is not only the worst movie of the franchise but possibly one of the worst animated movies ever made. Now please don't me wrong I love animation and I'm not the kind of person who gives a flying toss about that old (not to mention stupid) prejudice where animated movies are only meant for children. If I may speak out I'd say that for the past years we've had quite many good animated movies that even adults and many different ages has praised for, but I can understand that some people will likely be flabbergasted when they see a movie like Ice Age Collision Course.

I didn't have much expectations to see how this would have turned out, but seeing the trailers I already knew that this wasn't going to get anywhere to be a masterpiece or even a modern classic. Ice Age 5 is in my opinion basically the same kind of movie like its predecessors, in other words nothing new or anything interesting happens in this movie and that's pretty baffling to me. After 4 movies why couldn't they learn the mistakes from the previous movies? Now the first one wasn't so bad but not necessarily my favorite movie ever but still pretty good, while a certain thing I did not like from the first movie was how some of the characters were pretty unlikeable but later learned to be accepting each other. But in this movie the main characters are still being unlikeable jerks to each other, like for example everyone likes to ignore Sid, Manny being an overprotective father like the previous movie and many disgraceful humor which is something I really getting tired to witness in every Ice Age movie.

As for Scrat, I'm starting to think that his scenes are not only getting more tiresome but are representing filler just for the sake to entertain the young children. I'm not against slapstick humor but I'd rather be watching the original Looney Tunes shorts instead of this forced and unimpressed humor.

Another problem I had with this movie is that it doesn't seem to care about continuity anymore, like for example whatever happened to Peaches's little nice best friend Louis the Molehog? Remember him? Of course not because they had to ditch him for no reason (albeit he did have a cameo) and the sad thing is that he was the only likable and smart person in the fourth movie. And where the heck are the humans? Remember them from the first movie? It feels really weird to know that they no longer exist in this franchise when clearly they were one of the important keys on that movie.

Like I said before, nothing new happens in this movie well maybe one thing (more about that later). But since this movie is so darn repetitive I believe one could simply sum up this and future Ice Age movies (God forbid they will happen) in short ways to know what to expect: First pointless Scart humor, some friends/family issues, then something bad happens and everyone freaks out, they try to find a new place to live or save someone, more annoying Scart humor, coming in trouble but saves afterwards, a minor conflict with forgettable one-time villains, everyone is saved and can live happy, then some more Scrat humor where he seems to finally get his acorn but messes up and screams obnoxiously.

The only new thing that happened in this movie would probably be the character Brook, not only was she a pretty rushed and not very interesting character but her return at the end of the movie (I'd hate to sound like a heartless person but it was very cheesy) was basically a dumb Deux Ex Machina. I mean come on not even a Disney movie would stoop such low to make people happy at the end (ok maybe one movie but at least it wasn't cheesy but much well crafted). The only redeeming quality would be the animation which is admittedly pretty top-notch but that doesn't save the awfulness of the movie.

Plus I know one thing people who thought this would be a bad movie told that the franchise is just getting weirder and weirder such as things that hasn't even been invented yet, well I'm afraid they right. They even put modern songs that never happened before in the franchise (ok maybe some few ones but the real ones wouldn't show up unexpectedly just like that) which was just ridiculous. The Ice Age franchise has really been jumping the shark on this one, which is why I won't be giving a chance to see if they make a 6th Ice Age movie. Just when Blue Sky Studios had to give us a well done movie like Peanuts it had to be another Ice Age movie. Although it may not be the most worst movie I've seen in my life but it is still worse than ridiculous. I recommend you to see Zootopia/Zootropolis or Kung Fu Panda 3 instead, and I bet Finding Dory (which I haven't seen yet but want to) will be a much better movie than this.

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Baby Geniuses (1999)
Who keeps up-voting the positives reviews?
3 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'd hate to sound like an arrogant person right now, but I have to protest and express that I'm flattered to see many positive reviews coming uphill lately while clearly this disaster of a movie used to have back then not just abysmal ratings but thoughtful and understandable reviews that truly had rightful thoughts of what this movie really is.

I mean what the bloody hell? Are we to believe that just because it has an incredibly low score it's a good movie? I mean sooner or later I guess even other abysmal movies like Disaster Movie, Meet the Spartans or many other movies in Bottom 100 will become watchable films as well?

I could literally write my shortest review here by saying that I have always loathed this movie in many different ways. This is simply one of the most abysmal, annoying, brain-dead, disastrous, disgusting, embarrassing, good-for-nothing, hopeless, horrible, idiotic, obnoxious, pointless, terrible and uninspiring movies ever made. I never liked this movie at all when I was little and still to this day I simply loathe the way it is. I would never in my life show this to my young cousins or even my future children.

It doesn't even come close or belongs to the genre of "So bad it's good" material. Please go watch other greater movies that deserves way better than this junk. There's just nothing good about this movie, it belongs to be forgotten in oblivion forever.

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Pickle and Peanut (2015–2018)
What the...
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I've seen quite many bad cartoons in my life but this has to be without a single doubt one of the most worst kinds of works Disney allowed to show us. Forget Johnny Test, Uncle Grandpa or even the atrocious Breadwinners because if you thought those were the perfect examples of Bad cartoons then I guess we have a greater winner here. I have deliberately tried to avoid this show after hearing so many bad things about it and after taking a look I can now tell everyone that it is indeed a really bad show.

First of all the animation style is just lazy and doesn't even bring any kinds of original creativity. I mean come on how many times do we have to see some ugly-looking (not to mention presumably photographed) live action materials be used so choppy at best? I mean look at The Amazing World of Gumball they did a much better job combining different elements of animation styles in one show only that this show has also some of the most ugly human characters and backgrounds I've ever seen. There is no real chemistry for our characters and frankly whenever I see those unfunny main characters *cough*brain-dead bozos*cough* it gives me the idea that the creators of this show had tried to create copies of Mordecai and Rigby only that those two guys (M&R) have better originality for being Bro's instead of these two unfunny cartoon characters (P&P) you'll ever find.

