
43 Reviews
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Baki Hanma (2021–2023)
Script is all over the place and why the history rewrite??
27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the Baki show before this one, and I was really excited when this came out, but it turned out to be not that great.

I get it, the show has a lot of fanboys/grils/they/thems but even hardcore fans must admit that this one wasn't so great...

It started with some prehistoric dude pulled from the ice, for some reason he's still alive and even before he's settled in this new world all kind of martial arts experts want to beat him up???

Imagine, you come out of a coma after 150.000.000 years and everybody want to fight you!?!??!

In the second part of the season he is suddenly gone to re-apear in the last episode only to get a tooth knocked out...

In the second part there's a lot of talking and for some reason they try to alter the history of Japan during the second world war??!?!

America is suddenly bad and weak and they surrenderred to Juujiro Hanmas dad ?!?!

Retsu goes to the USA and becomes the boxing champion because Kung Fu is older than boxing??? I've seen mixed martial art fights and the boxen/kickboxer allways beats the kungfu/karate dude...

The final father-son fight between Baki and Juujiro lasts 3 episodes and is boring as hell but in the end they both learn a lesson and all is well....

It's a messy season with a lot of boring talking and some political bs..
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It's missing Ash Williams/Bruce Cambell
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
On it's own it's a pretty straight forward horror movie that could be made somewhere in the 90's or 00's It has a ton of gore, blood and gutts, the standard jumpscares and the religic theme.

But it's the name "Evil Dead" that kills it without the one, the only, the most groovy man on this planet: Ash Williams!!

I see a lot of reviews with "I'm missing something" etc., yes you are missing Ash and his bionic chainsaw arm.

If halfway this movie someone alarmed Ash Williams in an retirementhome somewhere in Florida and some goofy race against the clock with him killing the demon again just in time this movie could have been great, but it isn't.

Grap your popcorn, invite some friends and watch this on a rainy saturdayevening.

It's not bad, but never gets really good.
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The Idol (2023)
Watch the whole show (and try to be unbiassed)
8 July 2023
I see people writing a review with title "I lasted 36 minutes" , how can someone review a show with 5 episodes of 1 hour when they only watched 36 minutes??

I can't understand why people hyped Euphoria, which has wayy more sex, genetalia, drug-abuse and violence, but they pull down "The Idol".

Is it because of the people at Cannes that didn't like it?

If you watch the complete show it's really nog bad, it's hard to watch with really intense scenes, and you'll see a lot of Lily-Roses behind and sometimes a nipple.

But you'll never see fully erect male genetalia like in Euphoria..

The ending is surprising and the characters are interesting.

Please give it a chance, keep watching and review after 5 episodes!
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Black Lotus (2023)
It's mediocre at best, too bad
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really think that Rico should have stayed with the small roles for a while, at least long enough to get rid of his extreme Dutch accent.

That's also the first problem with this movie, a lot of the actors are not native English speakers but the movie is in English, so you have your typical Dutch-English, Nordic-English, German-English, Slavic-English, etc.

It just sounds a bit like the Tower of Babel or a random holiday resort around the Mediteranean during summertime.

The acting....some are decent actors like Frank Grillo and Rona-Lee Shimon, but most of them kinda look like extra's with too much script I don't think Rico is doing such a bad job in his first "big role", but what I really don't get is why he's not doing more with his martial art skills.

For Pete's sake he has been the world champion of kickboxing for allmost 10 years now. He can actually fight.

He can do all the fancy stuff Jean-Claude Van Damme did or Dolph Lundgren, he can probally kick both their asses at the same time, but all the fighting is more brawling or suddenly over the top Jacky Chan style ?!??

Normally Rico is also well known for his looks, but in this movie with that scrubby beard he looks a bit like a bum

Just a lot of missed chances, I hope he'll get something new quickly and some English lessons...
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Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005 Video)
If it wasn't related to the Hellraiser francise it would nice
9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh come on people this isn't that bad, it's better than "Hellseeker", "Inferno and "Deader"...

The problem with huge fanbases is that if it isn't exactly according to what they want they will downvote the hell(raiser) out of it!!

