
50 Reviews
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True Detective (2014– )
An honest review
27 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The grim toxic masculinity of a lot of TD fans has been well publicised and there's a fair few of them leaving reviews here, furious that the leads in this series are two women.

The truth is that although Jodie Foster is a brilliant actor - which we already knew - she can't save this mess.

It's also public knowledge that this was written as a standalone horror series, and the TD elements shoehorned in to make it "part" of the series when it actually isn't. And you can really feel that - tonally it's all over the place, the callbacks to earlier series feel forced and stick out like a sore thumb.

It looks and sounds amazing - there's no problem with the production design - but the pacing is terrible, there's endless filler. Yet another example of a show with 2 hours of plot stretched out into 8 hours of episodes. Please stop doing this.

The story really is beyond belief and makes no sense, the jump scares feel utterly gratuitous and the finale disappointing, abandoning all the horror stuff for a boring ending.

This isn't as bad as series 2 but not as good as 3. And nothing has been as good as series 1.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
Too artificial
25 February 2024
The production values are excellent but there it kind of stops. The style is overdone, everything feels forced and artificial just like the moody shots of London. Nobody talks like these characters do, it's not remotely natural sounding.

Peter Capaldi hams it right up as is his way, and that's OK. Everyone keeps insisting Cush Jumbo is this amazing actor but I've not seen any evidence of it, here she's pretty artificial and unbelievable. Maybe it's the poor dialogue, script and plot but she's not impressive.

I bailed out halfway through episode one because this was clearly just going to be yet another streaming drama that has about 2 hours of plot stretched out over 8 hours of TV - they just drip feed one main plot point per episode and the rest is filler. Please stop doing this.
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Reacher (2022– )
Super enjoyable
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the books but have seen the Tom Cruise movies which are OK, but are a bit too po faced and obviously there's the physical size thing.

Series 1 of Reacher was a little slow, I thought, but very good. Series 2 however is fantastic, they've gone all in giving him a team and the story is dynamic and fast moving, where S1 could drag a little.

The action scenes are very well done and there's just the right blend of action and humour and though it's all a bit daft - some suspension of disbelief is really required at points - it's well worth your time. Overall, a very enjoyable and bingaeble series.
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Ted (2024)
Hit and miss
18 January 2024
So here's the show that Seth Macfarlane really wanted Family Guy to be, but obviously has to tone FG down because it's on a family network.

Some thoughts:

  • Ted and the kid are pretty hilarious, really they are the whole show and the other characters aren't nearly as funny or interesting.

  • It looks great. The CG isn't always amazing but really you don't notice.

  • If you're a longtime FG fan, there are some recycled gags in here. They're funny jokes, but you can spot them.

  • Scott Grimes' character is really annoying. He just bellows rubbish the whole time and is clearly just there to be something that other characters react to, but the constant one-note stupid shouting gets very wearing very quickly.

  • Even with all that, this is still one of the funniest things on TV .
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Physical (2021–2023)
Only really needed to be one season.
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first season is excellent - different, fun, engaging and bingeable.

Then things go downhill fast. The production values and acting are still great but the story is just... nothing. Nothing really happens, it's all over the place. I agree with other reviewers that it feels like they never expected it to get a second series so didn't have any idea where to take the story. In fairness they're not the first show to do that.

I'd say the second season is as weak as the third - especially the focus on the incredibly annoying husband, whose scenes after a while you just ffwd through because they are dull as dishwater and add nothing to the plot.

A great first series, but don't bother with the other two.
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The most professional film in the series by some distance
12 November 2023
Ok, this franchise is really silly and most of the characters in it are violent psychopaths. And the real people they're based on must have been vile.

But these are movies, so let's put that to one side.

In this one, the tone is markedly different from before. It's a "proper" film and leaves out the relentless mindless violence and swearing that numbs you that characterised the previous movies.

Here - somehow - is a film that's technically very well put together indeed. The acting is good, the story is ok if a bit too convoluted and the way they keep holding off on a big reveal a few times too many gets annoying.

But the actors in this one are properly acting for the most part, and the camerawork and editing is very very good.

8 "faaaahkin caaaahnts" out of 10.
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Expend4bles (2023)
Ten levels below terrible
13 October 2023
Look, I'm a fan. I know these movies are daft but the first two were good - the second one especially so when they leaned into the ridiculousness of it all. The third one was awful but even that was better than this.

I'm not going to go over every little thing - other reviews have done that. Let's just do the highlights:

  • Abysmal script and story with no stakes, You just don't care.

  • Most of the cast have nothing to do for most of the movie.