The show desperately tries so dang hard to be hilarious but fails miserably, an example of its humor is when they quickly cut to an unexpected joke/pun/ or even a disgusting scene that is just duller than dust. And sometimes the humor can get really ugly as disgusting that I can imagine will make kids sick. One particular thing I find annoying from this show is when they repeat a gag million times as it feels like they're trying to make YouTube Poop or something. Plus it also fails to deliver hidden adult humor (I know these days it is pretty common that cartoons aimed for younger audiences can at times deliver hidden adult humor that will most likely fly away from their heads) but in Pickle and Peanut they don't work at all they're just embarrassing.

Even it's main intro and end-credits are ridiculously lazy and ugly appealing, I honestly can't imagine something lazier than what the cartoon creators were trying to come up with.

Phew, that made me pretty exhausted, I mean really it is that bad. It doesn't even come close to the genre of "so bad it's good" and people who would find this funny are totally beyond my belief. I mean I don't think not even previous bad cartoons from Disney XD like "Kid vs Kat" and "Jimmy Two-shoes" was as bad as this piece of turd. I think I even dare to say that not even those awful Disney Live-Action shows which I loathe are as equally bad as this, no really.

I would rather recommend you to watch Gravity Falls, Wander over Yonder or Star vs the Forces of Evil instead, just stay away from this crap-fest of a cartoon. Don't do the same mistake I did, two episodes were good enough to tell me how rotten this show's gonna be.

A 1 star is too generous for this garbage, I'd give it a -10000/10 if I could.

UPDATE: I know this is going to sound stupid but I actually checked a bit more episodes and I'm really sorry to tell you but my opinion hasn't changed a bit and it makes me pretty angry to see how this show has started broadcasting in my home country as well. For the love of Pete!
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The Powerpuff Girls (1998–2004)
24 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
To be completely honest I still don't know why I used to praise a cartoon like "The Powerpuff Girls" when I was a kid. I mean sure I grew up with the cartoons from Cartoon Network being my childhood favorite channel that I used to watch religiously no matter what. But returning with the Powerpuff Girls I can see that this show hasn't aged well, in fact I don't think this show really cared that much for itself either. In my opinion I didn't like the way how the famous animator Craig McCracken made this show so repetitive, I mean looking at it again I can honestly say that this show was pretty much formulaic at best.

I am a bit surprised to see how the main characters were always this petulant, yes I know what you're thinking (It's just a cartoon dude) but I have to care about the show's character development. And frankly the girls personality didn't only remain unchanged but one thing that really annoyed me about this show was that how the girls would never learn their mistakes but especially doing one of the most irritating things when they were committing contradictions. And that bugs me a lot, because it's like telling to the children it's OK to steal candy without nobody ever noticing them.

I know I'm being nit-picky here but another flaw I simply didn't like the show was it's villains. Not necessarily their attitudes, but it makes me wonder how they can simply escape from the jails that easily every time PPG kicked their butts. It gets repeated all over again and you get the picture. Plus after so many episodes why couldn't at least the PPG destroyed Mojo Jojo's volcano lab? After all "they" were the ones who build it if you've seen the movie before so why not destroy his lab and end his world domination plans? It leaves with so many plot holes and missed opportunities.

Although there were some episodes were the show would actually get more serious tones than they usually do but ultimately most of them would still come to a very cheesy and predictable resolutions (well except for one episode with the one who had Christine Cavanaugh (R.I.P.) as guest voice acting and IMO I think that was one of the rare occasions the show finally could have taken a step further to become (just slightly) more mature but likewise it completely ignored it and forgot the whole thing entirely.)

Plus even though a certain episode wouldn't contain anything about heroism or action those episodes would still be pretty much boring, forgettable and pathetic at best and still having the same danged ending despite not doing anything for their people and the city.

But not only that (albeit unrelated), the other kinds of things that also annoys me with PPG is how so many other cartoons had tried to be like this show. Like for example "My Life as a Teenage Robot" (actually I still believe that cartoon took many inspirations and tributes to this show), while in my opinion not as bad as this show but ultimately failed to reach it's potential to become something even better than what it eventually became more dumber than serious just for the sake of it's comedy just like PPG.

On the other hand, the animation wasn't that bad. Not only was it colorful but the movements were at least well drawn and executed, but even though the shows style pretty much felt derived from Genndy Tartakovsky's Dexter's Lab. Yes I know they used to work together back then but I can't help it but feel like Genndy's style has been used for so many times in a bad way (if you know what I mean.)

With all that being said, PPG is a disappointing show and taking a look at it again didn't help me change my mind. It should have been better when it had the chance, but ultimately ignored those possibilities and kept being just another cartoon with these annoying clichés that had inspired many other cartoonists for their works. Much of the same things can be said to McCrackens second show "Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends" albeit much better than his previous work it managed to become generally bad as well thanks to these forsaken clichés like PPG had.

Now I'm not so sure what to think of this new upcoming reboot of this show, but I honestly don't think it's going to go well not because of the lack of the real voice actresses but only for the sake of the channel itself. Not a good glimpse I'm afraid.

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Supernoobs (2015–2019)
I took it as a test (no pun intended)
21 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
(Important Note: This review is coming from someone who has "seen" the real material and not from someone who hasn't even seen it and giving away with simplistic sentences one would expect from a YouTube commentary.)

When was it the last time you've found a really, really bad cartoon? Well I'm not gonna lie, it's no wonder that it is so annoyingly easy to find a bad cartoon these days. But I'm starting to get worried, I mean I certainly hope that this cartoon (yet another one made by the same creator behind the atrocious Johnny Test) won't be making more than 4 seasons.

OK so first of all, what kind of a cartoon and its main characters would bear a lame name like "SuperNoobs"? I honestly believed that was already enough for me to realize how bad this cartoon was going to be. Now I know a vise person once said: "Do not judge a book by its cover" so I guess I decided to take a look at it after all. And no, nobody forced me to this was completely my own decision and I can now honestly tell everyone around here on IMDb that I am completely sickened by a cartoon like SuperNoobs.