This movie wasn't bad, it was a bit like all the late 90's and early 00's teenager slasher movies.

A lot of running and screaming, some nakedness, handsome boys and pretty girls.

A lot of weird decisions, teenage girl that is able to roundhouse kick a full grown man over the.balustrade but can't stand up when fallen into a shalllow grave.

Kind of a happy ending but still opening for a sequel.

Horrormovie wise I totally think a 7, but Hellraiser wise it's NOT a Hellraiser movie!
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Primal (2019– )
Season 1 great, season 2.........not so much
25 September 2022
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I loved season 1, the story made sense, those 2 trying to escape a brutal world with all kind of strange creatures .

Animations were nice, it was bloody and sometimes a bit over the top, but also dark and creepy.

Overall good and watchable.

Season 2 with the "slavegirl" and senseless massacres of all kind of human tribes was completely useless.

It also gets a bit repetitive, ship finds new tribes and they kill em all, like how many people are left on the planet??

Also the returning of the "Viking" as some demon, only to get beat up and pulled back it all seemed a bit rushed.

Same with the ending, like the makers were out of ideas or something.

Stick to season 1.
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Candyman (2021)
Why make a horror political
27 May 2022
Why do black moviemakers always have to make it in some way about racism??

It's a horrorstory about an urban legend, don't try to make it political for no reason.

Let it go and make a fun movie.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
"Woke Turn" and not a remake (I think)
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not awfull, just average hack and slash movie to kill a saturday evening with.

But it's very 2022, it starts with the mixed race gay couple (that should be enough for 10 oscars) and another mixed race couple and a white couple from which the guy is the agressive and obnoxious character offcourse...

They are "very experienced" hikers and outdoorspeople so they don't listen to the stupid hick rednecks that try to warn them not to get of the normal routes...

But even the rednecks aren't that bad, just misunderstood, and they come to save the day redneckstyle.

The "baddies" aren't the standard inbreds with 12 fingers and 4 eyes, but they where people who wanted a "better America" and live in the mountains self-sufficient.

But they kill everybody who tresspasses...

so all the boxes are ticked, forced diversity, missunderstood people, polically correct bad guys

And offcourse the skinny girl (100-105 lbs) with no muscle tone starts fighting and killing way bigger people who have had a pretty hard life, a lot harder than hers.

Just the whole movie is rushed and weird and stupid, the first guy dies being crushed by a big log.

They stand around hem, looking at his mangled face and only his boyfriend seems a bit shocked for like 5 minutes.

The should be vomiting and screaming, but they set up camp for a good night sleep :-)

The girl from the white couple suddenly dissapeares and re-emerges out of nowhere.

I'm gonna stop now, just watch the movie and have a laugh.
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Comedy or movie about a terrible warcrime??
15 December 2021
I watched this movie and wonder why it scores so high??

The movie is about on of the many terrible warcrimes the Japanese commited during WWII, but it a fun camping trip with the lads ???\ Those POW's were worked to death just like the Nazi's worked the Jews and many other prisoners to their graves.

In the movie it almost looks fun to be a POW, pranking and joking around a bit.

Kind of an insult to the people who survived it.

Strange thing is that when this movie came out the war wasn't that long ago so a lot of former POW's must have seen it.

Then the stereotypical characters The Brittish (West) are overly brave, arrogant and disciplned and the Japanese (East) are a bunch of idiots in this movie who can't build a bridge, There's no way that a POW acted to cocky and arrogant back than and survied..

In the end it's an oke movie to kill some time, but not historical correct in any way.
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Prey (VI) (2021)
Probably it ticks all Netflix's boxes
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It started oke, nice German forest and some dudes on a trip.

But then all the stupid decisions they make, it's a movie about men making dumb choices so that must tick all the "woke boxes" on netflix.

One gets shot in the arm, they are behind their car, a pretty fast Mercedes ML-class SUV, they just wait untill the sniper shoots a tire and run away

Then they meet the "sniper" a woman with a bolt-action hunting rifle, so they (should) know it fires slow and can only carry between 5-10 rounds. It's in Europe with strickt gunlaws so probably more towards the 5 rounds. Oh, and it takes forever to reload.

