
19 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
Just stop making predator movies
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Once again another Installment of predator falls on its face. Heard mixed reviews so decided to see for myself. It wasn't good. I would rather read subtitles while the natives were actually speaking their language and why give us French guys without English subtitles? Only French speaking people will know what they're saying. The cgi was very unnecessary and distracting. Jut too much of it that we didn't need and it looked very cheap.

Now let's talk about the Comanche kids. Looked like a bunch of stupid teenagers. There were no hardened or more experienced older warriors in the tribe? And am I to believe that after the predator beat the hell out of a 500 pound grizzly and lifted it over his head that a tiny 100 pound girl with no muscles can beat the crap out of him so easily. This alien is huge, powerful, fast and agile. He runs two or three times faster than humans and jumps from tree to tree like he's Spiderman. He ran his way through armies of men with ease but he had more trouble one on one with her. He seemed way overpowered any other time unless he was fighting her. She put up a better fight than Schwarzenegger in the original. Which is why it was so unbelievable. Everyone she fought, which were all men, got beat up. Please stop with the Mary sue characters.

The design of the predator was weird. Didn't really look like it usually does. And of course whenever his helmet was off the face was all cgi. Can we ever go back to practical effects? Sad that effects were better in the original movie made 35 years ago.

I really tried to like it but it's just too absurd. The story was ok. Action good. I liked that they went to 1700s and we saw the gun from the end of the 2nd movie. Still dont know how it ended up on predator's ship. A little change in scenery from the others which I thought was good. Overall it was just meh. Good for one watch then never again.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Generic plot we've all seen a million times
4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing new. Jason Bourne movie without Jason Bourne. 30 trained mercenaries too stupid to take out one man that they're surrounding. One highly trained disposable bad guy has the skills to fight the protagonist for five minutes until he's killed then the next one comes along later. The supporting woman who travels across the continent helping him while throwing big strong bad guys around like rag dolls. Unimportant side characters easily dying and making dumb decisions because the plot needed it. Main characters get shot, stabbed, blown up and beat up are still running around like olympic athletes at the beginning of their event apparently feeling no pain at all. Two main guys throw away their weapons at the end and have a fist fight. Wow didnt see that one coming. Blah..blah..Yada. Yada Just boring and cliche. It's all been done before and done better.
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11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made me never want to watch another mcu movie. Phase four has been so terrible. Thor and korg are bumbling idiots. Gorr kills one God on screen. That's its. Hes not that menacing or intimidating. Non stop cringe slapstick comedy stuffed in your face. A messy over rushed story with bad special effects. It's all a joke. Disney is destroying marvel and I wish they weren't in charge of it. It's bad it's very bad. Gave it a 2 just because I like Christian Bale and he did his best with what he was given.
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Moon Knight: The Goldfish Problem (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good Start
30 March 2022
Great buildup throughout the episode that paid off at the end. For those who aren't familiar with the character it had you guessing what exactly was going on. Good suspense. For those who are disappointed please remember this is only the first episode. Think of it as one big movie. We're going through exposition and character development. It's not just going show you everything that's going on right away. Overall satisfied and excited for the next episode.
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The Twilight Zone: Replay (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
This not twilight zone
27 March 2022
Rewinding time with a camcorder was the only thing that made it seem like the twilight zone. The rest is woke social justice nonsense. Much like every other show that goes woke nowadays, this was a disaster.
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Superman & Lois: The Inverse Method (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4
Nobody cares about Lucy Lane
2 February 2022
I know it's called superman and Lois but c'mon. People watch the show for superman and taking on villains. This was a boring episode. Hopefully they step it up a bit.
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The writer could be considered a prophet
18 September 2021
Saw this movie with my dad in the theater in 1993 at the age of 12. Loved it then and love it now. This movie predicted the future. Scared wimps afraid of being offended living under fascism. Takes place in 2032 and I already see similarities in 2021. Amazing. Stallone and Snipes work amazing together. Snipes is delightfully funny and Stallone is, well, Stallone. Denis Leary was great and stole the show with his wonderful speech about freedom. Definitely deserves a higher rating. Do not pass this one up.
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Alright we get it. Sam is black
24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This would have been a great show if the villain wasn't terrible and they weren't cramming identity politics down your throat. I like Sam Wilson being Captain America. He was awesome. Cool action scenes. Walker redeemed himself but no one seemed to care anymore that he was crazy and unhinged. Him and Bucky fought together and were friendly as ever. Strange considering the events that took place in the earlier episodes. Isaiah was finally given respect he deserves. I would have given it a higher rating had the villain been more memorable or menacing or interesting at all. And also if Sam and Isaiah weren't saying I'm a black man every five minutes. Give the wokeness a rest already.
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Made a bad film into a great one
20 March 2021
So disappointed in the 2017 version. This one was how it was supposed to be. So much more added so much more character development. Didn't feel like 4 hours. By the end I wanted to keep watching more. I hope Snyder keeps making more. Left us hanging and would be a shame if the story didn't continue. Wasn't perfect but was overall satisfied.
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One sided agenda
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first movie was very good and made fun of everyone and everything. This new one is a reflection of the political bias of pop culture in today's society. I laughed at several parts but this has nowhere near the comedy of the first.

It's very one sided. I'm pretty centrist but I could tell how biased this movie is. They only went after republicans. I wish that he would have gone after Democrats and their supporters too.

I was thinking maybe he would go after the other side but it never happened. He just mocked Trump supporters by finding the most extreme ones. The ending just seemed like a very anti American message much like everything coming out of Hollywood today.