I mean what was that cartoon really? I mean if Scott Fellows's last cartoon wasn't bad enough, then I guess that SuperNoobs is even worse than its predecessor. Everything around this cartoon is just unoriginal at best, for example why does every episode need the word "Noob" for their episode titles? Haven't we already seen this concept for every Johnny Test episodes with their titles? Its main opening theme has got to be one of the most forgettable music themes I have ever ever heard in my life, even right now when I'm writing this review I still can't remember how it's sounds like because it was so badly done.

The stories are also nothing more than overused clichés that we have presumably seen a thousand times before, I've seen better cartoons making better plots with these well-known story concepts. Also I cannot stand its humor, yes I know that this show is supposed to have some comic relief at times but can you survive to some of the most overused and uninspired humor that has been done to death already?

Dear lord are the characters in this show so darned unlikable as heck! They're selfish, egoistic, childish and did I mention they're annoying? I honestly believed that the cardboard characters and the villains were less annoying than our main characters. And why on Mother Nature does a cartoon really need a cartoon character that has to sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger? It's getting tedious and old now, I'm starting to think that this is becoming something like when people started to make fun of Chuck Norris before it became rather tiresome for me.

If I'd like to point out one very annoying thing about this show, although it's actually a pretty small one but it still annoyed me: if you really want your children to avoid this cartoon at any cost do you want them to learn to say things to their school-friends like: "Remind me again why we're friends?" Really? Is this something of what today's cartoons want to promote today's children?

And let's not forget about its animation, before further info's I just want to say that I haven't always been a fan of Teletoon and their cartoons mainly because of their style. However not all of them are bad, I used to kind of liked one of their previous cartoons such as Atomic Betty which actually wasn't so bad but it was kind of rushed for the most of it. So it makes me wonder why couldn't Scott Fellows improve his animation style for his next cartoon? It could have been better than his Johnny Test but unfortunately it managed to keep the same choppy animation just like JT and in my deepest opinion this shows style looks even worse than his previous work with hideous and lazy designs I've ever seen! I've seen 5 year old's drew way better and beautiful than this style.

Sorry for the long review but I simply couldn't believe of all the atrocities this show was presenting. I'm getting sick of these cartoons, but of course after seeing a few episodes I can already imagine how much hatred this turd will gain. I won't fool myself by wasting my precious time for something so bad like SuperNoobs. I might dare to say that not even other God-awful cartoons like Uncle Grandpa or even the shows (SN's) predecessor Johnny Test was as bad this. Please avoid it and make sure your children stay away from it as well too like the plague.

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The Simpsons: Every Man's Dream (2015)
Season 27, Episode 1
Honestly, this episode felt like it was written for non-Simpsons fans (and not in a good way)
21 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Dear lord, if you thought "That 90's Show", " Lisa Goes Gaga" or even the unimaginably weird "The Musk Who Fell to Earth" were atrocious episodes then you might be careful for this one too. You know what? This was just awful, I mean the entire episode was just cringe- worthy at every single level without delivering anything remotely witty or at least a good- message.

It had unlikable characters, a lame story and their wittiness were yet again totally absent in this episode.

Although I know this episode got quite a big amount of talk for a little controversy that involved about Homer and Marge were going separating for real this time. But come on if you are a true Simpsons fan you know exactly what to expect at the very end. I mean really it was just that simple, they never really did it. Luckily it just happened to be another "huge" dream but then came along a quite possibly one of the most absolutely worst kinds of endings the Simpsons ever had to present to us people: it was all just a big fantasy for that show GIRLS, (which I haven't seen before and probably won't ever since it not my kind of show) seriously what the h?

I just didn't like it, it really felt like this episode was exclusively written to those who hates the Simpsons. I mean if the writers keep making episodes like this way then I might as well stop watching these newer episodes. Stop messing with your characters OK?
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Sym-Bionic Titan (2010–2011)
A blessing to the world of Animation!
11 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
(My review won't be containing any real spoilers either because I too want to express how fantastic this cartoon really is!)

Boy, I don't know were to start? But I'd like to express and tell everyone that I am completely blown-away of this another masterpiece from one of my favorite animators ever existed, Genndy Tartakovsky! When has this beloved animator ever disappointed me? I don't think he has ever done so and probably never will, I loved his Dexter's Laboratory, Samurai Jack, the Micro-series Star Wars: Clone Wars from 2003 and his two features Hotel Transylvania! And now I have another favorite in my library and that is exactly this beautiful cartoon.

Although I haven't really been able to see this cartoon until this year, not that I didn't have any interests in fact I was a little too busy with my High School years and it was very hard for me to ever find this show and when I finally got my chance I fell in love with it already from the first episode! From the very first episode I already got hooked by it and couldn't resist finishing the entire series, it really is that good! I seriously can't remember the last time I got this feeling of true satisfaction from a flawless show especially from a cartoon.

There's so many good things I really want to tell you but again I promise no real revealing spoilers.

It's animation is probably one of the best things I've ever seen in my entire life, the design is incredibly, beautifully creative and detailed. The characters has got to be some of the most original creations I've never imagined, there's Lance who never gives up and is always there whenever you need him, Ilana without a single doubt as Genndy himself expressed that she's one strong lead character, funny and very loyal plus she's beautiful :) And let's not forget about Octus, I don't care what some might think of him because he got some of the most interesting capabilities an android like him can do for our humanity and I can honestly say that I would consider him being more human than us people. I know this might sound pretty crazy but I've always loved shows involving robots and I was very pleased to see a robot having such evolving personality. He's incredibly smart, nice and always helpful when you need him.

But most important of all how is it's stories? Again no spoilers: But the good thing I like from each episode is that they are never repetitive and never disappoints me in any way. This show feels like it has it all and never gets unbalanced. Although you can expect a lot of action in this show, but that is certainly not a flaw. Finally we have an action cartoon that never disappoints you and that matters with the main conflicts of our main characters. They're very well built-up and sometimes stylized but in a good way. And there's also some hints of lighthearted comedy and a good balance of drama without overreacting.