Next they just keep running away from her instead of trying to swarm or ambush her from different sides.

They even get into a nice tourist centre with food and drinks and even a phoneline and they leave??

Why?? It would be the perfect hide-out for an ambush, a long barrel hunting rifle isn't suited for close quarter combat so why don't they just let her enter??

It's like the whole movie is about men making dumb decesions, even the second plot about one dudes wife cheating on him with his friend??

Also the main story a woman killing of hikes because her daughter got killed in a hunting incident?? Oh pleaseee...

Germany you can do way better!!

Don't watch this !
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Why are filmmakers obsessed with Interpol???
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, what is that movie obsession with Interpol??

Interpol this and that and agents and special teams etc. Etc.

Interpol doesn't do any of that cool stuf, they only manage police information, they don't run around arresting people with cool agents etc.

It's purely administrative support for connected countries policeforces with information, nothing more.

The most exciting thing that will happen to an Interpol employee is a broken coffee machine...

Oke the movie, it's funny at times, but the.sheer number of violent deaths, not just bad guys but also hospital workers and policemen and women just makes it not funny anymore.

Also the brutal violence, it's just a little too much for a "comical movie".

But Reynolds and Jackson have a natural chemistry so it's watchable till the end.

It's also a bit of a strange movie with the bad Belarus dictator who kills people as the bad guy and a contract killer teaming up with another murderer as the good guys... It has loads of action and a lot of errors, the Interpol thing I mentioned and the Dutch policecars that don't look like policecars but more like the cars of the guys that give out parking tickets and stuff.

The bug trial the movie is about wouldn't be held in some fancy building in the middle of The Hague but in a special highly secure courtroom the Dutch call "The Bunker"

The whole thing just looks like a hasty put together movie, it never gets dull and it's ideal to watch when you have nothing better to do and some time to (violently) kill... ;-)
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What did the producers wanted it to be??
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What is this show supposed to be?

It's not your average Marvel Superhero show, because there is no humor in it....but on the other hand the costumes of the superheroes are really corny and over the top... There is hardly any action in it, all the action is in the trailer, but the story isn't very interesting either... It's really boring and slow actually.

The special effects are a bit early 00's so it's not nice to look at and the characters aren't very likeable..

But the idea of how a bunch of superheroes has to deal with an ever more violent getting world is a nice subject for a story.

Must they lose their "no killing code" or should they answer deadly force with deadly force and also the way the "younger generation" sees it. Must they follow their parents who started in a time when there was maybe still a tiny bit honor among thieves, or more like nowadays when people execute their rivals in the middle of the street with no regard of any innocent lives?

I finished the show, but I did fast forward a lot of the flashbacks because they are so boring and slow.

Kinda curious about a season 2, if they step up a little it might still become something..
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
One of a kind, but not for everyone
10 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another of my corona-binge-series: House M. D.

I could remember the show from years ago but I never really watched it back than.

Maybe a couple of episodes so now and then.

It is sometimes hard to watch because the House-character is such an enormous (fill in the bad words here)... It's also not really realistic the stuff he gets away with, the way he treats patients, so it's nice that he gets shot and knocked down a couple of times.

The whole idea is someone with a brilliant mind but that mind only works when the man is miserable and in pain.

Surrounding himself with other special people: Narcisistic and carefree Dr. Chase Stuck up and arrogant Dr. Foreman Neurotic Dr. Park Insecure Dr. Taub Bleeding heart goody two shoes Dr. Cammeron Recless and juvenile Dr. Kutner (too bad he left) Mysterious and slowly dying Dr. Thirteen Little rich girl Dr. Adams

And Dr. Wilson his only friend and the nicest guy in the world.

House of course constantly trying to make them hate each other, what he thinks leads to better diagnostics

A thing I found kinda strange was the fact that his team didn;t made a lot of money?? I don't know what the salary of a well educated doctor in the USA is but I really can't believe it to be that bad??

And the "getting fired" thing, is it really possible in the States to just fire people randomly because you don't like them or just for "fun" ??