This movie was good for a few good laughs but that's about it. I think Sasha Baren Cohen could've done so much better
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What a Mess
17 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Was excited for Force Awakens and went in with an open mind. It was fine and had high hopes for the next one. Then the disaster of the Last Jedi happened. After that I thought that it couldn't possibly get any worse. Then Rise of the Skywalker happened. Wow what a messy script. So many plot holes. I don't even know where to start.

Rey was confirmed to be a Mary Sue in the Last Jedi and in this one she's just an jerk who listens to no one and does what she wants. She doesn't know the definition of teamwork and she's a hot head who doesn't seem to care about anything but herself and everyone just loves her for whatever reason. What a terrible character. The whole trio in Rey, Finn and Poe are completely incompetent and rely on luck and coincidence. Nothing makes sense and Palpatine was obviously shoehorned in after Last Jedi destroyed Snoke's character. So much retcon that contradicts everything that happened in Last Jedi.

Won't get too much into everything that was wrong because I would have entire book written by the time I'm done but the ending fight with Palpatine was just bad. One thing that bothered me more than anything about it is the fact that Palpatine told Rey that if she kills him then he will transfer to her body and take it over. Then she kills him and he just dies and doesn't take over her body. What!?

They had so many different directions to go after Return of the Jedi and this is what they chose? Force Awakens crapped on Han Solo, Last Jedi crapped on Luke and Rise of Skywalker crapped on Leia and the whole sequel trilogy crapped on the original. This trilogy is way worse than the prequels. I'm just going to pretend there was no sequel trilogy and continue to watch and enjoy episode 1 through 6. The story ended with Return of the Jedi and 7 through 9 is just a what if from some alternate reality that didn't really happen. What a complete disaster.
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Batwoman: Pilot (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Holy cringe Batman!
9 October 2019
I have not seen Ruby Rose in anything except elseworlds crossover and John Wick so I really didn't realize how terrible of an actress she is. I prefer her in John Wick since she had no lines. Wow she is bad and I don't understand how she got her own show. So much talent out there and Ruby Rose was picked for the role. I can't expect someone as talentless as her to keep this series going.

While we're on the subject of acting, pretty much everyone was bad. The girl who played Alice was too much and way over the top. Everyone else was just wooden and not worthy of being remembered. I found myself bored and wishing for time to go faster so it would just be over.

If they want this show to continue they better step it up the rest of the season and give the wokeness a rest. Even woke people are getting tired of it. Just give me a good story with compelling characters and acting.
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Rat Race (2001)
Tries hard to be "mad mad world"
23 September 2019
Some funny parts but there's a difference between funny and trying to be funny. This movie tried too hard capture the magic from 1963's "It's a mad mad mad mad world". Unsurprisingly it fell very short. It fell flat on it's face. If you want a good movie about a funny race to a hidden treasure with a great cast and funny cameos I'd suggest watching mad mad world instead of this embarrassing wannabe
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The Kid (II) (2019)
Fine film but...
23 June 2019
Good acting good story but I wish we could get a historically accurate take on Billy the kid for once.
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Us (II) (2019)
Very upset
3 April 2019
I don't write many reviews but this one upset me because I wasted $9 on it. It was boring and made no sense. Everyone made stupid decisions just like every other horror movie where everyone makes stupid decisions. It wasn't scary and it was very predictable. I saw the ending twist from a mile away. I loved 'Get Out'. It was interesting and kept me on the edge of my seat but Jordan Peele dropped the ball here. Not sure how it has such a high rating but I recommend to anyone who hasn't seen to wait for the DVD. It's just a bad film
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Supernatural: Lebanon (2019)
Season 14, Episode 13
Made a grown man cry
11 February 2019
Seeing the Winchester family together. A tear jerker. I hope to see more Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He steals the screen. One of the best episodes ever
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Daredevil: A New Napkin (2018)
Season 3, Episode 13
Rest of Hollywood take notes
1 November 2018
This is how you captivate an audience. Good story, solid acting and great characters. The action is great to watch, especially seeing Bullseye showcase his skills but that's nothing if that's all you have. Creators of other marvel shows, DC movies and TV shows and a lot of the mediocre political agenda driven crap Hollywood is throwing on the screens should take notes. This is how you keep your viewers on the edge of their seats and glued the screen.

Every character in the show is so well developed and they all have an important role to play that adds to the story. It seems like if anything they did was left out then it wouldn't have worked. I actually cared about every character in the show and what they were doing. From Foggy to Karen Page, agent Nadeem, the District Attorney and of course Daredevil, Dex and Kingpin and many more. Even Kingpin's girlfriend in the last few episodes. They all added something and made it that much better. It's pretty rare to watch anything nowadays and actually wonder what each character is up to and actually give a damn about all of them. There's not one I disliked. Such a great show and I hope season 4 is coming
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Strangely satisfying
12 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the weirdest movies I've seen. Saw on video tape when it came out then recently watched it again 18 years later. Forgot how fun it is to watch. The absurdity of Bale's character Patrick Bateman's shallowness and preoccupation with superficial things like how upset he gets over a colleague having a better business card than him makes this movie comedic while he's slicing up victims. Still not sure about whether or not all of the things happening were all in his head. I guess that's up for anyone's interpretation of the story. Very well done and one of Bale's best performances as if he's ever performed badly.
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Easily the worst star wars ever
9 August 2018
Took all the build up from force awakens and threw it in the trash. Not sure who Mark Hamil was playing but it wasn't Luke Skywalker. Haven't seen the character since return of the Jedi and still have yet to see him again. The idea that Rey is a Mary Sue has been confirmed. Nothing she did made me care about her at all. In fact I don't really care what happens to her anymore. Rose and the purple hair feminist are the two worst characters in the movie. Rose is the worst of all 8 movies. Even worse than Jar Jar Binks. I used to be excited about star wars but this movie has killed any anticipation for the future.
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