Seriously I have really been disappointed with TV-shows these days and it has been incredibly hard to find another worth-watching TV-show. But don't get me wrong I like CN's Regular Show and Steven Universe but Sym-Bionic Titan was without a doubt one of Cartoon Networks most unprecedented cartoon they've ever delivered to us. I know I'm raving but seriously if you're looking for a worth-watching show I cannot recommend you enough by seeing this show. It simply is that great, not to mention pretty underrated.


On a side note; I'm still incredibly surprised to know that Cartoon Network canceled this masterpiece. Why did they make that decision? Although I took some research and I happen to find a pretty stupid reason to why they canceled it. I mean seriously I'm not gonna shut up about this, Cartoon Network I have always loved you, but canceling SBT was a huge mistake! Please bring it back for some time soon so we can see of what will be next for our heroes. I mean seriously do you guys want to end up like Nickelodeon when they canceled Invader Zim? Please make up you mind.
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So unbelievably bad, it makes Dragonball Evolution look like The Godfather.
14 November 2015
So it's been 5 years since this movie was released but I'm still mad about it. And why do I wanna write a review to a badly made movie when I should just ignore it? Well I happen to have some very important news to tell you that I've read that Nickelodeon recently might have some interests of making sequels to it. And my biggest questions are: Is it really necessary? Haven't they learned anything from their mistakes?

I mean "The Last Airbender" was an awful movie from the beginning to the end. It had just everything that made this movie so badly made, including: bad acting, bad dialog, bad direction, bad production, bad editing, lacking important elements from the original cartoon and need I say more? Also it won "5 Razzie Awards" including for Worst Picture of the year and when it flopped Nickelodeon announced that they agreed not to make any sequels at all, until last year they've changed their minds.

Please no, just no! God forbid them making that decision, it will only make it worse. I already made my mistake of watching it in theaters (even worse I also watched it in 3D which wasn't even better it gave no experience at all) when it premiered.

Even the creators of the original cartoon didn't like it and they also stated that they pretend that this movie doesn't exist. See their priorities? If a sequel want to be made I bet they'll say: "Hell no, just look at what Shyamalan did to our wonderful show!"

I'm telling you, I can predict that if that happens they will lose even more respect than they get today. Don't waste your time with this movie, even if you aren't a fan of the original animated series or don't even know about it you won't like this film in any ways. It's not even worth a rent or cable or even Netflix, there are thousands of movies far more superior than this garbage. Do yourself a favor and watch the original cartoon or if you have children, show them Oscar Winning Animated Movies instead! This movie is beyond awfulness.

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This really was a good cartoon at the beginning, but ultimately went downhill quickly.
7 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Although I know that many Cartoon Network fans considered that the channel passed away in the year of 2004 I still gave chances to some new cartoons despite not having the same spark like the classic cartoons. And that really didn't matter to me, but true there were some bad cartoons like "My Gym-Partners A Monkey", "Hi-Hi Puffy AmiYumi Show", "Out of Jimmy's Head" and I wasn't very fond of the "Ben 10" series either (which I consider those series to be generally boring and overrated). But if there was actually one particular cartoon that I really liked when I was young it was exactly this show (FHFIF). It was funny, whimsical at first and it also had an extremely creative visual aspect of its animation that I've never seen in any other cartoon before. And it had interesting characters (I practically liked Wilt and Eduardo) in the beginning. It was a very ambitious cartoon that felt like it had just everything to both entertain us and inspire us animation lovers. So what went wrong? I'll tell you with one name: Bloo.

Yes unfortunately our main protagonist Bloo was one of the main reasons this show went downhill and I gotta say that the negative effect of Bloo himself kept growing in each season (which didn't make the show any better for me). At first he did act like a very nice and innocent buddy that respected his creator Mac and his friends and wouldn't be messing around with tons of shenanigans, well except for one episode in Season 1 where he actually was pretty mischievous. But it was only for one episode that was OK when he made that huge mistake but then in later episodes he unpredictably becomes into something even worse than mischievous. He became a cynical, disrespectful, mean-spirited and unlikable jerk for almost no reason at all. Who ever came up with the idea of turning him from a good person into a jerk should be ashamed of himself/herself. I realized his rude behavior since Season 2 and even though there were still episodes were Bloo was pretty nice that's were I think the show went downhill.

I know and I am fully aware that this cartoon is practically intended for children and shouldn't be taken seriously, but seriously did the creators really think it was such a good idea to show the children that kind of behavior Bloo acts later? I for one felt sorry to both him and the creators (mainly Craig McCracken) for doing this to him. And for doing it just for the sake of the show's comedy is a stupid reason to make him an unlikable jerk. If I were the runner of the show I would have least come up with anything to make him learning his mistakes more properly and become likable again. I really have no idea how his creator Mac could stand his unlikable behavior for so many times. They would stop being friends and then later in the episodes they reunite again but still would at times argue with each other.

Not only were Bloo's unlikable behavior my problem but there were two additional characters who would later appear on the show who gave me a headache whenever they appeared. Mainly Cheese and Goo I was never really fond of those two characters since I considered both of them being equally annoying. They were alright the first time but when we get to see them for the second and third time they were annoying as heck! There was like one particular episode when Cheese would only yell: "Gotta Go!" like a million times nonstop! I couldn't believe what I was watching because I realized how the creators lacked good ideas for that episode which was also a pretty stupid one (Cheese A Go- Go).

If there's one character I felt most sorry for (no not necessarily Wilt but I felt sorry for him too at times) it would be Frankie. I mean she wasn't a bad character but the more season that came the more she got more unlucky and more angry. I think Mr. Herriman went a little too far at times for her, I mean since they live in a huge imaginary house wasn't there at least one imaginary friend that could ever help Frankie and her cleaning?

Also some of the stories became a bit repetitive, also feeling rehashed from previous episodes. The one common thing I hated from this show would be its usual storytelling and their annoying endings, for example: When they break something or something bad happens they freak out and try to fix the problem as much as they can and even though they would fail at the end a certain character explains that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. It was alright at the first time (mainly the episode: BUSTED) but then it repeats that storytelling for every season of the show! Not all of them but they would have at least 3 or 4 of them. This kind of storytelling has at times been a common thing for Cartoon Network shows lately and I'm starting to getting sick of it, plus it has already happened 3 times with Regular Show now.