Somewhere halfway the show gets a bit repetative, every episode you hear the same disseases pas by: sarcoidosis, glucoma, Wegeners, Kawasaki, Lupus and more of the same wiki-words.

I allways wondered why nobody made a simpel excel sheet with symptoms to filter so the whole "brainstorm session" could be skipped..

In the end maybe the producers could have made House a little more likeable and a little less of a ..... I also felt sorry for Dr. Cuddy, because the way he treated her was just a bit too much.

Still it's a one of a kind show, maybe not anymore nowadays when everybody is offended all the time, but still unique!
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20, 19 and 18 years later all three still on top!
29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Coronaboredom made me watch the whole trilogy again last weekend (2021) And it's just.astonishing to watch these movies knowing that the first one is from 2001!

This movie franchise put the bar so high that all threee are still allmost unmatched by anything that's made in the last 20 years, not just the acting, the.atmosphere and the story, but also the special effects are still great and very watchable.

Way better than the Hobbit-series that came out 10 years later.

For the die-hard LOTR-fans offcourse the movies isn't exactly like the books, but who cares, if you love adventuremovies and D&D-style role playing games these movies are exactly what you want!!

They also has their flaws offcourse,, but that's also because of the story itself, some characters are just a bit "overpowered" and some events are just a bit "too.convenient" like the army of invincible undead who save the day in the end.

The movies are also not really easy-watchings, they are long and the directors cuts are even longer.

But the dialoqgues are great, and the gloomy atmosphere of.impending doom just grabs you by the throath.

Last years the movies got some backlash ofcourse, because the "woke" comunity found out that there are zero as in no actors of color in it, except of the Easterlings maybe.

I don't see the issue, the "Middle Earth" part of that (fantasy) planet has a moderate climate with harsh winters so like on this planet it's logical that the humans who live their are white.

There are also no big harbor/seaside cities in the movie and those are the places where merchants of other parts of the planet would go to trade and there weren't many humans in the first place judging by the movie.

The "age of Men" had just begun, and offcourse Middle-Earth was a war-zone so why go there in the first place.. With hindsight maybe Peter Jackson could have casted more diversity but who knew this planet would turn out like to be big rock filled with whining people...

In the end these three movies are still the greatest adventure movies ever made to this day, unmatched and unrivaled, PERIOD!
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Braven (2018)
Slapstick or serious???
6 March 2021
This movie.....what is it?? Is it comedy?? Slapstick?? Or just 90 minutes of weird decissions??

The best thing about this movie is the scenery, beautifull snowy mountains and forests!
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Longest running Sci-Fi/Horror show ended just in time
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show was never really popular in my country, it was on tv for a couple of years and they put it at 23:30 at night so only the hardcore fans watched.

I was looking for something to kill the second lockdown and found Supernatural on Amazon-video. All 15 seasons, I binged all the way to season 11 with allmost a whole season a week!! If you watch like that you can actually see a show evolve, it went from the "cheesy monster of the week" to some real life drama about thrust and family. It was great, and it stayed interesting until about season 10, it was losing it's mojo. Too many plot twists and to many "making the same mistake over and over again". Some characters suddenly died for no reason, Castiel was turning into a bit of a sissy and to be honest, Sam and Dean are pretty much two serial killers...

Offcourse it's all fake and they even explain in season 6 episode 15 "French mistake" that Supernatural all happens in another "dimension" or universe. But still, people see their loved ones being ripped to shredds, they find corpses of friends and family turned into minche meat and half an hour later Sam and Dean talk to them like nothing happened??

Sam and Dean are all over the news and social media when 2 doublegangers murder their way around the USA, and an episode later they are using their own names again, not changing their looks and everybody forgot about them??

And poor Sam, he gets knocked out every day!! When a boxer or kickboxer gets knocked out he or she isn't alowed to fight for 6 weeks due to brain damage... Sam's brain is only scar tissue I guess after 300+ times being knocked out. About scar-tissue?? Where are Sam and Dean's scars?? Okay, Castiel fixed them a couple of times but they heal pretty quick. Broken nose, black eyes are healed after a night sleep??