  • Statham is good but he'd never have agreed to this tripe were it not for Sly. Which is fine, but this is far worse than the stock actioners Statham was making in the early 2000s;

  • The CGI is just disgracefully bad for a $100m movie.

  • You've got some of the world's best movie martial artists and most of the fight scenes are abysmal.

  • The female characters have no reason to be there. Like, they do even less than the random men.

  • The action is very very badly staged, it's like a parody of an Expendables movie.

Just an absolute car crash all round.
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Barbarian (2022)
Fairly weak
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is like about three movies glued together, and they get worse as they go. Starts off well enough but when they drop a big reveal pretty early and there's still over an hour to go you know it's going to either be really good or really bad. Sadly it's the latter.

It borrows from other, better horror movies and spends way too much time with people slowly wandering along dark tunnels. The plot doesn't pay off, could have been much better. Turns out it's just weirdos living in tunnels, nothing more. And the lead character makes the classic stupid decisions of horror movie cliche. After being trapped for ages, the first thing she wants to do after escaping is go back in.

Ending is dull too, overall could have been much better with a better script.
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Really bad... what happened to Shane Meadows?
4 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of Meadows and have been ever since seeing 24/7 way back when it came out. His work has always been good and sometimes, as with the TIE series and The Virtues, absolutely superb.

Which makes this terrible mess all the harder to fathom. Where to even begin?

  • Psychedelic rock music on a show set in the 1700s immediately ruins the illusion.

  • The first episode is painfully, painfully slow. Nothing happens.

  • I'm more than aware of Meadows' technique of using non actors and ad libbing, and very often it can work. Here however it's a disaster. A lot of the actors are appalling and again, it ruins the whole atmosphere.

  • The camerawork feels... weird. Like it's all too tight and sometimes frenetic, it's trying to be some exciting Netflix show.

  • Thomas Turgoose - though he seems to be a nice bloke, is an appalling actor. He's always been an appalling actor. How he manages to get work is baffling. His association with SM I expect, but he just does the same unconvincing schtick in everything he's in, and it's painful to watch. He has zero range, he can't deliver a line. That was sort of OK when he was 12 in TIE but now it's really not. Take some acting lessons.

I think the problem might be that Meadows has adapted someone else's work rather than writing his own story. This happened to David Simon too - an amazing talent but when he adapted The Plot Against America, it was terrible. Maybe these guys should stick to what they do well.
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Solid, fun little political thriller
1 June 2023
Not sure why this is getting so much hate in the reviews on here. It's a clever little political thriller with enough twists to keep you interested. It's well acted - Brian Cox is always great and John Cena shows yet another side to his expanding acting range - he's just getting better and better with everything he's in. (Not sure Peacemaker can be topped for sheer brilliance though).

Jodie Turner Smith starts off a little wooden but grows into the role as the film goes on, though this may well simply be the journey that her character is on, growing in knowledge and confidence over the course of the film.

An enjoyable and diverting movie, great stuff.
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Silo (2023– )
Starts well, gets slow and boring very quickly
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's a real problem with today's streaming shows. They have about a movie's worth of plot - around 2 hours - but they need to fill about 10 hours of streaming episodes. Since none of this is broadcast on the air any more, there are no restrictions on run times.

This show starts really well, the first two episodes are really good. But then it takes a nosedive. Whole episodes of 1hr+ pass with hardly any story development. There's endless scenes of people walking across rooms, pausing, looking at something, then saying something unimportant.

It's just endless. And I don't care what happens to these characters, they're all so unlikeable. There's maybe the bones of a 3-4 episode series here but as always it's been padded and padded and padded to fill 10 hours and it's so boring by episode 5 that I may have to just give up. Do better.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Not as good as the hype
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is alright, but not great. The lead actor dials down her performance from her usual 11 but is still quite irritating and her voice really grates. She sounds like Marge Simpson.

The Columbo stuff they do is quite endearing, but the stories are weak really. The first episode is really great but actually at the end of it she leaves town and the other episodes are her turning up somewhere random and solving a murder. Why do people listen to her? She's not the police, she literally just turned up 5 minutes ago. The "walking lie detector" macguffin is lazy and nonsensical too.

The second episode in particular is just awful, unsatisfying, poorly scripted and acted.

I don't really know why critics are so desperate to give Natasha Lyonne 10/10 for just getting out of bed in the morning - Russian Doll season 1 was quite enjoyable but season 2 was appalling.

Overall - tedious.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Unique and utterly fantastic
26 May 2023
I'm not massively knowledgable about DC beyond its big tent pole characters so I only knew this character from Gunn's Suicide Squad movie, which was decent but a bit all over the place.