To sum it up, this was a promising cartoon that could have been into something even more original and avoid being just another comical cartoon with unlikable characters. But unfortunately it became like that and many of it's stories are highly forgettable at best. I feel very sorry for the way FHFIF turned out to be. It just got worse and slightly more childish too, I just couldn't believe how bad the show turned out. If I'd like to point out one thing, even when I was a little boy I wasn't stupid enough to know at which age you must be to marry. (Especially the episode: "The Bride to Beat")
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Not only one of the worst movies of 2015, it's also one of the most boring and disappointing superhero movies ever made.
29 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface this to everyone first, I don't consider myself a big superhero-fanatic but I still enjoy many superhero movies we've had for the past years. Most of them are worth- watching but I strictly avoid those that are considered awful and I could agree with most of them who didn't like the bad ones. I have deliberately tried to avoid this movie after hearing so many bad things about it, but I decided to give it a shot anyway and find out if it truly was a bad movie or not.

And after being able to see it, I can honestly tell everyone that this is truly a bad movie and my biggest question is what on Earth happened? The first minutes really got me interested and after 10-15 minutes it rapidly went downhill. It's very hard for me to tell what were the things that made this movie so bad in the first place. But I think I'm going to start by saying that this movie felt like it had absolutely no idea what everything in this movie were going through. The story is uninteresting, the whole teleportation thing became uninterested as well too. The acting was stiff and dull, none of the characters were remotely interesting either without any chemistry at all and had very little development to deliver.

The custom designs were horrible too, they looked pretty simplistic to me and why on earth didn't they even give the Thing any pants? I've seen him wear pants countless times and even a clothe that covered his torso before, but this movie is a slap in the face for presenting him as a nudist and I don't like the idea at all.

But one of the biggest disappointments of the movie would be the main antagonist Dr. Doom. His villainous appearance was way too rushed, it felt like the writers of the movie thought that everyone knows who he is and let's not waste more time explaining what he does. Come on, not everyone in the world knows who he is, if a certain character becomes evil you gotta at least find a new and interesting way presenting him instead of ignoring his appearance. I honestly think that even the Dr. Doom from those two previous Fantastic Four had a much more interesting appearance even though I loathe those movies.

The final battle was incredibly ridiculous and if not laughable. It reminded me of a certain flaw from Man of Steel were one of our heroes seemed to get destroyed once and for all but managed for almost no reason to get out so darn easily and kick the villains butt quickly. It's rather something I would expect from a comical cartoon and not a live-action superhero movie.

I'm very sorry I didn't like it at all, it's no wonder that almost everyone disliked it. Not even Matthew Vaughn who gave us Kick-Ass and X-Men First Class could save this drivel. And if that's not enough to tell how bad it is then I would say this is as bad and on par with Iron Man 3, the two The Amazing Spider-Man movies for some of the most boring and disappointed superhero movies ever made. It literally left me with a bad taste and I'm still dissatisfied with it. If you love superhero movies you won't like this one or if you love action movies then don't waste your time it will only bore you. Do yourself a favor and avoid this movie and watch a good X-Men film or MCU movie instead, even the animated movie Big Hero 6 (which is also a Marvel movie) was a hundred million times better than this.

Well at least it won't exist in the X-Men universe, although I was pretty eager to see an extended universe with both these superheroes meeting each other but after seeing this movie and reading its trivia then I changed my mind and can at least be calm. But hopefully we won't get a sequel, I can already imagine the sequel being bad too.

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Inside Out (I) (2015)
Once again another beautiful animated movie gets such undeserved hatred.
25 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers

Okay seriously you guys what has been going on with IMDb lately? Has it been hacked for real? Or is there some sort of "Hate-group of Movies" that helps the negative reviews to be read just so we won't watch this movie? Before I was able to see this movie I refused to read any reviews here especially the negatives. And I can honestly say that I am extremely baffled to see how many negative reviews around here is on the top of usefulness! Was this movie seriously that bad? Is this really PIXAR's worst movie out there? And my answer to that is simply: No not at all! And I will tell why this isn't a bad movie.

Now I don't want any rant here as much as everyone else don't and I know most people hate "defenders" of certain movies but you know what I might as well be going to perform both of those things right now just so you get the idea why "Inside Out" isn't a bad movie.

First I do have a question to those who didn't like this movie: Have you totally forgotten how good a PIXAR movie usually presents? Yes I know it's been a long time since we had a remotely good Pixar movie, I wasn't impressed of Cars 2 and I despised Brave too (and I still think today it's an awful movie that didn't deserve its Oscar) although I didn't dislike Monsters University as much everyone else did but true it could have been better. And now 2 years without a Pixar movie we finally got to see their next feature "Inside Out" and I can honestly tell everyone that this is not only the best Pixar movie since Toy Story 3 it's also their most "personal" movie so far.

Now as much as I love watching Disney movies from WDAS I still love watching Pixar movies for their own unique presentations. Ever since "Ratatouille" they've had such unique ways for presenting unusual storytelling with the characters and the stories but still manage to be beautiful, likable and well-crafted without even messing up with annoying corny humor that ruins the important moments. And for a long time it finally got that craft after watching this movie and it also returned my love for Pixar again.

Now I do not want to go with deeper details about the characters since I think now most know how these characters was presented, but if I'd like to talk about something a little different I would love to ask again to those who didn't like the film about the "perfect" girl Riley. Could you at least describe what's so "perfect" about Riley. And what did you else expect? A poor or rich girl? Or a stereotype? Riley's a fine character and I was happy to see how Pixar managed to create their own girl without ever putting in stereotypical appearances for her and that's a plus. She isn't extremely girly or a spoiled brat either and to me she's one of the most original characters Pixar have created. Though I do wished we could have gotten a little more screen time with her.