Just some things, but beside that it's a nice show, it stayes interesting and I get the fan-base, despite being 2 serial killing psycho's the Winchesters are the brothers we all want to have. Sam the brain,despite eating healhtier, working out more and being a lot bigger. Dean the brawn despite only eating junkfood and drinking alcohol non stop...

I think they quit on time, The bro's are in their forties and hunters don't get old.

The ending was a bit disappointing, it seemed rushed and really Dean dies because a vampire pushed him into a nail in the wall ?? Come on, it should have ended with an epic bossfight and after that the bro's both living to old age visited by Castiel once in a while. Yes cheesy but they deserved an happy ending. Maybe let Dean die from a heart attack in his 90's and Sam making fun of his eating habbits during the funeral.

They both know that there is a heaven so they shouldn't mind dieing.

This looks like a rant, but I love this show and it helped me during the lockdown..

Stay safe
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Only talk no proof what so ever
16 January 2021
Why do people want to believe this kind of nonsense? That guy is ranting about how he made contact with aliens, but where is the proof? Where is the video with him shaking an aliens hand? According to him those aliens are here for decades now, and they still haven't reached out to us?? Just watching us "destroy our planet" ??

Than we get all the so-called "former intelligence officers" who suddenly speak up about aliens?? A bunch of lunatics who do anything for attention.

Stop making this kind of idiotic "documentairies" stop making even more stupid than they allready are.

Untill I see an alien on the Tonight show telling us what he/she/it is and why etc. just don't bother me
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Old show, but still worth watching, despite the silly ending
12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not exactly the same as the old show, I didn't like the "Cylon rose up to their masters" idea they put in it.. Because, how do a bunch of househould robots rebel against a very advanced civilization with state of the art weapons?? But hey, it's science FICTION so who cares..

Actually it isn't Sci-Fi it's more of a soap-opera with some science fiction elements, all the relations, cheating, backstabbing, complotting, etc. Alll the drama all the time, like these people don't have anything else to worry about...

What I didn't get is all the revolt and mutiny, there are only 50.000 people left of the that were, so does this handfull really wants to fight the people that are keeping them alive ??? And elections?? While running/flying from the most deadly enemy there is?? Why?? Just wait until you're safe right??

The main characters are also not really likeable:

President Roslin, she seems really lovely but she turns out to be ruthless at times. Still hating Cylons after beïng temporary saved by one.

Admiral Adama, he just doesn't know what he wants, makes strange decissions and isn't very objective at times when it comes to discipline.

Most annoying character of them all, and some nerds will hate me for this, Starbuck... What an annoying and little hypocrite she is. She has sex with the whole fleet, does whatever she wants and get's away with it all the time. Has an opinion about Helo for having a Cylon as a wife, but the moment she finds out her own man is one to it's suddenly not a problem anymore... Like here speech at the funeral of commander Cain, that horrible woman killed of thousands of innocent defensless citizens, killed whole families, stripped spaceships of usefull parts and usefull people and left the rest to rot. Most stupid thing is that she turned out to be an "Angel" or something?? Really that murdering drunk???

I really liked Kat, but she got too popular I think and had to die to make Starbuck the best pilot of the fleet again.

Same with Cally?? Why kill her out of the show, she was one of the few likeable persons, together with Helo and Athena. Talking about getting crap, poor Athena she saved the fleet 3 times, killing a lot of her own kind and still no trust. Why all the child-stealing, I litterly went to the Wiki-page to make sure that she and Helo came out right, or else I would have stopped watching the show.

Mr. Gaeta, why did he derserved such a fait?? I understand his pain, lost a leg, allmost got executed for working together with the Cylons and his "jury" was made up out of 2 Cylons and Starbuck who was married to one....

And the worst of the worst, Dr. Baltar, I allmost killed him myself through the tv-screen, what a ............ (can't say this word). Just another unlikeable person that makes it through the whole show..

