
5 Reviews
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V/H/S (2012)
Very uneven, but there's some really solid shorts in there
14 May 2016
As the title says this film is very uneven, with some segments being a boring mess and some being legitimately frightening and fun to watch.

If I were to rate each short:

Tape 56/Frame Narrative - Didn't really care about anything that was happening. I just wanted them to move onto the next short. 4/10

Amateur Night - In my opinion, the best of the bunch. It's a really entertaining watch and a very strong first segment to follow the weak wrap-around story at the beginning. 8.5/10

Second Honeymoon - Quite silly and a bit confusing. Not very interesting. Ti West has done much better work than this before. 4/10

Tuesday, The 17th - The characters are quite annoying and so is some of the sound design, but overall this is an entertaining segment. 6/10

The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger - A very unique segment as its done through video chat. Kind of a cool idea that doesn't have a great payoff. 5.5/10

10/31/98 - Although I had said "Amateur Night" is the best segment, this one is by far the most effective as a horror film. This was the only segment that legitimately freaked me out and I actually went back and watched it again. 8.5/10
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
A huge improvement
14 May 2016
I gave the first V/H/S a 6/10 and referred to it as very uneven and having more misses than hits. This one, however, is much better and I actually enjoyed a majority of the film.

If I were to rate the segments:

Tape 49/frame narrative - I never really care for the wrap-around stories in these films. This one was no different, although i did find it better than the wrap-around in the first one. 6/10

Phase I Clinical Trials - In my opinion, this is the strongest short in the film. Although one of the others may be more professionally made this is the scariest and my favourite. 9/10

A Ride in the Park - A really unique idea that is quite entertaining, but becomes a bit gimmicky and doesn't have a good enough payoff. 7/10

Safe Haven - Probably the best segment in terms of film-making, although not as scary as "Phase 1 CLinical Trials" for me. It's the longest, but I was never bored at any point and got pretty freaked out watching it. The ending could have been better, but apart from that it's great. 9/10

Slumber Party Alien Abduction - The kids are super annoying. The special effects and sound design and everything are great though. The ending was a bit anti-climactic, but it's still an entertaining watch. 6.5/10
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Wild Tales (2014)
Mostly Great
14 May 2016
It's rare for an anthology type film to have more hits than misses, but this one pulled it off. That being said there is one that is clearly weaker than all the others, but as a whole this a very good film.

The first two segments are the weakest in my opinion. The airplane one is kind of entertaining, but very short and doesn't have much of a payoff. The worst one in the film is the second segment in the restaurant. It has a good start but then has a very abrupt and kind of disappointing ending.

The other 4 segments, however, are all great. My personal favourite was the road rage segment, closely followed by the wedding one.

This gets a recommendation from me for sure. Overall: 3.9/5
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A Much Better Version Of The Same Film
18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw ABCS Of Death 2 and the Toronto After Dark Film Fest at its Canadian premiere and can safely say this film was just everything from the first taken to a new level with legitimate efforts put in and a huge amount of creativity. More hits than misses.

A is for Amateur-8/10 A bit drawn out, but the conclusion is very well done and becomes even funnier when the title card is shown.

B is for Badger-7/10 Not as good as A, but still a solid effort with a funny ending that I did see coming.

C is for Capital Punishment-6.5/10 One of the more serious segments and it works. It's just a bit clumsy how it's put together.

D is for Deloused-7/10 Strangest one of the bunch, I still don't know what happened, but I was fascinated. Kinda gave off a creepy atmosphere.

E is for Equilibrium-6/10 Not bad it just felt out of place. It's also one of the least violent ones in the film.

F is for Falling-10/10 Gem of the bunch. Super interesting and actually surprisingly emotional.

G is for Grandad-7.5/10 One of the funnier segments, but also very twisted. The lost shot also just felt kind of unnecessary.

H is for Headgames-5/10 Kind of just felt like an intermission. Really out of place, but it did get a few laughs out of me. Also I think this was the shortest one.

I is for Invincible-7/10 Very funny and pretty twisted. One of the gorier, but more fun segments.