This series though is a revelation. From the opening credits that tell you this isn't going to be any regular superhero show, to the hair metal soundtrack, excellent dialogue and action that's almost but not quite rooted in reality.

And John Cena, what a talent. Having only seen him in the terrible F&F 9 movie (no actor could have saved that film), this is like a whole different person. He gives real heart to this character who is a douche, yes, but also traumatised with a sad backstory and quite honestly is doing pretty well considering what a scumbag his father is.

He's funny, has great comic timing, can do the serious stuff believably as well. And I don't know how anyone stays that ripped, it's crazy.

As someone who came to this series with absolutely no preconceptions, it's superb. Hilarious, heartbreaking, compelling. Not at all what I expected. It's just a wrench that we are going to have to wait at least a couple of years for the second series.
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Cheers (1982–1993)
Starts amazingly but quite quickly gets really silly
6 May 2023
I'd only ever seen episodes of this growing up but recently re-watched the entire thing.

The first season is more or less perfect. It's incredibly well-written and the characters'i idiosyncrasies haven't had a chance to become repetitive yet. It's genuinely one of the best comedies ever made.

But then. But then. Almost immediately season 2 starts, the plots start to become sillier and sillier and just continue to get worse. It's the same problem any long-running show set in a single location would have - you can't have every episode about everyday things that happen - but here the rot sets in very quickly.

Plots start to become ridiculous - long lost relatives turn up, someone turns up claiming to have a million dollars, etc etc. They're just plucking more and more unbelievable ideas out of a hat.

The Sam and Diane storyline peaks way too early at the end of season 1 and after that is an increasingly tedious back and forth of will they won't they, it's dangled and whisked away time and again and just becomes ludicrous. We stop caring whether they get together or not because their relationship becomes so annoying.

These two characters in particular are given stories that make them make stupid,, childish decisions again and again and their interactions become incredibly irritating. In the first season they have a genuine chemistry but by the fourth or fifth, they're stupid infants bickering and consistently making the dumbest decisions imaginable. In any given scenario they will pick the worst possible course of acton.

By the time Rebecca arrives in season 6 the show is almost a parody of itself, repetitive and also increasingly ridiculous. It bears no relation to the tightly scripted and very funny first season or two.

There's good stuff too of course. Woody and Norm remain well-written. But a couple of seasons it it's gone from whip-smart comedy to pantomime, and that's a shame.
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Godfather of Harlem (2019– )
Starting to run out of steam
8 March 2023
The first couple of seasons of this were amazing. Really vital and compelling tv. The third season though feels really different. It can't just be that they leave almost two years between series - a terrible idea in itself.

Forest Whitaker looks tired and a bit bored by season 3, kind of phoning it in which is unusual for him. Huge amounts of time are spent on sub and side plots - the increasingly long periods of time we spend following the exploits of Malcolm X are particularly tedious. This show isn't about him.

It's started to feel like yet another show that's struggling to fill an hour per episode. I wish shows wouldn't do this, so many would be better using the limited story they have to fill 30 or 40 minutes. Probably going to have to bail on this, it's really run out of steam.
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1923 (2022–2023)
I wanted to like these prequels but they're dull
7 March 2023
I have been a fan of Yellowstone from the start. As silly as it can get, it is engaging and the storylines good enough to hold your attention over the series.

So I was excited to start watching the two prequel series and boy, I wish I hadn't. I lasted about two episodes into 1883 and 1923 before giving up.

Why? In short, they're dull. We are expected to care about a whole bunch of new characters - and man, are there a lot of characters - and their various side plots and sub plots. Storylines are slow and unsatisfying and in places the acting poor. Whoever signed off on Jerome Flynn's "Scottish" accent should be fired. He's a decent actor but what is that abomination?

Even Harrison Ford can't save 1923. Here's yet another Dutton, oh look he's tough, oh look he's having the same problems we know Costner's Dutton will have in 100 years' time.

The problem is, I just don't care about any one of these characters. At all. So I can't be bothered waiting 10 hours of TV to find out what happens to them. We know where the family ends up anyway. There was potential here, but it's not been fulfilled. There's too little story, stretched too thinly to "fill out" yet another series to try to get signups.
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Annoying gibberish mess.
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some people seem to really love this movie, and that's fine. I hated it though, I bailed after 30 mins and have no desire to see if it got any less bad.

Annoying, hyperactive gibberish. Here's a clue - if you want to hook your audience in, don't spend the first half hour of the movie having your characters bicker with each other and then introduce nausea-inducing camera moves on top of that.