The final season was really bad, except the big battle with the combined Human-Cylon force. I think that they should have done more with that instead of another mutiny, Nice missions to push and destroy the Cylons, performed by Human-Cylon teams. Maybe put some humor in it also. But no, another mutiny and again half the ship killed but out of nothing new crew member appear and the spaceship keeps flying. That's another thing, in season 1 they actually train new pilots, but you never see them train new Marines? Could have been a fun episone in Full Metal Jacked-style..

Last season and the stupid ending was a real let-down. Maybe the writers got a little too philosophical...

That was all very negative, but still I liked the show, could be a little more action and little less soap but still.

Acting is good, special effects also for it's time. It helps to watch the mini-series first, only 2 episodes but it explains a lot.
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Into the Badlands (2015– )
Watching the same dude die every episode 10 times
12 January 2021
I like the idea, don't overthink the fact that there are no firearms left for some reason. But the acting is horrible and over the top, I found myself just scrolling towards the fight scenes and skipping the bad story.

Also it's like you see the same actor die 1000 times, so many people die in this show that you start to reconize them. Like: "Hey that dude died last episode also, and now he's dead again!"

If you want a show just to kill some lockdown time it's nice, but don't expect too much of it.

8 out of 10 is way too high.
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Not as bad as the "fanboys and girls" want you to believe
24 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of, everytime a movie is made based on a franchise with a big fanbase it will get bashed by the fanboys/girls because" :

  • the monster doesn't look exactly like it did in the comicbook/videogame or 1960's version without any CGI..
  • the monster didn't get enough screentime
  • the monster didn't make the excact same noise as described in the comicbook/videogame
  • and more of this biased BS

It seems like these people allready hate the movie before it's out and yes most movies based on comicbooks/videogames etc. aren't that good..

But that doesn't make it bad movies.

I'm not a Godzilla fan, allways found him a bit over the top, every living thing is killable with normal weapons and why do fighter planes fly so close to it and get destroyed when they can fire air-to-ground-misseles from 30 miles away ??

But I did like the movie, some scenes are really epic, and I liked the interaction of the 3 heads with each other. It gave the titan a more realistic vibe.

The people part of the movie wasn't really that good, the fact that a group of 8 mercenaries can attack and overtake all those bases with heavy security and state of the art equipment is kinda silly. Also the woman responsible for like thousands of deaths is forgiven quite quicly when she turns back to the "good guys".

Also all the "save the environment" BS , when a highly radioactive monster destroys a city it doesn't turn into a rainforest in 1 year, but hey it's a movie...

Soo if you are bored this lockdown, just give it a try, it isn't bad and just enjoy the beasties!
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Another Battle Royale ripp of, or not?
15 December 2020
Very nice but also brutal Sci-Fi serie. It's like most Japanese shows very violent and sometimes a bit weird, but it never gets dull.

Still has a lot of plotholes and not everything is explained but enough to make another season, too bad it has the potential to become repetitive if they milk it out too far.

Give it a go next lockdown, you won't be disappointed
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Alien Worlds (2020)
Stop explaining evolution wrong!!
5 December 2020
Evolution isn't "nature" growing you an extra pair of legs to run faster, or "inventing" new features on animals to cope with their environment. Nature invents nothing!

It's simply the best adapted survive and multiply or some mutation that ACCIDENTLY happened didn't hinder the animal to mate and the mutation is carried on. Maybe it made the animal better than the "normal" ones so it became dominant and the normal ones disappeared. It doesn't happen on purpose!

Animals don't "adapt" they either die out or not.

So with this out of my system, the show itself is very "Earth" oriëntated and it could do with some extra "spacetime". The graphics are nice and it's just oké to watch during a boring lockdown holiday season but nothing special.
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Really slow paced horror/love story
11 October 2020
The Haunting of Hill House is like CSI Miami and Haunting of Bly Manor is more of a slow moving Brittish detective like Miss Marple.

Lots of dialogue and hardly any real scary bits, a couple of jump scares to make it look like a ghost story but it's all talking and repeating.

But for some reason it stays interesting . The characters are also kinda annoying, 2 annoying kids who really overact all the time. Bunch of annoying women, except the gardener, she's cool, but all the others are just annoying.