I won't spoil the message but it is another big thing Pixar has given us this year. And I can tell that I was really worried if there ever were going to be a "good" message in this movie, and yet it does. I honestly can't see what makes it "too dark" for the children to understand it and as I said before this really is PIXAR's most personal movie so far and I'm not lying about this, I felt how a little tear from me wanted to get out when the movie was almost over. I think this year could be their most important message they've delivered us and I am very thankful to Pixar for showing us that. Oh and also the humor in the movie, did I tell you how enjoyable the humor in the movie was? I almost couldn't breathe in some parts and yes it was that funny it had a good balance of their usual Pixar humor with some very witty small jokes that appeared at times. Comedy movies have really disappointed me for the past years but I really had a great time with "Inside Out" I'd even dare to say this movie is even funnier than most newer comedy movies.

One last but not least thing to say: I really had a good time watching Inside Out and the audience loved it too and at the very end of the movie (it's not always this usual for my home country and this was no exception) everyone applauded and so did I and I frankly believe it deserves the credit it receives. And I'm just going to go ahead and say that I think it should be about time that an animated movie should win for Best Picture next year. No I'm 100% serious about this and I wouldn't be surprised at all it would make me very proud of the Oscars to pick this one as the winner. And hopefully can finally change the minds of millions of people who still believes that animated movies are just for children, and hopefully it ends soon when they see Inside Out.
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It's like Courage and his charm never left!
14 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Courage the Cowardly Dog was one of my absolute favorite cartoons from my childhood along with Ed, Edd 'n Eddy, Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack. When it was cancelled I indeed were disappointed and pretty sad because it was such an awesome cartoon that just knew how to be both funny and suspenseful not to mention scary but still entertaining! Today I was able to find this "special" presentation that was created for last years Halloween and I gotta tell you that I was surprised not to find out about this 'til now!

It's been 13 and a half years since the last episode aired and returning now you could imagine such a new feature not being as good as the classic series. But I was very happy to find out that it was both directed and written by series creator John R. Dilworth himself so I had hopes to see it. And how was it?

As the title of my review suggest it's like Courage and his charm never left! Yes it was that good, the characters were the same, their attitudes were the same, the setup was the same, the humor was the same just almost everything were the same as the classic series! It was nice to hear Courage's and Muriel's original voices again, though one criticism I have is Eustace's voice it's only his voice that didn't sound the same like the original series but that didn't stop me to give this a good rating.

A little difference to the original series is that this special represented entirely in 3D animation. The 3D animation did a good job I didn't mind it at all since the original show used to have 3D animations at times, it worked out just fine without feeling simplistic or choppy. I was a bit worried that it would be choppy like that PPG Danced Pantsed special, but don't worry this was not the case thankfully.

Another little complaint I have is that I wish it could have been longer but it kept a good pace just like the series. I wouldn't mind at all if Courage the Cowardly Dog would return with new adventures as long as it can keep it's charm that I loved. I don't hate the Cartoon Network of today, there are both good and bad ones but if Courage the Cowardly Dog were reborn hopefully children of today could appreciate it as much as I did in my childhood. A big thank you to John R. Dilworth for this presentation.
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
A genuine and perspective review (from someone who have seen the movie)
15 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
(Warning there might be some brief spoilers and please READ before rating!)

For a long time IMDb has been my help for not only watching many movies but also helping me to be aware what movie's are great or awful. But now I think I'm almost starting to lose my respect for this site when a movie like Big Hero 6 is being wrongfully bashed for being clichéd or unoriginal and many other things. To be honest everyone, Big Hero 6 is getting too much undeserved hatred. Why are there so many people who are so against this movie in the first place?

Now don't get me even started with that "it's a kids movie" crap, I'm a 20 year old boy who loves Animated movies as well enjoys live-action movies but I have realized one thing that I think everyone should learn is that: Just because it's an animated flick it doesn't have to be a true kids thing. I don't care if this is a Disney movie, most of them are great and well- crafted but as well there have been some less better movies lately like "Brave" and "Frozen" (please I don't want to offend anyone I just didn't enjoy them very well for various reasons).

What I have also learned is that there are two kinds of experience when people watch movies; one are those who enjoys them through the whole of their length and the second are those who analyzes them. I usually don't analyze movies but lately it has been useful for me to experience them but I do enjoy them as well depending my interests and vision. I know when a movie is good or awful but a movie like Big Hero 6 just doesn't deserve the hatred it is getting and having seen the movie twice I really can't find and see what's to wrong with it.

People were arguing that "Brave" didn't deliver a prominent story being based on its title, and people were arguing to "Frozen" for the bad moralities it delivered (I admit that some of the morals they showed indeed left me questionable). Did I feel the same with BH6? No not at all. I wasn't just looking for a movie with beautiful animation and some nice humor, I looked for and were hoping for a movie with better morals and I can assure that you will get those in this movie.

Stop thinking that this will be a movie that the kids will find it awesome like a "Ben 10" show-off with no story. This neither was a brain-dead movie like a Michael Bay film and neither was it only made for the kiddies, when I was in the theater not only did the children enjoy it but the whole theater with the adults cheered and were happy that it touched them and realizing that the movie worked without being a commercial of something.

The movie worked fine and yet being based on the comic book and it's "obvious" changes it didn't look something that looked "childish" or "unbearable". The main character and it's adventure did remind me why I loved the first Spider-Man movie from 2002. I know that many people said that the movie was too fast or really fast-paced that you don't get to learn it's supporting characters. OK while I can agree that the movie was pretty fast-paced but I got to learn the "supporting characters" without any problems, they're not one-dimensional trust me even though we get to learn more about Fred which in my opinion was a very nice character which indeed left me surprised for who he really was.

As for the main villain, I didn't mind if it would have been an important or a special character from the movie but I was hoping to know if it were a true villain for a "good" reason. Be honest you don't like it when a certain villain is a villain for no reason. And it's main reason for me looked alright I wasn't unimpressed or flabbergasted at all. Really Yokai was a much better villain than "Hans" from "Frozen".

Anyways I found BH6 to have the things that kept me enjoyed, good morals, characters that learn and evolves from their flaws, a cute robot like Baymax (who wouldn't like to have a robot like him?), nice humor without being too crude or inappropriate, pretty nice soundtrack, a gorgeous unexpected moment and most importantly; Heart and I do mean it this time. I don't care if a 10 sounds ludicrous, I gave it a 10 because I was so pleased that Disney finally could capture their essence not only what they were made for, but a movie that finally delivers more desirable morals than what both "Brave" and "Frozen" didn't deliver.