Michelle Yeoh is a great actor, and this studio has put out some great movies. But I am totally at a loss as to why everyone is banging on about this irritating mess of a movie. It's the cinematic equivalent of having wasps fired at your eyes for 8 hours.
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Starts well, falls apart.
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being only an hour and a half long this movie feels over long, that's because the first 45 minutes or so are pretty good. There's a good setup and some nice cinematography. The characters aren't likeable exactly but they're fun enough to watch interacting.

Then it kind of peaks really early, and descends into farce. The killer robot has about 10 death scenes where SHOCK HORROR HE'S NOT REALLY DEAD. This device only works if you use it once, here it's milked beyond the point of ridiculousness.

There's the bones of a great slasher here but they jump the shark halfway in. They should have drawn it out more and not just relied on multiple sucker endings.
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The odd chuckle but ultimately disappointing
20 September 2022
I'm a huge fan of Fletch and also of Jon Hamm but this movie doesn't really work. The writers have made a grave error by making most of the supporting cast quirky weirdoes with funny dialogue but this is the wrong way round - the reason the first two movies worked is that FLETCH is that guy and most everyone else is the straight man.

Here, Fletch is just kind of sleepy as he goes from scene to scene (don't look for a plot, there isn't one) being upstaged by other characters - again, literally the opposite of what makes these movies work. Hamm does have comic timing but is just too damn handsome to believe. Re-casting the role is basically impossible but while I get that Hamm would probably have looked silly in the scruffy gear that Chase wore, he's nonetheless just too stylish.

I was interested to read that the third Fletch movie was at one time going to star Jason Lee and be directed by Kevin Smith - I'd imagine that would have been a far better - and funnier - take on the character.
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Solid and enjoyable little movie
14 September 2022
A nice surprise this one - lean and well-acted and shot, the story grips you and the performances are excellent. Doesn't outstay its welcome - highly recommended. We need more movies like this with a good story and good acting. 9/10 check it out.

A nice surprise this one - lean and well-acted and shot, the story grips you and the performances are excellent. Doesn't outstay its welcome - highly recommended. We need more movies like this with a good story and good acting. 9/10 check it out.

A nice surprise this one - lean and well-acted and shot, the story grips you and the performances are excellent. Doesn't outstay its welcome - highly recommended. We need more movies like this with a good story and good acting. 9/10 check it out.

A nice surprise this one - lean and well-acted and shot, the story grips you and the performances are excellent. Doesn't outstay its welcome - highly recommended. We need more movies like this with a good story and good acting. 9/10 check it out.
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Ayer is capable of so much better than this.
14 August 2022
There's the bones of a good movie here, but it's mishandled. Which is odd given that DA wrote and directed it. His bleached out LA-gangs-and-cops movies are good - and Bright was excellent. Fury was great and Suicide Squad was killed by the studio. Overall he has more hits than misses.

This one drops you in without much context and never quite lands. We don't need to be spoon fed but we do need a bit of guidance as to who people are and why what's happening is happening.

I actually thought Sheer theBeef - dreadful person that he is - was alright in this. Who knew?

The ending... well, WTAF was that about?

This feels almost like a TV movie. Not because of the acting but there's just something that's not quite there. He's clearly capable of excellent cinema, but this isn't it.
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From (2022– )
Just watch Wayward Pines
27 July 2022
This is a similar premise in many ways to Wayward Pines, except the first season of that show is superb (avoid season 2 though). This is not really, it's slow, drags things out, and takes 10 hours of TV to still not really answer any questions. This is an annoying feature of TV series now. Fill up hours with teases, never really answer any questions. Keep dragging it out until you get cancelled.
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Abbott Elementary (2021– )
Painful copy of The Office
1 June 2022
Ummm.. this is just a direct copy of The Office? The uk original office. The format, the way it's shot, the way it's acted, the cringe.

The only thing they've not copied is the being funny.
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Super Pumped (2022– )
Solid, entertaining show.
10 May 2022
I don't understand all the people moaning that this is like The Wolf of Wall Street. It isn't and even if it was, they're both about reckless entrepreneurs so what would the issue be? "Waaaah it's like the Social Network". Well they're both about tech startups, genius.

It's solidly acted. It's about things that happened, so again it's unclear why people are whining that it's "unrealistic"?

From the same guys that make the excellent Billions and you can see the stye and the tropes here as well as some of the same actors, which is no bad thing.

It's pacy and dynamic and moves along at quite a rate, doesn't outstay its welcome. Give it a shot.
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A boring mess
30 April 2022
Narratively this is absolutely all over the place. No structure, no new information, nothing revelatory at all. It careers around regurgitating stuff we already knew, hints at a few things but is such a mess it never even bothers to provide any real interesting information. Crap, even for Netflix.
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