J is for Jesus-8.5/10 This one made me uncomfortable, but it did have something to say.

K is for Knell-8/10 Very atmospheric, although I don't really get what happened. Still creeped me out.

L is for Legacy-3/10 Worst of the bunch. Special effects were really bad and I didn't understand the story at all. Filming was also kind of weird I saw it go out of focus a couple of times.

M is for Masticate-9/10 Got the biggest reaction out of the crowd I saw it with. Very twisted, but has the best punchline of any short at the end.

N is for Nexus-5/10 All over the place. Kind of a neat ending, but I saw it coming right away.

O is for Ochlocracy-8/10 Great sense of humour about zombies. This one's a safe bet to show to anyone who doesn't like the gorier ones.

P is for P-P-P-P SCARY- 5/10 Very out of place and not all that funny. It was funny at first then they kept using the same joke over and over again.

Q is for Questionnaire-8/10 Really liked the ending of this one. You slowly find out what's happening through constant cutting back and forth.

R is for Roulette-7.5/10 One of the best ones at building suspense, although there's not much of a pay off.

S is for Split-10/10 Another gem. Great use of split screen up until the last few lines when you finally figure out what's happened.

T is for Torture Porn-7/10 Enjoyable, but a bit silly. The over the top effects made it more fun.

U is for Utopia-8/10 Didn't really get what was happening until the title card was shown. Really liked it though.

V is for Vacation-5/10 The language in this one and the overacting got to me pretty fast and just made it annoying. The payoff was alright though. I wanted to see them die so...

W is for Wish-8.5/10 So weird, but so great. It like watching a really twisted kids toy commercial.

X is Xylophone-7.5/10 Felt really short. It was enjoyable and got me to laugh.

Y is for Youth-6/10 Little too weird for me.

Z is for Zygote-9/10 Save the most twisted and gory one for last. It's also one of the best.
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A Very Uneven, But Overall Fun Watch
12 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Because the film is so uneven I'll just give a quick review of each segment. A is for Apocalypse-6/10 Kind of creative and had a neat twist. B is for Bigfoot-5/10 A bit more comedic, but not great. C is for Cycle-2/10 Very boring and kind of confusing. D is for Dogfight-8/10 Well shot, story without dialogue, twist ending. E is for Exterminate-4/10 Kind of gross, lower production value than other shorts. F is for Fart-1/10 Trying way too hard to be weird and funny. G is for Gravity-0/10 Insultingly bad. Where did his budget go? H is for Hydro Electric Diffusion-5/10 Weird, but entertaining. I is for Ingrown-7/10 Fairly effective and kind of depressing. J is for Jidai Geki-5/10 Entertaining for a bit then gets old quick. K is for Klutz-3/10 Could've been entertaining, but just fell flat. L is for Libido-9/10 Incredibly disturbing, well produced, cool ending. M is for Miscarriage-2/10 Ti West, you're better than this. N is for Nuptials-6.5/10 One of the funnier segments. O is for Orgasm-4/10 I don't get it. It's well shot, that's about it. P is for Pressure- 5/10 Disturbing, but not much else. Poor kitty. Q is for Quack-8.5/10 Funniest segment. Not really messed up or anything. R is for Removed-7.5/10 I don't completely get it, but it has some impressive effects and a cool visual style. S is for Speed-7/10 Fairly entertaining, got kinda depressing. T is for Toilet-6/10 Great use of claymation. This one made me laugh. U is for Unearthed-8.5/10 Very neat little found footage film. V is for Vagitus-7.5 Fairly good, but people over rate it. Definitely had a bigger budget than the other shorts. W is for WTF!-3/10 An unfunny attempt at doing something like Q is for Quack. X is for XXL-10/10 Very strong message. Incredibly effective and disturbing to watch. Y is for Youngbuck-6/10 Decent watch. Its not bad. Z is for Zetsumetsu-2/10 I'll admit I don't get it. It seems they are trying way to hard to get some sort of message across. It's a bit heavy handed and is just a crescendo of random stuff.
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