So really ignore the poor and negative reviews out there, there not making any justice to this movie. This movie is much better than what you might think it is and stop thinking it like it's meant to be for the children's entertainment where no older people than them can enjoy. Give this a chance especially if you're looking for a better animated film than the last 2 Oscar winners we recently had. And if you ever or somebody you know need a movie that delivers the good morals, this movie will always be there for you.
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Laura de todos (2009– )
Do we really need another Jerry Springer?
7 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If the Jerry Springer show wasn't awful enough, consider that Latin America created a dumb copy of that hated show. Now admittedly I'd rather avoid things that are considered awful, but I have seen a few clips from it and I got very concerned from watching it. Not because I was forced to I only found it directly from Canal Estrellas (the source where I found it BTW) and ended up hating it even more than JS.

Seriously, when a show becomes controversial on a negative way it shouldn't even deserve a remake. But what's even worse is that this remake managed to be even worse than the original and not to mention a disgrace for our experiences. As you might expect there are situations like fights and other uninteresting subjects. Well at least there isn't any kinds of nudity but it still feels very insulting to watch this.

There are far better shows out there to watch than of this pile of garbage. One Jerry Springer show was enough, but having a copy is the final nail in the coffin. I can't believe I'm saying this but even the original Jerry Springer show is way more original than this.
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Regular Show: The End of Muscle Man (2014)
Season 6, Episode 5
Honestly I'm not really sure what to think of this episode?
19 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Muscle Man is in my opinion a decent character for Regular Show, he was never really my number one favorite or top ten from the beginning. I agree with some fans that some episodes about him were pretty boring at times and quite forgettable. Although despite that there has been some episodes that really worked out well with him despite his own flaws.

When I heard about this episode I got pretty concerned and it was definitely not in a good way. Of course I only knew just a little bit from its main plot, but I was kind of hoping that it wouldn't turn out like a big joke that Muscle Man used to do back in the old times of Regular Show. And sadly enough I guess that was the case here. The beginning of the episode was admittedly quite touching even though if Muscle Man still wasn't my favorite character, however things went not exactly wrong but it's pretty hard to explain the true word I'm looking for after finding about the big truth at the end.

I actually got pretty flabbergasted for the whole episode being just another big joke from MM. Like we say in my country "I dropped my cheek" which is a metaphor for: being totally surprised, which is exactly I got for like 2 minutes. Yes I got a bit upset like the other characters (except for Hi Five Ghost) I don't know l mean after so many episodes most of the characters have really matured from their own character especially Mordecai and Rigby. But for Muscle Man really? Yes I know he is very good at pranks but doing that towards his friends wasn't really cool in my opinion.

I should have known better that Muscle Man really wanted to prank them really hard, but even though it probably wasn't meant as a prank in the first place it still felt very uncool by scaring off the rest of the crew for a moment like this. I hope we won't be receiving any more episodes like this, I think episodes like "See You There" or "Fortune Cookie" were good enough to show Muscle Man's shenanigans.
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The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XXV (2014)
Season 26, Episode 4
Better than last years THOH episode but it's not the most ultimate yet.
4 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Last years Treehouse Of Horror was a big disappointment, it didn't feel like true horror the Simpsons used to deliver back in the golden years. The only thing that had to do with horror (and the most interesting) was the amazing intro by Guillermo Del Toro. The including shorts were pretty pointless and not terrifying at all (if you know what I mean). Now don't get me wrong I still enjoy the THOH episodes like everyone else does but that has got to be the most disappointing episodes that year.

This year this THOH actually was pretty good and finally took some materials that fitted pretty well to the Halloween days. But even though this worked alright it still isn't the most terrifying episode so far for those who haven't seen it yet but the good news is that the first two takes well on the theme of horror well not so much of the third.

School is Hell 7.5/10 It feels like it's been an eternity to wait for an episode like this, it simply showed the other side of Hell of the world were those who work at the planning sins. It was pretty fun to watch and sort of reminded me on a school work when we were supposed to come up with our own punishments and sins but this was much a bigger experience.

A Clockwork Yellow 8/10 I actually enjoyed this spoof of Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange it gave an amazing presentation presentation to the characters and the relationships between Homer, Lenny, Carl and Moe (or Boe as he is called in this segment). Every second was just interesting to follow, but I especially enjoyed the moment where many of the different Kubrick films arrived in one scene.

The Others 4/10 To be honest I expected more to this segment since we were going to see the first generation of the Simpsons once again. But the whole segment felt only about the subject of death and become into ghosts which wasn't such a remarkable idea IMO. Though I liked it's last seconds were we got to see the Simpsons in many different forms from other TV shows or series and even they're previous forms. Although it wasn't God-awful but it really could have been something more.

Should you really see it? Well if you ask me it worked pretty well, but it's definitely not the strongest THOH episode so far but at least I'm happy it overcome from the laziness of the previous THOH.
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A missed opportunity.
28 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I personally have nothing against the episodes where the Simpsons can be political most of them are good and hilariously well written, but of course there a few missteps like "The Bart-Mangled Banner". What made episodes like "The PTA Disbands" or "Trash of the Titans" very good were not only satirizing but giving their personal thoughts to speak out what they really think. "The Bart-Mangled Banner" showed a very mean-spirited presentation without finding a proper solution.

While "You Kent Always Say What You Want " really isn't a bad episode (apart from being outside the golden episodes) it does have an interesting subject that the Simpsons could've explored a lot more. It's actually about censorship and I know it's a big thing when it comes to broadcasting in USA. Although the beginning of the episode made me believe into something else instead of its original story and the main subject doesn't wake up until the last minutes of the first section of the episode. If only it happened maybe almost right in the beginning it could've explored even more and that's why I got disappointed of its pacing that wouldn't give this subject time or even a better chance to present itself. I enjoyed the second section without feeling offended but still feeling sorry for Kent Brockman, it's extremely rarely we see an episode about him.