Can't really say more about it, just that it's a really long and slow story, they could have made it 5 episodes instead of 9.

If you want a proper Haunting just stick to Hill House and leave this one for the next lockdown to kill some time
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Ugly Delicious (2018– )
Love the food, but not the one-sides, sometimes hypocritical political blabla
13 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like food and thats why I rate this show a 6, I would have rated it higher until I saw the "Fried Chicken-episode" filled with political crap and David himself being a hypocrite. He goes on and on about white people aren't allowed to cook Korean food because he was bullied as a child and he's constantly trying to make his black guests say the same about white people making fried chicken. Funny fact is that they don't give him the answer he wants, just like the Vietnamese fisherman who also didn't give him the answer he wanted about immigration.

Nobody cares if you make spaghetti David, or a pizza, or wear American jeans, so don't tell other people what they can or can't cook!

In some episodes he's all about Japan and the food there, but in the fried chicken episode he's suddenly talking about how he feels as a second grade person in Japan because he's Korean. Worst thing he's again trying to get the same reaction from some black people living in Japan but again not the answer he wanted.

Could have been a great show about food, without the political bs in it, if I want peoples opinions about racism I'll turn on the t.v. right now...
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Fastest Car (2018–2019)
Cars, drama and changing the image of people
16 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The show: When I started watching this I was kinda worried knowing how Netflix shows are all the same nowadays. I was expecting rich obnoxious (white) people in supercars bought by their parents racing against poor people with rough lives that put their last penny in a car to win money to feed their 6 children and 5 dogs... Actually the supercarpeople weren't the most obnoxious and biased. Except for maybe one dude in the first episode of season 2, he was a typicall rich airhead and maybe the lawyer with his outrageous Lambogini,

The people: Most of the supercarpeople worked really hard and some came from nothing, and allmost all of them showed a lot of respect towards their competition.

Now the carbuilders, they were trashtalking the supercars all the time, calling them trustfundbabies, obnoxious richkids, bought not build, why spend 500.000 on a car when you can build one for 5000.... Also they were pretty sad losers, I remember the Hannah girl and her dad, not even wanting to talk to the winner of their race and standing there with a sad face like a child. Everytime a sleeper lost they had some excuse, oh my this and that didn't work, but had it worked I would have beaten aaaaaaaaallll of them... Really sore losers

The cars: The races are dragraces, and for me a dragrace isn't a race... this will cost me "likes"... A dragrace is driving in a straight line really fast, a race is bends and straights and driving with a strategy to overtake others. Knowing your cars limitations in corners and not just in a straight line. The "sleepers" are all finetuned for dragracing and the supercars are made to cruise around and occasionally be taken to a circuit for a real race. Yes most have launch control but that's to show of at the trafficlights. Mot supercarpeople hardly knew how that worked...

Also the word "sleeper" , a real sleeper is a fast car that doesn't look fast, but come on if I see an old piece of junk with a huge turbo sticking out of the hood sounding like a M1-Abrahams tank driving by I KNOW it's modified and fast. I think most of them aren't even street legal. Some are actual driving bombs.. Than the cost, some had put over 100.000 in an old car to make it go fast in a straight line and they talk trash about someone buying a fast car for the same amount of money??? How does that sound?? They forget that if you tune a stock supercar with extra turbo's and stuff those sleepers wouldn't stand a chance in hell.

The drama: There is a lot of boohoo in this show, first season more than the second. It can do with less of that, less of : "my gramdpa died 25 years ago so I'm building cars to forget" and all that stuff. My childhood was bad so I started racing...yawn yea we know Also the recurring theme about "female drivers".....really annoying and the worst thing it's the youngest ones that are complaining about it.. Come on it's 2018 and nobody is looking strange if they see a girl in a car, at least not in the USA, maybe in the middle-east... It's that instantly wanting to be an underdog, really annoying.

Overall: Overall it's nice to watch, but I ended up skipping a lot of the talk-scenes, beacuse I couldn't hear anymore sad stories about how someones dog died etc.

Fun to watch as a car-enthousiast and also as a drama-enthousiast
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