And finally when the subject brings up and gets to tell its honest opinions it ends up being ignored at the end very quickly in my opinion, losing its opportunity to tell something and fixing the main issue with a pretty bad joke like the hole thing felt sort of unnecessary. I know this is going to be late to say but this is another one of those episodes that I wished could have a "Part 2" I mean I have a feeling that an episode like this wanted to be longer.

I do appreciate it's opinion about censoring but the ending makes me both dissatisfied and disappointed especially what Homer wanted to tell us even though he got censored himself and wasn't particularly funny to laugh at. A missed opportunity that I know could've been much more.
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Futurama: Decision 3012 (2012)
Season 9, Episode 3
Barack Obama
18 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I know I might be a little late and I really shouldn't do any comments but there are two things I not only want to but have to say to those who didn't quite understand this episode or the concept of the shows intention. If there's one thing I've learned from satires is that:

This episode is NOT meant to be taken as a big commentary or thought to Barack Obama and in fact it's not meant to be taken seriously at all. Just because it uses references of Obama himself it doesn't mean that the episode tells you to endorse him, the character is just a parody and I don't recall that I heard the name of Barack Obama in this episode at all.

I don't buy the thoughts from a user who believe that this was an episode to endorse Obama. Although I can agree that maybe the episode about voting might feel dissatisfied and it does feel too overused to TV-shows. But there is absolutely no comment about Obama in this episode and it's neither meant to be believed as a thought to not support him.
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OK Seriously it wasn't that good, I don't even know why I even bothered to look at this bad sequel to an already bad series with no heart.
25 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I do not want to sound like an angry ranting person but seriously, it is probably the first time I've ever felt mad to a sequel that manage to do the same things like the first three Transformers movies by Michael Bay. Let me also admit that the first movie for me was a guilty pleasure for me, then the second movie really messed up badly with the annoying quirky humor that nobody even likes and then came the third that was already criticized for it's awful humor of course but also it's amount of illogical action and physics.

I'm still wondering why Michael Bay still get's to make the sequels I mean his directions are so incredibly cheesy and not to mention that he also cheats with certain scenes from his previous movies and modifies them to become into something new. Could they hire some new writers please? I don't even know if Ehren Kruger even gives a crud about the Transformers anymore because the story in this movie was just lame and incoherent. The story just feels like he has been rehashing materials from the other three movies and combining them into something like a big crossover of stories with very little time for explanations only because we already know what it's all about.

For me it just felt the same experience like the other three movies, there was absolutely nothing new except for the human characters. But I mean the movie was just going like a big concept of how to make a brainless action movie with awful humor and uninteresting characters. Could they please stop delivering these quirky humor, Michael Bay promised for the second time to us that he wouldn't deliver goofy humor but yet I can still see them walking around almost every 5 minutes, no seriously.

The acting was pretty irritating, I thought some of the characters just acted like other characters that we have already seen in other movies. And again nothing new this movie didn't try to be something new it was almost like watching a movie that just had to be made for the sake of the stories with Transformers.

I hope that someday we get a reboot were the Transformers movies works better with respect and without trying to rehash materials or even use annoying quirky humor.

Is it recommended? T:AOE was a total mess. Despite the great special effects and the sound experience it still wasn't worth it. I'm not afraid of saying this but if this movie gets nominated or perhaps even win the Razzies for worst picture I wont get mad at all but I just hope that some people will learn it's biggest flaws. I don't even think I can surpass the next sequels, Michael Bay has already promised us so many things that I can't trust him anymore.
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Futurama: Naturama (2012)
Season 9, Episode 13
It's alright but why about 'mating'?
8 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those episodes that uses the similar way like "Anthology of Interests 1 & 2", Reincarnation etc but this time our favorite gang becomes into animals. This doesn't necessarily sounds so bad really but frankly I was a little disappointed about it's presentation of the main theme being about something so simple and not about something theoretic which Futurama would have done in the other episodes. In all three segments it's all about wanting to mate for, two for love and one for survival of a certain species.

What made "Anthology of Interests 1 & 2" and Reincarnation (which is one of my favorites) so good and interesting is that they would show something with moral and when something impossible becomes possible and do you get in this episode? Well there are good morals but nothing incredible in my opinion.

The first segment is very cute and at times have some good traditional gags from Futurama delivering a nice presentation with Fry and Leela relationship.

The second segment is my least favorite of the whole episode, although despite having a few good jokes it didn't deliver something fresh at all it felt too slow for the characters of it especially The Pinta Island Tortoise character being played by Farnsworth himself.

The third segment was actually pretty interesting to show the character of Bender how it would have been like if he were the biggest of them all. Although I felt really sorry for Kif in the end it could have ended better.

Is it recommended? Though I don't hate this episode, I don't think it's one of Futurama's best episodes out there. There are good moments and good jokes but I just didn't like so much of it's main theme. It could have been about something else than 'mating'.
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Silent (I) (2014)
A pleasant surprise!
15 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
From the award-winning Moonbot Studios that made "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore" comes a whole new experiential short that really takes into a new way and a noisy but highly enjoyable adventure. I must say that I didn't really know what to expect, despite being only less than 3 minutes I'm still impressed with it's presentation. It's nice to see Mr. Morris Lessmore appear again but this time with a little friend and he seems more interested in movies in this one.

I really liked it's presentation, it's got a lot of good fantasy and it completely ignores the laws of physics and enters in many different likable movies we've had in many years. Although not only is the animation good but I can see that it wanted to give us the idea how the futuristic sound experience can change our views and I am impressed even though I was only able to see it on my laptop and use my earphones but it would be a big pleasure to see it in theaters to feel the glory of Dolby and their creativity.

But anyway it's definitely worth watching, although it was so beautifully done that it makes me wish it were a little longer. And despite no lines at all like the other short featuring Mr. Morris Lessmore the story still delivers.

Is it recommended? Certainly, but I would recommended highly that you put on your headphones or if you can hook it to your own home theater then feel the experience or else you won't feel it's beauty of sound.
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